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Speaker 1: I guess given the way we are or the way I am, it actually doesn't

matter whether I'm in a big or a small company, what matters is who am I

going to work with. So if I have five people who are probably extremely
different or extremely similar, the end of the day, as long as I enjoy working
with them, and the basic security of supporting your families assured it doesn't
matter which company I am in problems, nice people, doesn't matter anything
Speaker 2: either say, it's a big company or a small company depends at what
stage even you are in your career. For instance, should I give an advice i there
say, for for somebody has just left university working for a while in a big
company can be a very good opportunity, because they will form you the you
will learn what are the best practice in the sector. But probably after a few
years, I don't know, four or five years, everybody has to find his own way.
Because they think that they, in my opinion, big companies, small, medium
enterprise are quite different in the mentality. In big company, probably politics
can be more important because you are actually a number within you know, a
large pool of people is hard to differentiate. In a smaller company, maybe it's
more a hands on approach, where you have more you it's required more than
intrapreneurial style. So I think that everybody has to find his own way,
according to his liking basically is,
Speaker 3: for me, the size of the company doesn't really matter. The most
important is the culture. So even if you're a small company, or a big company,
if you don't have the shared balances your colleagues, or if nobody understands
what is the company's culture, nobody has a common vision, then it doesn't
really doesn't really matter. So the most important is the culture. And as
everyone is organization stands, once the company is trying to achieve, I was a
short term, I was a long term. And everyone shares the same corporate values.
Of course, my small companies have more challenges in in proven themselves
all successful businesses. Big corporations, of course, on the other hand, are not
that flexible, so it's more difficult for them to adopt or to new changes and
maybe to incorporate some creativity, innovation. So balancing between all
those issues, I think, is is the key

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