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Earth’s crust and oceans are the source of a wide variety of useful and essential minerals.
In addition, minerals have been employed by humans for both useful and decorative purpose for
thousands of years (Tarbuck et al., 2012).
Geologist define a mineral as a naturally occurring inorganic solid that possesses an
orderly crystalline structure and a well- defined chemical composition. In fact, Tarbuck et al.,
2012 stated that each mineral has a definite crystalline structure and chemical composition and
the diagnostic physical properties of minerals are those that can be determine by observations or
by simple test.
The study aims to investigate the mineral component present among rocks collected in
Mt. Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon.
Specifically, the study aimed to:
1. Find out the mineral component present among the rocks collected,
2. Find out the physical properties exhibited by the rocks collected in terms of:
a. Color
b. Texture
c. Luster
d. Cleavage
e. Hardness
f. Streak
g. Acid test; and
3. Determine the type and texture, pH and color of the soil found in the study site.

Statement of the Problem

The study investigates the mineral component present among rocks collected in

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the mineral components present among the rocks collected?
2. What are the physical properties exhibited by the rocks collected in terms of color,
texture, luster, cleavage, hardness, streak and acid test?
3. What are the type and texture, pH and color of the soil found in the study site?
The types of landforms in Mt. Musuan determine the kinds of minerals present

Field Data Methods

This section presents the study site, instruments used in data gathering, the methods
utilized in identifying the rocks and minerals and the photo documentation.
Identification of Rocks and Minerals
A realia of rocks found in Science Room of Central Mindanao University, College of
Education was used in identifying the rocks and minerals and it was later then confirmed by Sir
Ehrlich Ray Magday. The gathered samples were subjected to a descriptive analysis by
describing the specimens as to their physical properties namely; color, texture, luster, cleavage,
hardness, streak and acid test (using HCl).
Colors were identified through real observation of sight and were confirmed by streaking
through streak plate. Hardness were tested using familiar object with specific equivalent such as
finger nail (2.5) copper coin (3.25) and knife blade or window glass (5.5). Textures were
described by feeling the surface of rocks whether they were rough or soft. Acid test was done by
pouring HCI to the rocks.

Identification of Soil color, texture, and pH

The identification of the color of the soil was identified through real observation of sight.
The textures of the soil were described based on the varying proportions of clay, silt and sand
used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The pH of the soil was done using experimental
methods. The collected one cup of soil was separated into two containers. Add ½ cup of vinegar
to the first container with the soil. If it fizzes, it is alkaline soil, with a pH between 7 and 8. If it
doesn’t fizz after doing the vinegar test, then add distilled water to the other container until 2
teaspoons of soil are muddy. Add ½ cup baking soda. If it fizzes it is an acidic soil with a pH
between 5 and 6. If the soil doesn’t react at all it is neutral with a pH of 7.

Table 1. Rocks collected in Mt. Musuan and their Mineral Content and Composition.
Rock Name Mineral Content Mineral Composition
Rhyolite Quartz SiO2
Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2
Hornblende Si8O22(OH)2
Granite Orthoclase KAlSi3O8
Quartz SiO2
Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
Diorite Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Hornblende Si8O22(OH)2
Mica AB2-3(X, Si)4O10(O, F, OH)2
Porphyritic andesite Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
Gabbro Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
Olivine (Mg,Fe)2Si2O4
Mica AB2-3(X, Si)4O10(O, F, OH)2
Diabase Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Olivine (Mg,Fe)2Si2O4
Ilmenite FeTiO3
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2
Chlorite (Mg,Fe,Al) 6 (Si,Al) 4O 1 0(OH) 8
Basalt Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
Olivine (Mg,Fe)2Si2O4
Ilmenite FeTiO3
Andesite Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Ilmenite FeTiO3
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2

Green Chert Quartz SiO2

(Metamorphic) Dolomite (Ca,Na)Al2Si2O8

Marbolized quartz Quartz SiO2

Table 1 show rocks collected in Mt. Musuan with its corresponding types, mineral
content and mineral composition. Data revealed that igneous rocks obtain the highest number
with eight (8) collected rocks namely: Rhyolite, Granite, Diorite, Porphyretic andesite, Gabbro,
Diabase, Basalt, and Andesite. Followed by Metamoprhic rocks with two (2) namely; Marble
and Marbolized Quartz and the least number of rocks is Sedimentary rocks with one (1) – Green
Data shows that Diabase and Andesite contain the highest number of minerals in
composition among all rocks collected with five (5) mineral contents namely: Plagioclase,
Olivine, Ilmenite, Biotite, Chlorite, Pyroxene, and Apatite. On the other hand, Rhyolite, Granite,
and Basalt revealed a total of four (4) mineral contents namely: Quartz, Plagioclase, Biotite,
Hornblende, Orthoclase andMica. Followed by, Diorite and Gabbro with three (3) mineral
contents namely : Plagioclase, Hornblende, Pyroxene and Olivine. And the least number of
mineral content are Green chert, Marble and Marbolized Quartz with only one (1) mineral
content namely: Quartz and Dolomite.

Table 2. Lists of Rocks in Mt. Musuan and their Physical properties.

Physical Properties
Rock Color Texture Luster Cleavage Hardness Streak Acid
Name Test
Rhyolite Whitish Rough NM Fracture 3.25 White -
Granite Light Rough NM Fracture 3.25 Gray -
Diorite Green Rough NM Fracture 3.25 Gray -
Porphyretic Brown Rough NM Fracture 2.5 Gray -
Gabbro Dark Rough NM Fracture 5.5 Gray -
Diabase Light Rough NM Fracture 3.25 Gray -
Basalt Dark gray Rough NM Fracture 5.5 Dark -
Andesite Gray Rough NM Fracture 3.25 Gray -
Green Green Smooth M Fracture 5.5 White -
Marble Green Rough NM Fracture 3.25 White
w/white -
Marbolized White Rough NM Fracture 3.25 White -
Legend: M – metallic; NM-Nonmetallic; +(Positive) and –(Negative).
Table 2 shows the lists of rocks with their corresponding physical properties. Data on
Mt. Musuan revealed that the most common color observed on collected rocks are Whitish gray
to dark gray, light green to green and brown. Texture ranges from rough to smooth; luster from
metallic to non-metallic; cleavage ranges from perfect to fracture ; hardness ranges from 2.5
(considered as light) to 5.5 (considered as heavy). The common streaks were white, dark gray
and gray. All the collected rocks show negative results in acid test (using HCI).

Table 3. Soil Color, texture and pH.

Color Texture pH
Reddish-brown Silty clay Between 7 and 8

Table 3 shows the color of the soil, the texture and its pH. Results revealed that the color
of the soil is reddish brown with silty clay in texture and a pH value between 7 and 8; this means
that the soil is an alkaline soil. Knowing the pH of the soil will help plants grow by absorbing
nutrients better from the soil. Their ability to do this depends on the nature of the soil and its
combination of sand, silt, clay and organic matter. The make-up of the soil (soil texture) and its
acidity (pH) determine the extent to which nutrients are available to plants.
Soil is dynamic and sensitive to almost every aspect of its surroundings. Thus, when
environmental changes occur such as climate, vegetative cover, and animal (including human
activity), the soil responds (Tarbuck et al., 2012).
Earth’s crust and oceans are the source of a wide variety of useful and essential minerals.
In addition, minerals have been employed by humans for both useful and decorative purpose for
thousands of years (Tarbuck et al., 2012).
The geological structure of Mt.Musuan determines the most abundant minerals. Since it
is a lava dome type of volcano it is expected that most of the collected rocks are igneous rocks.
This was supported by the result of activity 1 entitled Geologic rocks in respect to its physic-
parameters in where basalt and granite are mostly collected in which their mineral content are
quartz and feldspar. In addition, basalt and granite contains about 50 percent and 70 percent
silica respectively. And they are members of silicate group of minerals. As stated by Tarbuck et
al., 2012 , the feldspar are the most plentiful group , comprising over 50 % of earth’s crust and
quartz the second most abundant mineral in the continental crust is the only common made
completely of silica and oxygen. In general, the type of geological structures really determine the
kind of minerals present.
Geologically, the Earth’s crust is composed of many kind of rocks. The main components
of the materials are minerals. The latter is naturally occuring solid substance with a definite
chemical composition and crustal structure. As such, the rock contains the minerals that are
packed together to form its structure (Tarbuck,1999). The rocks are aggregate of minerals or
amorphous substances regardless of their state of cohesion.
Mt. Musuan also known as “Musuan Peak” is located in th Northeastern part of Central
Mindanao University (CMU) in Bukidnon in where this mountain is observed to be a habitat of
highly diverse specie (Amoroso et al., 2000). Similarly, the island of Mindanao has been
postulated to have a different geological origin and plate tectonic history from the rest of the
island forming the Philippine archipelago (Azuelo, 2005). As such, the second largest southern
Island in the country may harbor important floristic and geograhical information that needs to be
documented before the local forest became completely dessiminated.

The study aims to investigate the geologic rocks in respect to its physico- parameters at
Mt. Musuan , Maramag, Bukidnon.
Specifically, the study aimed to:
1. Collect, classify and identify different rock geologically present in Mt. Musuan
Maramag, Bukidnon;
2. Determine some flora and fauna species present in the study site; and
3. Find out the relationship of rock geologically present in the study site in respect to its
physico parameters such as:
Relative humidity
Cloud types
Forest Ecosystem Structure


This study investigates the geologic rocks in respect to its physico-prameters at
Mt. Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the types of rock geologically present in Mt. Musuan, Maramag,
2. What are some flora and foauna species present in the study site?
3. What are the relationship of rocks geologically present in the study site in respect
to its physico parameters?

The sizes and shapes of Mt. Musuan depend on the nature of rocks and the
geological structure.
Table 3 shows some physico-parameters recorded in Mt. Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon.
Data revealed that as the elevation increases , the temperature also increases since Mt.Musuan is
surrounded with cultivated lands. Furthermore, the highest elevation recorded was 531 masl with
its relative humidity that is 86%. For cloud formation it was first altostratus and turned alto
cumulus because some physico parameters reflect to it.
Physico-parameters in relation to Geological Formation
Mt. Musuan is still covered by a primary rainforest. The rest is covered predominantly by
cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica). Reforestation efforts on the base areas, both in tree/planting
domes by CMU presidents. There are factors that was observed in geological formation such as
temperature, moisture content, some animals and human interventions , plant vegetation and its
topography. Climate is the most influential control of soil formation. Just as temperature,
moisture, and precipitation are the climatic elements that influence people the most , so too
elements that exerts the strongest impact on soil formation. Plants and animals in relation to
geographical formation plays a vital role in biosphere. In addition, Tarbuck et al., 2012 stated
that the type and abundance of organisms present have a strong influences on the physical and
chemical properties of soil. The primary source of organic matter in plants, although animals and
uncountable organism contribute. Furthermore, the decay of plant and animal remains causes the
formation of various organic acids. Topography can also lead to the development of a variety of
a localized soil types. Many of the differences exist because the length and steepness of slope
have significant impact on the amount of erosion and the water content of soil.
Mt. Musuan is a lava dome type of volcano since it  is a roughly circular mound-shaped
protrusion resulting from the slow extrusion of viscous lava from a volcano. Lava domes grow
by endogenic dome growth or exogenic dome growth. The former implies dome interior
expansion to accommodate new lava and the latter refers to superficial piling up of lava. Results
of study revealed that 60% of the collected rocks are igneous, 21% sedimentary and 19%
metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks are dominant in Mt. Musuan since most of the collected
igneous rocks are basalt and granite which have a high silica contents. This was supported by
Tarbuck et al., 2012 that magmas that produce basaltic rocks contain about 50 percent silica,
whereas magmas that produce granitic rocks contain over 70 percent silica.
According to Parfitt et al., 2008 the geochemistry of a lava domes can vary from basalt to
rhyolite and its characteristics is attributed to high viscosity that prevents the lava from flowing
very far. This high viscosity can be obtained by high levels of silica in the magma and this was
supported by Tarbuck et al., 2012 that a magma’s viscosity is directly related to its silica content.
Igneous rocks are mainly composed of silicate minerals and chemical analysis shows that silicon
and oxygen (usually expressed as the silica [SiO 2]) are by far the most abundant constituents of
igneous rocks (Tarbuck et al, 2012). In general, the more silica in magma, the greater its

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