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Component 1:

Human Lifespan Development

Learning Aim B:
Investigate how individuals deal with life events
The life event I have chosen is: ___________________________________

1. Create a case study introduction for each person you have chosen.

Name _____________________________________________________________
Background information
Person 2:
Name _____________________________________________________________
Background information

2. Create an interview to collect information on my two case studies (with signed consent)

For this Assignment, you will need to base your evidence on two case studies and keep all
personal details confidential.
I will keep information confidential by _________________________________________
You can choose your two case studies, but they must have been through the same life event
in order to compare them. You must check that your two case studies are suitable before
interviewing your case studies.

3. Write a report explaining the impact the life event had on the development (PIES) of
two case studies
4. Write a report explaining how two individuals adapted to a life event, using support
5. Compare the impact the same life event had on the PIES of each case study and
compare the role of support they received noting the similarities and differences.
6. Provide a conclusion assessing the impact the same life event had on each case study
How do I present my work?

Each task you complete must:

 Be typed on a Word document and must be in at least size 12 font
 Have the correct title and be saved as this title
 Have your name at the top in the header
 Have page numbers

It is important that your introduction shows that you understand that the change that individuals
will experience in the same life event and how they cope. You need to choose 2 people who have
experienced the SAME life event.

Task 1: Case study Introduction

For this assignment I have been asked to _________________________________________
I have decided to base my assignment on _____________________________________who
is _______________________________________________________________________
and _______________________________ who is __________________________________
I will explain how each case study _______________________________________________
_________________________________________ and _____________________________
__________________________________________. I will then compare _______________

I will finally assess how _______________________________________________________
I will ensure I keep confidentiality by ____________________________________________
Task 2: Interview

You need to interview the two people. You need to gather as much information on them
as possible. You need to know how the life event caused their circumstances to change.
How it affected them physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

 Interview your 2 case studies answering the following questions in full.

 Make sure all names and places have been changed to maintain confidentiality
 Make sure you have full consent by getting them to complete the typed section below
The two people must have experienced the same life event, you must investigate how it
affected them. You could choose yourself and another member of your family who has
been through the same event. For example: bereavement, your mom and yourself as
you could both have been through this, but divorce would be your mom and your dad as
you haven’t been through a divorce.
You should gather evidence through interviewing the two people so that you can ask
specific questions and find out about their experiences. If you have chosen yourself
then you must ask yourself these questions.
Choose one life event from the list below – circle the life event that you have chosen
Accident or injury
Ill health.
Relationship changes, to include:
a. entering into relationships
b. marriage
c. divorce
d. parenthood
e. bereavement.

Life circumstances, to include:

f. moving house, school or job
g. exclusion from education
h. redundancy
i. imprisonment
j. retirement

Life event Questionnaire:

Interview the TWO people who have both experienced the same life event.
Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.
Here are some questions you could ask (remember you have to do this twice).

Person 1: (remember to ask then about their PIES)

A: Background information on experience of life event

1. What is your age now?

2. How old were you when you experienced this life event?
2. Did it involve anyone else? Explain how.

3. Describe briefly what happened to the person

4. Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why/Why Not?

5. Did what happened affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly?
Consider other family members and friends.

6. How did you feel about this event at the time it happened?

7. Did anything change for you – short term

This could be:

One or Two weeks later?

A few months later?

8. Did anything change - long term
This could be:
Years later

Decades later (10 years or more)

B: Outline the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals

1. How do you think this event affected you?
(the person you are asking the question of)

2. Did it affect you physically?

For example: weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, anything
else? Explain the answer.

3. Did it affect you intellectually?

For example: concentration, memory, ability to perform tasks or solve problems,
your education, your judgement, anything else? Explain the answer.

4. Did it affect you emotionally?

For example: your feelings, your self-esteem, your confidence, anxiety, worries,
depression, anything else? Explain the answer.

5. Did it affect you socially?

For example: your relationships, your friendships, did you feel isolated, did your
friends support you, anything else? Explain the answer.

C: Outline what support was given to two individuals experiencing a life event
1. How did you cope with what happened to you?

2. Did you seek support from anywhere or anyone?

3. What were your reasons for seeking support?

4. Did this support help you? How?

5. How did you adapt to this life event?

For example, what did you do or change to cope and be able to carry on

D: Identify sources of support that were available to two individuals experiencing the
same life event.
1. Who supported you? Formal support? For example: doctors, hospitals, clinicians,
councillors, other professionals?

2. Who were they and what did they do?

3. What about informal support from family, friends, neighbours?

4. Who were they and what did they do?

5. Do you think this support played an important part in what happened to you?

6. Why do you think this?

Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with me about this lie event and how
it impacted upon you?

Person 2: (remember to ask then about their PIES)

A: Background information on experience of life event

3. What is your age now?

4. How old were you when you experienced this life event?
9. Did it involve anyone else? Explain how.

10.Describe briefly what happened to the person

11.Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why/Why Not?

12.Did what happened affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly?
Consider other family members and friends.

13.How did you feel about this event at the time it happened?

14.Did anything change for you – short term

This could be:

One or Two weeks later?

A few months later?

15.Did anything change - long term

This could be:
Years later

Decades later (10 years or more)

B: Outline the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals

6. How do you think this event affected you?
(the person you are asking the question of)

7. Did it affect you physically?

For example: weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, anything
else? Explain the answer.

8. Did it affect you intellectually?

For example: concentration, memory, ability to perform tasks or solve problems,
your education, your judgement, anything else? Explain the answer.

9. Did it affect you emotionally?

For example: your feelings, your self-esteem, your confidence, anxiety, worries,
depression, anything else? Explain the answer.

10.Did it affect you socially?

For example: your relationships, your friendships, did you feel isolated, did your
friends support you, anything else? Explain the answer.

C: Outline what support was given to two individuals experiencing a life event
6. How did you cope with what happened to you?

7. Did you seek support from anywhere or anyone?

8. What were your reasons for seeking support?

9. Did this support help you? How?

10. How did you adapt to this life event?

For example, what did you do or change to cope and be able to carry on

D: Identify sources of support that were available to two individuals experiencing the
same life event.
7. Who supported you? Formal support? For example: doctors, hospitals, clinicians,
councillors, other professionals?

8. Who were they and what did they do?

9. What about informal support from family, friends, neighbours?

10. Who were they and what did they do?

11. Do you think this support played an important part in what happened to you?

12. Why do you think this?

Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with me about this lie event and how
it impacted upon you?

Task 3: Impact of life event on PIES development

In this section of your work, you should be providing a detailed explanation of how each
person has been affected by the life event. You should explain how their physical,
intellectual, emotional and social development has been affected. Remember, there
could be positive and negative influences as a result of the life event.

You should produce a PEE paragraph for each area of PIES for each case study.
P – Point using key H&SC terms
E – Example relating to interview
E – Explanation of impact using key H&SC terms and whether it is positive or negative

Case Study 1:
Explain the
background of
your case study.
Refer to section A
in the interview

Explain the
Physical impacts
on the case study
Refer to section B E:
in the interview

Explain the E:
on the case study

Explain the E:
on the case study

Explain the Social
on the case study E:

You should produce a PEE paragraph for each area of PIES for each case study.
P – Point using key H&SC terms
E – Example relating to interview
E – Explanation of impact using key H&SC terms and whether it is positive or negative

Case Study 2:

Explain the
background of
your case study.
Refer to section A
in the interview

Explain the
Physical impacts
on the case study
Refer to section B E:
in the interview

Explain the E:
on the case study

Explain the E:
on the case study

Explain the
Social impacts
on the case study E:

Task 4: Adapting to a life event using support

In this section of your work, you should be identifying each type of support the case
study has accessed, and then explaining in detail how it has helped them adapt to a life
event. You need to explain how the support affected them physically, intellectually,
emotionally and socially (it may not support all of the PIES)

You should produce a PEE paragraph for each area of PIES for each case study.
P – Point using key H&SC terms (formal/informal)
E – Example relating to interview (who, when, why)
E – Explanation of outcome of the support using key H&SC terms link to PIES where
Remember!! – Support can be formal/informal and the outcome can include emotional,
information and advice and practical help.

Case Study 1:

Summarise what
support your case
study needed to
cope with their life

Refer to section C in
the interview

Explain the
formal support they E:
received and what
the outcome was. E:

Refer to section D in
the interview

Explain the P:
informal support
they received and E:
what the outcome
was. E:

Refer to section D in
the interview

You should produce a PEE paragraph for each area of PIES for each case study.
P – Point using key H&SC terms (formal/informal)
E – Example relating to interview (who, when, why)
E – Explanation of outcome of the support using key H&SC terms link to PIES where

Remember!! – Support can be formal/informal and the outcome can include emotional,
information and advice and practical help.

Case Study 2:

Summarise what
support your case
study needed to
cope with their life

Refer to section C in
the interview

Explain the
formal support they E:
received and what
the outcome was. E:

Refer to section D in
the interview

Explain the P:
informal support
they received and E:
what the outcome
was. E:

Refer to section D in
the interview

Task 5: Case study comparison

For this task, you should compare the impact that the same life event had on each case study, classifying impacts clearly in relation to
PIES. You should also compare the impact of support received, noting similarities and differences.

Each column below should be a detailed paragraph and using connectives to show you are comparing effectively. For example:
Is there any other support
Impact of event on each of
Case The impact of support The impact of support the case study could benefit
the PIES (similarities and
study received (similarities) received (differences) from? How would it impact
Case P:
1: I:



Case P:
2: I:



Comparisons – in comparison, compared to, equally, similarly, likewise, alternatively, unlike, in the same way, whereas, as with, on the
other hand, in common, although, in contrast to, as well as.
Task 6: Coping with change

In this final section, you should comment on how well the individuals adapted to the life event, with supporting evidence (this
evidence will come from your interviews). As part of this, you will assess both the role and value of the support received. 15
Each row should be a detailed and flowing paragraph (Point, Explanation, Assessment) for each case study. The boxes are numbered
to show the order of each paragraph as an example.
Hints and Tips:
The role of support is to either provide – emotional support, advice, financial support, practical support
The value of support refers to what people gain – acceptable, control, reduce anxiety and isolation, normalise experiences, instil hope.

How well did the individuals adapt to How valuable was the support
Case What was the role of the support in
the life event? Refer to evidence from received? Refer to evidence from your
study helping the person?
your interviews. interviews.
Case 1. Point 1. Explanation 1. Assessment

Case 2. Point 2. Explanation 2. Assessment


Task 7: writing up the assignment
You have all the information you need in this booklet to help you to write up your
assignment. Below are some thoughts to further help and guide you.
First, you need to give some background information on the people but do not use real
names. You need to explain how that life event impacted them both.
To help you start: go back to the beginning of this booklet, fill in the spaces and use this to
help you to begin writing.

Then, you need to write up your notes from your interviews – as you do this consider the
The life event would have had a different impact on the people as there will have been
different circumstances. For example, if your life event is divorce, one of the people may
feel a massive sense of relief and had lots of friends to socialise with after the divorce. They
may have had a huge divorce settlement (big pay-out), whereas the other person may not
have wanted the divorce and felt really lonely. They may have felt isolated and if they have
children and they live with them, then money might be a real worry.
Make sure you write up clearly the impact on each person of the life event.

Then, you need to explain how each individual used support to deal with the life event. For
example, in divorce, solicitors will have been involved to get money and possessions
divided for them. Friends might have offered informal support and been there for them
emotionally. Did they need to move back in with parents because of money? Did the
divorce lead to depression due to stress? Maybe a GP will have offered them medication or
counselling? If one of them had children, did they need the CSA to get maintenance for the
children? Make sure that you clearly show the differences in the way each person coped
with the life event.
Explain how the support affected them physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.

Lastly, you need to assess how well each individual adapted to the change. Include things
from the list below:

 Reacting to the life event

 Resilience
 Understanding the changes
 Accepting the change
 Allowing time for the changes to sink in
You also need to assess how the support they received helped them to adapt. Could they
have adapted to the change without support? Or, did the support prove to be main reason
they did adapt to it.

The two people interviewed need to sign the consent form on the next page.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in my research for my BTEC, Health and Social Care
course work.
I assure you that I will change your name in my written work and not give out any
personal details that would identify you.
Consent for interview number 1:
I agree that the information given in the above interview can be used in (insert YOUR name)
___________________ coursework.
I understand that this information could be shared between assessors at Swanshurst
School, and with exam boards external moderators.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in my research for my BTEC, Health and Social Care
course work.
I assure you that I will change your name in my written work and not give out any
personal details that would identify you.
Consent for interview number 1:
I agree that the information given in the above interview can be used in (insert YOUR name)
___________________ coursework.
I understand that this information could be shared between assessors at Swanshurst
School, and with exam boards external moderators.

Teacher Notes
- This booklet is aimed at Level 2 Pass and above pupils
Task 1:
- Introduction does not meet any specific criteria, but will help the examiner to understand the aim of
the component.
Task 2:
- Meets level 2 criteria as you are completing tasks using evidence through interviewing the two people
so that you can ask specific questions and draw out their experiences first-hand
Task 3:
- Meet level 2 P3 criteria as you have eexplaidn the impact that the same life event had on each
individual. The impacts will be described in relation to PIES (although life events may not impact on all
aspects of PIES).
Task 4:
- Meets level 2 P4 criteria as you have explained the ways in which each individual adapted to the life
event and how they used support. Where there is little evidence of support received, you can speculate
on what difference support might have made
Task 5:
- Meets level 2 M2 as you have compared the impact that the same life event had on each individual,
classifying impacts clearly in relation to PIES (although life events may not impact on all aspects of
PIES). You must compare the ways in which each individual adapted to the life event, substantiating
your judgement with evidence. As part of this, you will compare the role (e.g. benefits) of different
support received (i.e. noting similarities and differences). Where there is little evidence of support
received, you can speculate on what difference support might have made
Task 6:
- Meets level 2 D2 as you have assessed the impact that the same life event had on each individual,
classifying impacts clearly in relation to PIES (although life events may not impact on all aspects of
PIES). You must comment on how well the two individuals adapted to the life event, with supporting
evidence (the evidence may rely on the views of the individuals). As part of this, you will assess both
the role and value of any support received (e.g. how important was it?). To assess the role/value of
support, you may base this on the views of the individuals. Where there is little evidence of support,
you can speculate on what difference support might have made.


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