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12-08, 9:15 AM


Do you know that God did not created religion?
What he made during the time of Moses is a
NATION. Israel is a nation, which God had
renounce later because of its being defiant to
God's appointed Ruler Jesus Christ. (Read
Matthew 21:43 ASV, NWT, WEB, ERV)

Christ created a replacement to Israel. Step by

step...first the recruitment of citizens, during this
stage patience from outside opposition is
important to prevent the process of recruitment
from stopping, imagine what would happen if the
citizens at that time had taken up arms against
the Roman empire who persecuted them, the
citizens would have been wiped out long ago. So
Jesus taught "Love your enemy" "If someone
slapped you' turn the other cheek," - patience, to
ensure the progress of recruitment activity.
12-08, 9:15 AM

The citizens or the people who accepted Jesus

Christ as their King, Leader, Ruler, Lord, were
called Christians. There are chapters of
Christians in different parts of the globe, for
example the chapter in Antiquia are the ones who
first used the title Christians to recruits. (Acts
11:26) While the chapter popularly known as the
'Mayflower Pilgrims' were the ones who founded
the nation of America.

Today many Christian chapters all over the globe

had forgotten the advice of Paul to stay united,
(Hebrew 10:25) they needed to re-member to be
one. And to remember that they are citizens of a
NATION that should now rise up to become THE

The time to do so has long been overdue because

the Christians nowadays have already obtain
countries under their rule. But what is the rule
they still holding up till now despite of their being
already a Christian? The one device by a
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unbeliever named Cleisthenes -- the Democracy.

The Christians should now get rid of these
government of Cleisthenes and put in its place
the government of Christ the
Christocratic Government.


Christocracy is a form of government in which the

power is held by Christ, but instead of ruling
directly, Christ's loan his power to his elected
representatives who represent him and his

What are the interests of Christ?

When Christ was on earth he feed the people free

of charge (Matthew 14:15-21) Therefore in
Christocracy one of government's primary
objective is to provide its people with food free of
charge. The government shall extend this good
work by also providing free shelter and clothing to
12-08, 9:15 AM

his people.

Christ's activity when he was on earth was mostly

on educating the people on how to live upright.
Therefore in Christocracy educating the people
with God's standard of righteousness shall be
given with much importance. This means that
answers to question on what is right shall always
be drawn to preservation of life and lefting up the
value of man since it was on this that the
righteousness of God is firmly rooted.

Christ has helped the people with infirmities get

cured (Matthew 14:14) therefore in Christocracy
providing free health care to people with illness
shall be shouldered also by government.

Initially Christ didn't have armed forces during his

lifetime on earth but he indicated that he will have
at his return (Luke 19:27) therefore building up
strong armed forces shall also be given attention
in Christocratic government.
12-08, 9:15 AM

When he was on earth, Christ's wishes for his

people to be one. (John 17:21) therefore in
Christocratic government all churches shall be
padlock to end the divide.

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