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Prophet's Birthday

Introduction to the Prophet's Birthday:

Mawlid al-Nabawy, born al-Huda, the creatures are dia, and the mouth of time smiles and
When was the Prophet peace be upon him?
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born at dawn on Monday, 12
Rabi I in the year of the elephant “571 AD”, in the house of his cousin Aqil bin Abi Talib.
His grandfather called him Abdul-Muttalib Mohammed, and this name was not widespread
among the Arabs, but for something inspired by God this blessed name.
How to raise the Prophet when he is young?
Days after the birth of Muhammad - peace be upon him - took him Ms. Halima Saadia and
her husband, "Abu Kabsha", and was Halima breastfeeding the Prophet and his first
educator, and the arrival of the Prophet to open their doors for good and blessing.
She died at the age of six, while returning from Medina on a visit to the sisters of the Prophet
Bani Uday ibn al-Najjar and visit the grave of her husband accompanied by the Prophet - r -
After her death Mrs. Um Ayman returned the Prophet's nanny to Mecca
The beloved Prophet returned to his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and grew up with him until
he died and the messenger at the age of 8 years, he moved to his uncle Abu Talib and began
taking him with him to travel and trade.
The birth of the Prophet manifestations of celebration :

There are many forms of celebration of the Prophet's birthday in various Islamic countries.
- Remembrance and prayer on the Prophet and remind young and old story of the
Prophet's birth and his honorable biography.
- Some Arab countries are making special candy for the Prophet Mawlid called
"sweetness of the birth" of the Egyptian character, and is characterized by its many
types and love of children.
- There are good deeds of fasting, prayer and alms
Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's birthday :

It is an opportunity to remember the Prophet and mentioned his biography and advantages

and qualities and guide them in our lives and do good works and link the wombs and help

those in need.

Things to celebrate the Prophet's birthday:

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) celebrated his birthday by
fasting, so it is desirable to fast this year for the Prophet and celebrate his birthday.
 Too much prayer on the Prophet.
 Exploiting that kind occasion to connect the uterus, congratulate relatives and friends
and ask about them.
 Mention the biography of the Prophet and his attributes in the councils of science and
in homes and in the media, and incorporation.
Things not desirable in the celebration of the Prophet's birthday :

 Mixing between men and women in the celebration.

 Slaughter carcasses and excessive preparation of food and candy.

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