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Portion : 2 Units

Total Marks : 50 marks

Part A - 10 * 1 mark= 10 marks
Part B-(3 out of 4)- 3*10 marks=30 marks
Part C-(HOTS question)-1*10 marks=10 marks

*Answer the question with diagrams and chemical structure (wherever required).
*For 10 mark questions, try to answer more than 2 pages.

Prepare these topics for 10 mark questions (part B).

Unit I
1. Cell and Cell organelles
2. Central nervous system and endocrine system
3. Cell cycle and cell division(mitosis)
4. Steps in meiosis - detail
5. Cell differentiation and stem cells

Unit II
1. Polysaccharides in detail and their monomers
2. Proteins
3. Restriction enzyme
4. Lipids
5. Nucleic acid
6. Biological database and BLAST

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