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CHILD PROTECTION HEALTH & SAFETY The Seventh-day Adventist Church takes seriously its responsibility to protect all children and young people who are participating in any of its programmes. To this end the church has developed and maintains its own child protection policy, which it has produced in a document, entitled ‘Keeping the Church Family Safe’. This document is available for all parents to read. All programmes/events involving children and young people conducted under the auspices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, whether locally, regionally or nationally should be conducted in harmony with the guidelines and procedures outlined in this document. In regard to the Health and Safety issue, our leaders are trained and encouraged to conduct ‘risk assessment’ of any event/programme prior to the commencement of that event/programme. It is imperative that each child follows the instructions given by their leader. Revised and edited by the British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, WD25 93Z. 01923 672251. E-mail: 19-21 22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35 36-37 38-39 DESCRIPTION Pathfinder Directorship Pathfinder Club Membership Requirements Pathfinder Application Pathfinder Pledge Pathfinder Law Pathfinder of the Year Pathfinder Song Position of Insignia Position of Insignia (Diagram) Insignia Meaning Uniform Regulations Personal Inspection Camp Site Inspection Book Club Certificate Individuai Honour Record Bible Gem Curriculum Requirements Friend Requirements Companion Requirements Explorer Requirements Ranger Requirements Voyager Requirements Guide Requirements Junior Bible Year Special Functions Notes Autographs PATHFINDER DIRECTORSHIP Conference Pathfinder Director: ee Eee Club Director: My Photos Friend H ‘Companion Explorer Counsellor: Counsellor: Counsellor: Voyager Counsellor: | Ranger Counsellor: My Name: Address: Address: Postcode: Home Telephone: Parents’ Mobile: My Email Address: My Mobile: Guide Counsellor: PATHFINDER CLUB MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS 1. The official age for Pathfinder membership is ten to fifteen years. Where two clubs exist, children between the ages of ten and twelve will join the Junior Club, and those between thirteen and fifteen will join the Teen Club. 2. An application form is to be lodged with the Club Director/Secretary. 3. A Pathfinder Achievement Record book is available upon application to the Club Director/Secretary. 4, All members must pay a membership fee as required by the Club Executive ‘Committee and an insurance fee if not paid by the local church. 5. Each Pathfinder should own and regularly wear the complete Pathfinder dress uniform and a club field uniform where applicable. S/he must come to meetings and club-sponsored events in uniform as advised by the Club Director. 6. Members must be faithful in attendance. Many clubs establish limits on absences and tardiness and Pathfinders who do not comply with these regulations may be placed on probation or have their membership cancelled. 7. Pathfinders must learn and keep the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. 8. Club activities include crafts, outings, regular club meetings and class work, fund raising, campouts, outreach activities, honours, and other activities. The Pathfinder must agree before joining the club, to participate and co-operate in these activities. 9. The Pathfinder’s parents must be willing to co-operate with the regulations and activities of the club. At times they will be asked to supply money and time to support their child's membership. PATHFINDER APPLICATION I would like to join the a Pathfinder Club. I will attend club meetings, hikes, camps and field trips and other Club activities. 1 agree to abide by the rules of the Club and the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. PATHFINDER PLEDGE PATHFINDER LAW By the grace of God, 1 Keep the Morning Watch Twill be pure, kind and true. 2. Do my honest part 1 will keep the Pathfinder Law 3. Care for my body Iwill be a servant of God and a friend toman. 4 Keep a level eye 5. Be courteous and obedient 6 Walk softly in the sanctuary 7. Keep a song in my heart 8 Go on God's errands Name: 7 Bee Pe Address: PeEEEEEEEEE EE Hee Postcade: aut Telephone No: Emergency Contact: _Mobile Tel No: 7 My Parent/s has/have worked with Thave been a Pathfinder: YES / NO a Pathfinder Club: YES / NO Club ues: _Pathfinder Signature: APPROVAL BY PARENTS OR GUARDIANS Hee is at least 10 years of age at the time of registration. We have read the Pathfinder Pledge and Law and agree she/he become a member of the Club. We will assist her/him in observing the rules of the Pathfinder Club. All Pathfinders are covered in accordance with the Church’s Pathfinder insurance policy. The insurance is renewable annually by the Club Leader in consultation with the local Mission/Conference Pathfinder Director. As parents, we understand that the Pathfinder Club programme is an active one for the applicant. It includes many opportunities for service, adventure and fun. We will co-operate: By learning how we can assist the applicant and his/her leaders. By encouraging the applicant to take an active part in all club activities By attending events to which parents are invited. By assisting Club leaders and by serving as leaders if called upon. BONE I hereby certify that _____ 1hopicant’s Name] was bornon___dayof______year Date of Application Signature of Parent/Guardian Print Name: PATHFINDER PLEDGE By the grace of God. Only as we rely on God to help us can we do His will I will be pure I will fill my mind with everything that is right and true and spend time in activities that will build a strong, clean character. I will be kind I will not only be considerate and kind to my fellow men, but also to all of God's creation. I will be true Lwill be honest and upright in study, work, and play; and can always be counted upon to do my very best. I will keep the Pathfinder Law 1 will seek to understand the meaning of the Law and will strive to live up to its spirit, realizing that obedience to law is essential in any organization. I will be a servant of God {will pledge myself to serve God firs, last, and best in everything I am called upon to be or do. I will be a friend to man I will live to bless others and do unto them as I would have them do unto me. AIM The Advent Message to all the World in this Generation. PATHFINDER LAW Keep the Morning Watch. I will have prayer and personal Bible Study each day. Do my honest part. By the power of God, I will help others and do my duty and my honest share wherever I may be. Care for my body. I will be temperate in all things and strive to reach a high standard of physical fitness. Keep a level eye. I will not lie, cheat, or deceive and will despise dirty talk or evil thinking. Be courteous and obedient. I will be kind and thoughtful of others, reflecting the love of Jesus in all my association with others. Walk softly in the sanctuary. In any devotional exercise I will be quiet, prayerful, and reverent. Keep a song in my heart. I will be cheerful and happy and let the influence of my life be as sunshine to others. Go on God's errands. will always be ready to share my faith and go about doing good as did Jesus. PLEDGE TO THE BIBLE ‘I pledge allegiance to the Bible and to the Gospel for which it stands, one Saviour crucified, risen and coming again, with life, and liberty to all who believe.’ MOTTO For the love of Christ constraineth us. (2 Corinthians 5:14) OUTSTANDING PATHFINDER OF THE YEAR All Pathfinders between the ages of 10 and 15 are encouraged to become ‘Outstandin Pathfinder of the Year’, All candidates who fulfil the requirements below will be awarded a ‘Pathfinder of the Year' ribbon at a special Pathfinder ceremony. Attendance Record: Pathfinder must be present and on time to at least 85% of the meetings. Uniform and Insignia: Pathfinder must own a complete, clean, and pressed uniform and wear it when required. fhe must know the meaning of the insignia. Personal appearance: Pathfinders must be neat, clean, and well groomed. Conduct: A Pathfinder must be courteous, kind, obedient, and an example to others at home, in school and church, and at Pathfinder meetings. Spiritual: The Pathfinder must show evidence that, s/he is reverent, has personal devotions (Morning Watch) and attend church regularly Participation — The Pathfinder must: a. Be an active member for at least one year. . Attend all local club functions, hikes, campouts, trips and projects. c. Attend all Conference-wide functions; Fun-days, Camporees. d. Be involved in church spiritual activities. Achievement - The Pathfinder must: a. Be invested in a Pathfinder class completed during the year. b. Complete one of the Pathfinder Advanced Courses. c. Complete 6 Pathfinder Honours within current Pathfinder year, 1 of which must be earned on Pathfinder's own initiative. Special: Perform an outstanding accomplishment during the year at school, church, or the ‘community approved by director. A report on this activity by the Pathfinder will be included in his/her resume. Resume: A resume will be submitted by Pathfinder at the end of the Pathfinder year, giving a detailed report of his/her outstanding accomplishments and giving reasons why s/he should be chosen as Outstanding Pathfinder of the Year. Henry T. Bergh a Oh, | we are the Path-fin-ders gd Thats strong, The \- of Giod are | we - Te PSS ef tS ie SSS Je = sus the A | mes-sage to tell to the r truth that will set us | free pS SSS com = ing back and Sapte Sav - jours for | you — Comrade 1989 by Henry Be wus Resenes POSITION OF INSIGNIA Oval Pathfinder world: This emblem is worn on the left sleeve of beige/mushroom shirt, girls' blouse, and dress uniform jacket, and is positioned 5cm (2") below the shoulder seam. Pathfinder Class Insignia: These are worn on the left sleeve with the highest class centred 13mm below the Pathfinder world emblem, spaced 4mm apart. The order from top to bottom is Master Guide, Guide, Voyager, Ranger, Explorer, Companion, and Friend. Master Guides should wear only the class insignia in which they have been invested. Pathfinder Class pins: These may be worn centred across the top of the left pocket. The order from the wearer's left is: Guide, Voyager, Ranger, Explorer, Companion, and Friend. The Master Guide pin should be placed in the centre at the top of the left pocket with pins of other classes in which the Master Guide has been invested centred in a row below. Pathfinder Class pocket strip: Centred just above the left pocket of the shirt or blouse is the AY Class pocket strip for the highest Pathfinder Class in which the individual has been invested. It should be flush with the top of the uniform shirt pocket flap or with the top of the open pocket. Pathfinder Club insi These are worn on the right sleeve of the shirt, girls’ blouse, and dress uniform jacket. The club name is worn 13mm (1/2") below the shoulder seam. The Pathfinder staff office sleeve strip is centred below the club name strip, 5cm (2") below the shoulder seam. The Pathfinder Club triangular emblem is centred 6mm (1/4") below the staff office strip. For Pathfinder boys and girls who do not wear a staff office sleeve strip, the Pathfinder Club emblem is 13mm (1/2") below the club name strip. Pathfinder Honour Sash: This is worn over the right shoulder (under Pathfinder scarf) and under the left arm, the lower point of the sash resting against the left side of the body. Pathfinder Unit Captain's badge and Unit Scribe's badge: These badges are worn on the right side of shirt or blouse above the right pocket. Pathfinder Good Conduct ribbon: This is worn on the left side of shirt/blouse, above the pocket. It is always above the Pathfinder Class pocket strip or Advanced AJY Class ribbon. POSITION OF INSIGNIA RIGHT SLEEVE LEFT SLEEVE 8 oo) _ gud Rs sem (ey } 13mm 099 Master Guide - wa y 4mm 049 Guide - Se > dm (w) voveger = DS. ammo Ranger -- i > mm (4) Explorer -- ee > 4mm (a7) ‘Companion + D2. somos Friend + A (Note: A supplementary sheet will be sent to Club Leaders to show placement for the Master Guide patch, PLA patch, BELA patch, etc) INSIGNIA MEANING 1. RED (Sacrifice) a. Reminds us of Christ. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (ohn 3:16) b. ‘Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.’ (Rom 12:1) 2. THREE SIDES a. Completeness of the Godhead ~ Father, Son and Holy Spirit. b. Tripod of Education: mental (crafts and honours); spiritual (missionary activities, witnessing); physical (campouts, workbees, etc) 3. GOLD (Excellence) a. ‘I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich.’ (Rev 3:18) b, Standard of measurement. The Pathfinder Club has high standards to help build strong character for the kingdom of heaven. 4. SHIELD (Protection) a. Inthe Scriptures, God is often called the shield of His people. ‘Fear not ... I am thy shield.’ (Gen 15:1) b. ‘Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.’ (Eph 6:16) 5, WHITE (Purity) a. “He that overcometh, the same shal} be clothed in white raiment.’ (Rev 3:5) b. We desire to have the purity and righteousness of Christ's life in our lives. 6. BLUE (Loyalty) a. __Itis the purpose of the Pathfinder Club to help teach us to be loyal to: our parents, our Church, our God in heaven. 7. SWORD (Bible) a. The sword is for warfare. A battle is always won by offence. We are ina battle against sin and our weapon is the Word of God. b. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God (see Eph 6:17). UNIFORM REGULATIONS Full Dress Uniform: Male Staff and Boys Black/brown shoes and socks (Clubs should decide consistent shoe colour) Pathfinder Tie > Pathfinder Sash Pathfinder Scarf (or Master Guide scarf) Pathfinder Woggle (according to investiture or Master Guide Wogale) > Pathfinder Trousers (beige/mushroom colour) Pathfinder Shirt (beige/mushroom colour) Full insignia in proper placement Y ‘ ‘ Y Y Y fom ff and is > Black/brown shoes and socks/tights (see note above regarding shoes) Pathfinder Tie Pathfinder Sash Pathfinder Scarf (or Master Guide scarf) Pathfinder Woggle (according to investiture or Master Guide Woggle) Pathfinder Skirt (beige/mushroom colour) Pathfinder Blouse (beige/mushroom colour) Full insignia in proper placement Y vvyvvyvy Hats (To be confirmed) » Bottle green berets for Club Officers. Field Uniform: Pathfinder > Official Pathfinder grey t-shirts and/or sweatshirts with Pathfinder logo printed in red. PERSONAL INSPECTION 1. Hands, nails, hair, face and teeth. General cleanliness, personal and uniform. 2 Uniformity within club. (Shirts or blouses, trousers or skirts, belt and buckle, socks ‘or hose, black or brown shoes. 3. Scarves, pins, Pathfinder (or Master Guide) woggle according to investiture. 4. Emblems, rank, pocket tabs, sleeve patches, chevrons, pins and sash. 5. Courtesy of group called to attention by unit leader. ADDITIONAL INSPECTION POINTERS: 1. Be sure all buttons are buttoned. 2. Be sure all patches are sewn down completely. 3. Be sure there are no strings hanging. 4. Be sure buttons of shirt line up with the line on the fly of the trousers, and the belt buckle is centred. a Be sure shirt or blouse is neatly tucked in. 6. Be sure shoes are polished and they are tied. 7. No non-Pathfinder awards, ribbons, or badges are to be worn on the sash. CAMP SITE INSPECTION TENTS: 1, Alignment (neat, not scattered) 2. Guy ropes and tie-downs installed properly 3. Uniformity of doors and windows (open or closed) 4. Interior neat, items uniform, area swept, suitcases arranged, Bible on pillow or at head of bed 5. Flags and Unit Guidons posted, neat and clean COOKING AREA: 1. Utensils stored, insect free and clean 2. Stoves clean, fires in safe condition away from tents 3. Food stored, animal and insect safe 4. Menu and Duty list posted where all can read them 5. Waste and refuse storage and disposal provided HEALTH FACILITIES: 1. Proper sanitation and protection 2. First Aid kit available, well equipped 3. Dishwashing and clean-up area CAMPSITE: 1. Cleanliness, paper and rubbish policed (10m radius) 2. Camp furniture, tables and chairs are clean and neat 3. Fire safety procedures posted and equipment such as fire extinguishers or shovels and water buckets in area marked ‘FOR FIRE ONLY’. BOOK CLUB CERTIFICATE [Compulsory Requirement] 1. Pathfinders are to read a minimum of 4 books every year. One book must be from each of the following categories: a) Missions b) Autobiography ©) Nature of Science d) One book of personal choice (excluding fiction e.g novels, etc) 2. Juniors are to read a minimum of 40 pages. 3. Teens are to read a minimum of 80 pages. 4. Pathfinders must inform their Club Leaders/Counsellors about the choice of books BEFORE commencing to read so that the category of book and suitability can be decided upon. Club Leaders may choose to have a collection of books as reference but Pathfinders may have books at home that will fall into the categories listed above. 5. Upon completion, Pathfinders must prepare a summary of what they have read to include: - Title of Book - Author - Publisher and Year Published - Paraphrased, bulleted points or outline of main events or ideas. 6. Reports should be a minimum of 80 words for Juniors and 120 words for Teens, completed in their own time. # ‘The Pathfinder and the Club Leader/Counsellor must date and sign each completed Book Club Certificate Report (sample Report in Leaders Book ~ copy as required). 8. The completed work must be kept in the Pathfinder’s folder for inspection at the Evaluation Day. eae ane wo Been 9 es BH Oma Piaieney Bu cE 7B NaS aD ‘Aves Se ATED ‘SUNONOH WWNOLLYDOA ‘SUNONOH WaHLO Saas awe SUNONOH 14VUD LV ausesty Graney ae | ‘SUNONOH vuav T ADSI tanuboen ‘SaIWASINIW HOVSRLNO Ban a Tas Baers “apse ds Bas puoz2y tases Fired ues Sane vig Bava ds Hace 3 gs anouoH, Tapa ae oS HS Ta a5 WS ag Tae} Jenpiaipuy wea ase aie CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS BIBLE GEM Memorize 7 Bible texts - one from each of the seven categories below for each Class. (You may use whichever version of Scripture you wish) FRIEND CLASS I, DOCTRINE I, GREAT PASSAGES III. SALVATION 1. John 10:10 1 Psalm 23 1. Ecclesiastes 12:1 2. 2 Timothy 3:15 2. Exodus 20:3-17 2. John 3:16 3. Exodus 20:3-17 3. Matthew 5:3-12 3, LJohn 1:9 4. Option _ | 4 Psalms 8:5-9 4. Ezekiel 33:11 5. Option 5S. John 17:15 6 Option IV. PRAYER V._ RELATIONSHIPS VI. BEHAVIOUR 1. Matthew 6:9-13 1 Luke 2:52 1. Proverbs 17:22 2. Mark 1:35 2. Luke 4:16 2. Proverbs 12:22 3. TSamuel 12:23 3. Ephesians 6:1 3. Philippians 4:4 4, [Thessalonians 3:10 | 4. Psalms $1:10 4, Proverbs 6:6 5. Option 5. Psalms 16:8 5. Proverbs 28:14 6. Option 6 Option VII. PROMISES/PRAISE 1. Psalms 107:1 2. Psalms 103:13 3. Philippians 4:19 4. Isaiah 58:9,10 5. Psalms 84:1,2 6 Option COMPANION CLASS 1, GREAT PASSAGES IL, SALVATION IIL. RELATIONSHIPS 1. Psalms 19:11 1. John 1:1-3,14 1 Isaiah 1:18 2. Isaiah 43:12 2. Luke 19:10 2. John 1:12,13 3. Matthew 28:19.20 3. Psalms 103:10-12 3. I Timothy 6:6-8 4 Luke 5:15 4. Isaiah 53: 4 ohn 3:17 5. Option 5. Ephesians 3:20,21 5S. Acts 17:26,27 6 Option 6. Option Iv. DOCTRINE V. PRAYER VI, PROMISES/ PRAISE 1. Ephesians 1:8-10 1 Psalms 34:3,4 1 Psalms 56:35,37 2. Deuteronomy 6:5 2, Matthew 6:6 2. Psalms 37:3 3. Acts 2:38 3. [Peter 1:3 3. Isaiah 35:10 4. Option 4. ohn 4:7 4. James 4: 7,8 5. Option 5. John 2:17 6. Option VII. BEHAVIOUR 1. Samuel 15:22 2 Romans 12:12 3.1 Thessalonians 5:15 4 Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 5S. Luke 2:51.52 6. Option EXPLORER CLASS I. GREAT PASSAGES II, SALVATION TIL, RELATIONSHIPS 1 e 1. Matthew 16:24-27 1. Acts 1:9-41 2. [Kings 18:21 2, Luke 14:28,33 2. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 3. Matthew 24:37-39 3. Proverbs 28:13 3. [Corinthians 6:19-20 4, Option 4. Timothy 1:15 4. Option 5. John 3:16-18 6 Option aaeee IV. PRAYER V._ RELATIONSHIPS VI. BEHAVIOUR 1. Psalms 5:3, 1 John 13:24,35 1. Colossians 3:23 2. Psalms 51:3 2. Proverbs 19:19 2. Proverbs 22:29 3. Option 3. John 15:13 3. Philippians 4:8 4. Romans 14:11 4. John 3:19 5. [ohn 1:28 5, Corinthians 2:14 6 Option 6 Option VII. PROMISES/PRAISE 1. Proverbs 3:5,6 2 Psalms 91 3. [Corinthians 10:13 4 I Timothy 4:7,8 5. James 4:7 6. Option RANGER CLASS 1, GREAT PASSAGES IL. SALVATION III, DOCTRINE 1, Psalms 119:105 1. John 3:17 1, John 14:1-3 2. Colossians 3:16 2. Galatians 6:14 2. Mark 1:27,28 3. Option’ 3. John 3:1-3 3. Option 4 Option IV, PRAYER RELATIONSHIPS VI. BEHAVIOUR 1. Hebrews 11:6 1 Proverbs 18:24 1. Galatians 6:7 2, James 15:6 2. Ephesians 4:23 2, Matthew 7:12 3. Option 3. 1 Timothy 4:12 3. [John 2:15-17 4. Matthew 24:14 4. Option 5. _ Option VII. PROMISES/PRAISE 1. Psalms 145:18 2 James 1:17 3. Psalms 27:1 4. Option VOYAGER CLASS I. GREAT PASSAGES II. SALVATION IIL. DOCTRINE 1 Jeremiah 15:16 1 Matthew 11:28-30 1 Hebrews 11:3 2, Timothy 2:15 2 John 17:3 2. Revelation 14:6-14 3. Genesis 2:2,3 3 John 15:5,7 3. John 6:40 4 Option 4 Matthew 10:32,33 4 Revelation 21:1-4 5. Matthew 4:19 Si Exodus 20:8-11 6 Option 6. Option IV. PRAYER V. RELATIONSHIPS VI. BEHAVIOUR 1 Mark 11:25 1 1 Corinthians 13 1. Galatians 5:22,23 2 Hohn §:14,15 2. Hebrews 10:24-25 2. Micah 6:8 3. Matthew 21:22 3. Galatians 6:1,2 3. Isaiah 58:13, 4 Option 4 Matthew 11:28-30 4. Matthew 5:8 5. Option 5 ‘Option VII. PROMISES/PRAISE 4 Romans 8:28 2. Psalms 103:1-5 3 Psalms 15:1,2 4. Matthew 24:44 5. Psalms 91:1-6 6 Option iat GUIDE CLASS 1. GREAT PASSAGES IL, SALVATION III, DOCTRINE 1, W Timothy 3:15,16 | 1. Philippians 3:7-9 1. Matthew 24:24-27 2 Romans 10:17 2. Brekiel 36:26-27 2 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,10 3. Daniel 8:14 3. Tohn 5:11-12 3. Hebrevs 4:14:16 4 Joel 4. [Corinthians 5:7,8 4. Exodus 20:3-7 5. Option 5. [Corinthians 619,20 | 5. Option 6 Option IV. PRAYER V._ RELATIONSHIPS VI. BEHAVIOUR 1. Philippians 4:6-7 1. Acts 17:26,27 1 Luke 12:15 2. Ephesians 3:20,21 | 2, Peter 4:10 2.1 Corinthians 10:31 3. Matthew 5:44 3. TPeter 3:15 3. James 4:7-8 4. Option 4 I Corinthians 12:9 4. Option 5. Option VII. PROMISES/PRAISE 1. Psalms 46 2. Philippians 4:13 3. Psalms 55:22 4 Psalms 95:6-7 5. [Corinthians 10:13, 6 Option FRIEND CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS DATE Ee 7 E SIGNED _ GENERAL 1. | Be 10 years old or in Grade S or its equivalent 1 1 2. | Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club 2 2 3. | Memorize and explain the Pathfinder Pledge and Law 3 3 4. | Read the book The Happy Path (or similar book on the Pledge and Law) 4 4 5. | Have a current Book Club Certificate 5 5 Advanced Adv [Ady 1. _| Know, sing or play, and explain the meaning of the Pathfinder Song il i ‘SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY 1. | Memorize the Old Testament books of the Bible and know the five areas into which 1 1 ‘the books are grouped. Demonstrate your ability to find any given book. 2. | Have a current Bible gem certificate. 2 2 3. | Know and explain Psalm 23 or Psalm 46, 3 3 4, | Read with your parents the historical protogue to the book Early Writings and list the | 4 4 main events of the SDA church or fulfil other options as mentioned on page 26 of the Resource Book. Advanced adv [adv 1, | Complete the crossword puzzle based on the prologue to Early Writings 1 1 2. |With your leader choose 1 of the following OT characters: Joseph/Jonaby/Esther/ Ruth. |2 2 In a group, discuss Christ's loving care and deliverance as shown in the story. ‘SERVING OTHERS 1. | With your leader, work out ways to spend at least 2 hours expressing your friendship. |1 1 to someone in néed in your community by doing any 2 of the following: 2. Visit someone who needs friendship. b, Help someone in need. . With help from others spend a half day on a community/school/church project. 2. | Prove yourself a good citizen at home and at school. 2 2 Advanced Adv [Adv 1. [Bring at least two visitors to Sabbath School or Pathfinder meetings. 1 1 FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1, List ten qualities of being a good friend, and discuss four everyday situations where |1 1 ‘you have practised the "Golden Rule.” 2. Know your National Anthem and explain its meaning, 2 2 ‘Advanced Adv lady 1,_Demonstrate good table manners with 2 group of persons of various ages. 1 1 HEALTH AND FITNESS 1. Complete the following: 1 1 ‘a. Discuss the temperance principles in the life of Daniel, or participate in a presentation or role-play on Daniel 1 b. Memorize and explain Daniel 1:8, and either sign the appropriate pledge card o design your own pledge card showing why you choose a life style in harmony with the true principles of temperance. 7 2. Learn the principles of a healthful diet and engage in a project preparing a chart of | |2 2 the basic food groups. 3. | Complete the Swimming (Beginner) Honour. 3 3 Advanced Adv [Ady 1._| Demonstrate baking, boiling and frying camp food. 1 a‘ ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1. [Plan and take a three hour or § km Hike. Plan to complete a requirement under the |1 1 Nature Study or Outdoor Life sections or a Nature Honour, NATURE STUDY 1. | Complete one of the following Honours, Cats, Dogs, Mammals, Seeds, Bird Pets. 1 1 2. | Know diferent methods of purifying water and demonstrate your ability to build a |2 2 ‘camp shelter. Consider the significance of Jesus as the water of life and as our refuge place. 1, |Advanced Adv | Adv {Know and identity ten wild flowers and ten insects in your area 1 el FRIEND CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT [OUTDOOR LIFE 1. |Know hovy ropes are made and demonstrate how to care for rope in the correct manner. Tie and know the practical use of the following knots: Overhand, Granny, Reef, Siip, Double Bow, Two Half Hitches, Clove Hitch, and Bowline. Participate in an overnight camp out. Pass a test in general safety. Pitch and strike a tent and make a camp bed. Know ten hiking rules, and know what to do when lost ‘Learn the signs for track and trail, Be able to lay a 2 km. trail that others can follow {and be able to track a 2 km. trail Advanced 1. Start a fire with one match, using natural materials, and keep that fire going. 2. | Properly use the knife and axe, and know ten safety rules in their use. 3._|TTie five speed knots. oo IFESTYLE ENRICHMENT 1, [Complete one Honour in Arts and Crafts. Advanced 1, _ [Complete one Honour in Vocational or Outdoor Industries. SIGNED DATE GENERAL COMMENTS: (NB: Completion of the Advanced Requirements qualifies you for the ‘Trail Friend’ Course] FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/Conference/Union Representative: [Name] [Signature] Date: COMPANION CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE a _ z SIGNED GENERAL 1, | Be 11 years old and/or in grade 6 or its equivalent. 1 1 2, |Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club. 2 2 3. |Leamn oF review the meaning of the Pathfinder Pledge and illustrate its meaning in an 3 3 interesting way. 4, |Read the book The Happy Path or similar book on the Pledge and Law if not previously read | 4 4 (see Resource Manual) 5, |Have a current Book Club Certificate and write a review (see Book Club Requirements). | 5 ‘Advanced Ady [Adv 1, | Know the composition and proper use of your National Flag 1 1 ‘SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY 1, | Memorize the New Testament books and know the four areas into which the books are |1 1 ‘grouped. Demonstrate your ability to find any given book, 2. |Hold @ current memory gem certificate. 2 2 3. | Choose in consultation with your leader, one of the following areas 3 3 a. | One of Christ's Parables . | One of Christ's Miracles . | Sermon on the Mount 4. | Second Advent Sermon Show your knowledge of what Christ taught in one of the following ways: ) Discussion with the leader ii) Group activity ii) Giving a talk 4. | Read the gospels of Matthew and Mark in any translation. Commit to memory any two of [4 4 the following: a. | Beatitudes - Matthew §:3-12 b. |Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13 . | Christ's Return - Matthew 24:4-7, 11-14 d. | Gospet Commission - Matthew 28:18-20 Advanced adv [adv 1, |Read about Ellen White's fist vision and discuss how God uses prophets to present His [1 1 message to the church. 2. | Complete the crossword puzzle on the first vision of Ellen White, 2 2 ‘SERVING OTHERS 1. /By consultation with your leader, work out ways to spend at least two hours in your 1 i ‘community demonstrating in a consistent manner, real companionship to someone else, 2. |Spend at least a half day participating in a project that will benefit the community or your |2 2 church. Advanced adv |Ady | 1. [Participate in an outreach activity, bring a non-SDA friend to participate or observe. 1 i FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT 4. [Discuss the principle and demonstrate the meaning of respect for people of different i L cultures and gender. ‘Advanced Adv 1. | Discuss and demonstrate respect for your parents/quardians and what they provide for you. |1 HEALTH AND FITNESS 1, [Memorize and explain 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 i 1 2. [Discuss with your leader physical fitness and regular exercise as they relate to healthful —|2 2 living 3, |Leain about the detrimental effects of smoking on health and fitness, and write your own |3 3 pledge of commitment to abstaining from the use of tobacco. 4, | Complete the Advanced Beginner's Swimming Honour, 4 4 Advanced 1, | Hike eight kilometres and keep a log. adv Ady 2. [Attend a Five Day Plan, or view two films on health, or make @ poster on smoking or drug | 1 1 abuse, or help prepare a display on tobacco for a show, ete 2 2 COMPANION CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE SIGNED ‘ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Plan and lead 2 devotional service for your group. 2. |Help your Unit or Club plan a special activity such 2s a party, hike, or overnight camp out ‘Advanced 1, _ | Participate in a special club event such as an Investiture, open house, induction, or Pathfinder Sabbath and then evaluate the event to determine how it can be improved, ‘NATURE STUDY 1. | Participate in nature games OR participate in a one hour nature walk. 2. | Complete one of the following Honours Amphibians, Birds, Livestock, Poultry, Reptiles, Shells, Trees, or Shrubs. 3. | Review the study of creation, and keep a seven day outdoor log of your personal ‘observations from nature in which each day focuses on those that were created on that day. ‘Advanced 1.__Identify and describe twelve birds in the wild and twelve native trees. ‘OUTDOOR LIFE | Find the eight general directions without the aid of a compass. Participate in a two night camp out. 3. Lear or review the Friend knots. Tie and know the practical use of the following knots: Sheet Bend, Sheepshank, Fisherman's Knot, Timber Hitch, Taut Line Hitch. 4. [Pass a test in Companion First Aid. Advanced 1, |Build five different fires and describe their uses. Discuss the safety rules in lighting fires. [Cook a camp meal without utensils. 3.__[Prepare a knot board with at least fifteen different knots. DNS Ee Penge LIFESTYLE ENRICHMENT 1. | Complete one Honour in Arts and Crafts not previously earned, Advanced 1, | Complete one Honour in Household Arts, Health & Science, Vacational, or Outdoor Industries not previously eamed. GENERAL COMMENTS: [NB: Completion of the Advanced Requirements qualifies you for the ‘Frontier Companion’ Course] FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/Conference/Union Representative: (Name] [Signature] Date: EXPLORER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT (GENERAL Be 12 years old and/or in Grade 7 or its equivalent. Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club. Learn or review the meaning of the Pathfinder Law and demonstrate your understanding, by participating in one of the following: role-play, panel discussion, essay, or prepare a project of your choice. Read the book "The Happy Path’ if not previously read. Have a current Book Club Certificate. Write a paragraph of review on each book ‘Advanced Know the composition and proper use of the Pathfinder Flag and Unit Guidon DATE SIGNED _ ‘SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY Become familiar with the use of a concordance. Hold a current memory gem certificate Read the gospels Luke and John in any translation, and discuss in your group any three of the following: a. Luke 4:16-19 The Scripture Reading b. Luke 11:9-13 Ask, Seek, Knock . Luke 21:25-28 Signs of Second Coming 4. John 13:12-17 Humility fe. John 14:1-3 Lord's Promise f. John 15:5-8 Vine and Branches Choose in consultation with your leader one of the following areas. ‘a, John 3 Nicodemus b. John 4 The Woman at the Well ‘c. Luke 15 The Prodigal Son 1d. Luke 10 The Good Samaritan fe. Luke 19 Zaccheaus Share your understanding of how Jesus saves individuals by using one of the following } methods: a. Group discussion with your leader b. Giving a talk at Pathfinder Club c. Writing an essay d. Making a series of pictures, charts or models Je. Writing a poem or song | Memorize and explain Proverbs 20:1 and Proverbs 23:29-32. Advanced Read about J. N. Andrews. Discuss the importance of mission service to the church and ‘why Christ gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).. Complete the crossword on missionaries and places of service. ‘SERVING OTHERS Be familar with the community services in your area and give assistance to at least one. Participate in at least three church programs. ‘Advanced Enrol a new member in Sabbath School, Pathfinders, or Bible Correspondence Course. | FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT Participate in a panel discussion or skit on peer pressure and its role in your decision makin Tour your munkipa offices or have acy official vit your group and then expan S ways you can co-operate with them. ‘Advanced Earn one of the following Honours: a. Christian Grooming and Manners bb. Family Life Adv EXPLORER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS DATE SIGNED _ HEALTH AND FITNESS 1, | Complete one of the following activities, and design a Pledge Card choosing a life style | 1 free from alcohol: Participate in a class discussion on the physical effects of alcohol on the body. View an audio/visual on alcohol/other drugs, and discuss the effects on the body. Advanced adv lady 4, | Participate in a 16km hike and make a list of clothing to be worn. L 1 ‘ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1. | Lead out in your club's opening exercises or a Sabbath School Program. 1 1 2. |Help your unit or club plan a special cutreach activity such as a project for unfortunate |2 2 children, community beautification, etc. and carry out the activity, ‘Advanced adv adv 1. | Participate in 2 special club event such as an Investiture, open house, induction, 1 1 Pathfinder Sabbath, etc. and participate in the evaluation of the event afterwards along with the Companion Class. NATURE STUDY. 4. | If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, be able to identify the North Star, Orion, Pleiades, |1 1 and two planets. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, identify Achernar, The Southern Cross, Centauras and Orion. Know the spiritual significance of Orion as told in Early Writings, 2. | Complete one of the follawing Honours 2 2 Animal Tracking, Cactl, Flowers, Stars or Weather. 1. [Advanced a Identify sx tracks of animals or birds. Make a plaster cast of three tracks. 1 1 OUTDOOR LIFE 1. |. Participate in a two-night camp out. 1 1 b. Describe six points of a good campsite, |c. Plan and cook two meals 2. | Pass a test in Explorer First Ai, 2 2 3. |2. Explain what a topographical map is, 3 3 b. What you can expect to find on it, and its uses, Identify at least twenty signs and symbols used on topographic maps. Advanced Adv | Adv | 1. |Review the basic lashings and build one article of camp furniture. 1 1 Plan a menu for a 3-day camping trip for 4 people, using at least 3 different dehydrated |2 2 foods. |3. | Be able to send and receive the semaphore alphabet, OR be able to send and receive the |3 3 international Morse code by wigwag, OR know the alphabet in sign language for the deaf, OR Have a basic knowledge of procedures of two way radio communication. LIFESTYLE ENRICHMENT 1. Complete one Honour in Household Arts, or Arts and Crafts not previously earned, 1 1 Advanced Adv | Adv 1. | Complete one Honour in Outreach Ministry, Health & Science, Vocational or Outdoor 1 1 Industries not previously earned. GENERAL COMMENTS: INB: Completion of the Advanced Requirements qualifies you for the ‘Range Explorer’ Course] FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/Conference/Union Representative: [Name] [Signature] Date: PENS RANGER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE SIGNED (GENERAL Be a teenager 13 years of age, or in Grade 8 or its equivalent, Memorize and understand the Adventist Youth Aim and Motto. Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club. Select and read three books of your choice from the teen Book Club List. ‘SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY Discover in group discusston: a. What Christianity is? b. What are the marks of a true disciple? . The forces involved in becoming a Christian. Participate in a Bible marking program on the inspiration of the Bible, Enrol at least three people in a Bible Correspondence Course, Have a current Memory Gem Certificate. Advanced ‘Complete the Christian Citizenship Honour if not previously done. Eau (COMMUNITY OUTREACH Under the direction of your leader, participate at least once, in two different types of outreach programs. With the help of a friend, spend a full day (at least 8 hours) working on a project for your church, school, or community. ‘Advanced Conduct two Bible studies with non-Seventh-day Adventists, FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT In group discussion and by personal enquiry examine your attitudes to two of the following topics: a. Self-Confidence b. Friendship ‘c. The Social Graces 4. Will Power Advanced Role-play the story of the Good Samaritan, and think of ways to serve 3 neighbours and then do so. Adv HEALTH AND FITNESS Discuss the principles of physical fitness. Provide an outline of your dally exercise | program, Write out and sign a personal pledge of commitment to a regular exercise rogram. Discuss the natural advantages of ving the Adventist Christian lifestyle in accordance with Biblical principles. | Advanced Participate in one of the following activities and write a report: a. Hike 15km and keep a log . Cycle 80 km . Ride a horse 15 km 1d, Swim 1 km . Go on a one-day canoe trip. ___ Adv ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT [Attend at least one church business meeting. Prepare a brief report for discussion in ‘your group, With your group, make plans for and lead out at a social activity at least once a quarter. Advanced | Complete requirements 3 and 6 of the Driling and Marching Honour if not previously done. RANGER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE 7 EEE ee Et SIGNED NATURE STUDY 1. [Review the story of the flood and study at least 3 different fossils; explain their origin [1 1 and relate them to breaking God's Law. 2. |Complete @ Nature Honour not previously earned. 2 2 Advanced adv Adv 1. | Be able to identify through photographs, sketches, pictures or real fe, one of the 1 1 following categories: 2. 25 tree leaves bi. 25 rocks and minerals je 25 wild lowers d. 25 butterflies and moths e._25 shells ‘OUTDOOR LIVING 1. | Build and demonstrate the use of a reflector oven by cooking something. 1 1 2. | Participate in a two night camp out. Be able to pack a pack or ricksack, include 2 2 ‘personal gear and food sufficient for your participation in a two night camp out. 3. [Pass a test in Ranger First Aid. 3 3 Advanced Adv Ady 1. | Complete the Orienteering Honour 1 1 2. [Be able to light a fire on a rainy day or in the snow. Know where to get the dry 2 2 ‘material to keep it going. Demonstrate ability to propery tighten and replace an axe handle. 3. | Complete one of the following requirements and write a report: 3 3 ‘2. Know on sight, prepare and eat ten varieties of wild plant foods. bb, Be able to read and receive 35 letters a minute by semaphore code. ©. Send and receive 15 letters a minute by wigwag, using the international code. 4. Be able to send and receive Matthew 24 in sign language for the deaf. | _fe. Take part in a simple emergency search and rescue operation using 2-way radios. | LIFESTYLE ENRICHMENT 1. | Complete one Honour in Qutreach Ministry, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries not 1 1 Previously earned. Advanced Adv adv 1._| Complete one Honour in Recreation or Arts and Crafts not previously earned. 1 1 (GENERAL COMMENTS: | J [NB: Compietion of the Advanced Requirements qualifies you for the 'Wildemess Ranger’ Course] FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/ConferencefUmion Representative: [Name] [Signature] Date: VOYAGER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE | ee zt as | SIGNED GENERAL Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent, 1 1 ‘Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth | 2 Pledge. Be an active member of Pathfinders. 3 3 Select and read three books of your choice from the Teen Book Club Ist. 4 4 ‘SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY } ‘study the personal work of the Holy Spirit as it relates to mankind, and discuss His |1 1 involvement in spiritual growth | 8 study and group discussion increase your knowledge of the last-day events that |2 2 | lead up to the Second Advent. | ‘Through study and discussian of Bible evidence discover the true meaning of Sabbath | 3 3 keeping, Have a current Memory Gem Certificate 4 4 ‘SERVING OTHERS ‘hs a group or individually, invite a friend to at least one of your church or Conference} 1 1 ‘Teen/Youth Fellowship activities. |As a group or individually, help organize and participate in @ project of service to |2 2 others, Discuss how a Christian Adventist youth relates to people in every-day situations, 3 3 contacts and associations as FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT In group discussion and by personal enquiry, examine your attitudes toward two of |1 1 the following topics: 2. Self Concept b. Human Relationships - Parents, Family, and Others. c. Earning and Spending Money. d. Peer Pressure. List and discuss the needs of the handicapped, and help plan and participate ina] 2 2 party for them. _ HEALTH AND FITNESS [Choose and complete any two requirements from the Temperance Honour 4 1 Organize a Health Party. Include health principles, talks, displays, ete: 2 2 ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Discuss and prepare a flow chart on local church organization, and list the 4 1 Jcepartmental functions. Participate in local church programmes on two occasions each, in two departments of ]2 2 the church, Fulfil Requirements 3, 5, and 6 of the Stewardship Honour. 3 3 ‘Complete the Drilling and Marching Honour. 4 4 NATURE STUDY Review the story of Nicademus and relate it to the lfe cycle of the butterfly, or draw a |1 1 life-cycle chart of the caterpillar giving the Spiritual significance. |Compiete 2 Nature Honour not previously earned. 2 2 ‘OUTDOOR LIVING With a party of not less than four, including an experienced adult, hike 25 kmina | 1 1 tural wilderness area, including one night in the open or in tents. The expedition planning should be a joint effort of the party anc ali food needed should be carried. From notes taken, participate in a group discussion led by your counsellor on the terrain, flora and fauna, as observed on the hike. Complete one Recreational honour not previously eared. 2 2 Pass a test in Voyager First Aid, 3 3 VOYAGER CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT | _‘|DATE SIGNED LIFESTYLE ENRICHMENT a 1. | Complete one Honour in Outreach Ministries, Health And Science, Household Arts, | 1 Outdoor Industry, or Vocational categories not previously earned. ‘Advanced Voyager Requirement tis recommended that those who wish to do advanced work in the Voyager Class complete the following which fulfis half the requirements for the AY Silver Award Plan. If they do the Advanced requirements for the Guide Class, this will entitle the teen to the AY Silver Award Medal a. Physical Fitness a ja be Skills b b c. Expedition c le q ld d._ Service Project GENERAL COMMENTS: | FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/Conference/Union at Representative: [Name] {Signature} Date: GUIDE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT DATE SIGNED GENERAL Be a teenager 15 years of age or in Grade 10 or its equivalent Know and understand the AY Legion of Honour ‘Be an active member of a Pathfinder Club. ‘Select and read one book of your choice from the Teen Book Club list, plus @ book on local church history (select book for your division or country) SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY Discuss how the Christian can possess the gifts of the Spirit as described by Paulin his, letter to the Galatians, ‘Study and discuss how the Old Testament Sanctuary Service points to the cross and the personal ministry of Jesus. Read and outline 3 stories of Adventist pioneers. Tell these stories during a Pathfinder Club, AY or Sabbath School Worship time. [Have a current Memory Gem Certificate SERVING OTHERS ‘8S a grOup or individually, help organize and participate in one of the following: Ja. Afriendship visit with a shut-in person. b. Adopt a person or family in need and assist them. ©. Any other outreach of your choice approved by your leader. Participate in a discussion on witnessing to other teenagers and put some of the ‘quidelines into practice in a real situation. FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPMENT In group discussion and by personal enquiry, examine your attitudes to two of the following topics. ‘a. Choosing Your Career b. Moral Behaviour c. Sex and Dating dd. Choosing Your Life Partner HEALTH AND FITNESS Hake a presentation to elementary students on the subject of the laws of good health. Complete one of the following activities: 2. Write a poem or article for possible submission to one of the Health/Temperance Journals of the church. ’. Individually or as a group, organize and participate ina "Fun Run" or similar activity. Discuss and record your physical training program in preparation for this event. c. Read pages 102-125 in the book "Temperance" by Ellen White, and pass true/false quiz Complete the Honour in Nutrition or lead 9 group through the Physical Fitness Honour ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT Following discussion, prepare a flow chart on denominational organization, with special details for your Division. ‘Attend a conference sponsored Basic Pathfinder Staff Training Course. Plan and teach at least two requirements of any Pathfinder Honour for a group of Junior Pathfinders NATURE STUDY. Read the story of Jesus’ childhood in the Desire of Ages chapter 7 and relate it to the place of Nature Study in His education and ministry by presenting an oral report before: ‘an audience on original nature lessons (parable) drawn from your study and observations, [Complete one of the following Honours: a. Ecology bb, Environmental Conservation ‘OUTDOOR LIVING ‘Go on a two-night pack camp. Discuss the equipment to be taken, Plan and cook in a satisfactory manner a three-course meal on an open fire Complete an object of lashings or rope work Complete one Honour not previously earned which can count towards the: a. Aquatic ®. Sportsman . Recreation, or |¢. Wildemess Master. GUIDE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT [DATE SIGNED ange Sune ]LIFESTYLE ENRICHMENT 1. | Compiete an Honour not previously completed in 2. Outreach Ministries b. Outdoor Industries ©. Vocational Jd. Health and Science, or '@. Household Arts ‘Advanced Guide Requirements: Ady It is recommended that those who wish to do advanced work in the Guide Class complete the following requirements fulfils the final half of the requirements for the Silver Award Plan, If they also complete the Advanced requirements for the Voyager Class, this will entitle the teen to the Silver Award Medal a. Physical Fitness, b. Skills c. Cultural improvement GENERAL COMMENTS: FOR COMPLETION BY MISSION/CONFERENCE/UNION OFFICIALS ONLY: Mission/Conference/Union Representative: [Name] [Signature] Date: —— JUNIOR BIBLE YEAR READING PROGRAMME FIRST YEAR "SECOND YEAR PATTERN POWER PLAN "PROMISE PROPHECIES Matthew [i | Acts 1 | Genesis r Romans [| 1} Daniel i Matthew [2 | Acts 2 | Genesis 2 Romans | 2 | Oaniet 2 Matthew [3 Acts 3 | Genesis 3 Romans | 3 | Daniel 3 Matthew [4 | Acts 4 | Genesis 4 Romans | ~4| Daniel 4 Matthew [5 | Acs S| Genesis [5 Romans | —§ | Daniel 5 [ Matthew [6 | Acts 6 | Genesis “|6 Romans —_|_6 | Daniel 6 Matthew [7 | Acts: 7 Genesis 7 Romans | 7 | Daniel 7 matthew | 8 | Acs 8 | Genesis 8 Romans —]_8 | Daniel 8 [Matthew | “9 [acts 9 | Genesis [9 Romans — | 9 | Daniel 3 Matthew — | 10 [Acts 40 | Genesis [70 Romans | 10 | Daniel 10 Matthew | 11 | Acts it | Genesis 11 Romans | 11 | Daniel i Matthew [12 | Acts 42 [Genesis [12 Romans | 12 | Daniel 12 Matthew | 13 | Acts 13 | Genesis [13 Romans | 13 | Revelation 1 Matthew | 14 | Acts 14 | Genesis [14 mans | 44 | Revelation 2 Matthew | 15 | Acts 15 [Genesis [15 mans | 15 | Revelation 3 Matthew | 16 | Acts 16 | Genesis [18 Romans | 16 | Revelation 4 Matthew [17 | Acts, 17 | Genesis [19 1 Cor, 1] Revelation. 5 Matthew | 18] Acts 18 | Genesis [22 1 or. 2 | Reveiation 6 Matthew | 19 | Acts 19 | Genesis | 24 1Cor. | 6 | Revelation 7 [Matthew —[20[ acts [20 [Genesis | 27 1 Cor. 7 | Revelation | 89 Matthew 121 {Acts 21 [Genesis [28 1 Cor. 10 | Revetation | 10 Matthew | 22 | Acs 22 | Genesis] 29 1.Cor. 13 | Reveation | _ 11 Matthen | 23 | Acts 23 | Genesis | 32 1.Cor. 15 | Reveation | 13 Matthew [24 | Acts 241 Genesis | 35 2 Cor. 1] Revelation [14 Matthew 125" Acts 25 | Genesis __| 37 2Cor.___| 2 [Revelation | 15,16 Matthew | 26 | Acts 26 | Genesis “| 39 J Leviticus 2 Cor | Revelation | 18. Matthew —|_27 | Acts 27 [Genesis [41 [Numbers | 10 | 2 Cor. 5 | Revelation [19 Matthew | 28 | Acts, 28 | Genesis | 42 | Numbers 11 | 2 Cor 9 | Revelation | 20. Isaiah) 4 Genesis | 45 | Numbers 23 | Galatans [2 | Revelation [21 ‘sah sz} | {Genesis [49 | Deuteronomy. | 18 | Galatians | ~5 [Revelation |___22 Isaiah 55. ~ [Genesis TS0T Galatians | 6 THIRD YEAR FOURTH YEAR PERSON PERFECTION PRC PRAISES PEACE PROOF Mark 1 | Luke i | Judges Peaims__ [117 | Ephesians [i [2i0nn_ [7 Mark 2 Luke 2 | Judges Psalms ‘66_| Ephesians | 2 | Ruth 1 Mark 3 [Luke 3 | Judges: Psalms 2 [Ephesians | 3 | Ruth 2 Mark 4 | Luke 4 [1 Samuel Psalms 16_| Ephesians [4 | Ruth 3 Mark 5 | Luke 5 [1 Samuel Psalms 22 | Ephesians | 5 [Jonah 1 Mark 6 | Luke ~ 6 [1 Samuel Psalms, 23 | Ephesians | 6 [Jonah {2 Mark 7 [Luke 7 ['TSamwet Psalms 24 | Philippians | 1 | Jonah 3 [Mark 8 | Luke ~ 8 [2 Samuel Psaims | 110 | Philppans [2 | Jonah 4 Mark. 3 | Luke “9 T1 kings Psaims [113 | Philppans | 3| John 1 ‘Mark 30 | Luke 30 [1 Kings Psalms 8 | Philippians [4 | John 2 ‘Mark i | Loke ut Psalms 49 [ Colossians | 2 | John 3 Mark 32 | Luke 12] 1 Kings sais. 29 | Colossians | 3 | John 4 Maric 13 | Luke 13. [1 Kings Psalms | 104 | 1 Thess. | 4 | John 5 Mark 14 | Luke 14 [1 Kings Psalms BT 5 [John 6 Mark 15 | Luke 415 | 1 Kings Psalms ‘32 3 [ohn 7 Mark 16 | Luke 16 | 1 Kings Psalms 27. 3. [ ohn, 8 Isaiah 1 | Luke a7 | 1 kings Psalms 37 4 [Sohn Isaiah 5 luke 18 | 2 Kings, Psalms 46 1) John. Isaiah 6 [tuke | 19 | 2 kings Psalms 73 3 [ohn Isaiah 7 | Luke “20,[ 2 kings Psalms 90 2 [John Isaiah 1 | Luke 21 [2 kings Psalms 1 John Isaiah 26 | Luke. 22 | Esther Psalms | 107 | Hebrews | | John. Isaiah 35 | Luke. 23 | Esther Psalms | 106 | Hebrews [ii [ John Isaiah 37 | Luke. 24 | Esther Psaims | 303 | James 4 [ota aah 38,39 [ob ~_1 [Esther Psaims | #19 [ i Peter | 1 | John Isaiah 40 | Job, 2 | Esther Peas | 146 | 2 Peter | 1 | John Isaiah “42 | Job 3 | Esther Proverbs 1 [1 John 1 [John Isaiah 53 | Job, 4 | Esther Proverbs | 6 [3John | 4 | John Isaiah 65"| job | 38,30 | Esther Proverbs | i4 ohn 66, | Job 40,41 | Esther 7 ‘John 1 Tob. 42 | Esther 7 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTION DATE NOTES AUTOGRAPHS NOTE: RC a Cee eg ured CS edt re Coen Pee et cay ee ete ae med for final adjustments.

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