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A. The following are the sources of funds for the school.

1. ESC and SHSVP of Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC). The
Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) is a non-stock, non-profit
organization in the Philippines that manages and administers programs that assist
students and schools in the private education sector. The committee gives 9500 per
ESC grantee and 14,000 per SHSVP holder.

2. School Organization (GPTA, SSG, and Clubs)

3. Donations

B. Limitations of each fund.

1. ESC and SHSVP
The number of enrollees determines the number of funds from these sources.

2. School Organizations
School organizations generate funds through voluntary contributions and the
generated funds are used in school projects and projects and often not added to the
school fund.

3. Donations
Donations from alumni are often in form of materials and equipment and do not affect
the amount of the school fund.

C. A school fund is a dedicated pool of financial resources set aside to support the
operations and programs of a school. The advantages of having a school fund are
numerous, including increased financial stability and the ability to invest in new programs
and initiatives. However, there are also challenges associated with managing a school
fund effectively.

Advantages of Having a School Fund:

1. Financial Stability: A school fund provides financial stability for the school by
creating a reliable source of funding that can be used to cover operational expenses,
such as teacher salaries, classroom supplies, and building maintenance.

2. Investment in New Programs: With a school fund, schools can invest in new
programs and initiatives that enhance the quality of education provided to students.
For example, a school fund could be used to create a new technology lab or to bring
in guest speakers to provide unique learning opportunities for students.

3. Community Support: A school fund can be a powerful tool for building community
support around a school. By involving parents, alumni, and other stakeholders in the
fundraising process, schools can foster a sense of pride and ownership among their
Challenges of Having a School Fund:
1. Fundraising Efforts: The success of a school fund is dependent on the ability of the
school to raise funds from the community. This can be challenging, particularly in
areas with low-income populations or in communities with a history of low
engagement with the school.
2. Number of Enrollment per School Year. Some of the school funds depend on the
number of enrollments per school year.

3. Resource Allocation: Schools must carefully manage their school funds to ensure
that resources are allocated in a way that maximizes the impact on students. This can
be challenging, particularly when there are competing needs and priorities.

4. Transparency and Accountability: Schools must be transparent and accountable

with how they manage their school funds. This can be challenging, particularly when
there are different stakeholders with different expectations and demands.

In conclusion, a school fund can provide many advantages to a school, including

financial stability, investment in new programs, and community support. However,
managing a school fund effectively can be challenging, and schools must carefully
consider the trade-offs and challenges associated with creating and managing a
school fund.

D. The school fund is not enough to provide for the entire school year. One of the
interventions that the school make is the prioritization of projects and proper distribution
of the school funds in percentage into the different area such as salary/benefits, school
physical plant, and more. School buildings are done within the 3-year school
development plan.

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