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Assignment for last meeting

1. Identify the subject of each sentence from this paragraph!
Many countries around the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a day that is meant to raise
awareness and appreciation about the Earth's natural environment.
The first Earth Day was held in the USA. It was founded by United States Senator
Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in - a sort of general educational forum or
seminar. That was on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the
United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national
coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.
Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in
more than 175 countries every year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an
entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. In 2009, the United Nations
designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.
Source: Wikipedia

Answer : The world celebrate Earth Day

2. Write down 10 compound sentences and 10 complex sentences

Answer :

Compound sentences
a. Marshanda wakes up late, and she goes to school by motorcycle.
b. I want to swimming , but my friend is sick.
c. I can hear your powerful scream, and I feel afraid.
d. Dienah is smart girl, but she is not easy going.
e. She will go to the park, or she will clean her house.
f. She is my best friend, so I help her when she in her big problem.
g. Reni moves to Makassar for she gets a new job there.
h. wanda confuses to choose milk, or tea.
i. Ica has a good voice, so she won in song competition.
j. I always study hard, so I get a good score every examination.

Complex Sentences

a. When I feel hurt inside, I will cry.

b. When I was still a baby, I used to be cute.
c. Before the sun sets, I will be at home.
d. Before my lecturer arrives, I need to be ready for the presentation.
e. After the class was over, I went straight home.
f. Wanda will not know the reason unless you tell her.
g. I will not lie to you unless it is for your good.
h. I’ll give you a call when I finish
i. I forgot where I put my key.
j. His wife left him when he didn’t have a job

3. Identify dependent and independent clause of each sentences below;

a. Because he ran, he was able to catch the bus. (Independent clause)

b. Until the sun sets, I will say good-bye. (Independent clause)
c. As the lights dim, I will say good-bye. (Independent clause)
d. Wherever he might go, I will follow him.( Independent clause)
e. So long as you know, I will be waiting for you . .( Independent clause)
f. Mason is fond of skating, while Martin is keen on biking .( Independent clause
g. A rainbow appears in the sky, when light enters the droplets .( Independent clause
h. Catty knew ll the answer, yet he failed to respond to the questions. .( Independent
i. My parents love the mountains, so they often take a vacation in Taos. .( Independent
j. Edward doesn’t remember meeting this lady before, nor I do .( Independent clause)

4. Write informal letter to your friends in different country about your ambition.

Makassar, July 28, 2021

Dear Rhenni,

How are you? I hope that you are okay. I miss you so much. And I promise that I will visit you

during vacation. Let’s make a plan for holiday together. How about your school? I hope that

everything is okay and we can graduate together. oh yeah rhenni, i want to continue my studies

at Wirabhakti University of Makassar, how about you? I hope you too.

See you soon Rhenni.


5. Write formal email about requesting information about the department in STIE WIRA
BHAKTI Makassar.

July 28, 2021

Mrs. Musdalifah
At Wirabhakti University

Based on the information I got on social media, currently The University of Wirabhakti

Makassar is opening new student admissions for the 2022 academic year . I see that there are two

Majors in Education, namely Accounting and Management .. I am interested in the accounting

major at The University of Wirabhakti Makassar but the information i get is not clear . I hope

you receive and respond to this letter for more details regarding the existing Accounting majors.

Thank you for your attention.

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