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First Century BC;

Stormy skies, heavy rain pours over a violent sea. The
Islands of Ophir are a mysterious region with seven thousand
landmasses breaking up into smaller Islands. The Island of
Katagusan burns brightly with volcanic mist, shimmering in the
murky night.
Above the Island thunder and lightning displays their
violent tempers. Battle cries echo with the clang of metal upon
metal. The sky illuminates with sparks eddy from swords as two
armored Malakhim hack at each other. Detinos, Satan of Ophir,
clad in red armor, continues whacking at Suri’el, one of the four
“It's pointless to fight against me Suri'el, Heyl’el owns this
region, and I am its guardian.” Proudly yells Detinos.
The two clash in a stalemate,
“Detinos as I remember you and your master lost the war
in Shamayim! And you will surely lose this one!” Suri'el declared.
“Your overconfidence in Hashem is your weakness,
princess!” Detinos angrily retorts as they continue battling.
“Since when has the creature become greater than the
Creator, you Satans changed the truth of Aravat into a lie, causing
man to worship and serve the creature more than the Creator, who
is blessed forever.” Suri'el says,
She uses some fancy swordplay cutting Detino’s cheek,
“Aravat is my strength,” Suri'el declared.
Detinos backhands Suri'el, she topples across the sky, she
manages to get a foothold using her wings, and lunges back at
Detinos with two fist, she hits the Prince of Katagusan, he
plummets out of control,
“It ends here Detinos!” Suri'el confidently yells.
Detinos disappears and appears from behind, he suckers
punches Suri'el unconscious, she goes into a free fall, dropping to
Adamah. Detinos watches with crazed eyes,

“A fallen Keruv, to be weak is miserable, doing or
suffering: but of this be sure, to do good never will be our task;
but ever to do wicked is our sole delight: as being contrary to
Aravat’s high will whom we resist,” Detinos laughs.
Suri'el struggles to open her eyes; she fixes her gaze on
Detinos, her eyes ignite with power as she conjures a spell in her
Malakhim language,
“Res, Kuff, Teth, Belh, Daleth, Zale”
Energy bursts from Suri'el’s hands hitting Detinos, with
the Malakhim magic, that entangles him in a web that tightly
binds him. He lets out a loud agonized roar. Sparks shoot out of
every part of his body as he spins out of control,
“If you had come peaceably to me to help me, my heart
would be knitted to you; but since you have come to betray me to
my adversaries brother, there is no wrong in my hands, may
Aravat our fathers look thereon, and rebuke you."
Detinos is closed up into a large Black Crystal Orb with
silver Malakhim markings; as it plunges into the molten lava
“Aravat is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer; Aravat is
my shelter, in whom I take refuge, He is my shield, the horn of
Yeshuati, His Word is my stronghold, my refuge my Y’shua, from
the violence you saved me.” Suri’el gives praise to Elohim.
She sheaths her sword, a portal opens at the top of the
“Home, finally” Suri’el smiles.
She flexes her wings, plunges through the portal, as it
In present-day Katagusan, a region with incoming storm
clouds, stands the Mary Queen of Heaven Cathedral, a testament
to human ingenuity that towers over the modern structures of the
community. This cathedral is not only a historical legacy, but also
an important center of spiritual and cultural life for the city and

The cathedral is made of sandstone and serves as the seat
of Archbishop Agbay, occupying the site of the first Cathedral in
Katagusan. The exterior of the building is adorned with many
features, including canopies and idols in the northern gable,
ancient texts and invocations carved high up on the walls, and
carved idol heads that gaze benevolently down. The cathedral
also boasts towers and turrets, as well as more ominous
Upon entering the Mary Queen of Heaven Cathedral,
one's gaze is immediately drawn forward, along the length of the
nave, towards the white pinnacles of the High Altar Screen and
the vibrant colors of the Great North Window beyond. The
columns of the main arcade are constructed of the same warm
sandstone as the exterior and interior walls, which is also used in
the vaulted ceilings of the side aisles and chapels.
The chancel ceiling is vaulted in timber, adding a sense of
grandeur and warmth to the space. The roof of the nave is
constructed using double hammer beam construction, providing a
sturdy yet aesthetically pleasing structure.
Upon closer inspection of the ceilings, visitors will notice
an array of saintly heads that are reminiscent of those seen on the
exterior walls of the cathedral. These intricately carved figures
serve as a reminder of the cathedral's deep spiritual roots and the
important role it plays in the community's religious and cultural
identity. The overall effect of the interior is one of majesty, awe,
and contemplation.
Archbishop Agbay stood at the pulpit with an open book
in preparation for his nightly services. He read aloud, "But I say
to you, whoever divorces his wife unless the marriage is unlawful
causes her to commit adultery."
Suddenly, the Governor's wife, Mrs. Sarah, entered
through the main doors and caught Agbay's attention. She
gracefully made her way to the altar of the Cathedral, and Agbay
recognized her immediately.

"Mrs. Sarah, it's an honor to see you," he said as he
greeted her at the bottom of the altar. She kissed his ring and
urgently asked for his help.
Agbay gestured towards the confessional box, suggesting
they talk there. As they walked to the confessional box, he
opened the slider door and Mrs. Sarah knelt.
"I need an annulment; my husband has been having an
affair with a young lady," she confessed.
Agbay listened carefully before reminding her that, by
their laws, she needed proof to make such an accusation.
"I have the proof," Mrs. Sarah revealed.
"I secretly hired a PI to spy on my husband."
Agbay instructed her to provide him with the evidence,
promising to personally ensure that she would be granted an
"You'll have it on your desk tomorrow," Mrs. Sarah
assured him as she left the confessional.

"Election season, where every politician is vying for your
vote. Reelect Governor Anthony Ramos, husband of Lady Sarah,
who has helped the children's foundation for the hungry over the
past four years," the advertisement blared on the wall-sized high-
definition television. The image of Governor Ramos flashed on
the screen. "Family matters," he proclaimed. "Vote for Anthony
Ramos," the commercial concluded.
Anthony was in bed with Lucinda, who snuggled up to
him as he turned off the TV.
"You look good on TV," she said, kissing him.
He rolled on top of her and playfully interacted with her.
"When I win this election, I'll give you anything you
want," he promised.
"Your organization is vital for my election," he continued.
"My vision will support you if you win," Lucinda replied.

"What do you mean 'if I win'? My wife and I have won
the people to our cause," Anthony countered.
She straddled him.
"You have one problem, my dear," she teased.
"And what's that?" he asked curiously.
"Your wife. If she finds out we're spending time together
rather than working, you won't just lose your head over the
election," she playfully warned.
Anthony laughed and pulled her under the covers.
"She doesn't know, and what we're doing is for business,
as agreed," he reassured her.
"Not just for business, my dear, but as a partnership for
our future endeavors," Lucinda replied, playfully opening herself
up to Anthony.
As Governor Ramos sat at his desk, he gazed around his
spacious office with satisfaction. The walls were adorned with
tasteful art pieces and the furniture exuded elegance and power.
He was in the midst of reviewing some important documents
when his wife, Sarah, walked in with a stern yet gentle
expression on her face.
"Darling, it's good to see you," he greeted her with a hug
and a kiss, but he sensed a coldness from Sarah.
"Dear, I have something for you, but you need to sit
down," she said, taking a seat across from him at his desk.
Anthony's heart sank. He knew from experience that when
Sarah spoke in that tone, it usually meant trouble.
"You know I'm not too fond of surprises," he said, feeling
nervous and suspicious of her demeanor.
Sarah took a deep breath before speaking.
"I just received some information about your campaign
finances, Anthony," she said, her voice measured and controlled.
The Governor's heart skipped a beat. He had been
meticulous with his campaign funds and had made sure that
everything was above board. "What do you mean, Sarah?" he
asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"I mean that I have reason to believe that some of your
campaign finances may not be entirely legal," Sarah said, her
eyes locked onto his.
Governor Ramos felt his world begin to crumble. He had
worked so hard to get to where he was, and the thought of his
career being destroyed by some financial misstep was too much
to bear. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst.
"You know as well as I do, dear, there are always good
surprises and bad surprises, and it is those bad surprises that
bring out the worst in people, especially those whom you give
your life to and how they break your trust by doing bad
surprises," Sarah calmly said.
Anthony, feeling the bite of her words, forced a smile and
ignored the guilt of his conscience.
"I understand, but why are you here today?" he nervously
asked, hiding his fears.
"Since you like to play games, we are you going to play a
game? The way this game works is I am going to ask you a
question, and if you answer correctly, you will win a prize, but if
you answer incorrectly, you're going to lose everything," she
playfully said.
Anthony wrestled with his conscience.
"Dear, you've got me at a disadvantage. I have
appointments to keep; I have no time to play these games," he
sternly said.
Sarah looked at him sternly.
"You will play this game, or I will make sure you lose
everything," she said.
Anthony let out a sigh as he sat back in his chair.
"Ask your question," he softly said aloud.
Sarah looked him in the eye.
"Are you having an affair with a business associate of
yours to win this election?" she lovingly asked.
Anthony nervously smiled and looked her back in the eye.
"No, dear, I am not cheating on you," he said.

Sarah pulled out a letter and handed it to him.
"Is this the prize?" he said, looking at her as if something
was amiss.
"Oh, it's a surprise," she said, holding her emotions back.
Anthony opened the letter and read it. He was taken by
"A letter of annulment? You can't do this," he said, raising
his voice.
"And you should not be committing adultery to win the
election," Sarah calmly said.
"I am innocent until proven guilty; there is no proof of me
committing such a crime against you," he proudly defended
Sarah sat calmly and pulled out her photo evidence,
dropping them on the desk. Anthony's jaw dropped, aspirating
with anxiety.
"You see, dear, if you would have told me the truth, I
could understand and get counseling for our marriage. After all,
we are human, and we do make mistakes. I do understand your
position and the stress that you endure, and it breaks my heart
that you endure so much. But you lied to me to cover up your sin
for your election. I am not important enough for you, so I release
you," she said, putting her wedding ring on his desk.
"You can't do this to me; I will lose the election," he
"But it gives you the right to commit adultery against me,
who loved you with all I have and more. As a leader of a country,
don't you know that committing adultery brings death to the
land? Now you just tasted the first of many deaths you will
discover," Sarah said with a heavy heart.
She walked out of Anthony's office, and he was fuming
mad. He looked at the document and saw the Archbishop's name
signed. He sat and pushed a button on his intercom.

"Grace, I want all building permits for the Archdiocese's
orphanage homes projects to be put on hold," he instructed with a
sense of authority and determination to retaliate against
Archbishop Agbay.
"Yes, sir," Grace responded.
Anthony sat in his chair, feeling the weight of his actions
and the loss of his wife. He gazed out of the window, watching as
the rain began to fall, matching the heaviness he felt in his heart.
He had always prided himself on being a strong leader,
but now he realized that he had let his desire for power and
success cloud his judgment. His marriage had been a casualty of
his ambition, and he knew that he had only himself to blame.
As he sat there, lost in thought, he couldn't help but
wonder where he had gone wrong. He had always thought that he
was doing what was best for the people, but now he saw that he
had lost sight of what was truly important.
Anthony knew that he had a lot of work to do if he wanted
to make things right. He would have to work to regain the trust of
the people and make amends with those he had wronged. But
most importantly, he knew that he would have to learn to be a
better man, to put his ego aside and prioritize the things that truly
mattered in life.
The rain continued to fall outside, a reminder of the
cleansing he would need to undergo in order to move forward.
But Anthony was ready for the challenge, ready to face the
consequences of his actions and work towards a better future.

Three weeks later, Cardinal Mauro and Governor Anthony
sat at an outdoor café in the heart of the city. The sun was shining,
and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air.
The Cardinal took a sip of his tea before addressing the Governor.
"I am glad you made it, Governor. The Archdiocese is
wondering why you stopped the endorsement of the building
permits for the homes of the Orphanages?" he asked.

The Governor's face twisted in anger.
"Ever since you self-righteous hypocrites permitted Sarah
the annulment of my marriage, my campaign is on the rocks and
quickly sinking. I had to cut costs just to stay afloat," he said with
The Cardinal calmly took another sip of his tea. "I assure
you, Governor, I know nothing about this annulment. Who signed
the papers?" he asked.
"It was Archbishop Agbay who signed the papers. The
way I see it, Cardinal, I need my wife to win this election, and
you need those permits to open your Orphanage homes. Fix the
problem, and you'll get your permits," Anthony ordered before
leaving the café.
The Cardinal pondered over the situation as he sipped on
his tea, as Anthony drove off, Cardinal Mauro continued to
ponder the situation. He knew that the Archbishop's involvement
in the annulment was concerning, and he couldn't ignore the
Governor's threat.
But at the same time, he couldn't let the Archdiocese's
mission to help orphaned children suffer because of political
maneuvering. He took another sip of his tea, lost in thought.
There had to be a way to resolve this without compromising their
He made a mental note to speak to Archbishop Agbay and
get to the bottom of the situation. For now, all he could do was
wait and hope for a resolution that would benefit everyone
Meanwhile deep beneath the city streets, the study of the
cathedral catacombs was a dimly lit room filled with ancient
books, maps, and various artifacts. The walls were made of
rough-hewn stone, and the shelves were lined with dusty tomes
and scrolls.
The air was musty and smelled of old leather and
parchment. In the center of the room was a large oak table where
Archbishop Agbay and his assistant, Giselle, pored over the black
crystal orb of power's archaeological documents.

The table was illuminated by a single flickering candle,
casting eerie shadows across the room. They were going through
some archaeological documents of the black crystal orb of power.
The archbishop's leather-bound chair creaked as he leaned
"Are you sure about this, Agbay? What is so significant
about this artifact that you hired one of the most expensive
archaeologists in our country?" Giselle asked.
Agbay smiled.
"Yes, Dr. Ryan is a bit pricey, but he always delivers. And
for this relic, it connects to my family bloodline. My great
grandfather was the captain of a ship and did a lot of exploration
in his time.
Agbay began to regale Giselle with the tale of his family's
connection to the artifact.

The year was Fifteen sixty-five;
The Legazpi was a majestic Spain clipper tall ship, with
three masts and sails billowing in the wind. Its hull was made of
sturdy wood, expertly crafted to withstand even the roughest of
seas. The ship was adorned with intricate carvings and paintings,
depicting scenes of exploration and adventure.
As the storm raged on, the Legazpi tossed and turned on
the choppy waves. The crew held on tight, bracing themselves for
the worst. But then, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope
appeared. In the distance, Captain Esteban spotted a faint light
causing the island to glow in the dark as if it where an apparition
of the stormy sea.
They drew closer, they could see that it was an island
emerging from the depths of the ocean. The crew marveled at the
sight, amazed that something so wondrous could appear in the
midst of such a violent storm.
As the storm dissipated, the Legazpi settled near the
island, under the night sky, an eerie glow could be seen emanating
from the mountains from the fire flies that inhabit the new land.

Bishop Andres de Urdaneta and Captain Esteban look at
each other, their imaginations pricked their superstition decorum.
Bishop Andres de Urdaneta gives an odd expression,
“Island of Fire
The captain gathered his crew of five marines, who loved
to fight, along with their religious ambassador Bishop Andres de
Urdaneta. The captain saw the fear in his crew’s eyes and spoke
out to encourage them.
"Drive away your fears, you're trained to fight, let's move
on," commanded Captain Esteban.
The captain and his crew dropped their lifeboats from the
Legazpi and paddled to the island. As they climbed ashore, they
were met with the island’s ruler, King Kihod. The bishop
approached the native king and asked,
"What's your name?" King Kihod greeted his strange
guests, "si Kihod," he replied.
The bishop thought he meant it as the name of the island.
The captain and his crew rejoiced as they were welcomed to the
island. King Kihod took care of his guests as they stayed for thirty
days. On the last night of their stay, under the new moon, the
captain and his crew were exploring the thick forest generally
made up of an abundance of Molave and Balet trees. As they
came to an opening of the forest, they were amazed.
A population of fireflies lit up the island with their eerie
yellow glow, and they discovered a shrine with an Idol of a
Mal’akh guarding a cave where the Dark Crystal rested deep
inside. King Kihod led the sailors, and he warned them,
"These sacred grounds do not disturb or take the Dark
Crystal Orb, for if you do it will bring chaos and death," warned
King Kihod.
Little did the captain know that two of his men went ahead
of them and entered the cave. The bishop examined the statue,
and he saw a Hebrew word engraved in the rock. He was able to
read the inscription,
"Yichye," the bishop said. Suddenly, a deafening noise
shook the island, and King Kihod's people scattered in fright.

The fireflies' lights faded, leaving the glow of the torches
of the captain’s crew to illuminate the area. Screams came from
the cave along with a deep low roar, and the two men who had
entered the cave flew out, landing before King Kihod’s feet, dead.
The captain and his remaining crew took out their weapons, ready
for anything.
King Kihod ran off, and through the perspective of the
men, they saw monstrous creatures standing twelve feet tall. The
creatures had human-like skull faces and bodies resembling Balet
trees with hands. The captain and his men engaged the demons.
During the battle, the idol Mal’akh’s stone surface cracked, and
Remi’el, a massive Guardian, awoke from his deep sleep.
The rock crumbled as he stepped forward, hearing the roar
of the Góra and humans alike.
"Sial, YaHaVaH Aravat," Remi'el painfully said, regaining
his strength.
His wings unfurled as he magically geared up in his holy
armor, pulling out a lance with one hand and taking to the sky.
One by one, the Góra killed off the captain’s men. When the
demon took hold of the Bishop and the Captain, to their surprise,
the beast was forcefully pinned to the cave entrance and turned to
Remi'el landed, folding his wings and breaking the
Captain and the Bishop free. The three looked at each other for a
moment, and Remi'el, the Mal’akh, vanished from their sight.
"That is why excavation is important to me," Agbay
finished his tall tale.
Back in Agbay's study, Giselle laughs just as Cardinal
Mauro walks in.
"Cardinal Mauro, what brings you here?" Agbay asks.
The Cardinal glances at Giselle,
"Could you excuse us, please?" he says.
Giselle leaves, and the Cardinal hands Agbay a letter.
"You are hereby excommunicated from the Archdiocese as
the Archbishop," the Cardinal says coldly.

Agbay reads the letter and then looks at the Cardinal.
"May I ask why?" he demands.
"Due to the instability of your investigation of Governor
Anthony and his wife Lady Sarah, you issued a letter of
annulment without the proper authority of the mother church,
causing us severe damage for the Orphanage project," the
Cardinal scolds.
"In my defense, Lady Sarah had evidence of her husband
committing adultery, so I granted her request as it was my right,"
Agbay argues.
"Well, the annulment you issued has been revoked. You,
Agbay, have been stripped of all your rights and privileges. You
will now serve as a monk and be reeducated in the proper orders
of the mother church," the Cardinal states before leaving Agbay's
study room.
Agbay is stricken with hate and grief, and his thoughts
turn to vengeance. He looks at his desk, where the project is
already in motion.
"No doubt they are going to shut down my operations," he
grumbles to himself.
Agbay opens a secret compartment containing a black Idol
of a Mal'akh, kneels before it, and prays.
"Oh avenging warrior of the sky, what must I do for
revenge?" he asks before the idol.
Detinos unseen to the naked eye, is in the room, standing
next to his image, amused by this holy man's rebellion. The fallen
prince uses his telekinesis to cause a journal of Agbay's Great
Grandfather to fall off the bookshelf.
"Vengeance you want, vengeance I need. Now look at the
recipe, and you and I will be," Detinos says with glee.
Agbay picks up his journal and reads. Detinos stands
behind him.
"Retrieve my full power, that Orb is my source," Detinos

The fallen prince enters his Idol, and as Agbay approaches
it and begins to pray to it once again, Detinos moves the idol's
head, grabbing Agbay's attention.
"Agbay, let us join as one to complete our revenge, and
then I will be your god, and you, my king, to rule these
misguided fools," Detinos tempts.
Agbay accepts, and Detinos emerges from the Idol, then
enters Agbay's body, and the two become one.
Later on, on the Island of Katagusan, Dr. Ryan, an average,
middle-aged male, is dressed like "Jack Hunter," who is peering
through a surveyor instrument, taking readings on a spot of an
ancient relic that holds the mystery of power.
"What do we have here?" he mutters to himself as he
marks in his journal.
Beth, a postgraduate in Archaeology, a young woman with
natural beauty, long black hair, who is dressed in the same
manner as Dr. Ryan, is sketching out the view.
"Find something?" she asks as she continues drawing.
"A matter of fact, there beneath the old Balet tree. There is
a cave with a giant tree-like creature called a Góra," he gleams
with excitement.
Beth takes hold of her camera and zooms in and sees the
monstrous creature near the cave.
"There is something you don't see every day," she says
with a smile, taking a few snapshots.
"It looks like prehistoric," she observes.
"You're absolutely correct, and I know that orb of power is
here," Dr. Ryan says.
"Do you really think that it's in that cave?" Beth asks with
"Archbishop Agbay's charts are not too clear, so we can
never be sure about anything until we actually dig," Dr. Ryan
says with a bit of excitement.

"It's only legendary, nothing more," Beth says as she
packs her bags.
"Yes, but don't underestimate ethnographic studies, for
their stories have concluded a mysterious object falling from the
sky," Dr. Ryan concludes as he packs his gear.
"Beth, no matter how illogical things seem to be, we're
just humans, not Malakhim. So, we strive under the hot sun,
taking every bit of information we can. Then putting it together
like a big jigsaw puzzle just to find a clue," he says. Dr. Ryan
smiles, fixing his hat.
“Come let’s get a cold drink and start digging in the
morning,” he says as they walk off.
Beth smiles as she follows.
The cool of the day, Dr. Ryan and Beth arrive at their
campsite. A jeep rides in on site, Giselle a beauty in her own
right, with glasses and beanie cap, jumps out of her vehicle and
approaches Dr. Ryan, and hands him documents.
“Dr. Ryan, I presume? She coldly says.
He drops his gear and greets her with a firm handshake.
“Yes, and this is my colleague Beth Winters, I am glad
you're here Miss?” He introduces fishing for her name.
“I am Giselle Lou, and I am here from the Archdiocese of
Mary, Queen of Heaven.” she says.
“Oh, so you're here with the grants to finish this
excavation?” Dr. Ryan questions.
“No, I am here to tell you, that you have twenty-four
hours to vacate this site”
“Why, may I ask?” Beth interjects.
Dr. Ryan overlooks the paperwork fuming mad.
“We, the chairman of the mother church, feel that this
crystal orb that Agbay is obsessed with, can be a threat not just to
him but to our nation!” Giselle says with a superiority complex.
“A threat? Can you be a little bit more specific, is this a
nuclear threat, a threat of war?”Beth speaks her mind.
Giselle gives Beth a haughty look.
“Who are you?”

Dr. Ryan steps between the two women,
“Archbishop Agbay is in charge of this project,” Dr. Ryan
Giselle adjusts her glasses with a smug look,
“Actually the Archbishop has been excommunicated, for
his radical thinking,” Giselle says with a tone of aggression.
Beth steps up to Giselle ready to hit her with some
colorful words, Dr. Ryan interjects,
“Beth, it's okay, they hired us, they can fire us, but for
courtesy sake Miss Giselle, can you please be a bit clearer on
why this is happening?” Dr. Ryan asks, calming both women
“The Black Crystal Orb holds a lot of mysteries of
mysticism and if it falls into the wrong hands, well let’s just say
we feel it could collapse the foundational structure of Mother
“No doubt they want to conceal the truth to control it
themselves!” Beth interjects coldly.
“Dr. Ryan I know how you feel, but it won’t change the
jurisdiction; you have twenty-four hours to finish this project.”
She jumps back into her jeep and drives off.
“This is preposterous!” Beth says.
“I agree!” Dr. Ryan concurred.
“But we’re so close!” Beth complains.
“I know, but the Catholics think otherwise, so we have to
evacuate in twenty-four hours!” Dr. Ryan says calculating a plan.
“What about the crystal orb?” Beth asks.
“Tonight, we have one chance, so we’re going fishing!”
Dr. Ryan says with a smile.
He heads for his tent; Beth looks out over the dig sight as
the workmen continue their hard labor.

Deep inside the Katagusan cave, thick fog covers the
ground, beams of light flashes through the dense atmosphere. Dr.
Ryan and Beth slowly move through the cave,
“Are you sure that the crystal is down here?” Beth asks.
“Since when are we ever certain of anything, it's the
journey that matters?” Dr. Ryan laughs.
Dr. Ryan flashes his light on a wall, and he sees
petroglyphs talking about a battle with the god-like warrior with
the evil god who is concealed in a star that fell like lightning from
the sky. Beth wide eye is taken to the story,
“We’ve found it.” she says with a smile.
They hear drips of water echoing, as they continue to
follow the petroglyphs.
“It sure looks like it; but learn to be patient Beth because
sometimes the illusion can be fatal,” Dr. Ryan instructs.
Beth pulls out a ball of string from her knapsack and ties it
“What are you doing?” Dr. Ryan asks.
“Archaeology 101, making a trail so we won’t get lost as
you taught us in our first semester.” Beth laughs.
Dr. Ryan laughs, adjusts his hat and continues to adventure
into the unknown, with Beth who follows.
An eerie light shimmers in the dark pool water that sits in
the center of the cave, a large statue of a winged gargoyle sitting
in the pool holding out the Black Crystal Orb with silver
markings of angelic script.
Dr. Ryan and Beth see the statue from a distance, Dr. Ryan
“Look” he says with excitement.
He and Beth sprint over to the statue, both feeling excited
for finding the Black Crystal Orb.
“Would you look at this, it's bigger than I thought it would
be.” Beth says taking photo shoots of the artifact.

They circle the object, Beth rushes into the pool finding
herself in hip deep of water, she continues to shoot the Orb,
“There are some markings here in a language I have never
seen before” she states.
Dr. Ryan slowly walks into the pool and looks at the
“It’s the language of Malakhim, just like Canaan in the
twenty-ninth jubilee, he found writings which in the former
generations that had carved on rocks, and he read what was on
them, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained
the teaching of the Watchers. This was in accordance with which
they used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in
all the signs of sky,” Dr. Ryan concurs.
Beth continues to take snapshots for archives,
“Interesting,” she says humoring Dr. Ryan
Dr. Ryan translates the markings with his electronic
“Detinos fallen Prince, opened, suffered, wrath of Satan.”
He reads aloud.
“Who or what is Detinos?” Beth questions.
Dr. Ryan glances at Beth then back at the markings,
“Detinos is the evil Mal’akh of these regions, he is one of
the seventy Satans to bring death and destruction.” Dr. Ryan
explains as he continues to overlook the statue.
“No doubt that this crystal orb is the prison of Detinos!”
he concludes
Beth stops taking pictures.
“Really, so why would the Archbishop be interested in
finding this cursed object?” she asks.
Dr. Ryan gives a look of suspicion and takes a guess, “I
don’t know maybe because only a man ordained by God can open
it!” he concludes.
“Good guess Doctor but he has been excommunicated
from the Archdiocese!” Beth says as she continues taking

“He did help us with the funds for this excavation, that's
all that matters to me.” Dr. Ryan says taking hold of the Black
Crystal Orb.
“It doesn't really matter; I do have other plans for this!”
He says.
“Other plans?” Beth asked.
“I'm going to give it to the museum,” Dr. Ryan says.
“And what about Agbay?” Beth questions.
Dr. Ryan lowers the Black Crystal Orb, “As a man of the
cloth he should understand.” Dr. Ryan says.
“Or maybe he hates the Catholics and wants revenge,”
Beth thinks aloud, she smiles as she moves out of the pool.
“Let’s get the hell out of here. This place gives me the
creeps!” Beth says.
“I agree.” He says as moves out of the pool.
“As soon as we get back to the surface, we'll place this
beauty in a crate and send it to Katagusan's Museum.” Dr. Ryan
Beth sees a shadow of a winged humanoid.
“Doc, we're not alone in here!” She says nervously.
Dr. Ryan flashes his flashlight in different directions, and
they see nothing.
“Just shadows playing tricks with your eyes.” He says as
they follow their string trail.
Beth’s eyes are full of fear as she glances at Dr. Ryan.
“Yea right! I am out of here!” she says running off.
Dr. Ryan runs after her, “Beth waits up, there is nothing to
be afraid of,” he yells out.
Dr. Ryan is trying to catch up and trips over a rock and
slowly sinks into a sinkhole.
“Beth help!” he yells out.
Beth skids to a stop and spins around.
“This better not be a joke, Doctor!”
Beth hears Dr. Ryan’s desperate cry bouncing off the walls
of the cave.
“Beth help, Beth!”

Beth finds her courage and races off to save Dr. Ryan, and
she skids to another stop and sees Dr. Ryan hip deep in quicksand.
“Hold on Doc!” Beth says, grabbing Dr. Ryan’s hand.
“What would I do without you?” Dr. Ryan says in a joking
“I can’t let you die now Doc, I need those grades to pass
this course,” she jokes back, as she slowly pulls him out.
The Black Crystal Orb glows with a green light and it
starts to burn Dr. Ryan’s hand.
“Drop the damn Crystal!” Beth yells.
Dr. Ryan tries to let go, but the orb has a mind of its own,
as it continues to sizzle his hand. He yells as he desperately tries
to let it go.
“It won’t let me,” He yells.
Dr. Ryan ignites into flames.
“Doc!” she yells as she jumps back watching Dr. Ryan
turns into a burnt statue from the green flames; she quickly sprints
off to exit.
The ambiance is deathly quiet, water dripping from the
background, the gargoyle eyes light up, Detinos’ spirit takes on
the image of a tall slender Monk dressed in a red hooded cloak,
his face buried deep under the hood.
The fallen Mal’akh moves over the petrified Dr. Ryan.
“You humans are so imperfect, which is why I need a
vessel to influence my will over your race.”
The Monk sees the Orb in Dr. Ryan’s dead hand and he
looks upon it with glowing red eyes.
“The hour is at hand,” said the Monk, as he takes the Orb
and vanishes in a mist. Dr. Ryan crumbles to dust.
The young journalist takes his first steps inside the
abandoned Blackwell Asylum, his footsteps echoing through the
empty halls. The air is thick with a musty scent, and the silence is
broken only by the sound of rats scurrying along the walls.

The paint on the walls is peeling, revealing layers of
graffiti and dirt. Broken furniture and discarded medical
equipment are scattered about, adding to the eerie atmosphere of
the place. Every corner seems to hold a secret, every door a
potential danger. As he makes his way through the maze-like
corridors, he hears faint whispers and moans that seem to come
from the walls themselves.
The sound of his own breathing seems to echo louder and
louder, and he can feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on
end. He enters a room with a rusted metal bed, a dim light
flickering from the ceiling. The walls are covered in strange
symbols, and the air is thick with an unsettling energy. He can't
help but feel as though he's being watched, and he hastily makes
his way out of the room.
As he continues his investigation, he finds himself in the
basement, where the darkness is absolute. The only light comes
from his flashlight, which casts eerie shadows on the walls. The
air is colder here, and the smell of decay is overwhelming. He
hears footsteps and whispers coming from the shadows, and he
can't shake the feeling that he's being followed.
He quickens his pace, but the darkness seems to close in
around him, and he struggles to find his way out. The journalist
turns into another room, and we see what looks like a torture
room, with rustic tools and torture furniture, almost like Dr.
Frankenstein’s mad lab. The journalist continues to record his
every move.
“The abandoned hospital or asylum is a Hispania design
from 1860. In 1936, this two-story facility was shut down for
over two decades, reasons unknown,” the journalist says, clicking
off the recorder.
He enters a laboratory with preserved body parts that sit in
liquid jars, charts and X-rays hanging on the walls with drawings
of a reconstructed creature resembling a ghoul.

“I just came across a torture room, genetic splicing,
mutation. This is a mad scientist's smorgasbord of manipulation.
What did they create, I wonder? Is this the reason for the loss of
the missing people?” he ponders.
An unearthly growl interrupts his thoughts. A ghastly
white, hunched back, pointed-eared, hairless creature with
elongated talons and sharp teeth scurries around on the ceiling.
The ghoul drops in and slowly approaches the Journalist
from behind. The Journalist spins around pulling his gun from
behind his coat,
"Oh God! Stay back, stay back you monster!"
The Journalist aims his gun at the ghoul and pulls the
trigger, but misses he continues to scream as opens fire
"No, no, no! Come on, you gotta be kidding me! Why
won't you die?"
The ghoul roars and hisses, slowly advancing towards the
Journalist. He yells out, loading a magazine and open fires again,
"Stay back! I said stay back!" but misses once more. The
ghoul pounces onto him and kills him instantly.
Before the Creature could consume its victim, it scurries
away for out of fright it senses a holy presence of a holy warrior.
Azrael enters on scene, he’s hunting the Ghoul who lurks in the
He stops and sniffs the air,
“Decayed flesh, definitely the right spot.” Azrael mutters
to himself slowly and defensively moves into the foyer.
He follows his trail then sees the recently dead Journalist.
“Another victim,” Azrael says, feeling grief for the
Azrael takes a knee and reads the ID of the Journalist.
He examines the body. He pushes a button on his bracer
and a HUD opens up, displaying various information about the
victim, including his name, age, and cause of death. The HUD
also highlights the injuries on the victim's body, providing Azrael
with a detailed analysis.

As he reads the information, a window opens on the HUD,
and we see Gibbins on the monitor.
“Status report,” Gibbins asks.
“Unfortunately, we have another victim, Male, 20’s
laceration across the chest, according to my readings he was
killed by having his neck snapped,” Azrael informs, his eyes still
fixed on the HUD.
“Any idea what kind of creature could have done this?”
Gibbins asks.
“We are in dark times, Gibbins; it could be anything; but I
do not believe it's supernatural; it's more genetic than spiritual.”
Azrael gives his analysis.
He looks down and see the Journalist's recorder,
“Wait, we may have an answer.” Azrael continues as he
pics up the Journalist recorder and presses the button and listens
to the Journalist last words.
“It's a ghoul.” said the Journalist from his recorder.
Gibbins quickly responds, as he inputs an image of the
creature on Azrael’s HUD.
“A Ghoul is a mythical creature originating in Kolzum,
often described as a hideous human-like monster that dwelt in the
desert or other secluded locations to lure travelers astray. They
are cannibals created by wizards.” Gibbins concludes.
“Understood Azrael out,” he says, shutting off his HUD.
Azrael draws Brimstone, as he senses the foul beast
stalking him. Before Azrael could pull the trigger, the Ghoul
leaps and tackles him. The two battles with one another
exchanging blows. He kicks the beast through a few walls, it
leaps back at him, our hero spins in a circular defense, removing
the Ghoul's head from its shoulders with his elbow blade.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem!” Azrael says killing the Ghoul.
The beast thuds to the ground, its head rolls. Azrael grabs
his gun and sheaths it and looks upon the dead science creature.

“The time has come when the souls of men will not
endure sound teachings, but having itching ears they will
accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and
will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into
myths,” Azrael says as he walks away.


The cathedral shrine of the Queen of Heaven stands tall

with its grand arches and intricate designs adorning its walls. The
entrance is a massive oak door, intricately carved with biblical
scenes, that opens to reveal a space of divine beauty. Inside, the
stone walls of the chapel are illuminated by the flickering candles
in their red glass containers, casting a warm glow throughout the
space. The altar stands in the center of the chapel, a masterpiece of
exquisite craftsmanship.
Archbishop Agbay, dressed in black, stands before it, his
lengthy dark hair silhouetted against the backlight. The bishounen
look on his face is partly bathed in shadows as he gazes in awe at
the beautiful architect of the altar. He appears to be in deep
conversation with his idol Santo Nino, lost in prayer and
contemplation. The cathedral shrine is a place of serene beauty,
where the flickering candles cast a soft glow on the surroundings.
As Agbay stands in front of the altar, he feels a sense of purpose
wash over him.
“Twenty long years of waiting, and finally, my time has
come,” he says with conviction.
He moves towards the life-size crucifix, gazing up at it
with a mixture of admiration and anger.
“Soon, I shall be like you, my Lord. And I will take my
revenge on those who excommunicated me,” he declares, his
voice full of hostility.
As he kneels before the crucifix, a Monk in red robes
appears beside him, its eyes glowing an eerie red. Agbay looks up
at the Monk with reverence.

“Lord Detinos, you honor me with your presence,” he
says, bowing his head.
“Enough with the pleasantries,” Detinos rasps.
He holds out the Crystal Black Orb,
“The key to our transfiguration,” he says.
Agbay takes the Orb from him, staring at it with wonder.
“What is the second phase, my Lord?” he asks.
“The hunter's moon is upon us. You must bring me a virgin
child of royal blood, to be sacrificed at my shrine in the forbidden
forest. The blood of the pure will break my bonds,” Detinos
explains, his voice filled with malice.
“I will send a sorcerer to retrieve the sacrifice,” he adds,
disappearing from sight. Agbay smiles wickedly,
“Excellent,” he murmurs, feeling a sense of anticipation
building inside him.
During that time on the island of of Katagusan, it's a rainy
night. The small rustic cottage sits on the edge of a dense forest,
its wooden walls weathered by time and the elements. The
thatched roof sags slightly, and a large stone chimney stands tall
against one side of the cottage. At the front, a small garden
overflows with various herbs and flowers, while a winding path
leads up to the front door.
As you step inside, you are immediately greeted by the
pungent aroma of various herbs and dried flowers hanging from
the ceiling. The walls are lined with shelves, filled to the brim
with jars and bottles of all shapes and sizes, each containing
various powders, potions, and tinctures. The room is dimly lit by
candles placed around the room, casting flickering shadows across
the walls.
In the corner, a large cauldron hangs over an open flame,
the bubbling contents giving off a sweet yet earthy aroma. A
broom leans against the wall nearby, and a black cat lounges on a
nearby windowsill, its green eyes gleaming in the candlelight.
In another corner, a small altar is adorned with various
crystals, herbs, and talismans, each carefully arranged with
precision with a mirror.

A book sits open on the altar, its pages filled with ancient
incantations and spells.
Standing before her altar is Diwa, a long-haired brunette
in her early thirties. She finishes lighting a few candles as she
stares into her mirror, lost in thought about her past experiences.
She recalls a flashback of her and her twin sister, Lawin, playing
with a Ouija Board with a few of their friends.
What seemed to be a fun game turned into a nightmare
when an entity took control over her, causing objects to be
thrown around like a poltergeist. A screwdriver accidentally
killed their mother while trying to protect her children, and a
knife killed their father. Their friends ran off in fear, leaving
Lawin alone and horrified. Diwa suddenly dropped to the floor,
The flashback ends, and Diwa feels agitated by the
"I need answers. What was it that took control over me?"
she questions herself.
She takes her book of Chants and Spells and flips through
some pages, coming across an illustration of Detinos as a
muscular angel of beauty.
"He looks handsome, just what the doctor ordered," she
laughs to herself.
Diwa lights her last candle and follows the words from the
spell book for the fun of it. Mist fills the mirror, and a skull with
horns appears inside the glass.
"What do I see? A woman who's practicing divination. It's
a pleasure to meet you, my queen," Detinos laughs.
Diwa feels afraid and jumps back, but her curiosity gets
the best of her, and she asks,
"Who are you?" "I am Detinos, the god of Death and
Destruction. You will do my bidding or suffer the consequences
of my wrath," threatens the god of death.
"What do you want?" she asks, feeling amused.
"Freedom from this cursed imprisonment that I am bound
to," Detinos growls.

"So, what do you want from me?" Diwa asks with an
"You will meet with Archbishop Agbay at Mary Queen of
Heaven, and he will direct you to bring me a virgin child of royal
blood in seven days," Detinos commands.
“Why me, I am a simple woman who does parlor tricks to
earn money, I am not a murder.”she says with disbelief.
“Oh, my dear child, how wrong you are, you murdered
your parents, after you were told not to play with the Ouija board;
you broke the fourth commandment, now you belong to me.
It was I who took over your body when you were thirteen,
it is I who gave you the power of magic for a time as such as
this.” Detinos reveals.
“It was you! You murdered my parents,” Diwa growls
with hostility.
“No, no, no my child, it was you for you had the seeds of
jealousy and hate in your heart, always feeling second place with
your little twin sister, harboring bitterness against; all I did was
give you the power to act on your hate.” Detinos says.
“Because of you, my relatives threw me into an asylum,
my sister never forgave me, I could never hold a relationship or a
career. The doctors treated me like a lab rat with their drugs, to
suppress me. I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.” Diwa
says feeling sorry for herself.
She stands up to walk away, Detinos grabs her in a
telekinesis grip, she couldn’t move, her unwelcoming visitor
slowly turns her around,
“You're going nowhere, my dear; I own you.” Detinos
“Let me go!” Diwa yells.
“Do you submit?” Detinos questions.
“No!” Diwa yells back.
“Submit or die, the choice is yours; I always can find
another,” Detinos threatens.

Diwa feels the fear of death, she breathes in and submits
to the will of the Fallen Mal’akh. He lets her go she stares into the
“Excellent, now when I arise from the depths of oblivion,
I will give you power beyond your imagination. You will be
worshiped as the new Queen of Heaven for the old has been
imprisoned in darkness.
“Do not fail me Diwa or you will suffer a far worse fate
than I,” Detinos threatens.
“As you command,” Diwa reluctantly responds.
Detinos laughs as he vanishes leaving Diwa looking back
at herself in the mirror.
Salagdoong forest, a young man is walking a small path,
he comes to a small red brick house, he looks at his surroundings
and pulls out his cellphone and dials.
“Hello Lilet, are you sure this is the right address six-six-
nine Elm drive?”
“Yes, it is, come in” Lilet replies over the cellphone.
The young man put his phone back into his pocket as the
wooden door slowly creaked open. The young man turns and sees
no one at the door, except for a dark void that creates the curiosity
to enter.
“This is odd,” he said to himself.
He shrugs his shoulders,
“I hope this woman is not some kind of psycho killer,”
He reluctantly enters the small house. Inside, there is no
furniture, except for a chair in the center of the room, Lilet a dark
hair beauty with lifeless eyes, in a black silk dress greets the
young man,
“Welcome,” she says as she shuts the door with a thought.
The young man glances at the door then back at the
“How did you do that?’ the young man questions.
“Magic” Lilet says with a smile.

“Okay, do you have the credits for the work I have done
for you?”
Lilet stand,
Yes, but there has been a change of planes,” She coldly
The young man is feeling agitated because he feels he’s
being cheated out from his earnings,
“What do you mean there's been a change of plans?” he
sternly questions her.
Suddenly a younger woman steps in and the young man’s
thoughts are on his lust,
“Oh I get it,” he says fluting with the young woman,
“Hi sweetheart,” he says with a smile.
Lilet shakes her finger as she slowly approaches the young
“No you don’t” she says flirting back at the young man.
“What do you mean I don’t get it?” He says feeling
“We want you for dinner,” She says.
He looks at both women rub his belly,
“Oh thank you I am famished,” he says, glancing at the
young woman.
The young woman transforms into a hideous bat like
vampire, hissing and growling then he slowly backs away being
pinned to the wall as Lilet transforms into an aswang.
“You are the meal,” she says as they attract the young
After consuming their victim, Lilet grabs the young
woman yelling,
“Feed me!” She commanded.
The young woman opens her bat wings and flies off into
the night.
Later that night in a small village, Nathaniel, a twelve-
year-old boy, is walking his dog. The dog hears ruffling noises in
the forest and runs in barking protecting his young master,

“Meko stop, come back,” Nathaniel yells, chasing his dog.
Nathaniel unaware how far he’s gone into the forest, he’s
lost as he keeps calling out for his dog,
“Meko, Meko,” he cries out.
He hears his dog yelp, then everything goes quiet. The
young Aswang drops in holding the dog in her hand,
“Looking for something” she taunts Nathaniel.
Nathaniel, frightened, runs off as fast as he can, the young
Aswan smiles then leaps into the air swooping up Nathaniel like a
hawk to a rodent flying off into the night.
The following morning Azrael comes riding into town, it's
a small community of three hundred. He climbs off Spirit, and
goes to a sari-sari store, to purchase water.
He sees a woman crying, he looks at her with compassion,
a spirit of language washed over him as he speaks to the woman
in her language,
“Miss, why are you crying?” he asks.
“Last night my child was abducted by a creature known as
an Aswang, and nobody believes me, or wants to help me to find
him.” She desperately explains herself.
“What direction did this monster go?” He asks, helping
her to her feet.
“In the Salagdoong forest,” she says.
“What's the name of your child?”he asks.
“Nathaniel, and he is twelve years of age,” she says.
“I will find your child,” Azrael says as ridding off.
The sun sets, the cool of the evening gives the Salagdoong
forest an eerie feel. Azrael Parks his motorcycle, Spirit opens her
communication line to Gibbins, a HUD opens, and we see
“How’s the diplomacy going on in Formosa?” Azrael asks.
“Negotiations are tough, but we are getting through.”
Gibbins says.
“What creature are you looking for at this time?” Gibbins
“An Aswang” Azrael response.

“An Aswang, how interesting, let me check” Gibbins says,
skimming his fingers over his keyboard.
An image of the Aswang pops up on Spirit’s HUD,
“Aswang is a Vampire bat hybrid with a fork lengthy
tongue, that can slither into small holes and cracks, their delicacy
are children mainly unborn children.” Gibbins concluded.
“Understood Azrael out,” Azrael says, and spirit shuts off
the HUD.
Azrael runs off into the forest.
Inside the red brick house, Nathaniel manages to escape
from his imprisonment of Lilet the Aswang Queen. The
cellar door opens and Lilet is surprised to see the young boy is
missing. She quickly leaves the premises taking to the air with her
demonic cry, summoning her pack.
"Wak-wak, soc-soc" the sound of the Aswang echoes in
the night air,
Nathaniel hears the strange chant and continues to run
from the demon of the sky, the aswang dives to catch its prey,
Nathaniel dives and rolls out of the way, suddenly Azrael appears
out of the shadows grabbing the young lad.
Its huge leather wings cast a shadow from the moonlight
as it glides from tree to tree.
“Hold on their little one.” Azrael says,
Nathaniel tries to push away.
“Let me go, let me go!”He screams thinking that it's
Aswang who has grabbed him.
Azrael puts him down and rubs his hand over his head,
“I am not going to hurt you kid, I am going to help you.”
Azrael says as he kneels.
Nathaniel is frightened but feels the shalom of YaHaVaH
coming from his warrior.
“I want to go home,” Nathaniel says, as he looks over the
“I know, kid,” Azrael says, wiping Nathaniel's tears away.
“I am Azrael, and I am here to take you back to your mom,
but you are going to have to trust me okay?” Azrael asks.

Nathaniel shakes his head yes, Nathaniel stands behind
Azrael as the ground shakes, two Aswang burst from beneath the
“Be strong and courageous Nathaniel. Do not be afraid or
terrified of these monsters, for YaHaVaH goes with you; he will
never leave you nor forsake you. Now stand behind me.” Azrael
says drawing his sword.
He takes his stand and battles with the two Aswang. He
swings his blade, and it passes through them.
Azrael is surprised that his blade did not cut them down,
“Huh, that wasn’t supposed to happen!” He says shielding
One of the Aswang hits Azrael from behind and he is flung
across the forest and hits a tree, slumping to the ground, ice forms
around him, binding him to a tree.
“Their touch is like ice.” He realizes.
Two Aswang circle around Nathaniel.
“What a sweet, sweet boy you are!” taunt the young
aswang in her raspy tone.
Nathaniel ducks and rolls from the grip of the young
aswang and runs off, Azrael breaks free from the ice and leaps
back into action against the Aswang. His hands ignited with
“Let’s see how you hold up to the Holy Flames Aravoth”
he says as he tackles the two.
Nathaniel hides behind a tree watching the titans battle
with one another. Azrael kicks one of the Aswang aside grabbing
the other into a choke hold slapping his hand on the demon’s
“Transgressors will be altogether destroyed; The posterity
of the wicked will be cut off,” he growls, igniting his hands with a
blue flame incineration the Aswang.
The second demon jumps at him, he leaps into the air with
flaming whips from his hand slapping his enemy down, with his
battle cry,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem” his voice echoes like thunder.

The Aswang is sliced into two in midair, before it could
hit the ground it incinerated into dust. Azrael lands safely on his
feet and sees Nathaniel who comes creeping out from behind the
“Are they gone?”
Before Azrael could answer, the foreground of the forest
swells as it rips apart, a red glow emanates from beneath the
cracks. Nathaniel is frozen with terror, as something evil is
coming to life.
Azrael reaches out his hands to Nathaniel.
“Nathaniel come to me!”he commands.
Nathaniel starts to move toward Azrael, the Balet tree
roots explode up and out of the soil, wrapping Nathaniel’s body,
he screams as he struggles to free himself.
“Help!” Nathaniel yells.
Azrael leaps into the air, drawing his sword to cut the
roots with his blade, when he is suddenly blocked by the Lilet, the
Queen of Aswang. They both bounce off from one another
landing on their feet standing off.
Lilet stood ten feet tall, huge bat wings folding in, her face
looking more like a bat than a woman, with long thin black hair
dancing in the breeze.
“The child is mine,'' spoke the queen of Aswang.
She lifts a finger, and the roots stop moving, holding
Nathaniel in midair.
“The last thing this child will see, is death to his hero,”
She cynically chuckles.
Azrael unsheathes brimstone, and positions himself in a
fighting stance with sword and gun, Lilet forms a ward spell to
protect herself, Azrael and Lilet circle about,
“There are six things that YaHaVaH hates, seven are
detestable before him, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that
shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet
that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lie
and a one who stirs up conflict in the community. Yeshua charges
you Lilet” Azrael provokes.

Azrael and the Aswang clash in battle over the child.
The Balet tree takes on a nightmarish life as a mouth
opens, eyes glowing green, the hell tree slowly drags Nathaniel
Azrael shoots off brimstone with a few shots, Lilet
deflects the bullets, she throws a barge of ice darts from her
hands, Azrael deflects and dodges the deadly blades.
Azrael sees Nathaniel place his feet against the gaping
jaws of the Hell Tree, keeping himself from being chomped as a
tree snack.
“Fear not Nathaniel,” Azrael yells.
Nathaniel struggles to stay away from the mouth of the
Hell Tree,
“Easier said than done mister,” Nathaniel yells back.
In a blink of an eye Azrael leaps into the air throwing his
sword, it whirls through the air like a boomerang slicing the roots
releasing Nathaniel from his pending doom.
In a flooded motion Azrael’s elbow blades light up with an
aura of blue, he hits Lilet with a few combinations in midair,
slices her in half with his elbow blade disintegrating the demon to
“Azrael!” Nathaniel screams running to Azrael.
They both see the Hell Tree chomping madly,
“That looks scary,” Azrael says, and he takes a knee to
talk with Nathaniel.
Nathaniel’s eyes are full of fear, and anxiety.
“Sure dose,” he gulps.
“Want to beat this monster,” Azrael asks.
Nathaniel looks at Azrael, then glances at the Hell Tree,
then back at him, “Sure do,” he says.
“Now listen to me young man stand strong and do not be
afraid, for fear feeds the darkness and darkness breeds evil.
You my friend are fearfully and wonderfully made, that
monster you see is more afraid of you than you are of him.
Besides, YaHaVaH did not give us a spirit of fear but power, love,
and a sound mind.”

Azrael says to build confidence in the child.
Nathaniel looks at Azrael,
“What do I do?” he sincerely asks.
“Walk up to the monster, face your fears and say these
words, Yeshua Ligor Ikem,” Azrael instructs.
Nathaniel listens to Azrael’s instructions and says,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem!”
To Nathaniel's surprise, the monster’s mouth shuts up and
withers away. Nathaniel turns to Azrael with a look of unbelief.
“Great work son, always remember to walk in the ways of
YaHaVaH and He will protect you.” Azrael says with a smile.
“Now let's get you home, we need to relieve your mother’s
worries.” Azrael says as he walks with Nathaniel escorting him
out of the forest back to his mother.
Jaypee is a notorious church bandit who steals precious
religious artifacts. Today, he's struck again, stealing a gold image
of Santo Nino, the god of Ophir, and the Black Crystal Orb. He
flees from the scene with the loot in hand, running as fast as he
can through the dark alleys of the city. Lawin, Detective Lawin, a
native of the Islands of Ophir, an outstanding officer of the law;
and the twin sister of Diwa; she receives a tip-off about the
robbery and gives chase to Jaypee.
She sprints after him through the narrow, winding streets,
her footsteps echoing off the walls. Jaypee runs through the
crowded market, shoving people aside as he goes. Lawin dodges
and weaves through the throng, her eyes fixed on her target.
Jaypee darts down an alley, but Lawin is hot on his heels.
He glances over his shoulder and sees her gaining on him.
He picks up his pace, but Lawin is determined to catch him. As
they reach the end of the alley, Jaypee pulls out a knife and turns
to face Lawin. She stops in her tracks, but she's not afraid. With a
fast crescent kick she strikes Jaypee's hand, knocking the weapon
out of his grip.

Jaypee lashes out with a punch, but Lawin is too fast. She
ducks under his arm and delivers a sharp blow to his gut, causing
him to double over in pain. She grabs him by the collar of his
shirt and slams him against the wall, cuffing him with her free
hand. As she reads him his rights, Jaypee curses and spits at her
but Lawin just grins, knowing that she's apprehended the
notorious church bandit and recovered the stolen artifacts.
“Jaypee, Jaypee, when are you ever going to learn? How
many times do we have to do this dance? You know the routine,
you have the right to remain silent,” Lawin says with sarcasm.
“Ah, my favorite detective, you look lovely as usual,”
Jaypee laughs as Lawin puts him in her police vehicle.
She takes his backpack and pulls out the priceless statue
of Santo Nino and the Black Crystal Orb, sighing with disbelief.
“Really? You've stolen from the Catholic Church again?”
Lawin asks with frustration.
“Yes, because they don’t press charges,” Jaypee smugly
Agbay arrives and climbs out of his vehicle. Lawin hands
him his idol and the Orb.
“Padre, would you like to press charges against Jaypee?”
she sternly asks.
The Archbishop looks at Jaypee, then back at Lawin.
“Yes, please lock this thief away,” he says.
Jaypee’s jaw drops in disbelief. “This can’t be happening,
but why?” he argues.
“You have heard it is written, ‘You shall not steal’,”
Agbay says with sarcasm.
Lawin smiles and looks at Jaypee.
“I guess this isn't your lucky day, is it?”
Lawin climbs into her vehicle and drives off, while the
Archbishop walks away holding his idol and the Orb.

Diwa arrives at the archdiocese; she struts herself with an
escort to Agbay who sits in the chapel. She sits behind Agbay,
“I've been expecting you Sorceress,” Agbay says.
“Do you have a target?” Diwa asks.
Agbay hands her a file, she opens it and sees a twelve year
old female,
“Who’s the girl?” she asks.
“Isa Wyatt, daughter of James Wyatt, the Prince of
Katagusan; you are to bring her to me in three days’ time.” Agbay
says as he hands her a credit card of sixty thousand credits.
"This is your payment for the job at hand," Agbay
concludes as he walks out of the chapel. "We've never seen each
other," he adds. Diwa smiles as she walks out of the Cathedral,
tucking her credits into her purse.
Three days later, Diwa finishes her incantation,
summoning a floating skull of fire known as a Saint Elmo
Specter. As she chants into her mirror, the image of Isa sleeping
in her bed appears. The Specter hovers over the child, and Isa
tosses and turns in her sleep. She opens her eyes and sees the
apparition, which opens its gaping mouth and swallows her from
her world to Diwa's prison. As Isa disappears, she screams,
Mr. Wyatt is sitting in his chair watching the news when
he hears his daughter’s scream. He rushes to her room and is
shocked to see a flaming skull with bat wings engulfing his
daughter. "Isa!" he calls out, trying to save her.
The Saint Elmo Specter suddenly vanishes, leaving Mr.
Wyatt perplexed. Meanwhile, Isa finds herself in a prison cell,
and her host greets her. "Welcome, Isa. I am Diwa, your host,"
she says with a smile.
Isa looks around, confused and scared. "Where am I?" she
"You are my guest for now. You are the key to my
destiny," Diwa says coldly, a smile still plastered on her face.

She then walks out of the prison room, leaving Isa alone
and scared in a corner, with tears in her eyes.
The Barangay Precinct is a small, cramped office, with
outdated furniture and a few scattered files on the desks. The
walls are adorned with posters of law enforcement campaigns
and the framed certificates of commendations awarded to some
of the officers. The air is stale and thick with the scent of
cigarettes, sweat, and disinfectant. Despite the dim lighting, the
officers seem to be on high alert, their eyes constantly scanning
their surroundings.
The clacking of the typewriter echoes throughout the
room as officers diligently work on reports and paperwork. The
atmosphere is tense, with a palpable sense of urgency as officers
come and go, answering calls and rushing to different parts of the
precinct. Overall, the Barangay Precinct exudes a sense of
diligence and vigilance, as the officers work tirelessly to maintain
peace and order in their community.
As Lawin pushes Jaypee through the precinct, the sound
of chatter and commotion fills the air. Officers are bustling about,
some talking on the phone, others shuffling papers and
documents. There's the sound of footsteps echoing off the walls,
as officers hurry from one place to another. Phones ring
incessantly, and the sound of typing on keyboards fills the room.
In one corner, a group of officers huddle around a monitor,
analyzing security footage. In another corner, officers are
laughing and joking while sharing a meal from a nearby food
truck. The sound of a printer goes off every few seconds, and an
officer shouts out,
"Hey, who's using the last of the printer paper?" Amidst
the chaos.
Lawin steers Jaypee towards an empty chair, and they
both sit down to begin writing the report.
"Detective," shouts another officer,
"Yeah, what do you want?" Lawin shouts back.

The Chief wants to see you in his office," said the officer.
Lawin grumbles as she stands and another officer sits in
her chair to write Lawin's report.
“Be careful with him, Jaypee is tricky,” Lawin warns the
officer, as Jaypee cracks a smile feeling embraces.
Lawin makes her way to the chief's office, she enters the
the office, a spacious room with floor-to-ceiling windows that
overlook the bustling city. The walls are lined with shelves filled
with thick binders and police reports.
A large wooden desk dominates the center of the room,
cluttered with paperwork and a computer monitor. Behind the
desk is a high-backed leather chair where the chief sits, dressed
in his neatly pressed uniform.
The room is adorned with several commendations and
awards hung on the walls, along with a large portrait of the city's
mayor. As Lawin enters the chief's office, she takes a quick scan
of the room, noticing the bookshelf filled with law enforcement
and criminal justice textbooks.
The faint scent of cigar smoke lingers in the air, as the
chief greets her and hands her a file of Isa Wyatt. "James Wyatt's
daughter was abducted early this morning at 0300, your job is to
assist him with his new informer, Azrael from Areth. This has
become a political issue for our country," explains the Chief.
Lawin nods, but her curiosity gets the better of her as she
"But where is this Azrael now?" The Chief's response is
"I really wouldn't concern yourself with this Azrael. I
would be more concerned about the whereabouts of the child."
Lawin takes a deep breath,
"Understood sir," she says, realizing the gravity of the
As she walks out of the office, the commotion of the
officers in the precinct surrounds her, reminding her of the
urgency of her mission.

A rural area in the provinces, trickling water flows into a
creek, a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, Azrael dressed in
his hunters outfit, sitting on a well viewing his 3D HUD, a blip is
seen on screen,
“Show time” he says, turning off his HUD.
An old woman sixties comes passing by, she stops, and
looks at the stranger.
“It isn’t wise to be here after six pm good Sir.” She warns.
“And why not an old woman?” He asks.
The old woman shows her toothless smile,
“A word of caution young man, there's a Manggagaway
that moves about in these areas finding whom she can and bring
to death’s door it will be you or a family member either way she
will find and kill.” The old woman continues to warn,
“I’ve dealt with creatures worse than a Manggagaway old
woman, but your warning reminds me of a passage I read today,
beware of Heyl’el he's a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour
'' Azrael says.
The old woman gives a look of surprise, the birds flutter
away, a quiet lull settles over the area,
“I have never heard of him, but whoever he is this is not
his jurisdiction now is it young man?” questions the Old Woman,
Azrael stands, the old woman is taken by the size of this
seven foot man,
“My dear old lady, he is the King of Darkness and all these
demons, monsters and fallen are under his jurisdiction and he uses
them for his purpose, but YaHaVaH uses him for his purpose to
test his people, so if I were you I would leave here now.” He
Azrael draws Brimstone, the old woman screams as she
wobbles away. The well of water cures and bubbles, a white eerie
glow shimmering beneath the liquid surface.
The Manggagaway slowly emerges, she’s a brown woman
with white hair, a human skull she where’s over her neck,

“So you’re the famous Manggagaway who has a grip on
locales?” Azrael says,
“A brave fool you are!” Manggagaway says.
The Manggagaway chants in her language using her
wooden stick and she casts an ice spell over Azrael, his body
freezes over, the Manggagaway chuckles as she approaches her
frozen trophy.
“Delude mortal!” She speaks.
The sound of ice cracks, the Manggagaway is surprised
and slowly steps back,
“What’s happening?” she questions herself,
She waves her wand to cast another spell. Azrael shatters
the ice, pointing his gun in the chest of the Manggagaway,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem Manggagaway” Azrael says, pulling
the trigger.
The Manggagaway is pushed back from the force of the
gun fire; Azrael leaps into the air landing before the demon., and
with his sword he swipes off the Manggagaway’s head from her
shoulder, her body crashes and dissolves into ash.
“Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualist, for you
will be defiled by them. I will set my face against anyone who
turns to mediums and spiritualist to prostitute themselves by
following them, and I will cut them off from their people.
If a man or woman who is a medium or spiritualist among
you must be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads.
Says YaHaVaH Eloheinu” Azrael quotes.
His 3D HUD is activated, its Gibbins,
“How’s the hunt?” Gibbins asks,
“Like usual’ Azrael says,
“I have another job for you, Mr. Wyatt has made contact
with me asking for you personally,” Gibbins says.
“It's good to see you too, Gibbins. So, what’s this job
about”? Azrael asks.
“His missing child, and there is more to it than what we
see on the surface.” Gibbins responds.
“Can anything ever be easy?” Azrael says with sarcasm.

“Not a chance, I am sending you the info, Gibbins out.”
He says with a bit of humor.
Azrael’s HUD shuts off as he walks off the scene.
The elegant mansion from the Spanish era stands tall and
proud, with its colonial architecture and classic features. The
exterior of the mansion boasts a grand entrance with two towering
pillars and intricate carvings in the woodwork. The white facade
is complemented with vibrant colored flowers and foliage, adding
a touch of life and nature to the mansion. The large courtyard in
front of the entrance is adorned with a beautiful fountain at the
center, surrounded by lush greenery and tropical plants.
As one enters the mansion, they are greeted with a grand
foyer that exudes luxury and elegance. The floor is made of
polished marble, and the walls are adorned with beautiful
paintings and art pieces. The high ceiling is a masterpiece of
intricate molding and chandeliers, casting a warm glow over the
room. The furniture is ornate, with velvet upholstery and intricate
carvings, adding to the richness of the decor.
Lawin is sitting across from Mr. Wyatt at his desk, inside
his elegant mansion that exudes a Spanish-era charm. The walls
are adorned with paintings of old Spanish conquerors, and the
furniture is made of intricately carved wood with plush
The large window behind Mr. Wyatt's desk overlooks a
well-manicured garden with a fountain as its centerpiece. The
room is filled with antique decors that give it a timeless feel.
“Are you telling me that a Specter took your daughter?”
Lawin asks with disbelief.
“I tell you the truth, Detective,” Mr. Wyatt says with grief.
“No one disappears in thin air,” Lawin replies.
“I concur,” Azrael says as he walks in.
Lawin and Mr. Wyatt are taken aback by Azrael's
imposing size as he stands next to Lawin.
“Detective,” he says calmly.

“You must be Azrael the Demon Hunter,” she says,
looking him over.
“I didn't know I was so popular,” Azrael smiles.
Mr. Wyatt stands up and interrupts as he shakes Azrael's
“Welcome to the Islands of Ophir, Azrael,” he greets.
“Likewise,” Azrael replies.
“What's this about, Mr. Wyatt?” he questions.
“My daughter, she was taken by a Saint Elmo Specter,” he
says with grief in his tone.
Azrael looks at Lawin,
“You must be the local authority, correct?” he asks.
“Yes,” Lawin says, writing on her notepad.
“What is your lead?” he asks.
“Quite frankly, Azrael, we are baffled about Isa,” she
“Halloween is around the corner, most likely she will be
used for a sacrifice or child trafficking for prostitution,” Azrael
“No, it's about power. You see, I am the wealthiest man on
the Islands of Ophir. Our president comes to me for advice,” Mr.
Wyatt interjects.
“I understand, Mr. Wyatt,” Azrael apologizes.
“So this is all about power,” Lawin says.
“Sure looks like it. Who would have motives in your
country to steal your power?” Azrael asks.
“It could be anyone from the local street kids to the
president herself,” Mr. Wyatt says as he sips on a glass of
beverage in his hand.
Lawin walks over to the window and looks at Azrael.
“I believe I know who it is,” she says softly.
“Who do you think it is?” Mr. Wyatt asks.
“My twin sister, Diwa. She's a power-hungry opportunist.
She would do anything to gain power. She lusts for power, and to
top it off, she is a Mangbabarang, a sorceress, you would call

“Why would your sister do such a thing?” James asks.
“I don’t know, Mr. Wyatt. Some people like to see the
world burn,” Lawin responds angrily.
“Sounds like a dangerous woman, at least we have a lead
for now,” Azrael replies, heading for the door, then he stops with
his eyes on the exit.
“Mr. Wyatt, I will find your daughter, dead or alive,
preferably alive,” he says as he walks out.
Lawin feels a bit awkward for Mr. Wyatt.
“Mr. Wyatt, do forgive him. He's a foreigner. We will find
your daughter,” she says to comfort him.
“No need to apologize, Detective. That is why I hired him.
I know he will get the job done either way,” Mr. Wyatt replies,
sitting down at his desk.
She follows Azrael out the door.
Azrael is standing on the street corner, waiting. Spirit
rides up on her motorcycle and parks it.
“Azrael,” she says.
Azrael climbs on to his motorcycle.
“Spirit, I am glad you made it. I do not know what I
would do without you,” Azrael says, flipping switches on her
“Most likely teleportation or walking,” Spirit replies.
“Walking is slow, and teleportation saps my energy,”
Azrael says with a bit of humor.
Lawin comes walking up, and before she could say a
word, Azrael looks at her,
“Detective, I know you're here to help me, so let's get to
the point. Where do I go to get something to eat and sleep?'"
“Half a mile from here there is the Aristocrat Restaurant.
Let's meet there at 21:00 hundred” she invites with a soft smile.
“See you then” Azrael says as he drives off.
Lawin watches as Azrael drives off, feeling a mixture of
curiosity and suspicion. She wonders who this mysterious demon
hunter really is and what his true intentions are.

With a sigh, she remembers their agreed meeting place,
the Aristocrat Restaurant half a mile away, and hopes that their
encounter will bring some answers. She leaves the scene, still
pondering over Azrael's presence and the strange case of Isa
Wyatt's disappearance.

Diwa is in her prison chamber with Isa behind bars.

Candles burn brightly, giving an ambiance of mysticism as she
plays with a voodoo doll. Isa sits in the corner of her cell crying,
"Child, all the crying you do will not help. Nobody knows
where you are. Don’t worry, in five days you will move on to the
next life, opening the gates of hell for me to rule all the Islands of
Ophir as the new queen of heaven," Diwa boasts.
Isa looks up with smoldering eyes,
"I've got news for you, lady, you won't win," she says
Diwa puts down her voodoo doll and walks over to the
cell with an arrogant smile.
"Dear child, everything is in motion, as you can see.
You're the key to my destiny, and nothing can stop me," Diwa
says, taking what little hope Isa has left.
Suddenly, Diwa’s mirror comes to life, and Detinos speaks
"Diwa, my faithful slave."
"Yes, my lord, what is your bidding?" Diwa asks.
"We have a stranger from the west," Detinos says.
"Who is this stranger, my lord?" Diwa questions.
"His name is Azrael. He's an annoying insect that must be
crushed before Hallows Eve," Detinos growls.
"You're threatened by a human?" Diwa laughs.
Detinos slowly chokes Diwa with a thought, picks her up,
and throws her across the room.
"Don’t be an absurd child. If you ever laugh at me again, I
will end you," Detinos angrily growls.
Diwa climbs back to her feet.

"Forgive me, Lord Detinos. It won't happen again," Diwa
"I know, but this Azrael is not your average human. He's a
Nevi, a threat to my kingdom. You are to stop him no matter the
cost.” he growls.
“So how do we kill this Azrael?" Diwa questions.
"Your twin sister Lawin is working with him. I want you
to use my demons and kill them both. But at this moment, I need
you to take that child to my shrine," Detinos commands.
The image of Detinos vanishes, and Diwa smiles, looking
at Isa, who sits in the corner of her cell quietly praying.
"All the praying you do is not going to help your child.
Give it up. It's useless," Diwa says to discourage her.
Shekinah the spirit of truth appears behind Isa and inspires
her to speak out against her captor. Isa lifts her head and looks
Diwa in the eye.
"You have no power over me unless it comes from
above," Isa says prophetically.
Diwa huffs and puffs, snaps her fingers, putting Isa into a
sleeping spell. Shekinah vanishes from the cell.
"This guardian angel your father sent will not find you,"
Diwa says angrily.
A portal opens, and a Tikbalang emerges. The beast is
fifteen feet tall, a giant humanoid creature with a horse’s head
and a man's body. Its skin is black as midnight, its long dark hair
dances in the mystical breeze, and in the center of its chest is a
glowing jewel in the shape of an amulet. In its right hand, it
carries a war axe.
Diwa is taken aback by the size of this monster but is
more surprised as it kneels before her.
"I am your guardian. Command me, my mistress," speaks
the Tikbalang in a low, deep sound.
"Take the child. We leave now," Diwa says as she conjures
a portal. The Tikbalang takes Isa into the portal followed by

The Aristocrat Restaurant is a charming outdoor eatery
situated near the sea. The entrance is adorned with a wooden arch,
draped in vines with purple flowers, which leads to a pathway
paved with polished stones. On either side of the pathway are lush
green lawns dotted with tropical plants, flowers, and small
fountains that lend a soothing ambiance to the surroundings. The
seating area comprises of bamboo chairs and tables, each adorned
with a small vase of fresh flowers.
The tables are covered with crisp white tablecloths that
flutter in the gentle breeze. The restaurant overlooks the sea, and
the view is breathtaking. The sea is a deep blue, and the waves
gently lap at the shore, creating a calming rhythm. Large palm
trees provide shade and sway in the breeze, creating a cool and
relaxing atmosphere. The gentle sounds of a live band playing
soothing music add to the charm of the place.
Overall, the Aristocrat Restaurant is a perfect place to
relax, unwind and enjoy a meal while taking in the beauty of
nature. Azrael is sitting at a table at the Aristocrat Restaurant,
reviewing information on his case through his HUD while
speaking to Gibbins.
“Can you provide me with information on the Saint Elmo
Fire demon?” Azrael asks.
“You're in a new region of territory, Azrael. The forces of
darkness will operate differently than what we are accustomed to
here in Areth,” Gibbins warns.
“This is my land, not theirs. For it is written, we will be
blessed when we come into a land and blessed when we go out,
and our enemies will flee from us in seven directions,” Azrael
reminds Gibbins.
Gibbins smiles.
“The St. Elmo's fire is named after St. Erasmus of Formia,
also known as St. Elmo, the guardian of sailors. This Specter is an
elemental demon of storms conjured by a sorceress,” Gibbins

“Yes, that makes perfect sense. I am working with a
detective who has a twin sister who is a sorceress,” Azrael adds.
“Any idea where this sorceress would hide herself?”
Azrael asks.
“I think you should ask the Detective. I know you like
working alone, but it’s time to move on, brother. And please, be
friendly and careful. You are in strange territories at this time,”
Gibbins advises.
“You worry too much, my brother. I am not worried
because I cast my burden on YaHaVaH. For it is He who sustains
me; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. But I will
take your advice and be friendly,” Azrael remarks, forcing a
“If you need more information, call me. Shalom, Gibbins
out,” Gibbins says before hanging up.
Azrael’s HUD shuts off as Lawin walks in, admiring his
“That is one of those hologram bracers, how intriguing,”
she says, sitting across from Azrael at the table.
“Yes, it is.” Azrael responds.
Lawin takes a drink.
“How did you get into this kind of work?” Lawin
questions with curiosity.
Azrael takes a quick swig of his drink.
“I died, and I was reborn.”
Lawin looks at him as if he was making a joke. Azrael
glances at her,
“Detective, where will we find your sister?” He questions
Lawin laughs,
“My lovely sister is somewhere in the forbidden forest.”
Azrael stands, breaking the awkwardness between the
two. Lawin slowly stands finishing her drink.
“Where are you off to?” She asks.
“I’ve had a long day Detective; I am going to retire for a
few hours before we hunt.” Azrael says.

“My sister is not an animal; we're not killing her.” Lawin
The two sit back down and Azrael stares into Lawin’s
“A person that hath a familiar spirit, or is a wizard or a
sorceress, will surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon
them.” Azrael quotes.
“How can you say such things?” Lawin asks with
concerns for her sister.
Azrael continues to stare at Lawin,
“Detective, there are two laws at work here the Laws of
YaHaVaH, and the Laws of men, your laws are superficial you
mix truths with lies to manipulate the fact to get what you want,
your laws break the eighth commandment, and you call it good.
On the flip side of the coin, you will arrest a homeless
person for stealing food to survive, because it's against your laws,
instead of helping the poor you condemn the poor, as a law
protector we are supposed to give generously to the poor without
grudging; when you do this YaHaVaH will bless us in all our
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore,
YaHaVaH commands us to be open handed toward our neighbors
who are poor and needy in our lands.” Azrael speaks with
“I hear you, but there are a lot of people who take
advantage of one’s generosity.” Lawin replies.
“Yes, there are those who take advantage of generosity,
but it doesn't mean we should stop giving. It's our duty to help
those in need, and it's not for us to judge who deserves it or not.
YaHaVaH will judge them accordingly,” Azrael says with a firm
Lawin looks at him with a mix of admiration and

“I know you have your beliefs, but we have laws to
follow, and we have to catch my sister and bring her to justice.
Killing her is not an option,” Lawin responds, her voice slightly
Azrael looks at her with a cold gaze,
“Justice? What justice is there in condemning a sorceress
to a human court? The real justice is to put her down for her
crimes. The one who created the laws in the first place has
commanded it so.” Azrael says clenches his fists,
“We can’t just let her get away with what she’s done.
She’s responsible for kidnapping Mr. Wyatt’s daughter and who
knows what else she has done, but killing her is not the answer.”
Lawin protest.
Azrael stands up, towering over Lawin,
“I won’t let you kill my sister, and I won’t let you use her
as an example to justify your beliefs. We’ll catch her, and we’ll
do it the right way.” Lawin concludes.
Azrael stares at Lawin for a moment before nodding
“We are Detectives, we are trained to read people, but if
you are right with YaHaVaH he would always show us who is a
fraud and who is genuine,” Azrael replies.
“Our laws have been effective it brings peace to our
country.” Lawin says.
Your delusional, if you think your laws are perfect Lawin.
Man’s laws are out of alignment, and those in power let the real
criminals go because they can bribe the system. There is no true
freedom from man’s laws, all because the authorities have
wealth, and everybody say it's okay. You have laws to put
homeless people away, and you have laws to let the wicked do as
they please, how hypocritical are the laws of men?”He explains
walking off then he pause.
“But this is your country, you have your rules, you deal
with your sister as see fit.” Azrael slightly rebukes Lawin.
Lawin feeling the bite of truth leaps at him getting his
attention, and tries to defend her honor as a police officer,

“Azrael, I am not like those people” she says in defense.
Azrael takes a few steps then stops, slightly looking over
his shoulder,
“Let’s get our facts straight Lawin. I don’t work for you, I
don’t work for the governments, I am here to help you, I work for
YaHaVaH in the name of Yeshua we follow his directions that's
how we are going to roll if you don't like it then I will kindly
leave your country.” Azrael says walking out of the Aristocrat
Lawin feeling a sense of unease. She knows that she
needs his help to find her sister, but she can't shake off the feeling
that his methods are not aligned with hers. As she steps out into
the cool night air, she wonders if her Chief has made the right
decision in teaming her up with him. The investigation into the
disappearance of Mr. Wyatt's daughter is far from over, and
Lawin knows that she needs to put her reservations aside if they
are to find the child alive. She reluctantly follows him.

As Diwa navigates her way through the thick forest, the
atmosphere grows increasingly eerie and foreboding. The canopy
of the trees overhead casts the area into shadow, with the only
light filtering through in thin shafts. The trees themselves are
twisted and gnarled, with twisted roots that emerge from the
ground like grasping hands.
As she continues on her journey, the forest grows more
dense and the underbrush becomes more tangled. Diwa must use
her blade to clear a path through the thicket, the rustling of leaves
and the snapping of twigs filling the air.
Finally, Diwa arrives at a small clearing where she calls
forth the Kapre. The demon materializes from the shadows,
standing at an impressive fifteen-foot-tall. Its body is covered in
coarse, matted hair and it exudes a powerful scent of tobacco and
musk. Its eyes glow with an otherworldly light as it regards Diwa
with a mixture of curiosity and hostility.

The Kapre settled onto a nearby tree branch, causing the
wood to creak and groan beneath its weight. It took out a pipe
and began to smoke, the thick smoke swirling around its head.
"Who has summoned me, the mystery of chaos?" the
Kapre asked, towering over Diwa.
She stood fearlessly, looking up at this fifteen-foot-tall
demon sitting in the banana tree.
"It is I, Diwa, the oracle of Detinos, who has summoned
The Kapre blew smoke into her face and laughed for
"What is our master's bidding, mistress?" he chuckled.
"He wants you to crush an insect from the west," she
The Kapre laughed heartily, blowing thick smoke into
Diwa's face.
"Ha! You look like a chimney, Diwa!" he exclaimed.
Diwa's eyes narrowed, and she clenched her fists in
"Cut it out, Kapre. This is serious."
But the Kapre just chuckled and took another puff of his
"Relax, Diwa. Why so tense? You need to learn to let
loose and enjoy life a little!"
Diwa glared at him.
"I'll enjoy life when we've completed our mission. Now
get serious, Kapre."
The Kapre's laughter faltered as Diwa threw her sword,
cutting the branch he was sitting on. He tumbled to the ground,
coughing and sputtering.
"Okay, okay, I'm serious now," he gasped.
Diwa was not amused.
"This is not a game, Kapre. We have a job to do."
The Kapre climbed to his feet, his cigar broken and
ruined. He spat it out and growled at Diwa.

She then chokes the demon with her telekinetic grip,
causing him to drop to his knees and submit to her.
"I surrender, mistress," the Kapre struggled to speak.
Diwa released him from her grip and glared at him.
"You're lucky I need your help," she muttered.
The Kapre rubbed his neck and grinned sheepishly.
"Hey, I'm always happy to lend a hand, Diwa. Just trying
to lighten the mood, you know?"
Diwa rolled her eyes.
"Just focus on the task at hand, Kapre."
The Kapre nodded obediently, but couldn't resist adding
one last quip.
"Hey, at least you got a good swing, Diwa. Maybe you
should try out for the lumberjack squad!"
Diwa groaned in exasperation, ready to throw an energy
blast at the Kapre. He noticed her energy growing with an
amethyst hue and quickly surrendered. "I surrender, mistress," he
spoke out.
"What does this bug look like?" he asked.
"This Azrael is an angel of death," Diwa replied.
The Kapre's face grew fearful at the mention of Azrael.
Diwa conjured up a weapon to kill supernatural beings, but the
Kapre mocked it, calling it a stick.
"This is not a stick, you idiot. It's a weapon to kill
supernatural beings like yourself," she boldly replied, handing the
Kapre the weapon.
"More like magical bugs," the Kapre mocked.
"Don't disappoint us," Diwa sternly said as she walked
"As you command," he said.
Diwa opened a portal with a flick of her wrist and stepped
through it, leaving the forest behind. The Kapre felt a mixture of
intimidation and respect for Diwa. He laughed to himself as he
transformed into a cloud of tobacco smoke, blending into the
leaves of the tree.

He waited patiently, eager to play a practical joke on the
next unsuspecting victim to wander into his domain. With a final
chuckle, the Kapre faded away into the darkness of the forest,
ready to wreak havoc once again.
A few days later Lawin and Azrael are lost in the Mystic
forest, as Azrael and Lawin moved through the twisted forest.
The trees were gnarled and twisted, with sharp branches that
seemed to reach out and grasp at the sky. The ground was
covered in thick layers of dead leaves and tangled roots that made
it difficult to move.
"Azrael, where are we? I feel like we've been wandering
in circles for hours." Lawin says feeling agitated.
"We are in the twisted heart of the forest, Lawin. The
spirit of the forest is trying to confuse us and throw us off our
path." Azrael says barley above a whisper as he surveys the area.
Suddenly, a violent storm erupted, the Kapre cackling
with glee as he conjured up a tempest of lightning and wind.
Azrael and Lawin are magically split up and Azrael found
himself wandering through the chaos, trees being blown in every
direction, the sound of thunder deafening his senses. He managed
to duck and maneuver through the debris, smashing a huge tree in
half with a mighty blow of his sword.
Meanwhile, Lawin found herself wandering on a quiet,
dry path, but no matter which way she turned, she always ended
up back in the same spot. The cackling of the Kapre's laughter
could be heard in the wind.
The sky flickered again, and Azrael and Lawin found
themselves at a crossroads.
"How do we get out of here? Every path seems to lead
back to the same spot." Lawin questions.
"We must trust in our instincts, Lawin. The forest is a
living thing, and it can sense our fear and confusion. We must
stay calm and focused, and the way will reveal itself to us."
Azrael says.
"But it's so dark and twisted in here. I don't know if I can
handle it." Lawin remarks as she sits on tree.

Azrael removes his hat, and looks up to the sky and prays,
“What man is he that fears Yahavah? He will teach him in
the way he shall choose.” Thank you Father,Yahavah for the gift
of life through your son Yeshua. He who died for my
transgressions so in the name of Yeshua every garment of
confusion upon my life, catch fire now, in the name of Yeshua
and let all confusion from wicked spirits be diverted out of my
life in the name of Yeshua. Father Yahavah send confusion into
the camp of all my enemies I pray for your favor that every arrow
of confusion fired upon my life, be destroyed, let the resurrection
power of Yeshua remove every trace of confusion upon my life,
in the name of Yeshua.”
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes a tall tree, causing it
to split in half and fall to the ground. As the smoke clears, the
figure of a Kapre materializes in his from, his body smoking and
hair standing on end from the static electricity. In a bewildered
“What the...? Did someone just mess with the weather?”
He rubs his eyes to clear his vision and looks up at the sky.
“Who did this?! I control the weather here! Do you hear
Kapre tries to summon the power to control the weather
once again, but nothing happens. He looks down at his hands in
confusion muttering to himself.
“This can't be happening.”
Then the realization hit him as chills ran down his spine,
“My power's been stripped by the Son of Elyon,”
He pauses for a moment, then grins mischievously.
“But that doesn't mean I can't still cause some chaos!” He
yells to the sky.
Kapre raises his arms to the sky, trying to summon
whatever power he has left. He shouts out a jumping around like
he's lost his mind. He flops on his backside felling disappointed.
“Ah, come on! Where's the fun in this?” He pauses, then

“Oh well, looks like I'll have to do things the old-
fashioned way.
Kapre starts stomping around, his body glowing with an
eerie green light as he channels his inner orc ancestors. He raises
his fists and charges forward, ready to take on any challenger. He
also sees he still has his spirit form as he turns invisible. With a
fierce grin he grows excited,
“Let's see what the Warrior of Elohim can do against me
now!” he laughs.
The Kapre charges forward, he then trips over a branch
and tumbles to the ground in a comical fashion down a hillside.
The Kapre tumbles into a tree knocking him out momentarily,
then he his eyes pop open, he sits up holding his head groaning,
“Ouch... maybe I should stick to controlling the weather
after all.”
He climbs back to his feet rubbing his sore backside and
muttering to himself about the unfairness of losing his powers.
Lawin looked at Azrael with awe, amazed by his strength
and the way he commanded the forces of nature through his
prayer. Together, they continued on their journey, determined to
face whatever dangers lay ahead, no matter how twisted or
malevolent the forest might become.
Azrael is moving on a narrow path, as Lawin is on another
path the storm dissipates, Lawin and Azrael meet at a crossroads
once again. Lawin sits under a tree fixing her boots.
“There's definitely a malevolent spirit in this forest.”
Azrael says, reading his HUD on his bracer.
“Yeah, a spirit of chaos,” Lawin says with frustration.
“Precisely, a spirit of chaos. On this land what would you
call a spirit of Chaos?” Azrael asks.
“A Kapre, I believe.” Lawin says.
Azrael HUD shows a Kapre with some Information,
Kapre, also called agtà, are said to play pranks on people,
frequently making travelers become disoriented and lose their
way in the mountains or in the woods.

They are also believed to have the ability to confuse
people even in their own familiar surroundings.
Suddenly, the Kapre appears behind Lawin in its spirit
form and whispers into her ear, its voice low and insidious.
"Listen to me, mortal," it hisses.
"You are being deceived by those around you. They are
not who they seem. Your friend, Azrael, is not to be trusted. He is
a demon in disguise, come to lure you into his trap. Look into his
eyes and see the darkness lurking within. There is your enemy.
Strike him down before he can strike you."
The Kapre's words echo in Lawin's mind, filling her with
a sense of paranoia and fear. She looks at Azrael, her eyes
clouded with suspicion. The illusion has taken hold, and she sees
him not as a friend, but as a threat to be eliminated. Lawin jumps
back to her feet, pulls her gun, and aims it at Azrael, who looks
like a black-horned devil in her eyes.
"Lawin, drop your gun I am not your enemy," demands
the devil Azrael.
Lawin slowly backs away, saying with fright in her eyes,
"Stay away from me, you foul demon."
The Kapre laughs in amusement at the confrontation
between the warriors.
"What a delight," it says, with a gleeful tone.
"Now for the final showdown." he says as he fades from
the scene.
Azrael slowly moves toward Lawin.
"Lawin, I am not your enemy. Now drop your gun," he
Lawin pulls the trigger.
As Lawin bends down to investigate her kill, she sees the
devil Azrael's body armor looking like a scaly hide. She notices
that it looks like it's made of a shiny, metallic material. Upon
closer inspection, she realizes that it's not metal at all, but
something else entirely.

The surface of the armor is smooth and glossy, like
polished obsidian. As she runs her fingers over it, she can feel the
faintest hint of warmth emanating from the surface, as if the
armor is somehow alive. The edges of the scales are sharp and
jagged, like the teeth of a dragon, and they seem to glow faintly
in the dim light. Lawin is struck by the beauty of the armor, even
as she realizes that it's a formidable piece of hide.
Lawin pokes at the body armor with her gun, thinking that
the devil Azrael is dead.
"Thank Yah you're dead," she says, her voice trembling
with fear.
"Think again," Azrael says, leaping back to his feet.
Lawin looks up in shock, staring at the devil in disbelief, her
mind racing with questions. The devil Azrael reaches out to
disarm her. She makes a split-second decision and fires her gun at
him again, hoping to knock him down for good. But Azrael is too
quick, and he disarms her with a crescent kick before she can
The two warriors face off against each other, their eyes
locked in a fierce stare. Lawin can feel the adrenaline coursing
through her veins as she prepares to fight for her life. She knows
that this battle will be a test of strength, skill, and cunning, and
that only one of them will emerge victorious.
Azrael doesn't want to hurt her, so he moves in, holding
back his strength as he fights Lawin like in a martial art
competition. Azrael maneuvers around her and knocks her out for
her own good. She falls into his arms, and he gently puts her
down, removing her jacket.
"Forgive me," he says, tucking her jacket under her head.
Azrael stand and his Spirit Eye lights up seeing the demon
coming out of nowhere. The Kapre swings at Azrael with his
heavy weapon, Azrael rolls out of the way, he looks at the demon
climbing back to his feet feeling amused.
“So, you're the menace who is causing problems to the
locals.” Azrael says, looking at this giant.

“You're the insect that needs to be crushed” rebuttals the
Kapre pounds its weapon like an enraged ape, going in for
the kill. Azrael maneuvers with lightning-fast combination kicks
and punches, slicing the Kapre open with his elbow blades across
its midsection. But this only infuriates the Kapre, and it grabs
Azrael, picking him up over its head like a pro wrestler, and
throws him across the field. Azrael goes crashing through a few
banana trees.
As the Kapre yells,
"Feel the might of the mighty Kapre!"
Azrael staggers to his feet, his body aching from the
impact. He grits his teeth, his eyes burning with fury.
"So that's how he wants to play it," he says, gathering
himself for the fight.
Azrael charges at the Kapre with a ferocious roar,
unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches that rattle the giant's
body. The Kapre roars back, swinging its weapon with wild
The two warriors clash in a fierce struggle, their bodies
slamming into each other with bone-jarring force. Azrael slices at
the Kapre with his elbow blades, but the giant's thick hide barely
registers the blows.
The Kapre pounds at Azrael with its massive fists, each
blow landing with the force of a sledgehammer. Azrael staggers
back, blood streaming from his nose and mouth.
But Azrael refuses to back down. He grits his teeth, his
eyes blazing with determination. He charges back at the Kapre,
striking it with a series of devastating blows that send it reeling.
The Kapre roars in frustration, swinging its weapon
wildly. But Azrael is too quick, and he dodges the blow with a
nimble leap. He lands on the Kapre's back, driving his elbow
blades deep into its flesh.
The Kapre howls in pain, its body writhing beneath
Azrael's grip. But Azrael refuses to let go, driving his blades
deeper and deeper into the giant's body.

Finally, with a final scream, the Kapre falls to the ground.
But it staggers like a drunk from the devastating impact of
Azrael's blades and continues to charge at the Warrior of Elohim.
"The mighty Kapre will crush magic bug!" he growls as
he swings his heavy weapon.
Azrael dodges through and catches the wrist of the Kapre,
who is taken aback by the human's strength. He growls and
"Impossible, no one can defeat the mighty Kapre!"
boasting like a hulking demon.
Azrael does a spinning back kick, knocking the wind out
of the Kapre. The demon grows angry and, like a chimpanzee,
pounds his weapon against the ground, shaking the area.
"This is war!" he growls.
The Kapre swings manically, but Azrael dodges and
blocks and twists the Kapre’s arm, hitting him with a
combination of punches, back fist strikes, and kicks him away.
He takes Brimstone and cocks it.
"Have a little taste of Brimstone," Azrael says as he shoots
Kapre in the chest. The demon goes down but bounces back with
"Kapre will not die with puny weapon!" it says as it
climbs back to its feet.
Azrael points Brimstone at the Kapre head.
"Yeshua Ligor Ikem, Kapre!" Azrael says, blowing the
demon blowing the demons head of its shoulders. Its soul is
absorbed by Brimstone.
"YaHaVaH be praised; Kapre dead," Azrael says as he
sheaths his gun.
Azrael's body heals magically like a mutant, but it's the
healing factor of Yeshua's victory over death.
He returns to Lawin and helps her as she climbs back to
her feet,
“What happened?” she asks.
“You attacked me by shooting at me,” Azrael explains.

“I am truly sorry about that, but are you hurt are you?” she
replies with concern.
Azrael taps his breastplate,
“No sassy plates.” he says with a smile.
But I did knock you out, and killed the Kapre,” he
Lawin smiles, as Azrael helps her back to her feet and
hand her gun back, she sheaths her weapon,
“Then were even” she jokes.
As Lawin's tech watch lights up, a three-dimensional
hologram of her sister Diwa materializes before her eyes. The
hologram depicts Diwa as if she were standing right in front of
Lawin, with every detail of her face and body rendered in
stunningly realistic detail. Diwa's voice comes through the
hologram, clear and crisp.
"My dear sister," she says,
"If you want to see the child Isa alive, meet me here alone.
You're not to bring that barbarian."
The hologram shows a map of the location where Lawin is
to meet Diwa, with every detail of the terrain rendered in three-
dimensional detail. The hologram is so lifelike that Lawin feels
as if she could reach out and touch her sister, even though she
knows that it's just a projection of light. The hologram shuts off.
"You know this is a trap, don’t you?" Azrael says.
"Of course, it's a trap, but I’ve got to try to save the child."
"Tonight is Hollow's Eve; I don’t like the sound of this,"
Azrael expresses his concern.
Lawin composes herself as she darts her eyes at Azrael.
"I mean no disrespect to you, Sir. This matter is out of
your jurisdiction. You are a guest in my country. Go home, I will
deal with this in my own way," she demands.
"Lawin, to set the record straight; when it comes to
monsters, demons, and fallen Malakhim, I was chosen to fight
this battle. What you're telling me to do is to turn my back on my
calling to satisfy your need for acceptance," Azrael rebukes.

"I don’t need your help," she proudly says as she walks
off. Azrael takes a tracking chip from his belt pouch and lays his
hand on her shoulder.
"Wait, Detective. Let me just say this: pride goes before a
fall, and haughtiness before destruction," Azrael says aloud,
standing by himself and watching as Lawin continues to walk
"Nice try, Mr. Azrael," she says, unaware that he has put a
tracking chip on her.
"There’s something I did not expect today?" Azrael quips
as he walks off and fades into the shadows.


The shrine of Detinos, it is an imposing structure made of
black marble and obsidian. The shrine is surrounded by a thick
fog, and the air is filled with the sound of whispers and moans.
The entrance is a massive set of doors made of black iron, with
intricate carvings depicting scenes of death and destruction. The
walls are lined with shelves holding hundreds of small, black
urns. The floor is made of black stone, with a large, circular altar
in the center of the room.
The altar is covered in black candles, and a strange,
pungent incense fills the air. Standing at the altar is Archbishop
Agbay, dressed in flowing black robes, with a silver skull-shaped
pendant hanging from his neck. Surrounding him are a dozen
hooded monks, chanting in a low, monotone voice. At the far end
of the shrine, a statue of Detinos, the god of death. The statue is
made of black marble, and stands over ten feet tall. Its eyes are
made of glowing red gemstones, and its skeletal hands hold a
scythe and an hourglass.
A portal opens, and Diwa walks through it with a fifteen-
foot-tall demon guardian the Tikbalang and he carries a war axe
in one hand while holding Isa in the other.
"The ceremony is about to begin. Secure the child,"
announces Agbay, who is standing at the shrine of Detinos with a
dozen hooded monks.

Diwa takes Isa from the Tikbalang's massive hand and
locks her inside a small cage. Isa shivers from the cold, partly due
to her situation. Diwa returns to Agbay's side, and he looks at her
with a slight nod.
"Your meddling sister is near our borders. Take care of her
now," commands Agbay.
As Diwa walks through the portal she conjures, she looks
back at Archbishop Agbay with a smirk on her face.
"No one can stop me," she says with a tone of pride in her
"I am the one in control, and soon, all will bow before
me." She then disappears into the portal, confident in her power
and superiority.
Meanwhile, Lawin is scouting the local area when Diwa
suddenly appears through a portal. Lawin is visibly angry to see
her sister.
“Diwa?” Lawin says,
her hand immediately going to her gun.
“Lawin, it's good to see you, my sister,” Diwa greets her.
“I’ve been looking for you. Please tell me you have
nothing to do with the missing child Isa,” Lawin demands,
pointing her gun at Diwa.
“I have a proposition for you,” Diwa responds calmly.
“I don't need anything from you Diwa.” Lawin
sarcastically throws her authority.
“I have one for you too, sister. Is this the way you treat
your family? By shooting first and asking questions later?” Diwa
“Look who’s talking. You murdered our parents, and I will
never forgive you for that,” Lawin raises her voice out of
emotional reaction.
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness or pity,” Diwa
responds coldly.

“Good. The way I see it, you’re not my sister. You're
nothing but a criminal, and I am going to take you in for the crime
of kidnapping Mr. Wyatt's daughter,” Lawin says, slowly
approaching Diwa.
“So be it,” Diwa responds as she uses her telekinesis spell
to take Lawin's gun and tear it apart with her magic.
Diwa then puts Lawin into a psychic death grip. Lawin
struggles, crying out to her sister to stop.
“Diwa, don't do this to me!” Lawin pleads. Diwa ignores
her sister's pleas and continues to torture her, casting lightning
spirits over her body.
“How does it feel to be under me? Now you know how I
feel, always living under your shadow,” Diwa expresses with dark
“Diwa, you're killing me!” Lawin cries out in desperation.
Diwa knocks Lawin out with a sleep spell and waves her
hands, making Lawin vanish.
“How does it feel to be under my shadows?” Diwa revels
in her vengeance.
Azrael appears out of thin air with Brimstone at the head
of the sorceress.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem Mammamarang,” he says, cocking
his gun.
“Azrael, I’ve been expecting you,” Diwa says as she turns
to face her adversary.
“A man or woman who is a medium or spiritualist among
you must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”
Azrael says, ready to pull the trigger.
“Before you kill me, oh mighty warrior, I would think
twice. Without me, you will not find Lawin and Isa before the
great sacrifice,” Diwa says, buying time.
“So where are they?” Azrael questions.
“Lawin is with my guardian. Isa, on the other hand, is just
a few more hours away from completing her destiny,” Diwa
laughs in a flirtatious way.

Azrael watches her as she puffs with grandeur, spitting out
words of pride and arrogance.
“This is your dilemma, you will never find them with out
me. But if you keep me alive, I’ll make your life a living hell,”
she says, circling the Warrior of Elohim.
“What do you want?” Azrael asks, knowing there is
always a price to pay with the evil.
Diwa bites her lower lip and playfully leans her head up to
Azrael’s chest.
“I can use a man like you when I become queen of heaven,
and I can be your woman,” she says, trying to get his attention.
She laughs and continues,
“Worshiping Detinos who’s about to rise to power.”
Azrael gives her a look as she is out of her mind,
“You're insane. Your price is too high. YaHaVaH will set
his face against me or anyone who turns to mediums and
spiritualists to prostitute themselves by following your kind of
gods,” Azrael declares her transgression.
“My, aren't we a judgmental, prejudiced individual,” Diwa
laughs with sarcasm, taking a step back.
“I take my chances with Yeshua HaMashiach,” Azrael
declares and fires Brimstone.
Diwa uses a time spell, moving faster than light and
hitting Azrael in many directions. She comes in kicking him down
and uses her psychic death grip, conforming the electrical beams
around Azrael, touching him.
“You will die, Nevi,” she yells, laughing. Azrael steadies
his ground, absorbing Diwa’s magic. Her mind unable to
comprehend the gravity of her situation.
“Who are you?” she asks, fear in her tone.
Azrael creates a sphere of her magic.
“Here's a taste of your own medicine, Yeshua Ligor Ikem
Mammamarang!” he yells.
Azrael hits Diwa with her magic. She is flung over the
field, hitting the ground hard lying helplessly.

Azrael picks up Brimstone and plants his foot on Diwa’s
chest, pointing his gun at her.
“Like a gold ring in a swine's snout is a beautiful woman
who shows no discretion,” Azrael says.
Azrael hesitates to pull the trigger. Diwa looks at him with
fear in her eyes,
“Till we meet again,” she says, vanishing. Azrael sheaths
his gun.
“I’m looking forward to it,” Azrael takes a knee to pray.
The moon gives an eerie ambiance to the Salagdoong
Forest. Lawin awakens from her sister's spell, slumbering about
as she looks around unfamiliar territory. The thick fog that
blankets the area makes it difficult to see more than a few feet in
front of her. She hears strange noises coming from the trees,
rustling and creaking sounds that seem to be emanating from all
around her.
The branches of the Balet trees are long and sinewy,
twisting and turning in unnatural ways as they reach towards the
sky. They appear almost serpentine in nature, with gnarled knots
and bumps covering their surfaces. Thin, spindly twigs jut out
from the main branches, resembling the claws of some monstrous
The leaves, if any, are sparse and dull, giving the trees a
lifeless, almost skeletal appearance. The gaps between the
branches are dark and foreboding, seeming to hold secrets and
danger within their depths. The overall effect is one of a twisted,
eerie forest that seems to exist in a realm outside of time and
space. The trees seem to be moving on their own, almost as if
they have a life of their own.
The forest floor is littered with fallen leaves and debris,
making it difficult for Lawin to move around without making
noise. The air is thick with the smell of rotting vegetation and
decaying wood, adding to the overall feeling of unease.

As Lawin moves deeper into the forest, the sounds around
her become even more unsettling. She hears whispers and faint
laughter, as if there are unseen creatures lurking in the shadows.
The trees themselves seem to be alive, their twisted branches
reaching out as if to grab at her.
The darkness of the forest seems to close in around her,
making it difficult for her to see anything beyond a few feet. It
feels as if she's being watched, as if there are eyes on her from all
directions. The eerie ambiance of the Salagdoong Forest leaves
Lawin with a sense of dread, as if something terrible is lurking
just out of sight.
“Damn you, Diwa. Where did you put me this time?” she
angrily vocalizes. Lawin takes in the view and walks off,
searching for a way out of the nightmare labyrinth.
All around, there is silence except for the wind slipping
through the leaves. Lawin hugs herself to keep warm as she
moves on, searching for a way out of the unknown. As she walks,
she can hear the cracking undergrowth with each step she takes,
creaking tree trunks bending to the breeze, snapping twigs, grass,
and weeds sliding against pant legs.
Dark tree trunks and shadows, overhanging limbs across
the path seen at the last second, clumps of bushes, barely visible
black trails snaking through the undergrowth, the moon shining
through a lattice of leaves, and a patchy red sky. Lawin stops
hearing an odd sound,
A sound of a supernatural being. Lawin’s curiosity kicks
in, and she follows the sound cautiously. As she clears through
some suburbs, she sees a large dark shadow moving. She freezes
as the Tikbalang barges through the forest, chewing on barks of a
“Oh, help me, someone, I am losing my mind!” Lawin
whispers to herself.
The Tikbalang grunts and blows hot steam from its
nostrils as it makes eye contact with the frightened Lawin.

She slowly backs away, and the Tikbalang comes out from
behind the trees to investigate. Its claws and feet tear into the
ground as it squats, its knees reach above its head, and its large
mouth opens with an odd smile showing its sharp teeth.
“Pretty woman,” says the Tikbalang.
It stands and howls. Lawin runs off, and the beast jumps
high in the air, landing before her.
“Tick…Tick…Tick, pretty woman,” the demon says
Lawin remembers the tales about this creature, and she
jumps onto the back of the Tikbalang as it turns and leaps into the
air, galloping around like the bronco rodeo.
“Gotcha!” Lawin says, pulling the mane of the Tikbalang.
The demon dances in a chaotic movement, knocking
Lawin off its back. She climbs back to her feet, and the Tikbalang
spins around swiftly, touches her forehead, and she falls to her
knees with violent images flashing before her eyes.
“What’s happening?” yells Lawin.
She collapses with a high fever. The Tikbalang stands over
her, staring deeply at her with its glowing red eyes.
“Tick-Tick-Tick, sleep pretty woman,” the Tikbalang says.
The demon scoops Lawin up in its massive hand. It
quickly jumps through the forest and comes to a little hut with a
grave of human skeletons spread across the grounds near a
bamboo grove. The Tikbalang drops Lawin and walks over to the
bamboo grove. It holds out its hand and opens a mystical
gateway into the grove.
“Tick…Tick…Tick home,” said the demon.
Lawin opens her eyes and sees the horrific sight, she
panics from anxiety. The Demon turns and approaches her, when
suddenly Azrael tackle’s the beast out of nowhere.
“Let YaHaVaH arise and his enemies be scattered,” he
The Tikbalang grabs and throws Azrael across the field, he
bounces back, he shoots at the demon, its amulet glows
protecting itself from Brimstone’s bullets.

“Okay so much for absorption, let’s try to remove its
head” Azrael says exchanging weapons.
He leaps into the air and dropkicks the Tikbalang in its
chest, pushing himself upward, striking it in its jaw with his knee,
pushes off striking the demon to remove its head, and landing
safely on his feet.
“My weapons are not working” Azrael says, sheathing his
The demon staggers about, Azrael sees Lawin lying
struggling with pain from her violent feverish visions.
“Hang on Lawin,” Azrael says, eyeing the Tikbalang’s
amulet on its chest.
“That looks important,” he concludes.
Azrael leaps back at the beast,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem,” he yells his battle cry.
Azrael pops his twin claw from his bracers and plunges
his fist into the amulet, shattering it, he continues to push through
punching his fist through the beast chest and pulling its heart out
of its hide.
The Tikbalang crashes onto its back dead, Azrael still
standing on its corpse looking at the heart of the demon,
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked: who can know it? Esh!” Azrael says burning the demon's
heart to ash.
Azrael moves to Lawin, who is exhausted from the curses
of the Tikbalang.
“Lawin, you are healed in Yeshua’s name. By his stripes,
you are made whole,” Azrael says, putting his hand on her, a
bluish aura radiating from his hand, healing Lawin from the
“Talitha Cumi,” he says.
Lawin takes a deep breath, waking up and seeing Azrael.
She quickly jumps to her feet.
“What just happened? How did you find me?” she says
with confusion swimming around her mind.

“After you left me, I took time to pray on the Sabbath. I
prayed for you. After my prayer, I traced you to your location
with this tracking device,” he smiles as he plucks the tracer off
her shoulder.
“Shekinah then opened this portal and brought me to this
area,” Azrael explains.
Lawin hugs Azrael for saving her life.
“I was wrong about you,” she says.
Lawin pulls away.
“I could use your help to save Isa. The ritual is about to
begin,” Lawin says.
“Detective, it would be my honor to aid you,” Azrael says,
handing her Brimstone.
“You’ll be needing this,” he says as she takes it.
“Thank you, but do you have a way out of this area?”
Lawin asks.
“Take my hand,” Azrael says.
Lawin takes hold of Azrael’s hand. They looks up to the
“YaHaVaH, with your permission in Yeshua’s name, send
us where we need to be,” Azrael prays.
A golden light pierces through the darkness, and Suri’el
appears in all her glory with her wings outstretched before Azrael
and Lawin. Lawin is struck with awe from the daughter of
“I am Suri’el, one of the four champions of Shamayim,”
she declares as she folds her wings.
Lawin drops to her knees, trembling at her sight. “Ah, an
unbeliever who will become a believer, praise YaHaVaH,” Suri’el
says with joy in her tone.
Suri’el puts her hand on Lawin’s shoulder. “Sister, stand
up. We only bow before YaHaVaH,” she instructs.
Lawin climbs to her feet, unable to speak. Suri’el smiles.
“Azrael, brother, I am here on your prayer request, with
instructions from Yeshua, the Word of YaHaVaH,” Suri’el says.

“It's good to see you too, Suri’el. Carry on. What are the
instructions?” Azrael asks.
“Agbay is not Agbay. He is Detinos, my arch-nemesis
from Shamayim. He has been around for a while, walking
amongst the humans. You are to destroy him, says YaHaVaH
Eloheinu,” Suri’el relays the message.
“What about my sister?” Lawin asks.
“Indeed, a good question. The answer is this: you are to
try to arrest her according to the laws of your land. If you do
subdue her, then she must be warned. For if she refuses to repent,
she will die. For those who practice divination and sorcery must
die,” Suri’el says with a grim tone.
“But why does a person have to die because they know
magic? Can’t they use it for good?” Lawin asks, concerned for
her sister.
“What is good?” Suri’el asks.
Lawin has no words. Azrael interjects,
“Lawin, the good is obeying YaHaVaH’s instructions of
life, which is called Torah. We are to obey the commandments,
follow His feast days that He has appointed, and we are to love
one another as Yeshua, the son of YaHaVaH, has loved us. This is
how we show our love to Father YaHaVaH.”
Lawin sulks with her head bent low. Suri’el lifts her chin
and looks into her eyes.
“Understand this, child: First, magic does not belong to
man. It is for us, the children of fire, the Malakhim. Second, the
hearts of man are selfish, and if they were to wield such power in
full, it would destroy everything man wants. Thirdly, it pulls man
into idolatry, fornicating for the pleasure of power, and turning
from YaHaVaH, leading man to their ultimate destruction; death,”
she says.
“Then how is it that my sister can do such things?” Lawin

“The magic that man uses is not permitted from above.
The power they use comes from the Satans of the nations. This
Malakhim magic is known as Black Magic, and the demons call
it White Magic, for they are part Malakhim,” Suri’el concludes.
Suri’el puts her hands on Azrael and Lawin’s shoulders.
“The sacrifice is about to be benign. Save the child,
destroy Detinos. I will take you where you need to go,” Suri’el
says, unfurling her wings.
As Suri'el's wings unfurl and the three are whisked away,
Lawin feels a renewed sense of purpose. She knows what she
must do and is determined to see it through to the end. With
Azrael and Suri'el by her side, she feels empowered to face any
challenge that comes her way. The fate of the child and the battle
against Detinos lies ahead, but Lawin is ready to take it on with
all her strength and the knowledge that she is not alone. The
forest may have been eerie and foreboding, but now she feels a
sense of hope and a renewed faith in her mission.

The Sacrificial shrine looms over the moonlight at night;
Suri’el, Azrael and Lawin stand on the outskirts of the peak of
“Your quest journey ends at the shrine, there you will find
Isa and Agbay with his dark monks, YaHaVaH go with you,”
Suri’el says as she vanishes from their sight.
Lawin and Azrael look over the terrain, they see an open
raven, a straight line to the shrine.
“This is almost too easy!” Lawin says with a hint of being
“Nothing is as easy as it seems, Lawin always be vigilant,
and watch. For our adversary Heyl’el is like a roaring lion moving
about seeking whom he can devour.” Azrael says.
“Okay,” Lawin says, feeling apprehensive.
He and Lawin come off the hillside and start their march
toward the shrine.

Azrael stops as he hears ruffling coming from behind, He
spins around to be face to face with a Tiyanak, the demon stood
no bigger than a five-year-old child with pointed ears and a bald
head, with tattoo markings on its face.
Lawin is taken from the appearance of the demon,
“Tiyanak” she gasps, aiming Brimstone at the creature.
“It looks like a goblin.” Azrael says.
“What of it?” Lawin questions.
“If it is a goblin like creature they are never alone,” Azrael
The Tiyanak opens its mouth; it speaks so fast it’s like a
whisper, hundreds of Tiyanaks step out of the shadows, Azrael
stares at them with a smile.
“Wow, you called it,” Lawin says.
“Oh well, it looks like it's going to be a fun night after all,”
Azrael says in a light tone.
Azrael and the first Tiyanak leap at each other, Azrael
removes its head, He lands on his feet and he and Lawin run
through the open field pushing their way through the swarm of
Tiyanaks butchering the demons like wheat.
The Tiyanak are too many, they encircle Azrael and
“Back-to-Back,” Azrael commands.
They go back-to-back, Lawin opens fire on the army of
Tiyanaks, one by one they fall, Azrael slices through the army
with his sword and elbow blade the army of Tiyanaks fall before
their feet.
“These creatures are like cockroaches,” Lawin yells.
Azrael drops to his knees, plunges his sword into the
ground and prays,
“YaHaVaH Eloheinu, I do not understand why we are
attacked again and again by these enemies. We need shelter from
You; You are a consuming fire against all those who do wickedly,
in Yeshua’s name arise YaHaVaH and smite your enemies.”
Azrael takes hold of the hilt of his sword,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem hordes of hell!” He yells.

The ground trembles as a powerful wind whips up, a
bright light shines down upon Azrael and Lawin, and the
Tiyanaks begin to disintegrate into dust. The wind dies down, and
the light fades away, leaving Azrael and Lawin standing alone in
the field.
“Wow, that was intense,” Lawin says, looking around at
the now empty field.
Lawin is wide eye in bewilderment,
“I did not know that prayer can be that powerful,
especially calling out the Creator’s name,” Lawin expresses as
she feels a burst of newfound confidence.
Azrael sheaths his sword, “Remember this,” he says
“It's not over yet, we must press on,” Azrael reminds her.
They continue on their journey, moving towards the
sacrificial shrine looming in the distance. The night air is thick
with tension, and they can feel the weight of the upcoming battle.
But with YaHaVaH on their side, they are ready to face whatever
challenges come their way.
Lawin closely follows behind, an uneasy ambiance filling
the air. Dark clouds form above the ancient sacrificial shrine; a
low statue of a reclining table sits beside a shallow pool and in
front of a raised platform, next to a stone support column.
Azrael and Lawin arrive early. Azrael glances at the
"You deal with your sister, I will deal with this Prince
Detinos," he commands.
Lawin tries to return Brimstone to its owner.
"You'll need this," she says.
"For now, detective, you hold on to it," he says as he fades
into the shadow. Lawin stands for a moment, feeling spooked by
how Azrael disappeared.
"You need to teach me that trick someday," she says as she
leaves the area.

Lawin carefully tiptoes around the perimeter of the shrine,
avoiding any creaky floorboards or loose debris that might give
away her presence. She moves stealthily, like a shadow, her eyes
fixed on her sister who is pacing back and forth with intense
concentration. Lawin recognizes the crystal ball in her sister's
hands as a powerful magical tool that could cause great harm if
used for malicious purposes.
As Lawin gets closer, she can see the sweat on her sister's
brow and the focus in her eyes. She knows that she needs to act
quickly and decisively if she wants to take her by surprise. She
takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves, and prepares to spring
into action.
Suddenly, Lawin's sister turns around, sensing something
amiss. Lawin freezes, holding her breath, hoping that she hasn't
been detected. Her sister's eyes scan the room, searching for any
sign of intruders. Lawin remains still, waiting for the right
moment to strike. When her sister turns back to the crystal ball,
Lawin sees her chance. She darts forward, moving with lightning
speed, and shoots the crystal ball from her sister's hands. The
crystal shatters, leaving Diwa confused.
"Show yourself!" Diwa yells.
But Diwa is quick to react, and she turns to face Lawin,
her eyes blazing with anger.
“Oops, I think you broke your ball,” Lawin sarcastically
"That was a mistake sister!" she yells,
Lawin braces herself for a fight, knowing that she must do
whatever it takes to stop her sister from using the crystal ball for
evil purposes.
“Diwa, it ends her, come with me,” Lawin demanded.
Diwa picks crystal shards off the floor with telekinesis and
aims them at Lawin with smile.
“You’re just in time for your funeral,” Diwa flirtatiously

Lawin aims her gun at Diwa,
“I am taking you in for the kidnapping of Isa Wyatt,”
Lawin says, pushing her authority over her sister.
“You think you have the upper hand over me sister. Look
at you so smug throwing your badge around like you own
everything, you're such a fool, all I have to do is flick my fingers
and your dead” Diwa spites her.
Lawin takes her badge off and throws it aside,
“I am not the law now, show me what you got,” Lawin
Lawin waits for Diwa to react. As Diwa flicks her finger,
Lawin drops to the floor, anticipating her move. The crystal
shards fly over Lawin and stick into one of the hooded monks.
Diwa's anger flares as she sees that she missed her target. Lawin
jumps to her feet and walks up to her sister, punching her in the
face. Diwa stumbles backwards, hits the wall, and bouncing back.
Diwa angrily steps up and stands outraged, her eyes
burning with hate toward Lawin.
“You bitch!’ she yells.
“Profanity is a definite sign of a weak mind,” Lawin says
to provoke.
“Week you say,” Diwa says, puffing her pride.
She discharges energy from her hands, hitting Lawin with
a shock wave of magical beams. Lawin feels the sting as she hits
the floor, bleeding from the lacerations.
"Your overconfident pride is your downfall, sister!" Diwa
snarls. "You should have hidden behind your badge," she boasts,
clenching her fist.
Lawin screams in pain as Diwa's magic squeezes her
wounded body with the electrical pulsating beams of her magic.
"You seriously thought you could beat me?" Diwa laughs
in a taunting manner.
Lawin slowly lifts her head, with a look of horror in her
eyes as she struggles to reach for brimstone.

"Against the power of Detinos, there can be no victory for
the likes of you, dear sister!" Diwa boastfully laughs. "Such a
pathetic waste!" Diwa concludes, turning up the power of
Lawin grabs brimstone, but in that split second, she is
thrown across the room. She slams against the wall, pinned with
some unseen force, but she manages to point brimstone at her
objective target.
"Speak for yourself, Diwa. I pity you, sister!" she says,
pulling the trigger.
Diwa is hit, and she falls over dead. The force that held
Lawin is broken, and she drops to her knees, seething with pain
and breathing heavily, partly out of remorse for killing her sister
out of self-defense.
A gong is heard from the inner chambers. Isa shrieks as
Agbay's monks stand over her, releasing her cage to escort her.
Agbay stands partly in the shadow.
"Black fire forever kindled within me, let the second birth
begin!" he recites. He looks at the child.
"Take her to the sacrificial slab," he commands.
The monks chant their mystic song as they walk Isa to the
opening of the shrine of Detinos. Agbay is standing before the
altar of sacrifice. He lifts his goblet to bless it; it glows and
sparks as the sky answers with a distant thunder. Agbay looks up.
His face is gradually becoming more grotesque as the ritual
proceeds. A monk hits the gong three more times. Isa screams as
they place her on the altar and bind her.
"Now arise, Malakhim of darkness, and bring back the
days of Noah, before Hashem's son," he declares in his low
baritone voice.
Lightning shoots from his hand like fingers, enveloping
Isa. A whiz of a sword cuts off Agbay's hand, disrupting his
ceremony. He spins around and sees Azrael standing in the
shadow mixed with dust and debris, as his sword returns to his

"Who interrupts this ceremony!" he growls.
"Ceremony, Agbay? This is a bad comedy!" Azrael says,
stepping out of the shadow.
Agbay's eyes meet with his.
"Oh, the infamous hunter from Shamayim," Agbay
"You can't have the child!" Azrael declares.
"She's mine!" Agbay huffs as he throws an energy sphere.
Azrael parries Agbay's energy sphere with ease with a slap
of his hand. Agbay levitates, his flesh cracks open as it swells.
Detinos explodes from Agbay's shell, taking on his true
appearance. The black shadow of Detinos falls across him as he
towers over Azrael, flapping his leathery bat wings.
Detinos is a huge, horned figure draped in black and silver
armor. "I enjoy ripping these annoying monkeys to bits!" he says,
laughing as he emerges to his full power. "Now it's time to expel
your pathetic life, mortal fool!" he boasts.
A streak of silver whirls through the air. Azrael's blade
penetrates through Detinos' shoulder. "Dammit!" he growls.
Detinos eyes Azrael with fury as the warrior of Elohim rips his
sword back to his hand from Detinos' shoulder with a telekinesis
"YaHaVaH has judged your iniquity, Detinos, and he will
cut you off from your own wickedness," Azrael declares.
Lawin comes walking out of a tunnel, and her eyes widen
with fear as she sees Azrael and Detinos in a face-off. Azrael sees
her in his peripheral vision.
"Lawin, take the child and get out of here now!" Azrael
Lawin heads for Isa, but suddenly she is stopped as she is
encircled by Detinos' monks. The dark prince laughs as he paces
before Azrael in a mocking way.
"Oh, what to do, what to do. Here we have a champion of
Adamah, but the odds are not in your favor, oh warrior. Fight the
monks, I kill the child. Fight me, the monks will kill your
comrade," he boasts.

Azrael realizes that this fallen Mal'akh underestimates
Lawin's capability. He smiles.
"As it is, you boast in your arrogant Detinos. All such
boasting is selfish," Azrael declares.
Lawin positions herself as the monk’s circle around her,
she shows her badge,
“I am the local law enforcement, if you attempt to cause
me any harm or the child, I will shoot to kill, now stand down.”
she says pointing brimstone.
Lawin shields Isa, from the monks who slowly follow her
as she unties Isa,
“Are you alright!” Lawin asks Isa.
“I am now,” Isa answers.
Detinos outraged,
“Kill them,” he yells.
Azrael tackles Detinos while the monks attack Lawin. She
fights her way out of the red hooded nightmare, killing the
demonic creatures with brimstone. Azrael's spirit gun absorbs
their souls from their smoking corpses.
"I like this gun," Lawin says, grabbing Isa and leaving the
Azrael hits Detinos and continues to battle with him. Our
hero puts the prince down into submission.
"Don’t you know it's written that we humans you hate so
much will be your judge?" Azrael says, knocking Detinos off his
The fallen Mal’akh struggles to his feet, completely
perplexed by this human's might.
"I've underestimated you, Azrael," Detinos complements
with sarcasm.
"But let me remind you, I am a child of fire, and you are a
child of clay," Detinos continues.
He leaps at Azrael, grabs him, and throws our hero across
the shrine. Azrael's body plunges through the stone, and the
structure crumbles, burying him. Detinos unfurls his wings and
hovers over the debris.

"That is the difference between you humans and us
Malakhim. You are fragile, and we are not," the Prince of Ophir
Azrael slowly climbs back to his feet as Detinos slowly
"Oh my, I am curious what blood runs through your
veins?" Detinos questions aloud.
"As it is written, YaHaVaH makes my bones like iron and
my flesh like oak. I am the descendant of Enoch, the seventh of
Adam. I am the Word of Yeshua, the Sword of YaHaVaH,
redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of Yah," Azrael declares.
An awesome silence ensues as Detinos steps forward,
pulling his flaming sword from thought to hand. Azrael steps in,
unsheathing his sword.
"Well, whoever you pretend to be makes no difference to
me. We were first, and your kind are only puppets to do our
bidding!" Detinos boasts.
"Only in your master’s interpretation!" Azrael rebuttals.
"Can you fly?" Detinos questions as he tackles Azrael,
snatching him high in the air.
They battle fiercely as they climb above Adamah. Detinos
hits Azrael, and he goes into a free fall.
"Too bad for you. At least we can have another advantage
over you humans," Detinos laughs as he watches Azrael fall.
Azrael is falling.
"YaHaVaH, let me not die from the hands of this fallen
Prince. But those who wait upon YaHaVaH will be renewed in
strength. You will mount up with wings as eagles, we will not run
and not be weary," Azrael prays.
A window opens in the firmament, and a light shines from
Shamayim, bathing Azrael.
"Fly, my son. This day I give Detinos into your hands,"
the voice of YaHaVaH says, shaking the sky.
Detinos hears the voice of Yah and sees his chosen
champion flying toward him with great velocity.

"This is impossible," he nervously speaks out, bracing
himself for impact.
Azrael and Detinos clashed under the gloomy sky, lighting
splits, the sound of battle cries and the clanging of metal, the sky
lights up with huge sparks flying from the banging of swords.
The two collide head on at full flight with relentless attacks.
Detinos swings his sword trying to take Azrael ’s head; he thrusts
backwards and jettisons upwards avoiding the deadly strikes.
Azrael's sword was glowing with divine power, while Detinos'
sword was burning with black flames.
"Your fire is no match for the light of YaHaVaH!" Azrael
shouted as he swung his sword at Detinos.
Detinos dodged the attack and smirked.
"Oh, you humans and your faith. It's almost amusing how
you cling to it," he said as he swung his own sword at Azrael.
Azrael parried the attack and countered.
"Faith is what gives us strength to fight against evil like
you," he retorted.
Detinos laughed as he evaded the attack.
"Evil? My dear Azrael, I am not evil. I am simply doing
what I was born to do," he replied as he launched a barrage of
dark energy bolts at Azrael.
Azrael deflected the bolts with his sword and charged at
"You were born to bring chaos and destruction to this
world. That makes you evil in my book," he declared.
Detinos grinned as he blocked Azrael's attack.
"Ah, but chaos and destruction can also bring change and
renewal. It all depends on your perspective," he replied as he
kicked Azrael in the stomach and sent him spinning through the
Azrael quickly regained his balance and charged at
Detinos again.
"You're delusional if you think your actions will bring
anything but suffering and death!" he shouted as he swung his
sword at Detinos with all his might.

Detinos caught the sword with his own and chuckled.
"Suffering and death are just a part of life, Azrael. You
can't have light without darkness, and you can't have life without
death," he said as he pushed Azrael back.
Azrael gritted his teeth and pushed back with all his
"I refuse to accept that! There is always a way to bring
hope and life to even the darkest of situations," he replied as he
felt a surge of power from within him.
Detinos was caught off guard by the sudden burst of
power and was knocked back. He growled as he regained his
balance and charged at Azrael.
"You may have a point, Azrael, but I'm afraid it's too late
for hope and life. The end is near, and I will be the one to bring
it," he declared as he swung his sword at Azrael again.
Azrael met the attack with his own sword and smiled.
"The end is only near for those who choose to disobey
YaHaVaH's commandments. But as long as there are those who
fight for what is right, there will always be hope," he replied as
he pushed Detinos back.
The two continued to battle in the sky, their swords
clashing with thunderous force. The winds howled and the clouds
parted as they fought. But in the end, it was Azrael who emerged
victorious. With one final swing of his sword, he struck Detinos
down and sent him hurtling towards the ground below. As
Detinos fell, he screamed in rage and disbelief.
"This can't be happening! I am Detinos, the prince of
Ophir! I am eternal!" he shouted.
Azrael landed gracefully on the ground and watched as
Detinos disappeared into the horizon.
"Nothing is eternal, Detinos except for YaHaVaH.” Azrael
"You're just a man, weak and pathetic!" Detinos yells. He
sweeps Azrael's feet from underneath him and quickly leaps into
the air, grabbing Azrael by the neck.
"You see, the tide is turning!" Detinos boasts.

He hurls Azrael back down and he falls like a burning star,
flames trailing behind him as he crashes into the ground. Debris
and dirt fly everywhere from the impact. Detinos lands, standing
over the broken Azrael and points his sword at his throat.
"You're a weakling and a fool. I am the supreme ruler of
these lands, a god over mankind. What makes you think you are
better than me?" Detinos boasts.
"Pride comes before a fall, haughtiness before destruction,
Detinos," Azrael says as he vanishes.
"You can run, but you cannot hide. I will find you and kill
you," Detinos nervously reacts.
"Who said anything about hiding?" Azrael says,
reappearing behind Detinos. Detinos turns around and meets his
demise as Azrael swiftly removes his head with his sword.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem, Detinos” Azrael growls his battle cry
he says, sheathing his sword.
Azrael is walking from the aftermath of his fight to the
main street and he is met with Lawin, Mr. Wyatt, and Isa. They
are relieved to see Azrael, and Lawin approaches him.
"Azrael, it's good to see you. Are you alright?" Lawin
asks, feeling relieved from the long night.
"All in a day's work, Detective. And yes, I am, thank you.
And you?" Azrael smiles.
"I'm fine. We owe you our thanks for saving Isa," Lawin
says, feeling grateful.
Mr. Wyatt steps in, shaking Azrael's hand,
"Yes, thank you, Azrael. You truly are a Warrior of Elohim
if you ever need anything don't hesitate."
“As you wish Mr. Wyatt.” Azrael says feeling joyful.
Isa walks up to Azrael and gives him a hug.
"Thank you for saving me, Azrael," Isa says with
"You're welcome, Isa. It was my duty and pleasure to
protect you."

Mr. Wyatt and Isa leave, climbing into his limousine and
driving off as Azrael and Lawin stand side by side, watching their
clients fade beyond the horizon. Azrael turns to Lawin.
"Well, Detective, this is goodbye. I must return to Areth.
The battle with Detinos has left me with unfinished business."
"I understand. I hope you find what you're looking for. I
do hope to hear from you sometime in the future," Lawin says,
feeling a bit emotional.
Azrael nods. "As do I. Until we meet again, Detective."
As Azrael pushes the button on his belt, Lawin can't help
but feel a sense of loss. She had grown to admire and respect
Azrael, and she didn't know if she would ever see him again. She
latches on him with a hug,
“don't be a stranger please and you take care of yourself,”
Lawin says as she pulls away. Azrael stands with a smile, as hi
motorcycle pulls up, he straddles on to his bike, adjust his hat,
gives one last look at Lawin and riding off into the sunset.
Lawin watches him go, feeling a mix of emotions -
gratitude for his help, sadness at his departure, and a sense of
hope that their paths would cross again someday.
Second century BC:
A fierce battle was waged over the seas of Adamah. Many
casualties of Malakhim litter Adamah’s southeastern region of
islands. Heyl’el stands over the dead as he promotes Athena. He
gazes at her as she unfurls her wings, holding a spear in hand.
She’s a majestic beauty with a stern face, unsmiling full lips, gray
eyes, and a graceful build, emanating power and authority.
“Athena, victory is ours this day. You fought well. I now
crown you my Satan over Hellas. I hope you will not disappoint
me,” he commissions her, placing a war crown on her brow.
“No, my Ba’al. I will bring death to those who follow
Hashem. The souls of this region will be yours,” she boasts as she
kneels before her master.

Heyl’el opens his dragon wings.
“See that you do, and make the souls believe I am the only
one for their salvation,” the King of Darkness commands.
He takes to the sky. Athena watches.
“As you command,” she says, taking a stand and looking
out over the sea of the dead.
In the fourth century of the country of Hellas, facing the
Syria Islands of the Aegean Sea, is an ancient town of Thoricus,
where once the Athenians had silver mines.
The Thoricus War was a conflict fought in ancient Hellas
between Athens and Sparta, the two most powerful city-states of
the time. The war resulted in a shift of power from Athens to
Sparta, making Sparta the dominant city-state in the region. This
aroused Athena's wrath to win back her territory from the skilled
warriors of Sparta. She mixed silver from the land with her blood
and breathed a curse over her weapon, then engaged in battle
with the Satan of Sparta.
After the battle, Athena descended onto the battlefield as a
majestic figure with a stern face, unsmiling full lips, gray eyes,
and a graceful build emanating power and authority. She
approached Raji, a fierce Mal'akh wrapped in black and gold
lyrical segmentation, who glared at her through his Spartan Hop-
lite Helmet with eyes flaming with bloodlust.
"Athena, my dear sister, you've lost the battle and my
Vampires will rise to rule over your territory," Raji said with
Athena threw her spear through Raji, crippling him as he
fell onto his back. Her spear whirled back to her hand, and she
slammed her foot onto Raji's chest, pinning him to the ground.
"I have a mission I must complete for our king, Raji. Not
you or any of our siblings will stop me. I will raise an army to
defeat your Vampires," Athena declared defiantly against Raji's
She unfurled her wings and took to the sky. Raji climbed
to his feet and watched her fade beyond the horizon.

"This is going to be interesting, Athena. I cannot wait to
see the outcome," he laughed.
A throne arose from beneath the ground, and Raji sat on
his new throne of authority.
"But until that time, I am now the new Satan of Hellas,"
he proudly proclaimed.
In a shallow marshland of Hellas, there is a raised wooden
walkway that goes down into the local village, with lots of trees.
The town contains run-down sheds, small houses, and narrow
mud roads. In the village center of the cemetery is a local area for
the dead.
In the southern parts of Hellas, there is a shrine to Athena,
the goddess of war, whose image still stands as a place of
worship. Inside the shrine, Athena's loyal subject stands before
her idol. Damascus, the spiritual guru of this small island, is in
meditation, praying to Athena.
Athena appears before Damascus, who is in awe as he
gazes at her beauty, as she unfurls her wings, stepping forward
with her spear in hand.
"My Goddess Athena, you grace me with your presence,"
Damascus flatters.
"I need your help. The powers of Adamah are shifting,
Hellas is being taken over by Raji and his Vampires. I need you
to convert my people into warriors of the night to fight against
these monstrous fools who oppose me. I need you to protect this
region as its guardian. This is my territory," she says with a
hostile tone.
"How am I to do such a task for you, my Goddess? These
Vampires fear nothing," Damascus humbly asks.
Athena steps up to Damascus and touches his forehead,
burning a pentagram mark of a spider with a spear into his skull.
"I am a spider, and my spear is my venom. Those who
invade my territory will suffer death," she says with a vengeful

Damascus screams in pain as he is being branded. He
takes a stand and glares at his goddess.
"What did you do to me?" he painfully asks.
Athena stares him down.
"I give you the gift of lycanthropy. Every fifteenth of the
month, you will be a beastly warrior during the night for fifteen
nights. With one bite, you will convert human flesh into my
warriors, breeding me an army to conquer and kill Raji's
creatures of abominations. Crush the Spartan empire," she
commands with vengeance.
Athena takes her spear and thrusts it into Damascus' heart,
releasing the curse of transformation. Damascus screams and
shouts as he turns into a red-maned werewolf standing ten feet
"You know the task. Do not fail me," Athena commands.
"Yes, my Goddess," speaks the werewolf Damascus.
Athena folds her wings and disappears from the local
shrine as Damascus howls, transforming back to his human form.
In the present day, on the fifteen days of Tishrei, the full
moon is blooming, illuminating the night woods outside of
Thoricus in Hellas. Somewhere in this remote area is a lonely,
unkempt cabin with an open front porch. Jack, an elderly ex-
military man, sits in a rocker chair. He's unshaven, full of fear,
drinking whiskey, holding a rifle in hand, and his eyes sharply on
the forest. On his right hand, he has a tattoo of Athena's mark.
"I hear you creeping in the woods. You come near my
place, I will blow you to kingdom come," he yells out, cocking
his rifle.
A pair of yellow animal eyes peer through branches,
watching Jack. The old man hears snapping twigs, and he is
startled. He quickly takes a swig of his whiskey, aiming his rifle,
ready for an attack.
"One by one, it comes to kill. One by one, they transform.
One by one, we dwindle to night," he whispers to himself as he
takes aim.

The tall creature moves quickly, stirring up foliage from
the ground. Jack's fear births panic, causing him to drop his rifle
partly from his intoxication. He fumbles around to pick it back
up. An unholy growl grabs his attention, and he slowly stands,
holding out his rifle, ready to fire at anything that would move.
He breathes to calm his nerves and scans the forest line but can't
see anything.
"Show yourself, you son of a bitch!"
Everything is quiet. He peers through the scope of the
rifle, and the sounds of dry leaves stir in the bushes. He quickly
turns side to side, taking aim.
"Leave me alone!" he yells.
The tall, dark beast attacks him from behind in a blink of
an eye. His rifle drops as he is dragged into the forest. All that
could be heard is the snapping and growling of a ravaging beast
as Jack screams out into the night.

Gibbins sits in a high-tech office, surrounded by monitors
and computer gadgets. The room is sleek and modern with
minimalistic décor. The walls are painted in a cool gray tone, and
the floor is made of polished concrete. The large windows offer a
panoramic view of the city skyline.
Gibbins' desk is cluttered with papers and various tech
devices. His computer screen is filled with complex data and
graphs. On his HUD, he views images of Azrael, Maya, Dina,
Trish, and Zaryah. He wipes away a tear as he thinks about the
deceased and his concerns for his brother Azrael and the difficult
tasks they have endured.
He sits back in his ergonomic chair, takes a deep breath,
and begins to pray. The room falls silent as he speaks to
YaHaVaH, seeking strength, wisdom, and guidance in Yeshua's
name. The office is a reflection of Gibbins' high-tech and
advanced lifestyle.

He is surrounded by the latest technology, and his
workspace is organized with precision and efficiency. Despite the
high-tech environment, there is a sense of shalom and tranquility
in the room as he seeks solace and guidance. A buzzer activates as
Lawin from Ophir walks in. Gibbins sees the lady standing at the
front desk, dressed in something like Azrael's leather and steel
outfit, complete with a cowboy hat.
"Afternoon, ma'am," Gibbins greets, taken aback by her
"I am Gibbins. What can I do for you, Miss?" he
Lawin hands him her legal documents.
"I am Detective Lawin. I’ve been transferred from my
country to work here with you. I hear you need help killing
monsters," she responds.
Gibbins lifts an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by this
woman who looks like a mini-version of Azrael.
"Monsters, you say?" he laughs to himself, skimming
through her folder.
"What’s so funny, Mr. Silverstone?" she questions.
Gibbins lets out a sigh.
"I can see you can handle yourself with military training
and law enforcement. But look, miss, this job isn't for you.
There’s a restaurant down the street looking for a waitress. Or if
you like, there's a cosplay convention taking place this week at
the mall. So good day, Miss Lawin," Gibbins says as he walks
"Mr. Silverstone, I understand you're a busy man. But why
are you so easily dismissing me? I am here for training from my
country, as you can read," Lawin says.
Gibbins turns back to her.
"I've lost too many people in this gig, and what started out
as an adventure became a nightmare. I lost my sister, a close
friend, my wife, and I almost lost my daughter. And quite frankly,
I am stupefied that I am still alive," Gibbins expresses his grief.

"I am truly sorry for your loss, Mr. Silverstone, but no
offense, sir, I've dealt with monsters and demons a few years
back in my country. That's why I'm here, to learn more about this
plague," Lawin shares her purpose.
"Let me guess, Mr. Wyatt sent you?" Gibbins questions
with his odd humor.
"As a matter of fact, yes. He endorsed a new government
contract for our new branch of law for monster hunting. I’ve been
charged as headmaster of this program because of my experience,
with the help of an extremely tall man from Areth," she tells
"Tall man you said, dresses like you but more menacing?"
he laughs to himself.
"Yeah, you know him?" she asks with curiosity.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, he’s my brother," Gibbins says
with a slight smile. Lawin laughs,
"But he doesn't look anything like you," she respectfully
Gibbins gives her an uneasy look.
"He was married to my sister, that is all I can say at this
time," he responds.
"Fair enough, Mr. Silverstone. Please reconsider your
decision. I am asking you to give me a chance. If it doesn’t work
out, I’ll go back to my own country, but I must come back with
something, or I will lose my job," she pleads her case.
"I’ll think about it, Miss Lawin," Gibbins says.
Suddenly the alarms go off, and Lawin looks about,
feeling alert.
"What’s going on?" she questions, following Gibbins to
the main fort.
"It's the S.P.S alert," Gibbins replies.
"The S.P.S is a system that I have developed to read and
track Supernatural, Paranormal, and Spectral energies throughout
the nations," he explains, walking into the main fort.
"Oh, finally some action," Lawin says, feeling a bit
excited and overwhelmed.

Zaryah is monitoring the activities on the main monitors.
"Will you please shut that alarm off," Gibbins commands,
taking his seat like a captain of a ship.
"Zaryah, meet Detective Lawin. Lawin, meet my daughter
Zaryah," Gibbins says, flipping some switches on his console.
Zaryah looks up.
"Hey, welcome," she says with a smile. Gibbins glances at
his daughter.
"Zaryah, what kind of activity are we looking at?" Gibbins
questions. Zaryah punches some buttons on her keyboard, and the
S.P.S system acquired: Thoricus in
the country of Hellas," Zaryah reports. "This is some fancy
equipment you got here, Mr. Silverstone," Lawin compliments as
she marvels over the operation of the HUB.
"Thank you, but please call me Gibbins," he insists.
Zaryah watches the spectrum analysis on the monitor, and
an order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength are
displayed as their colors turn indigo.
"Hey, pops, in the southern portion of ancient Attica, we
have a reading of paranormal activity," Zaryah reports. Gibbins
cross-references with his readings.
"The Island of Hellas, the small town of Thoricus," he
Gibbins pulls up a record account of the Satans that could
possibly govern the region, and a rotating 3D image of Athena is
"How accurate is this system of yours?" Lawin questions.
"The computer analysis gives us an estimate of what we
are up against. Like all machines and gadgets, they are not
perfect. They are man-made, and there are always flaws. As we
complete each mission, we update the database on the strengths,
weaknesses, and tools to defeat these creatures. Then we print
them into books. It's always good to have a hard copy," Gibbins

"What's the reason for recording these activities of yours
besides collecting trophies? When you kill these monsters, aren't
they gone for good?" Lawin continues the question.
"These creatures, like the paranormal, are flesh. They will
die, but their essence, spirit energy, can be harnessed as a weapon
against the darkness. Or, they are bound into darkness beneath
our feet," Gibbins completes his answer.
He then glances at the image of Athena and then at his
daughter Zaryah.
"Zaryah, without a computer, I want you to give me the
history of this Mal’akh," Gibbins instructs.
Zaryah stands and faces her father, folding her arms
behind her back.
"In ancient Hellas, Athena was one of Heyl’el’s generals,
but to the humans, she is a goddess of wisdom, War, and an
Alchemist, the magic of transformation. The word Alchemist in
today’s language we call it crafts. She is the Satan over the small
town Thoricus in Hellas. After the children of men broke oath
with Elohim, she was able to overpower Minerva, one of the
seventy-two holy Malakhim, to help the children of men govern
in righteousness.
Before the immersion of Adamah, she conceived a child
from a mortal male named Hephaestus, and their child grew to be
a titan who, in turn, consumed his father out of hunger. This
made Athena waxed hot with rage, and she buried Enkelados, her
son, beneath the Mount of Etna. She took his foreskin of his
phallus and made her aegis from it.
When YaHaVaH declared the destruction of these
Nephilim, led by the four champions of Shamayim known as the
Hayyoth, they issued a campaign against the Watchers who were
made to watch their own children kill off each other, and the
Watchers were buried for seventy generations due to their
transgressions of mating with humans," she complies.
"Well done. I am impressed," Gibbins compliments.
"This is part of the program?" Lawin asks.

"Yes, it is. Know thy enemy, fewer chances of dying," he
humorously says.
"I am aware of knowing your enemy, Mr. Gibbins, but I
have never seen anything like this, and your daughter is
impressive with her knowledge. I meant no offense, sir," Lawin
"Thank you," Zaryah smiles, looking back at the main
The AI voice module speaks,
"Analysis complete, lycanthrope activity, location
originated from the small village Thoricus, longitude and latitude
37.7510° N, 14.9934° E," the AI completes the analysis.
"What’s a lycanthrope?" Lawin asks.
"A genetic curse of the lycanthrope is a half-wolf and
half-man," Gibbins says.
"In other words, werewolves, but aren't they fairy tales?"
Lawin retorts.
"Fairy tales are Heyl’el’s bedtime stories for children,"
Zaryah remarks as she confirms the location.
Zaryah looks at her father with excitement in her eyes.
"Can I go?" she asks.
Gibbins lets out a sigh. "Not yet," he replies.
"Father, I just want to help," she begs.
"And you are in the safety of our fort. I will not put you in
harm's way, as I did with your mother and Maya," Gibbins says
with a tone of guilt in his voice.
Zaryah sulks as she sits in front of the mainframe.
"You need to stop blaming yourself for things that are out
of your control, father," Zaryah says, defending her reasons.
Gibbins sits in his chair, glancing at his monitor, ignoring
Zaryah. He feels he does not have to say anything, for he knows
how dangerous the supernatural world is and feels that his
daughter is not ready.
"Where is your uncle?" Gibbins questions.

Zaryah sighs, holding herself back and giving her father
respect. She punches in his GPS coordinates, and the satellite
pinpoints him in the mountains of Zhongguo.
"Azrael is in the nation of Zhongguo."
"Zhongguo, you guys get around, don't you?" Lawin
"Sure do," Zaryah replies with pride.
"What is he up against in Zhongguo?" Lawin inquisitively
"Lawin, Zhongguo is the largest nation of idolatry that
brings offense against Yah. That ties in with the political actions
of those who refuse to obey his commandments," Gibbins
"So what demon is he fighting against?" Lawin asks.
"It's not a demon, but one of the seventy-two Satans, in
other words, a fallen Mal’akh, a general of Heyl’el’s. Ironically,
this Mal’akh goes by 'Bull Demon King,' notorious as the Ox,"
Gibbins concludes.
Lawin stands, staring at the monitor in this digital fortress.
Her eyes read every image and detail of information that flashes
on the screen. She feels a mix of excitement and concern for
Azrael, who left an impression both professionally and
romantically, but she keeps these feelings to herself.
She can't help but wonder what kind of danger he is facing
and if he will make it out unscathed. Lawin knows that the
supernatural world is unpredictable, and even the most
experienced hunters can fall victim to its dangers. She silently
vows to keep a close eye on Azrael's mission and do everything
in her power to support him from afar.

In the cold and desolate regions of Zhongguo's mountains,
Azrael stands in front of the foreboding Demon King temple. The
Pagoda-style architecture looms above him, its intricately carved
details obscured by the thick blanket of snow and mist that
envelops the area. As he breathes out, the frigid air crystallizes
into a cloud of vapor around him, a visible testament to the
unforgiving climate.
Despite its weather-beaten exterior, the temple remains an
impressive sight, its imposing structure a stark contrast to the
peaceful, snowy landscape. The intricate designs on the walls and
rooftops of the temple are made even more breathtaking by the
layer of frost that coats them.
Undeterred by the inhospitable surroundings, Azrael
approaches the temple, his eyes fixed on its massive wooden
doors. With a grunt, he shoves them open, and the heavy wood
creaks and groans in protest. As he steps inside, he is met with a
musty and stale air, the scent of ancient dust and neglect hanging
thick in the air.
As Azrael's eyes adjust to the dim light within the temple,
he notices the towering figures of two wooden statues staring
down at him on either side of the courtroom. They depict the
fierce warrior gods of Zhongguo, frozen in striking battle poses,
their faces contorted in a display of determination and courage.
The sheer size and detail of the statues are impressive, and they
seem to exude a sense of power that fills the room.
In the center of the courtroom, Azrael sees a frozen throne
elevated on many steps. The throne's intricate carvings are
obscured by a thick layer of snow, and the temple floors are also
blanketed in white, creating an ethereal and mystical ambiance.
Despite the temple's age and neglect, there is a sense of
reverence and awe that permeates the air, as if the spirits of the
past still inhabit the space. Azrael takes a deep breath, steeling
himself for the task ahead, knowing that he is about to face a
formidable foe in this sacred temple.

"The Word of Yah is the instrument by which YaHaVaH
dispenses the illumination of His Shekinah to believers," Azrael
says to himself, surveying the wonder of the temple.
The demon king, known as the Ox, suddenly appears
sitting on his throne, dressed in an elaborate suit of armor made of
overlapping leather and metal scales. He stands up, his
appearance that of a large man with a big black beard, bulging
eyes, and a wrathful expression.
"You come to my temple and blaspheme my fame with
such words," he growls.
"At least I got your attention, and I have a word for you
from Aravat," Azrael declares.
The Ox's weapon of choice, a halberd, appears in his
hands from thought to hand.
"I am listening. What does the Father of Creation have to
say?" The Ox questions, tightening his grip on his weapon and
readying himself for battle.
"Oh, Satan of Zhongguo, your days have ended for your
transgressions of Idolatry, causing my people of this nation to
worship you with every little lie you have spread. You know
better than to behave in such matters toward Adonai Aravat, for
every abominable act which He hates, you have done for your
glory. Now, the children of Zhongguo burn their sons and
daughters in the fire to you and their gods and goddesses that you
have orchestrated," Azrael speaks YaHaVaH's judgment.
The Bull Demon King unfurls his griffin-like wings.
"I see no Mal'akh from Shamayim, nor do I see the Son of
Elyon to sentence me or to execute such judgment. All I see is an
impudent human,"
Ox responds as he descends from his throne.
"I am a Nevi, the Word of Yeshua, and the Sword of
YaHaVaH. I am your judge and executioner, Ox, for it is written
we humans will judge you Malakhim," Azrael says, unsheathing
his sword.
"There is no way out except through your death, warrior,"
Ox threatens.

"Perhaps for you; these are the days that have been
prophesied for the return of our King, Yeshua, and the hour is
nigh," Azrael says confidently.
The two warriors clash, locking their weapons together.
They push off, and Azrael flips backward, delivering a powerful
kick to the Ox's face. The Ox responds by summoning two of his
bat demons, which chase after Azrael.
With a quick move, Azrael runs and jumps into a
corkscrew dive, yelling "Esh!" as he does so. Holy flames
disperse from Azrael’s hand, incinerating the bat demons on the
spot. The fire eddies scorch the temple, causing destruction all
around them.
The Ox then tackles Azrael and puts him into a chokehold,
pulling his dagger to Azrael’s throat, ready to strike. But Azrael
blocks the blade with his steel bracers and battles against the Ox's
"It's time to die, little warrior," Ox hisses, inching closer
to Azrael's throat.
"Sure it is?" Azrael replies, pushing back with all his
In a split second, he side-steps and drops to a sweep kick,
knocking Ox off his feet. He quickly rolls out of the way of
Azrael's stomping foot, but Azrael follows up with a forceful
push-kick to his chest. The Ox crashes through the temple wall,
and they find themselves on the exterior ice range. He snatches
his weapon with his telekinetic force, but Azrael leaps into the air
and yells,
"Yeshua Ligor Ikem!" In one swift movement, he
decapitates the Ox, and his head falls from his shoulder. As the
Ox's body disintegrates, Azrael says,
"Idols cannot fathom thoughts, desires, longings, and
expectations. Man is foolish to worship such idiocy in the place
of YaHaVaH. Idols cause us to ignore the Torah, in search of
what we think we need, these idols are conventional Gods to suit
our desires,” Azrael reflects watching the Demon king fade to

His bracer HUD opens; its Gibbins,
“Gibbins, next mission?” Azrael asks
“A matter of fact I do,” Gibbins responds.
“State the mission,” Azrael commands.
“We have a lycanthrope activity, location originated from
the small village Thoricus on the Island of Hellas, sending you
the coordinates.
Azrael’s HUD shows the longitude and latitude 37.7510°
N, 14.9934° E.
“I will meet with you in three days, Azrael out,” he says,
shutting off his HUD.
Azrael walks to the edge of the mountain top, as the
Pagoda temple continues to burn down. Azrael glances at the
burning temple.
“YaHaVaH is a consuming fire to all idols,” Azrael says as
he looks over the horizon he senses a presence behind him.
“Azrael” said a voice that sound like water falls.
He turns around to see a figure radiating a brilliant light.
Standing in the midst of the seven golden menorahs was like
unto the Son of Adam, he is clothed with a garment down to the
feet, and girt about the chest with a golden belt.
His hair and beard are white as snow; his eyes are like a
flame of fire; his feet like fine brass, as if they burned in a
furnace and in his right hand seven stars: and his words are sharp
as a two edged sword: and his countenance is as if the sun shines
through his strength.
"Yeshua," Azrael whispers in awe.
Yeshua speaks in a voice like thunder,
"Well done, faithful servant. Your battles have not gone
unnoticed, and your reward will be great in Paradise."
Azrael drops to his knees, overwhelmed by the presence
of the Son of YaHaVaH.
"Rise up Azrael," Yeshua says.
"Your work is not yet done. The darkness still seeks to
overcome the light, and you have been chosen to stand against
it." Yeshua explains.

Azrael stands, filled with renewed purpose and
"I am ready, Yeshua," he says removing his hat for
Yeshua places his hand on Azrael's shoulder, and Azrael
feels a surge of power flow through him.
"Go forth, and let the light of YaHaVaH shine through
you," Yeshua says.
With those words, Yeshua disappears, leaving Azrael
standing on the mountain top, ready to face whatever darkness
lies ahead.
“Your will be done,” Azrael says placing his hat back on
his head.

The rugged terrain of Mt. Etna looms over the Island of
Thoricus like a menacing specter, shrouded in a thick veil of mist
that never seems to lift. The region has been culturally isolated
from the rest of Hellas for centuries, harboring dark secrets that
have long been forgotten by the outside world. The center of
Thoricus is a small, eerie village that seems frozen in time. The
homesteads are dilapidated and weathered, their thatched roofs
sagging under the weight of time.
The Farm compound is overgrown with weeds, and its
fields are lifeless. The Church with its cemetery and tall bell
tower is the only structure that still stands tall, but it too is
showing signs of decay.
Most of the villagers live in the central area of town, but
there are a few who prefer to dwell in the surrounding hills, where
strange whispers and eerie sounds can be heard at night. The
roads leading out of the village are unpaved and winding, snaking
through the rugged landscape like a serpent.
It's a dreary, rainy day in the town of Thoricus, the
dampness seeping into everything. The small village is shrouded
in a thick mist, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Something has disturbed the town's usual routine, and
multiple forensics officers in raincoats with the word "Forensics"
emblazoned on the back are huddled together, collecting evidence
outside of the village. The team is composed of six people, all
wearing light jackets and raincoats, with hoods pulled tightly over
their heads. Their faces are obscured by masks, and they move
around the scene with purpose, taking photos and marking
evidence with small, yellow cones.
Despite the rain, they remain focused and diligent,
determined to uncover the truth behind Jack's death. Their
equipment is scattered around them, including cameras, evidence
bags, and forensic kits. They work efficiently and professionally,
paying close attention to every detail and not leaving a single
stone unturned.
Sheriff Siegfried, a average man in his late forties, stands
nearby, watching over the proceedings. He looks somber and
concerned, his brow furrowed with worry. He knows that
something terrible has happened in his town, and he is determined
to get to the bottom of it.
A sound of a motorcycle breaks Siegfried's thoughts, and
as he turns to see Azrael pulling over on his bike, he walks over to
greet his guest.
“Well hello, Sheriff. I assume I've come to the right
place,” Azrael says as he climbs off Spirit.
Siegfried is taken aback by the size of his guest and
glances around before nodding attentively, looking over Azrael.
“Who are you?” Siegfried questions.
“Azrael, Paranormal Investigator,” Azrael says, taking a
few steps forward.
He surveys his surroundings and turns to the Sheriff,
reaching for his belt and showing his badge of authority.
“So, you're from the Paranormal Universal Law
Institution,” Siegfried says with a hint of perplexity.
“Yes, and I am here to investigate your situation,” Azrael

“I assure you this has nothing to do with any supernatural
creature,” Siegfried states as he glances back at the victim.
Azrael moves over to the recently deceased and kneels
down beside the body.
“I'll be the judge of that, and if this is a regular homicide,
I'll leave it to you,” Azrael says as he pushes a button on his
His heads-up display (HUD) pops up in front of him,
showing a series of images and data. Siegfried raises an eyebrow
and crosses his arms.
"You know, I've been a sheriff for a long time, and I've
seen my fair share of strange cases. But I've never had a
paranormal investigator show up on my doorstep before."
Azrael looks up from the HUD and smirks.
"Well, you know what they say, Sheriff. There's a first
time for everything."
Siegfried shakes his head.
"Yeah, well, I don't believe in ghosts and goblins. I deal
with real-life problems, like murderers and thieves."
Azrael stands up, looking Siegfried straight in the eye.
"Believe me, Sheriff, I deal with real-life problems too.
But sometimes, the real-life problems are the supernatural ones.
And that's where I come in."
Siegfried narrows his eyes.
"Alright, alright. But don't go getting any bright ideas
about ghosts and vampires. This is a regular homicide, I tell you."
Azrael grins. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, Sheriff. But just
in case, I'll keep my holy water handy."
Azrael continues to scan with a small, transparent screen
that hovers in the air, displaying information in real-time. It
shows a 3D model of Jack's body, highlighting areas of interest
with a bright red color. The model rotates and zooms in and out
as Azrael examines the remains, allowing him to get a closer look
at each detail.

In addition to the visual data, the HUD also displays a
range of technical information, such as the time and date of Jack's
death, the estimated cause of death, and any anomalies detected
in the body.
Azrael's brow furrows as he studies the lacerations from
his HUD, muttering to himself as he analyzes the data. The data
shows deep, claw-like lacerations on the victim's neck and torso,
with an unusual depth and shape that suggests immense strength.
The lacerations show a high concentration of animal fur, and the
tissue samples reveal a high level of lycanthropic DNA,
“The attacker was likely a werewolf.” Azrael says
completing his analyses.
He stand up and looks at the Sheriff,
“You're correct, it's not supernatural, but it also not your
normal homicides.” Azrael says adjusting his hat as he breaths
deeply knowing that he's going to be in for another battle.
Siegfried looks the body then back at Azrael with
questions swimming in his mind,
“Are you going to tell me what we are dealing with? The
Sheriff asks with a coldness about himself.
“It's paranormal,” Azrael says.
“Paranormal, supernatural, what is the difference?”
Siegfried remarks sarcastically.
“Paranormal are your flesh like monsters, Werewolves,
Vampires, Ghouls and Goblins and so on; but your super-
naturalism are like mutants with magical abilities, witches,
warlocks, sorcerers; while your ghosts, demons and phantoms,
and Malakhim are based on ethereal principles that are your
Spectral entities, and in today's world we now have to deal with
Genetic monsters created by man.'' Azrael says, completing his
Azrael stands and hands Siegfried a data stick, Siegfried
pops into his HUD receptor and reads the contents,
“Oh yeah formalities, of course,” Siegfried says with a bit
of sarcasm.

“So, what are we looking at?” Siegfried continues to
Azrael stands behind the Sheriff and points to the
evidence on the HUD screen. "Look, the victim's wounds were
inflicted during a full moon, as indicated by the level of lunar
radiation present in the tissue samples. Also, the HUD detects a
high level of adrenaline in the victim's bloodstream, suggesting
that he was in a state of heightened arousal or fear at the time of
the attack."
The Sheriff glances at Azrael with a complexity in his
eyes, then back to his screen, muttering to himself as he
continues to analyze the data. They notice the distinct lack of any
fingerprints or DNA evidence.
"See, the attacker was careful to cover his tracks," the
Sheriff remarks with a smile.
Azrael points again.
"However, the data does detect traces of unusual saliva on
the victim's neck, indicating that the attacker had a highly acidic
saliva, a common trait for werewolves," Azrael concludes.
The Sheriff's smile fades, replaced by a sense of unease.
"Wait, werewolves? You mean that's not just a myth?"
Azrael nods.
"Unfortunately, it's all too real. And based on the
evidence, it seems likely that Jack was attacked by a werewolf."
The Sheriff shakes his head in disbelief.
"I can't believe this. I've been a sheriff for over twenty
years, and I've never encountered anything like this."
Azrael places a hand on the Sheriff's shoulder.
"I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes, the truth is
stranger than fiction."
The Sheriff nods slowly, then quotes Sherlock Holmes:
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever
remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
The Sheriff turns and walks toward a hillside.
"Follow me. Maybe you can make heads or tails of this
site over here," he says, coaxing Azrael's curiosity.

Azrael follows him, and as they step up on the hillside, he
can't believe his eyes. The sight that greets him is an open field of
human remains, with some shredded bodies bearing furs.
Forensics officers are lifting bear traps with the dead still clinging
to them.
"By the looks of this site, it could be occult," Azrael says
“I hope not,” the Sheriff says with a grim tone.
The Sheriff nods, his expression grave.
"We've been finding these kinds of sites all over town. It's
like someone is using these poor souls for some kind of twisted
Azrael's gaze flits over the grisly scene, taking in the
shredded remains and the crude symbols etched into the ground.
He feels a chill run down his spine.
"This is no ordinary killing. It's something far more
The Sheriff nods in agreement.
"We need to find out who's behind this and put a stop to it
before anyone else gets hurt."
Azrael nods, his mind already racing with possibilities. He
knows that he has his work cut out for him, but he is determined
to get to the bottom of this gruesome mystery.
The Dragonslayer pulls in, and Gibbins and Lawin step
out. Azrael is surprised to see Detective Lawin dressed similarly
to him in terms of fashion.
"Azrael, meet your mini-me," Gibbins laughs as he walks
by Azrael.
"So, did we miss anything?" Gibbins asks.
Azrael ignores Gibbins and focuses on Lawin.
"Lawin, what are you doing here?"
"Here to work with your team, to learn how to deal with
the things that go bump in the night," she says humorously.
"She's on probation at this time," Gibbins interjects.
Azrael glances at Gibbins.
"Still having trust issues?" he asks.

"A bit," Gibbins retorts.
Lawin hands Azrael Brimstone back to him.
"I was wondering where Brimstone had gone?" Azrael
says, sheathing his weapon.
"You gave it to me when I had no weapon battling the
army of Tiyanak," Lawin replies.
She pulls out a smaller version of Brimstone.
"The engineering on your gun is absolute genius, so our
brightest scientists created our law enforcement guns," Lawin
"All credit is due to Gibbins. He's the inventor of this
operation," Azrael compliments.
Gibbins laughs as he steps up next to Siegfried.
"Sheriff, I'd like to get to the bottom of this as soon as
possible," Gibbins assures.
Gibbins glances over the area.
"So, what are we looking at?" he asks.
The Sheriff lets out a deep sigh.
"This is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Skeletons
everywhere, mauled bodies. This is like a war zone. At first, we
believed we had a serial killer on our hands until we came to this
burial site. But most of these bodies date way back to the second
century, and the strangest thing is that they all have a brand or
tattoo mark of a pentagram with a spider and a spear, indicating
some kind of occult movement," Siegfried says with complexity
in his tone.
Gibbins frowns, taking notes on his notepad.
"Do you have an image of this marking?" Gibbins fishes
for answers.
The Sheriff shows him a sketch of the marking.
"If you want a better look at this marking, go to the old
shrine south from here. There is a monument of the goddess of
war," Siegfried states as he looks down on the grave.
"We'll definitely look into the monument," Gibbins says as
he continues to write notes on his notepad.

"Well, for starters, most of these recent people are
trappers," Siegfried continues.
"Trapping what?" Gibbins asks.
"In these parts, we're plagued with wolves," the Sheriff
says. He points to his latest victims.
"But these poor souls have been dug up, and some have
all been dragged here from who knows where," Siegfried
The Sheriff pulls out an old dusty pocket watch.
“For instance, like this antique,” he continues.
He shows Gibbins, and on the back of the watch, it’s
inscribed "Damarcus 1836".
Gibbins takes a moment to take the information in.
“Interesting find, Sheriff,” he compliments.
“Yes, this site is loaded with all kinds of trinkets; like
jewelry, guns, skins, hats, old-style spurs, boots, and so on. The
museum would have a field day with these things,” Siegfried
Azrael and Lawin step in from behind.
“More like a smorgasbord of antiquities,” Azrael remarks.
“How'd you find this place?” Lawin questions as she
looks at the recently deceased.
The Sheriff pulls out the victim's HUD device.
“Simple. He had this HUD phone in his back pocket when
he went missing. His mother called it in, and we tracked his
number here. Nothing but blood all over,” Siegfried says.
“Who is he?” Lawin asks.
“Jack Solar, ex-military, tragically lost his wife a few
years back. He has one son, Grant, who is twelve and has not
been seen for a few months.”
Lawin sees the pentagram marking on Jack’s right hand.
“Gibbins, he also has a mark,” she reports.
Gibbins bends down next to Lawin and draws the mark on
his notepad.
“We definitely are having some kind of occult activity. It's
something deeper,” Gibbins reacts.

He stands up from his examination.
“Azrael, I need you to look to the south from here. There’s
a shrine with a monument of the goddess of war,” Gibbins says,
looking around.
“I’ll look into it,” Azrael says.
Meanwhile inside one of the police squad vehicles, is
Billy Fagan, late twenties the Sheriff’s deputy who's waiting to
receive a fax print out from the Criminal Justice Information
System, from the vehicle’s Computer Automated Dispatch
The interior of the police vehicle is cramped, with limited
space for movement. The seats are made of tough, black vinyl,
and the dashboard is cluttered with various buttons and dials. The
computer monitor is mounted on the center console, displaying a
map of the area with various icons representing police stations,
hospitals, and other points of interest.
The fax machine is located on the passenger side, next to
Billy's seat, with a small LED display indicating the status of the
transmission. The air inside the car is stale and smells of old
cigarette smoke, despite the "No Smoking" sign prominently
displayed on the dashboard.
He retrieves the data fax sheet and climbs out and calls out
for the Sheriff's attention as they meet halfway.
“What ya got there Billy?” Siegfried asks.
“Just called it in from this old I.D. Spencer Wilkins.
thirty-seven. Disappeared on a camping trip in sixty-three'. Went
missing about ten miles from here at the abandoned camping site.
They found his car but never his body. Until today.
The Sheriff takes the I.D. and looks at it with disbelief,
This abandoned campsite is the old shrine of Athena?”
Azrael questions.
“Yes sir, along with that creepy statue,” Billy says, feeling
The Sheriff glances at his three guest,
“Well if you don't mind, I've gotta start to make sure this
site is secure and documented,” Siegfried says as he steps away.

Azrael walks over the site and stops and looks down upon
a skeleton older than all the rest. Lawin is curious,
“What is he doing?” She asks.
“By the looks of it he’s going to get a direct answer,”
Gibbins says.
Azrael bends down and notices Athena’s marking on the
skull of the dead. He touches the mark, and his eyes light up with
a supernatural light; his spirit eye takes him through time and
He sees Damarcus, who was killed by Athena for his
betrayal of not fulfilling his oath with her.
“Not good,” he mutters.
His spirit eye continues to show the origins of the
lycanthrope throughout the centuries, and he sees the beast that
stalks the lands in stages like one who looks at a 3D puzzle. As
his vision begins to fade, he sees Athena standing like a statue.
“Who gives you the right to come to my domain and take
it away?” she says as Azrael snaps back to the present.
“Athena is behind this attack with her new Werewolf,”
Azrael confirms his notes.
He slowly walks around, continuing to check the site.
“Gibbins, Lawin, it all checks out. We are dealing with a
“Well, then what kind of Werewolf do you think we're
dealing with?” Lawin asks.
“By the looks of it, it's a pup,” Azrael interjects.
“Yes, but still, it’s more like a disenchanted pup, a trapped
soul taking revenge against its possessor,” Gibbins concludes as
he takes a blood sample from Jack's body.
“All these victims have one thing in common, including
our recently deceased,” Azrael discloses his findings.
“What would that be?” The Sheriff asks.
“The marking of their goddess, Athena,” Azrael
concludes. He then looks at Gibbins, Lawin and Siegfried,
“Gibbins, I need you and Zaryah to look into Jack's

Lawin, you are with me, Sheriff I need you to set up base
at your Precinct so we can work with you.” Azrael commands.
The Sheriff nods in agreement.
"Consider it done, Azrael. We'll set up a command center
at the precinct and provide you with any resources you need."
Azrael thanks him and turns to Lawin.
"We need to investigate the abandoned campground,
Lawin. That's our first lead."
Lawin nods and follows Azrael as he starts walking
towards the woods.
"What do you think we'll find there?" she asks.
"I'm not sure," Azrael replies.
"But we need to gather as much information as we can.
We need to find out who's behind this and how to stop them."
The Sheriff follows them for a few steps before calling out
to Azrael.
"Be careful out there, Azrael. This is dangerous territory."
Azrael turns back to him and gives a reassuring nod.
"We will be, Sheriff. And we'll bring this to an end soon."
Azrael pause for a moment and glances at his brother,
“Gibbins, I want to break this curse and save the host. We
know that this curse can be broken in two ways, through the
blood of Yeshua,”
“That means confession of sins,” Gibbins realizes.
“That is correct,” Azrael says.
“So, what’s the second way to break the curse?” Lawin
speaks out.
“Facing the Satan who caused this curse with the Word of
YaHaVaH. I want to kill two birds with one stone, if possible,”
Azrael concludes.
“I will get Zaryah on the missing child and find the child’s
closest kin,” Gibbins says as he climbs into the Dragonslayer and
drives off.
“To the camp?” Lawin asks. “Yes,” Azrael says, leading
them into the dark woods.

As they venture into the dark woods, the sound of their
footsteps echo through the trees, and the night seems to grow
darker around them. But Azrael's resolve remains unshaken, and
Lawin follow his lead with unwavering trust. Together, they press
forward, determined to unravel the mystery that has plagued this
town for centuries.
With the fate of innocent lives hanging in the balance,
they know that failure is not an option. And so, with the weight of
responsibility on their shoulders, they move ever closer to their
goal, ready to face whatever dangers may lie ahead.

The full moon casts its eerie light over the dark town as
Athena stands atop Mt. Etna. Beside her stands a twelve-year-old
boy, Grant Solar, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a strong build
that belies his young age.
“Now we have to deal with this Warrior Hunter, because
of your impulse to kill your father,” she scolds Grant with anger
in her voice.
“My father was a monster, I hated him,” Grant says, his
fists clenched.
“No doubt he deserved what he got, but now we need to
be extra careful to fulfill our mission,” Athena says with a stern
She looks down at Grant,
“You're not to kill anymore, only bite to turn people into
my night warriors. If you fail me, I will give you the same fate as
I gave to your great-grandfather,” she warns, unfurling her wings
and slowly taking off into the sky.
“Meet me at the abandoned campsite. I have a small
mission for you,” Athena calls out as she flies away, leaving
Grant alone on the mountaintop.

Cool night at lover’s lane, a hillside that overlooks the
ocean, where young love flourishes. Deputy Billy Fagan is
making out with Victoria Walker, the Governor’s daughter, who’s
in her early twenties, the blond hair beauty of the town,
“Billy we need to stop, I can’t do this,” she says as she
pulls away.
“Oh Vicky I have been waiting for a long time to be with
you,” Billy says as he respects her wishes.
“Billy, I understand, but let's do this right, ask my father
for his blessing for marriage, then I am yours for life,” Victoria
says with conviction, giving Billy a kiss to calm him down.
Billy feeling heated and frustrated as he pulls away,
“You know how I feel about marriage,” Billy says.
He climbs out of his vehicle, three official vehicles come
pulling in, lights flashing and illuminating the area. A tall man
steps forward holding his gun and badge in hand,
“Victoria Walker, you are required to make an appearance
to your father,” says the head security.
Billy pull his gun from his Vehicle,
“Put your gun down, I am the Deputy of Sheriff
Siegfried,” He demanded.
“Billy you're out of your jurisdiction, lower your weapon
no harm will befall you.
Billy reluctantly complain, Victoria glances at him as she
passes by him entering one of the official vehicles. Billy stands
there watching, feeling powerless as they drive off.

The abandoned Camp Red Rock site lies nestled in a
wintry landscape, shrouded in a thick veil of gray mist. The site is
a desolate, empty place, its buildings in ruins and its once-lively
spaces now empty and silent. In the center of the camp stands a
strange structure, a foreign architecture shrine dedicated to the
goddess Athena. The shrine's foundation is strong and has stood
the test of time, enduring for generations despite the neglect and
abandonment of the surrounding buildings.

In the heart of the shrine, a massive black statue of Athena
looms, beckoning to her worshippers with outstretched arms. The
air is cold and damp, and the eerie silence of the abandoned
campsite is only broken by the occasional howl of the wind or the
creaking of the old buildings.
Azrael and Lawin stood in front of this wonder. Lawin
walked up to the statue and read a plaque with the symbol of
“Athena; Guardian of Dusk and Dawn, the magic between
Day and Night, Mother of the Roses and Queen of the Night Sky.
Her sphere is the period of transition and change, as seen in the
constant twilight of her realm in the Moon shadow,” Lawin
laughed with disbelief.
She turned to speak to Azrael, who was now gone.
“Azrael, where are you? Where did you go? Azrael,”
Lawin questioned aloud, moving about looking for him.
Sounds of twigs snapping, Lawin ducked into a small,
broken-down cabin as a dozen black-hooded, tall creatures
emerged from the forest, circling the statue, and chanting,
“One by one she comes to kill. One by one we transform.
One by one we dwindle tonight,” they chanted as one.
Lawin put her hand on her gun, ready for anything. She
peeked her head out as Athena made her appearance with
Victoria. Grant walked in and stood next to Athena like a dog to a
“We have new recruit delegates of Hellea. It's time to cast
your vote if the Governor's daughter is worthy of our clan, or will
she be food,” Athena said, showing Victoria off like a trophy.
One by one, each of the twelve removed their hoods,
revealing faces as Werewolves. Athena listened to the words of
the delegates, and as each one gave their vote, nine of the twelve
Wolves voted for Victoria's conversion.
Lawin watched with disbelief.
“Wow, this gives a whole new meaning to wolves in
sheep’s clothing,” Lawin sarcastically remarked to herself.

Athena looked at her chosen champion and gave him a
“Bite her,” she coldly commanded.
Victoria stood with terror in her eyes, her body stiffer than
a board as she saw Grant transform into a black eight-foot
Werewolf. Victoria screamed as she watched the horror of the
transformation. Grant took the girl and bit her, and she was
transformed into a silver-haired nine-foot Werewolf.
“Soon my children, the pack that I’ve made with our king
will be fulfilled,” Athena said.
The twelve howled at the moon in compliance.
“The twelve of you beware of the strangers who are in
town, one is very dangerous, convert them for my cause, and kill
the tall one,” Athena said, looking around.
The wolves stopped howling. Grant sniffed the air and
caught Lawin’s scent. He leaped into the air, crashing through the
old cabin. Lawin was caught off guard and was thrown backward,
landing hard on her backside.
Grant, the Werewolf, picked her up and took her before
Athena. The queen of the night was amused to see Lawin. She
came in close, sniffing her, picking up her scent.
“From Ophir, what brings you here, child?” Athena
Lawin stayed quiet.
“No matter, you will be part of my army,” Athena
boastfully stated.
She stepped up next to Grant, the Werewolf, and petted
him under his chin.
“Bite her,” she commanded.
Grant, the Werewolf, hunched and turned towards Lawin,
ready to attack. Azrael appeared out of the shadows, kicked the
Werewolf aside, grabbed Lawin, pulled out a tear gas pellet from
his belt, and smashed it against the rocks. The smoke flooded the
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem,” he shouted.

He leaped into the air and landed safely from the chaotic
mess. Athena dropped to her knees, feeling the power of the
name of Yeshua from Azrael’s lips. Her twelve Werewolves
screamed and howled as their faces melted from the smoking gas.
“What’s going on?” Lawin asked.
“Silver nitrate compound mixed with the tear gas,” Azrael
“Clever,” Lawin remarked.
“Now excuse me,” Azrael said, walking towards Athena.
Grant the Werewolf and Victoria the Werewolf ran off into
the forest before the smoke choked them out. Azrael walked up to
the statue of Athena, put his hands on it, and looked at Athena
with defiant prejudice as she staggered back to her feet.
“Thus says YaHaVaH Eloheinu: “I will destroy these idols
and put an end to the image of Athena; there will no longer be a
Satan in this land; I will put fear in this land of Hellas,” Azrael
said, toppling over her statue.
The statue crashed and fell on its face, and its head broke
off and rolled aside into the forest. Athena was disgruntled.
“This is my territory, Warrior of Shamayim. It's late in the
game, where I will have total control over this island and the
neighboring areas,” Athena said.
“You're a coward, Athena, using children for your
leverage,” Azrael said, unsheathing his sword.
“I know who you are, Guardian of Adamah, and I will not
fight with you, but mark my words, this island will be a living
nightmare in three days,” Athena said, taking to the sky.
Lawin came walking up, and she saw the humans who
were once Werewolves lying dead on the ground.
“Are those Wolves dead?” Lawin asked.
“I'm afraid so,” Azrael said, sheathing his sword.
“The powers of darkness infiltrate the structures of
authority, through the powers of religion, education and politics
just to find ways to keep humanity under control for their evil
desires,” Azrael concludes.

“Azrael, what did Athena mean? That this place is going
to be a nightmare in three days,” Lawin asked.
“I believe the majority of the people are affected in Hellas,
and the mark of Athena is the sign of those who are affected,”
Azrael said, examining the dead.
“We still have two Werewolves on the loose,” Lawin said.
“Yes, and we need to set a trap with Gibbins' help,” Azrael
“If we obtain one, then it will be easier to track the other,”
Lawin said as she sheathed her gun.
Azrael opened his Bracer HUD, and Gibbins was on the
other end.
“Gibbins, I just contended with Athena. In three days, this
town is going to be a living nightmare,” Azrael said.
“What do you need?” Gibbins asked.
“There are two Werewolves on the loose, and the twelve
powers of Athena are dead,” Azrael continued.
“This is not good. You know they will most likely pin the
deaths of the authorities on us,” Gibbins said.
“I believe that the Sheriff and his Deputy are clean, but we
need to set up a trap for one of these Werewolves. Lawin and I
will talk to the Sheriff about the trap,” Azrael said, signing off.
“Are you sure that the Sheriff is clean?” Lawin asked.
“I do, but to be sure, I need to check,” Azrael said as he
walked away.
Lawin couldn't shake off the feeling that something was
off. She turned around and saw a pair of glowing eyes reflecting
in the thicket of the forest, staring at her from the darkness,
followed by a chilling growl before it disappeared. She
quickened her pace and walked side by side with Azrael, leaving
the park.
Gibbins and Zaryah were sitting in front of a set of
monitors, each displaying a different aspect of the forensic data
they had collected on Jack Solar. On the main HUD, Jack's ID
information flashed, including his name, age, and other personal

His military records scrolled upwards, displaying his rank
and discharge status. They were going over the facts about Jack
Solar. His ID information flashed on the main HUD, and his
military records scrolled upwards. His military markings also
flashed on the HUD.
“Jack Solar, age thirty-two, dishonorable discharge for
drug use and anger management. Married and widowed,” Zaryah
read the facts.
As Zaryah read out the facts, Gibbins studied the military
markings that also flashed on the HUD, searching for any clues
that could help them understand Jack's role in the Athena
worshipers' group.
“What’s his religion?” Gibbins asked.
After Zaryah revealed that Jack was into the Athena occult
she informed her father.
“He’s an Athena worshipper,” Zaryah replied.
Gibbins immediately grabbed a petri dish and took a
sample of Jack's blood. He placed the dish into the DNA
“I’m putting a sample of his blood into the DNA
sequencer,” Gibbins said as he placed the petri dish into the
In a mater of seconds the data displayed a series of
colorful graphs and charts that tracked the DNA sequencing
“Now we wait, we will know more about our dead friend
here. Meanwhile, you man the post. I am meeting with your
uncle to trap a Werewolf,” Gibbins instructed, taking a
Tranquilizer gun.
Azrael and Lawin walked into Sheriff Siegfried's precinct,
a small building located at the edge of town. The interior was
dimly lit, with fluorescent lights flickering overhead. The walls
were lined with photographs of the town's previous sheriffs,
along with certificates of merit and commendation.

As they approached the main desk, they saw three officers
in matching uniforms. The first officer, Curtis, sat at the dispatch,
reading a newspaper with a bored expression on his face. He
appeared to be in his late fifties, with a weathered face and a
buzzard-like angularity haircut.
The second officer, Christopher, was a fresh-faced rookie
who had recently graduated from the academy. He was fiddling
with the coffee machine, trying to figure out how to work it
properly. He looked like he was not long out of his teens, and his
uniform hung loosely on his thin frame.
The third officer, Billy, was typing up a report on his
computer. He was a stocky man with a thick neck and muscular
arms. He had a serious expression on his face, and he didn't look
up from his work as Azrael and Lawin entered the room. Overall,
the precinct looked well-maintained but understaffed. It was clear
that Sheriff Siegfried's team was doing the best they could with
limited resources.
“The Sheriff is in the office,” Billy says, pointing to the
Azrael and Lawin enter the Sheriff’s office, Lawin sits,
Azrael stands due to his size. Sheriff Siegfried is deep into his
work looking over photos, digital images, making notes. He sees
Azrael and Lawin walk in,
“Oh you two again,” Siegfried says.
“Yes it's us the bearers of bad news,” Azrael says with a
grim tone.
“What happened?” the Sheriff questions.
Lawin hands him the local newspaper, headline reads,
“You’ve got to be kidding me, what happened?
“Your officials were infected with a plague, they died in a
ceremony last night, while we were investigating the shine of
Athena,” Lawin reports.

Siegfried puts his pen, tucks his files in and slides them
across the desk and folds his hands and leans back in his chair,
“That makes me the new Governor till we have someone
official. I hate this town,” The Sheriff grumbles.
“Sheriff Siegfried, we have two suspects, and we need to
capture them. We need your help to set a trap,” Azrael says.
“Two suspects? Why do you need to set a trap?” Siegfried
“We believe that these suspects are carriers of the
infectious disease that are causing the mutations of Werewolfism
to the public,” Lawin says with empathy.
“Have you or any of your team been bitten by any wild
animals lately?” Azrael asks.
Siegfried laughs,
“No we have not. Is there something you're not telling
me?” Siegfried asks.
Lawin takes a pad and pen off the desk and sketches out
the mark of Athena and puts it under the Sheriff's nose, and he
glances at it.
“Sheriff, does anybody in this precinct have this mark?”
“This is the mark I showed you before among the dead,”
Siegfried realizes.
“This mark is a sign of the carriers,” Azrael says.
“What about tattoos?” The Sheriff asks.
“A cover up from the marking so no one would suspect,”
Lawin responds.
“I assure you I am not bitten, and I have no tattoos” the
Sheriff says, showing his arms.
“Come with us, when we catch the suspect, we will be
able to explain things a little bit more clearly,” Lawin says.
“Okay, you pricked my curiosity,” Siegfried says as he
climbs out of his chair.
“Meet us at the open forest in two hours,” Azrael says as
they leave the office.

Azrael, Lawin and the Sheriff step out of the office,
“Okay boys and girls, I need to ask you a few questions
and check if you have any markings,” the Sheriff speaks out with
Christopher finally figures out how to work the coffee
machine as he takes a sip of his bad coffee and spits it back out as
he hears the Sheriff's command.
“Are you serious?”
Curtis steps up behind Christopher slaps his large hand on
his shoulder,
“Listen rookie, first learn how to make coffee, second
whatever the Sheriff says we do as he says without question,” he
instructs Christopher as he takes his seat.
“Okay let's get to work,” the Sheriff says.
The Sheriff looks at Curtis, and hands off the newspaper
to him as he passes by. Curtis glances at the heading.
“Curtis, I need you to go down to the old campsite and
look into the deaths of the officials,” the Sheriff orders.
“Yes Sir,” Curtis says heading out the front door, then
“Rookie you're with me,” Curtis commands.
The Two leave and climb into their police vehicle.
Azrael looks at Lawin,
“You stay here and help the Sheriff, I am going to meet
with Gibbins, see you in a while.
Azrael leaves the precinct, climbs onto his motorcycle and
Spirit lights,
“Azrael, where to?” Spirit asks.
“The last location of the Werewolves,” Azrael commands.
Spirits HUD opens showing the map of the local town
she calculates,
“Calculating the appearance of the Werewolf movements,
the logical assumption will be at this point,” Spirit indicates,
showing a mark on her map.
“Excellent, let's ride,” Azrael says as he drives off.

A few hours later, Azrael is looking down through
massive trees onto a small clearing where he waits for his prey.
Gibbins, Lawin, and the Sheriff are nearby, hiding behind trees.
The sound of the approaching beast is heard, and then all goes
quiet. Bushes rustle, Azrael shifts his eyes left, a tree creaks, he
looks right, a branch sways.
Azrael waits for the inevitable, and then, the werewolf
creeps out, clinging horizontally to the bark of the tree. The
female Werewolf hunches and lunges at Azrael, and he vaults
himself up and tackles the Werewolf. They hit the ground and
tussle about; he then knocks the beast out with a solid punch to its
“Now,” Azrael yells.
Gibbins, Lawin, and the Sheriff each pull a lever,
unleashing a cage. Azrael jumps off the beast as the steel cage
confines the Werewolf. The Sheriff looks at the creature as it turns
back to Victoria. Lawin removes her jacket and enters the cage,
covering the unconscious woman who had no clothes.
"All is clear," Lawin says, climbing out of the cage and
locking it then she walks to the Sheriff's police vehicle grabs a
blanket and heads back where the men stood around the cage.
The Sheriff comes walking up with disbelief in his eyes.
"Victoria?" Siegfried says, knowing her.
"I take it you know her?" Gibbins asks.
"Yes, I do. Her mother is a local waitress at Tom’s Diner,"
Siegfried replies.
He bends down to examine Victoria, then glances up at
"So this is what you wanted to show me?" Siegfried asks.
"Yes," Azrael says.
"She’s a friggin’ werewolf, so this is the disease you're
talking about?" the Sheriff says with disbelief.

"I'm afraid so, Sheriff," Lawin says as she climbs back
into the cage, covering Victoria with a blanket from the Sheriff’s
"What do we do with her now?" Siegfried questions,
disbelieving his eyes.
Lawin puts her jacket back on to keep warm from the
"We keep her locked up until Azrael breaks the curse,"
Lawin says with boldness.
"I am going to need more evidence on this to make the
records stick," Siegfried instructs.
"You’ll have your records, it's happening as we speak,"
Gibbins says.
Lawin glances at her watch,
"Gentlemen, we have less than seventy-two hours before
the breakout. Whatever we are going to do, we need to do it
quickly," Lawin says.
"Meanwhile, I am going to hunt for Grant. Lawin, I need
you to help the Sheriff with Victoria, making sure she’s locked
up," Azrael commands.
Gibbins steps up to the cage and shoots a couple of
tranquilizers into Victoria’s chest, keeping her inoperative.
"The young lady is ready for transport," Gibbins says as
Lawin gives a look to Gibbins as she opens the cage.
Siegfried and Lawin take hold of Victoria and place her in
the Sheriff’s police vehicle, and they drive off. Gibbins
approaches Azrael,
"We should have a reading of Jack’s background shortly.
I’ll keep you updated," Gibbins says as he climbs into the
Dragonslayer and drives off.
Azrael stands looking out over the horizon, overwhelmed
by a sense of weight on his shoulders, and then he takes a knee,
removes his hat, and prays.
"Yeshua HaMashaic, you are my shield in this struggle.
Grant me the wisdom to break this curse and let the wonder of our
Father be known," Azrael finishes his prayer.

Gavri'el appears in all his glory, his powerful wings spread
wide as he holds a shining lance in his hand. The very air around
him crackles with divine energy as he folds his wings. Azrael
climbs back to his feet and slightly bows his head out of respect.
“Azrael, do not be afraid,” he says, his voice booming like
“YaHaVaH has heard your prayers ever since the first day
you decided to humble yourself to save this child Grant. To break
this curse, you must confront Athena at the top of Mt. Etna. She
draws her power from there, and the challenge will be difficult.
But do not lose hope, for YaHaVaH is with you, and you can trust
in your team to do their job well.”
Azrael stares in awe at the magnificent sight before him,
the power and majesty of the Mal'akh.
“What about this town? What about the souls that live
here? What happens to them?” Azrael questions as he places his
hat back on his head.
"After Athena is defeated, salvation will flow through the
streets of this small town. Keep this in mind, and do not lose
faith. The journey ahead will be tough, but with YaHaVaH on
your side, you can overcome any obstacle. For it is written, 'If
Yah is before you, who can be against you?'” Gavri'el says, with a
reassuring tone.
“YaHaVaH’s will be done,” Azrael whispers.
With that, Gavri'el disappears in a blinding flash of light,
leaving Azrael alone to gather his strength and prepare for the
challenge ahead.

Curtis and Christopher arrive at the old campsite. They
climb out of their vehicle, and the first thing they see is the
broken statue of Athena.
“What in tarnation slapped that idol down and where is its
head?” Christopher marvels.
Curtis points to the woods, and Christopher's eyes follow,
seeing the head of the idol in the woods.

“This ain’t right,” he says feeling unnerved.
“Well, keep your head in the game, Rookie,” Curtis says,
walking over to the crime scene of the officials.
They hear snapping twigs and unearthly growls coming
from the forest. They draw their guns.
“Back-to-back,” Curtis commands.
“What is it?” Christopher asks.
“The plague, I believe,” Curtis says, cocking his gun.
In the blink of an eye, the Black Werewolf jumps out with
its powerful jaws, bites into Curtis, and drags him into the woods.
All we hear are screams, then silence.
Christopher is sweating with anxiety.
“Curtis,” Christopher yells.
He hears twigs snapping, the unearthly growl. He drops
his gun and runs. The Werewolf chases him down. The beast
jumps and attacks. From a distance, we hear Christopher scream,
then silence. Lawin and Sheriff Siegfried come walking into the
precinct carrying Victoria. Deputy Bill follows them into the
back, where they lock up their criminals.
“What are you doing with Vicky?” Billy asks with great
“Confinement. She has been contaminated with a disease
and she is extremely dangerous,” the Sheriff says, locking
Victoria behind bars.
“What do you mean contaminated?” Billy asks, feeling
concerned partly for himself.
The Sheriff takes Billy aside.
“Look, I know you and Vicky have a thing going on, so
my advice to you is to be professional about this. Do I make
myself clear?” Siegfried questions.
“Yes, sir,” Billy replies.
Victoria is awake. She jumps to her feet, wrapping the
blanket around her body tightly out of the fear of embarrassment.
“Where am I? What happened? What happened to my
clothes?” Victoria questions as her mind clears.
Lawin pulls a chair out and sits in front of the jail cell.

“Victoria, I’m Detective Lawin. You have been infected
with a disease that transforms you into a Werewolf,” Lawin
calmly tells Victoria.
“You're insane! There are no such things as Werewolves,”
Victoria angrily says.
Victoria leans her head against the cold bars of her cell
with eyes filled with tears and confusion. Lawin stands up and
approaches Victoria, looking her in the eye.
“If you're not infected, then what is that on your arm?”
Lawin asks.
Victoria looks and sees the mark of Athena perpetuating
from her arm.
“Ah, this is all nonsense. Let me out of here!” Victoria
“I am sorry I cannot do that at this moment,” Lawin says.
“My Father is the governor of this town. When he hears
about this, he will come and get me, and you will lose your
badge, Detective,” Victoria threatens.
“I am sorry, but your father died last night along with the
other delegates of this town. The only person who is in charge at
this moment is the Sheriff, and it is he who put you in here for
your own good, till my team can break this plague. So, do
yourself a favor, sit down, and calm yourself. I will grab you
some clothes and food,” Lawin calmly says.
Victoria takes in the information and sits with a violent
emotional reaction.
“Damn, this bullshit!” she yells.
As Lawin walks out of the cell room, she can hear
Victoria's angry voice echoing in the hallway. She stops for a
moment, wondering how she will react when she fully
comprehends the situation.
She shakes her head and continues walking, determined to
focus on finding a solution to the plague that has taken over their
town. Meanwhile, Victoria sits alone in her cell, feeling a mix of
emotions, including fear, confusion, and anger.

She can't believe what she has heard, and as she thinks
about her father's death, tears begin to roll down her face. She
realizes that she is trapped and wonders if there is any way out of
this nightmare.
Meanwhile, back at Red Rock Campground, Azrael
surveys the area. He stops, sensing a shift in the wind.
“I’ll get some footage, I am not alone,” Azrael says,
pushing a button on his bracer.
The tiny drone that is activated from Azrael's bracer is
equipped with advanced technology. It has a sleek design and is
small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The drone has
multiple cameras that provide high-resolution footage, allowing
Azrael to record his surroundings accurately.
The drone is also equipped with powerful laser beams that
can be used as a weapon in case of emergencies. The laser beams
are emitted from the sides of the drone and can be controlled by
Azrael through his bracer.
Despite its small size, the drone is agile and can fly
through tight spaces to capture footage in hard-to-reach areas.
The drone is a crucial piece of equipment for Azrael, allowing
him to capture valuable information and footage during his
The Black Werewolf comes howling out of the woods and
tackles Azrael. They tumble down a hillside, both jumping back
to their feet, and exchange blows after blows. Azrael avoids
killing the beast but uses his elbow blades to slice the Werewolf
with deep cuts, scaring it off as it leaps away into the forest
yelping from pain. Azrael pushes the button on his bracer, and the
tiny drone settles back in, uploading the data.
“The footage is complete,” says a small AI voice.
He then opens his HUD from his bracer, and it lights up
with Zaryah on the other end.
“Uncle, it's late. Where are you?” she says with concern.
“Pulling myself together,” Azrael jokes.
“What happened?” she asks.

“Got ambushed. Have you ever been toe to toe with an 8-
foot werewolf?” He asks with humor.
“No, but I did go toe to toe with a giant scorpion,” she
“Yes, I remember. I have some footage of the Werewolf,”
Azrael says as he uploads the footage. Zaryah sees the footage,
then looks back at Azrael.
“You could have killed that beast with ease. Why didn’t
you?” Zaryah asks.
“That Werewolf is a child, and I want to save that soul by
breaking the curse. Not only would the child be saved, but all
those who are infected,” Azrael says sternly.
“I understand, uncle. It sounds like my old high school
math teacher. I always suspected her to be a wolf in disguise.
Anyways, are you alright?” she laughs a bit.
“I'm okay, but that wolf got a grand taste of silver tonight.
He'll be thinking twice about attacking me again. By the way,
Zaryah, I spoke to your father, and he's got a mission for you,”
Azrael says.
“Thank you, uncle,” Zaryah says while hanging up her
Azrael turns around and walks off the scene.

Zaryah had been tasked by her father, Gibbins, to pick up
a box of technology parts for the HQ computers from the post
office. As she drove around, trying to find the post office, she
realized that she had no idea where it was. She tried using her
navigation system, but it seemed to be leading her in circles.
After several wrong turns and dead ends, Zaryah finally
saw a sign for the post office. She pulled into the parking lot,
relieved to have finally found her destination. However, as she
walked towards the entrance, she saw a man who looked like the
clerk standing outside. Without thinking, she asked him where
the post office was.

The man gave her a puzzled look and said,
"Sorry, I'm not from around here."
Zaryah's face turned red as she realized her mistake.
"Oh, my bad! You're not the clerk, are you?"
The man chuckled and said, "
Nope, definitely not."
She walked into the post office, feeling embarrassed. She
approached the actual clerk and gave him Gibbins' name and
package details. The clerk checked the computer and told her
there were some additional fees she needed to pay. Zaryah was
surprised and frustrated.
"What? I thought I already paid for the delivery."
The clerk shrugged and said,
"Sorry, there are some additional charges for handling and
Zaryah rolled her eyes and muttered to herself,
"Of course there are. Can't have a simple delivery without
some extra fees, right?"
The clerk gave her a smirk and said,
"Welcome to the modern world, my Miss."
Zaryah begrudgingly paid the fees and took the box,
feeling relieved to finally have completed her errand. As she got
back into her car and drove away, she couldn't help but chuckle at
the comical situation she had found herself in. She made a mental
note to pay closer attention and double-check her destination next
Zaryah finally reached their headquarters and walked in to
see her father sitting at the front of the main monitor. "Dad, you
really need to give better directions," she complained as she
handed him the box of parts.
"Here are the parts you've requested," Zaryah said with a
"Oh, before I forget, Azrael gave us a video footage of the
werewolf," Zaryah said excitedly.
"I take it he told you I have a mission for you?" Gibbins

"Sure did. So, father, what am I going to kill?" Zaryah
asked eagerly.
"You're not killing anything, except for paper with a pen.
You are now officially a Social Agent on this mission. Your task
is to find the grandmother of Grant Solar. His father is dead, and
the Sheriff found his communication device, and it was his
mother who was checking in," Gibbins instructed.
"Father, seriously, I am going to investigate a missing
child," Zaryah protested.
"Well, we need the proof. Interview with the Werewolf
part one. That Werewolf is a child, remember that before you
start to question my orders," Gibbins reminded her.
"I understand. To find the child, find the wolf," Zaryah
realized the importance of the mission.
"Excellent. Get some rest. We start tomorrow," Gibbins
said, leaving the main room.
Gibbins walked into the fort and pushed the button on the
console, opening the DNA sequences. The data information
scrolled upward, and Gibbins read the information.
"Jack Solar is a descendant of Damarcus, the first
Werewolf," Gibbins said as he stared at the monitor.
As Gibbins stared at the monitor, he knew that the mission
ahead of them would be difficult. However, he also knew that
Zaryah was the right person for the job he assigned to her. With a
deep breath, he turned away from the console and walked out of
the room. Zaryah followed him, feeling determined and ready for
whatever lay ahead.
Together, they would find the missing child and the curse
of the werewolf. The mission was daunting, but they were up for
the challenge. As they left the headquarters, they felt a sense of
purpose and excitement for the adventure that awaited them.
On the edge of Mt. Enta a damp cave was filled with the
musty scent of wet stone and dirt, and the sound of water
dripping echoed through the cavern. The only source of light
came from a few torches mounted on the cave walls, casting
flickering shadows that danced around the chamber.

The rough stone walls were slick with moisture, and the
floor was uneven, with puddles of water collecting in low spots.
In the middle of the cave, a weary werewolf stumbled in, sensing
something was wrong. He looked around, seeing the figure of
Athena standing before him. He kept his distance, trying to hide
his fear and pain.
"Welcome back, my little champion," Athena says.
Athena stood calmly, her hand outstretched to pet the
wolf's head. She noticed the deep cuts in his flesh. She pets the
wolf's head and places her hand under his chin, scratching it.
"What's the matter with you, my child? Did that nasty
hunter get the best of you?" Athena asks, seeing the deep cuts in
his flesh.
"No matter. You will have your revenge soon enough, my
pet," Athena encourages.
The wolf collapsed to his knees, exhausted and in pain.
Athena offered to help, asking if he wanted to get the hunter to
leave him alone. The wolf nods his head yes. He turns his head to
Athena revealing his silver burn marks from the battle with
“Now I would like to see you, child,” Athena says.
She waves her hand, and the child appears as the wolf
“There isn’t that better?”she says in a soft tone.
“Yes,” Grant replies.
“Don't worry my boy. I’m not here to hurt you.
Only to make things better,” she says as she looks him
over. She then used her Malakhim magic to transform the wolf
into the child, Grant.
As Athena worked to heal Grant's wounds, he felt relieved
and fell asleep. Athena unfurled her wings, providing shelter in
her mystic moonlight, rejuvenating him as he slept. The damp
cave became a peaceful sanctuary, filled with the gentle glow of
Athena's magic and the sound of Grant's peaceful breathing.

The following morning, Gibbins sat at the breakfast table,
looking over notes and sipping on his coffee. Zaryah walked in,
dressed in her agent attire with her hair tied in a ponytail, looking
"You're looking snazzy, Kido," Gibbins complimented.
He then handed Zaryah her badge of office.
"Thanks, Dad," she said, taking a seat across from him
and eating her breakfast.
Zaryah noticed that her father seemed exhausted from
work and stress.
"What's the matter, Dad? Can't sleep?" she asked with
"Prof...I'm still not entirely convinced that what we saw
was evidence worthy of proof," he questioned himself.
"Noted, Dad, but all evidence concludes to a serious
matter; we have history from the DNA sequencer, we have a live
host, and we have records to prove the spread of this plague.
Now what exactly constitutes proof to you, Father?" Zaryah
Gibbins took a sip of his coffee and put his cup down.
"Hocus pocus and people running amok aren't exactly
laboratory-level experiments, Kido. We need repeatable results
and data to back up our conclusions," Gibbins said with a hint of
emptiness in his voice.
"Maybe so. But when I see you, Dad, you're missing that
Silverstone edge. You need to forgive yourself for whatever
you're dealing with. This job we do is always a life and death
situation. I know that you're training me, and I also know that
you're overprotective. But we need you, I need you," Zaryah said,
convicting her father's conscience.
Gibbins remained quiet as they finished their breakfast.
"I am off to see Dr. Fu, and good hunting," Gibbins says.
Gibbins takes a deep breath and looks at his daughter with
a sense of pride and determination.
"You're right, Zaryah. We need to keep pushing forward
and find the proof we need to stop this curse.

I won't let my doubts hold us back anymore," he says,
standing up from the table.
Zaryah smiles, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She
knows that her father is a strong leader. As Gibbins walks out the
door, Zaryah feels a renewed sense of purpose and determination.
She finishes her breakfast, ready to tackle the mission ahead with
all the strength and skill she possesses.


Jack's cabin was a small, lived-in structure nestled in a

clearing in the forest. The morning sun shone through the broken
windows, casting rays of light across the disarrayed interior. The
air was musty, filled with the scent of old wood and spilled
alcohol. Broken beer bottles lay scattered on the floor, crunching
underfoot as Azrael and Lawin moved about the room, searching
for clues.
The round wooden table was overturned, its chairs
scattered haphazardly. Books and papers were strewn across the
floor, some torn and crumpled, others still intact. The shelves on
the walls were haphazardly stacked with books, and some were
askew, threatening to spill their contents onto the floor.
As Lawin moved towards the bookshelf, he noticed a
parchment peeking out from between two books. She pulled it
out and saw that it was a poem addressed to Athena, the Fallen
they were seeking. The parchment was old, its edges yellowed
and frayed, and the ink was faded with age.
The words were written in a flowing script, the language
of the old world. As Lawin read the words, she couldn't help but
wonder what they meant and how they were connected to their
“Athena the Sorceress who fights with eternal flames;
Athena the Warrioress your heart shines forever with courage,
Athena the healers of lovers who take flight, Athena the Priestess
of dark brings forth your night warrior.”

“Azrael I found something,” Lawin says as she turns and
hands Azrael the poem.
He glances over it and then burns it with a thought.
“What are you doing, that was one of our clues,” she says.
“YaHaVaH is a consuming fire an everlasting king, it's
truly sad that his creature man whom he had made in his image
and likeness refuse to worship him, but rather worship these
fallen Malakhim whom he also created, where is the logic in this
” Azrael angrily rebuttals.
“Well I don’t have an answer for that, but as I look
around this place, it has been abandoned for some time, except
for rats, cats, and maybe some slugs that crawl around,”Lawin
changes the subject.
“Perhaps Jack came back to kill his son Grant in what he
was becoming,” Azrael concludes.
“That is an excellent hypothesis,” Lawin says as they
slowly move about the cabin.
“The truth is these idolaters brought this curse upon
themselves,” Azrael says with a distaste in tone.
“Then why risk it? Why do you put your life on the line
for those who don’t care about YaHaVaH, or the works that
Yeshua has done for them?” Lawin questions.
“YaHaVaH doesn’t enjoy seeing people die, not even the
selfish ones! He doesn't want them to die. He wants them to come
back to him. He wants them to change their lives so that they can
live life to the fullest. He wants us to stop breaking his
commandments! Why must you die?”He asks.
“And as his ambassador I am bound to a code, to lead a
soul to their salvation. This child is underage, this child has lost
his parents, this child is under a foul curse. I am bound to destroy
that curse so that this child will be free to choose life or death
when he comes to the age of reasoning,” Azrael passionately
speaks from his heart.
Lawin stays quiet, and Azrael turns and leaves the cabin.
Lawin lets out a sigh as she follows him out.

Dr. Fu, a Chinese forensic doctor, is the operations
manager. She stands in a hospital morgue with blue lights, X-ray
wall mounts, sterling steel tables with bodies, and wall
sarcophagus. Gibbins arrives for his appointment and sees her
examining recently dug-up corpses, including Jack's body.
"Dr. Fu's analysis on Jack's body," he demands as he
greets her.
"Well, Professor, the tissue samples aren't exactly in
pristine condition. Semi-decayed matter could release heat and
chemicals during decomposition, but from what I can make out of
this mess, it's an animal bite, like that of a very large mutant K-9
species," she explains.
"Exactly what I'm looking for. Do you have anything
else?" Gibbins asks.
"As a matter of fact, I do, Professor," she says, walking to
her desk and handing Gibbins a folder.
Gibbins opens the folder and skims through it as she
rambles off her findings.
"The marks on the 85 remains are consistent with bite
marks of 2.6 meters of canine teeth, aka a large wolf. Reportedly,
there are bipedal prints and claw marks, indicating tissue
shredding within a fur coat and giving accurate talon size through
tearing measurements. Some more than double a human hand or
wolf prints. Quite sizable, wouldn't you say, Professor?" She
laughs with a bit of amusement.
"Not amusing to the ones who are suffering, Dr.," Gibbins
"Please don't mistake me for some kind of phobophile. In
all my career, I've never seen anything like this, so my enthusiasm
has been mistaken," Dr. Fu apologizes.
""I understand, and you're forgiven. You are a lifesaver,
Dr. Your reports will definitely help close this case. I thank you,"
Gibbins says, closing the folder.
“So what do you expect from the Sheriff since you have
all the evidence?” question Dr. Fu.

“I expect repeated observation of events in a documented
and consistent manner as we were trained in post graduate school.
Seeing is believing, right?” Gibbins rebuttals, tucking the folder
under his arm.
He turns to walk out of the morgue, Dr. Fu grabs his
attention once more,
“Professor, I do have a quick question,” Dr. Fu nervously
“What’s your question Dr.” Gibbins asks, expecting some
kind of scientific questions.
“Where is your Van Helsing friend? I have seen him
around and I would like to have dinner with him,” she blushes
fully asks.
Gibbins laughs,
“You're definitely a woman; I can tell you right now he'd
be flattered, but he’s out dancing with wolves, looking for a way
to save a child from this curse” Gibbins gives his looks of
Dr. Fu changes the subject from partly of embarrassment,
“Well, I understand, but considering the number of
skeletons dating back to the early 1800's according to our police
records? If you are truly interested in tissue samples, you will get
the whole hairy truth and nothing but the hairy truth,” she jokes.
Gibbins laughs at her charm,
“Thank you for the official forensic report, Dr. Fu. I know
that people don’t believe anything without proof. Good day,”
Gibbins says walking out the door as Dr. Fu return to her work.
Zaryah walks up to an early seventh-century old stone
cottage, the sanity of these hills, the ever-present home amid such
change that has greeted strong summers and hailstones with such
The old house grew from the ground as an ancient seed of
the hills born to blossom. Zaryah walks up to the wood arch door
and knocks; the door slowly opens, and we see an elderly lady in
her nightie answering with a rifle from the crack of the opening

"What do you want?" asked the old woman.
“Mrs. Solar, I am Zaryah Silverstone, investigating the
whereabouts of your grandson Grant,” Zaryah says, keeping her
nerves in check.
“Do you have a badge of authority, young lady?” asks the
old lady.
Zaryah pulls out her badge and shows it to the old woman,
who is reluctant and satisfied. She opens the door, and to
Zaryah’s surprise, the old lady was no taller than four feet, with
long silver hair.
She's strongly built and walks with a cane. Zaryah
cautiously walks into the house. The interior of the stone cottage
matches the exterior, being solid and practical yet warm and
welcoming. Colors tend to be muted tones and floral designs.
Furniture tends to be plush and comfortable.
Mrs. Solar sits at her dining table in her kitchen, Zaryah
sits across, and Mrs. Solar pours tea. The two ladies enjoy the tea.
“So, what can I do for you, Miss. Silverstone?” Mrs. Solar
“When was the last time you saw your grandson, Grant?”
Zaryah asks.
“A year ago,” Mrs. Solar responds.
Zaryah pulls out a file and opens it,
“Please forgive me, this is my first case, and it pains me to
bring bad news,” Zaryah says, composing herself.
Mrs. Solar puts her teacup down and looks Zaryah in the
“I like you. You are honest and sincere. Never lose that,
child. But I understand that my son is dead and my grandchild
needs attention,” Mrs. Solar says, surprising Zaryah with her
“You're absolutely right, ma'am,” Zaryah says.
Mrs. Solar's eyes smolder with tears as she stands and
goes to her living room. Zaryah follows.

Mrs. Solar goes to her bookshelf and picks up the idol of
Athena and shows it to Zaryah.
“It's all because of this cursed idol, isn't it?” Mrs. Solar
angrily questions.
Zaryah lowers her head with sadness,
“I am afraid so,” she says sympathetically toward the old
"Mrs. Solar smashes the idol out of grief for the loss of
her son. 'I turned my head once when I lost my daughter-in-law
Louise to these bastards who called themselves the Athena
worshipers. They drugged Jack because he couldn't change. The
artificial transformation drove him insane, and he killed his wife.
Now, I fear Grant has done the same thing by killing his
father. I'll do anything to break this curse,' Mrs. Solar says,
weeping over the loss of her son.
“Where are these followers?' Zaryah asks with concern.
“They're everywhere. They grouped together like some
might think. All I know is if someone could break that goddess'
influence, her occult will crumble to dust,' Mrs. Solar says.
Zaryah darts her eyes at the broken idol then back at Mrs.
“Mrs. Solar, there is a way to break this curse, and the
way I see it, you've already started it by smashing that idol,”
Zaryah says with conviction in her tone.
“But I know no god that will have the compassion to save
my Grant or confront me for my loss,” Mrs. Solar expresses.
“You're absolutely correct, Mrs. Solar. There are no gods
that can do this, but there is a Father who loves you not like our
fleshly fathers, but the Father of Creation, and He wants to save
you and your grandson,” Zaryah says as she takes Mrs. Solar's
hands to comfort her.
“Who is this Father you're talking about? This is new to
my ears,” Mrs. Solar says, looking at Zaryah with her smoldering

“His name is Aravat, Father of Creation, YaHaVaH,
Father of Love and Mercy, Yahuah, Father who protects, Yud Hay
Vav Hay, Adonai Master of Life. He sent his son Yeshua who is
our Torah our salvation who made you and me and took on our
transgressions to break the curse of Adam, so we can be one with
YaHaVaH in the end,” Zaryah expressed.
Mrs. Solar feels the anointing of YaHaVaH, and she sits
down in her chair, Zaryah kneels and prays with her throughout
the night bringing her comfort.
Meanwhile, Gibbins walks into the sheriff’s office with his
folder and places it on the desk before sitting down.
"Sheriff Siegfried, this folder contains everything you
need to understand this mission," Gibbins says, watching as the
Sheriff begins to read the reports.
"I can't believe I'm sitting here talking about this. You
mean there is actual proof of some sort of werewolf-like creature
running around from the 1800s or whenever, and this is not a
medical problem?" Siegfried asks in disbelief.
"I don't make these things up, nor do my colleagues. We
investigate, document them, and eliminate the threat," Gibbins
"I hear you, Gibbins. Unfortunately, two of my officers
have been taken," Siegfried says as he closes the files.
"I am truly sorry for that. But what about Lawin? Is she
okay?" Gibbins asks with concern.
"Yes, she is fine. She's in the back with Victoria. But what
is it that you want me to do?" Siegfried asks.
Gibbins opens a map on his HUD, and a red line appears
marking the werewolves' hunting grounds, which stretch from
Mt. Etna to the local creeks near highway thirty-three.
"We need you to block off these sections for the next
twenty-four hours. Azrael will find a way to eliminate this plague
by then," Gibbins says with confidence.
Siegfried leans back in his chair.
"I'll give you the twenty-four hours starting at 6 PM
tonight," he says.

Gibbins stands and heads out of the sheriff's office.

The small camp is situated in a clearing amidst a dense
forest, illuminated only by the dim light of the hunters' moon. A
small fire crackles and pops, throwing flickering shadows against
the surrounding trees. The scent of burning wood mixes with the
crisp, cold air, creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere. Two
makeshift tents are pitched nearby, sheltering the hunters from the
biting wind.
In front of the fire, a rugged, bearded man in his late
twenties sits on a log, wrapped in furs to stave off the chill. He
wears a thick jacket, heavy boots, and a woolen cap pulled low
over his forehead. His rifle is propped up against a nearby tree,
ready for action at a moment's notice. The man sips from a bottle
of whiskey, holding it close to his chest to keep it warm. Despite
the cold and the eerie silence of the forest, he looks relaxed and at
ease, as if he's spent countless nights like this before.
To add extra warmth on this cold night, he takes a swig of
his whiskey straight from the bottle. Suddenly, a horrible,
shrieking wolf howl pierces the air nearby. Startled, he falls
backward, dropping the bottle. He quickly recovers and grabs his
rifle, as another hunter is seen in the background, walking into
view from the forest and taking aim to protect them.
"Holy wolf hounds from hell. I never heard a howl like
that before, Bob," says Logan.
He points his rifle toward the forest and looks around in
the dark.
"Logan, where in tarnation did that howl come from? For
a moment there, I thought my mother-in-law was back to hunt me
down," Bob says, breaking the ice of fear.
The men let out some laughs and cackles. Meanwhile,
inside the forest, Grant is prowling the night as an eight-foot
werewolf. Stealthily, he watches the men from behind the trees
and slowly moves around to the back where they are blind.

"Now hush and let me concentrate. I thought I heard my
next pelt waiting for me," Logan says, moving toward the forest.
"Gee, brother. You think it's still around?" Bob says,
The men steady themselves in a ready position.
"Oh, I know what it's probably attracted to - your cooking,
Bob," Logan says, cracking a joke to ease his nerves.
"Yeah, well, it's probably more suited for a wolf than us,"
Bob laughs.
They hear a sound behind them and quickly turn, pointing
their rifles to find Grant standing there watching them in his
birthday suit.
"That ain't no wolf," Logan says, lowering his rifle.
Bob takes his coat off and puts it around Grant to cover
and warm him.
“Well, well, where did you come lad at this time of
night?” The hunters look at the emotionless boy more intently.
“Oh... You're here for the food, aren't you. Didn't find
anything on your last hunt? Eh?” Logan questions.
Grant nods his head yes, and Bob turns back to his
cooking to give the boy some food.
As the sky clears from the thick clouds, the moonlight
transforms Grant. The shadow of the werewolf looms very large
over them, and Bob and Logan notice the transformation. The
werewolf howls, and the hunters let out a blood-curdling scream
as the werewolf attacks them.
Not too far from the campsite, Azrael is tracking Grant.
He hears screams and the howl of the beast.
“Territorial, he’s guarding his hunting grounds. That
explains the vicious attacks on hunters and trappers,” Azrael says
to himself.
Azrael continues in pursuit. He comes to a ravine and
jumps to the upper plateau, sneaking around. He sees the
werewolf stalking the area below, with the hunters lying dead.
The werewolf sees Azrael’s shadow from the moonlight at a
distance away and runs into the forest to trap him.

Azrael unsheathes his sword and leaps up into the air,
landing on a branch of a tree, fading into the shadows. He
follows the werewolf as it leaps from tree to tree. The beast stops,
and Azrael sneaks up on the werewolf, but the beast's senses are
on high alert.
Azrael tries a sneak attack, but the werewolf jumps across
the ravine easily as Azrael hits the ground and rolls back to his
feet, continuing the chase. Suddenly, he comes to a screeching
halt, almost going off the cliff. He rebalances himself and looks
down into the deep chasm below.
“Clever one, but you're not going to get rid of me that
easily,” Azrael growls as he runs and leaps into the air, flying
across the ravine and landing safely on his feet on the other side.
The werewolf leaps out from behind the trees, howling
and growling, flexing its animal instincts. Azrael raises his sword
and charges. The werewolf snarls viciously and jumps at Azrael.
The Warrior of Elohim leaps into the air, smashing into the
werewolf with a flying sidekick. The werewolf is hit and tumbles
back, then rolls back to its feet and leaps back at Azrael.
The two clash and battle once again. Azrael holds his hand
back from killing the werewolf. He ducks and maneuvers himself
from the deadly strikes of the beast, but he does manage to cut
deep into the beast, causing it to run off, yelping in pain. Azrael
chases it for about two miles until he comes to the edge of the
forest clearing. He pulls his hat off and kneels to pray.
“Father YaHaVaH in Yeshua’s name give your servant the
eyes to see and the strength to destroy this Mal’akh Athena, and
the wisdom to break the curse of the wolf. I also pray for my
team for their success in this mission, pour out your Shekinah
over us, to guide us in the things we need to do,” He ends his

Azrael's bracer HUD activates with a soft blip,
illuminating a small rectangular screen that displays scrolling
data. As he looks down at the screen, he sees the faces of
Gibbins, Lawin, and Zaryah appearing in the display. Azrael's
own face is overlaid on top of the images, highlighted by a faint
blue light, indicating that the bracer HUD is equipped with a
camera and facial recognition technology. He focuses his
attention on the screen and commands, "Report."
“The Sheriff has the records he needs,” Gibbins says.
“We have less than twenty-four hours to complete this
mission, or the Sheriff and his police force will kill the child and
anyone else who is affected,” Lawin reports.
“Zaryah, please tell me you have some good news for
me?” Azrael asks.
“As a matter of fact, uncle, the grandmother was receptive
to the truth, and she smashed her idol. She confessed,” Zaryah
says with joy.
“Well done, team. Tomorrow I will go to Mt. Etna to
confront Athena. It's always darkest before the dawn, and it's
going to get ugly, don't back off” Azrael speaks with a grim tone.
“How will we know when the curse is broken, uncle?”
Zaryah asks.
“The mark of Athena will disappear, and the souls of the
town will return to their normal thinking,” Azrael explains.
“Gibbins, Lawin, make sure the local authorities keep
their end of the bargain. Zaryah, we need you back at HQ in case
we need anything,” Azrael commands.
They all agree and sign off. Azrael stares at Mt. Enta,
feeling the anticipation of the coming battle with the Satan of
Athena stands at the top of Mt. Etna, looking over the
horizon. Heyl’el drops in on Athena.
“Having difficulties, Athena?” Heyl’el smugly speaks.
“Everything is under control, my Ba’al,” Athena

“Raji has my army of Vampires, Azazel has my army of
zombies and my army of Giants, and my Scientist has my army
of genetically mutated monsters, but I am lacking my army of
Werewolves,” Heyl’el complains.
“By tomorrow, my Ba’al, I will have this town to your
cause,” Athena says, feeling like this is the end of her mission.
“Oh no, I am going to charge a power to take over this
region. Do you know why?” Heyl’el asks.
“No, Ba’al,” Athena responds.
“Hashem has declared no Satans in this region. I have to
clean up your mess,” he angrily displays his temper.
He lights up his hands with raw electricity, and Athena
pleads for her life.
“Oh great one, give me a chance to redeem your name and
my honor,” she cries out with fear.
Heyl’el looks at her with a sinister grin,
“Okay,” he says, dousing her with power to punish her for
the fun of it.
“For your repentance, you will battle with Azrael to the
death. If you bring me back his head, I will keep you in power,”
Heyl’el commands as he stops his flogging. Athena stands up
“Yes, Ba’al. What if I fail?” She nervously asks.
“You will no longer be walking Adamah,” he laughs as he
takes to the sky.
“The best to you, Athena,” he continues as he flies away.
Athena stands there, broken and defeated, with tears
streaming down her face. She knows that this is a battle she
cannot win, and that the only outcome is death.
As she looks up into the sky, she wonders what she did to
deserve this fate. But then she remembers why she had joined
forces with Heyl’el in the first place. She had wanted power and
control, and now she was paying the price.

She takes a deep breath, wipes her tears, and makes a
silent vow to herself. She will fight Azrael with everything she
has, and even if it means her death, she will go down fighting.
She turns and walks away, ready to face her destiny.


The early morning light casts an eerie glow over the bone
site as the crows perch on the scattered remains, pecking at the
decaying flesh. The silence is deafening, and the stillness in the
air is unsettling, like the calm before a storm. The townspeople
can feel an omen looming over them, a sense of impending
doom. The hairs on the back of their necks stand up as they wait,
anticipating the worst. It's as if the entire town is holding its
breath, waiting for the inevitable to happen.
Gibbins and Lawin drive up to the edge of the grave site
while various deputies look on. Gibbins and Lawin exit the
Dragonslayer as Deputy Billy approaches them.
Sheriff Siegfried is in the background on his radio,
watching the scene. Billy nods as Gibbins comes to him but stops
at the border. Lawin eyes the scene,
"We are all here," Billy informs.
Lawin looks at her watch. All we hear is the ticking of the
clock as the numbers slowly deplete, 30…20…10…0...
"Time's up," Lawin says.
Suddenly, the dead awaken and transform into Zombie
Werewolves, and the townspeople scream and howl, except for a
few who were not affected.
"Oh, great zombie Werewolves," Gibbins remarks.
“Now I've seen it all,” he laughs arming himself.
Pandemonium breaks out as the Werewolves attack the
unaffected, with guns blazing and mass hysteria.
The town of Thoricus falls into nightmares as the sun is
blocked by the moon. Lawin clears a path, shooting the walking
"So, this is what Athena meant," Lawin says.

The Sheriff connects with her back-to-back, helping her
with the Zombie Werewolves.
"Where is your oversized boyfriend?" he questions as he
shoots one of the Zombie Werewolves in the head.
Lawin fires a couple of shots,
"Azrael is not my boyfriend, we are colleagues for this
mission," Lawin responds.
"You could of fooled me with that getup your wearing; but
whatever, so where is he?" Siegfried continues to question.
"At this time, he should be battling with Athena." She
Well I hope he kills her soon,” Siegfried growls continue
to fight their way through the walking fur dead.
Gibbins and Billy are running through the streets from a
pack of hungry Werewolves,
“Now I know how women feel about us men,” Billy
"What do you mean?" Gibbins responds.
"Well, running from these wolves made me realize that I
was a wolf chasing women. Now I understand how women feel
about us men constantly pursuing them." he laughs
"Ah, I see. So what are you going to do about it?" Gibbins
"Well, if I survive this attack, I'm going to make a vow to
respect women and stop chasing after them like a pack of
wolves." Billy says feeling the pack breathing down his back.
"Good for you, man. But maybe next time, just think
twice before you start chasing after anything that moves."
Gibbins laughs.
“Yeah, maybe I should stick to chasing after a good burger
or something." Billy remarks as they duck into an alley.
The see the Werewolves pouncing around, sniffing and
prowling about.
“Can we shoot now?” Billy whispers.
“Yeah, shoot but no silver bullets,” Gibbins responds.

Billy and Gibbins turn at the same time, shooting a few of
the Werewolves slowing them down. Billy and Gibbins run off
from the alley and duck behind two houses reloading their
“Where is your Van Helsing friend,” Billy asks as he
peeks his heads out to see where the Werewolves are.
“He’s breaking the curse,” Gibbins says.
The top of Mt. Etna is a mystical and enchanting place, as if
straight out of a fantastical tale. The view is breathtaking, with
the moon shining down on the mountain peak, illuminating the
entire area with an eerie glow. Tall grasses sway gently in the
cool breeze, while the distant sounds of wild animals echo
through the landscape.
The air is thick with magic and the scent of the ground,
and the distant echoes of ancient battles from long ago with the
sound of swords clashing can be heard, hinting at the epic battle
that is about to take place. The atmosphere is both mystical and
foreboding, as if the very air is charged with electricity, creating
a sense of tension and anticipation for whoever dares to venture
to this otherworldly realm. Athena watches the chaos from her
“Soon my Werewolves will conquer these measly
humans,” she says with pride.
She stiffens as she feels an unwelcome presence, slowly
turning to see Azrael materializing before her.
“You,” Athena says, pulling her spear from thought to
Azrael takes brimstone and shoots Athena between the
eyes, “Yeshua Ligor Ikem Athena,” he shouts.
Athena deflects the bullet with her psychokinesis shield,
but the shield shatters from the name of Yeshua, knocking her off
her feet.
She quickly jumps back to her feet, and Azrael sheaths his
gun while unsheathing his sword.
“Let's try this again, shall we?” he says.

“Let's do this dance in an honorable way,” Athena replies
as she falls into her fighting stance.
“Let’s,” Azrael agrees.
Despite the tension, Azrael raises his blade welcoming
Athena to the dance of death. She charges at him as he lunges at
her. Athena deflects Azrael’s sparks spitting blade with loud
clunks showing the power of the two foes. Azrael turns and
attacks Athena, and she blocks his strikes, and they counterattack
with dazzling sword play. From one’s perspective, the two are in
harmony, moving like the wind, like that of a martial arts
Clearly, Athena is impressed and is enjoying the
challenge, but she grows weary. She uses her Malakhim magic
and blasts Azrael in his chest. He is thrown across the
mountaintop and lands hard on his back.
“I’ve not had such fun since the days of Achilles,” she
Athena unfurls her wings and levitates over Azrael, who is
getting his bearings.
“You are truly a remarkable individual. Why do we need
to fight? Let us be friends. After all, it is written to love your
enemies,” Athena remarks.
Azrael recovers and climbs back to his feet.
“To love your enemy is to feed them when they are
hungry, give them drink when they are thirsty, and show an act of
mercy with a quick death. True love doesn't tolerate wickedness,”
Azrael responds.
Athena hovers inches off the ground and slowly circles
around Azrael.
“We can be allies. Join me and rule at my side as my
king,” Athena tempts.
“Can both fresh water and saltwater flow from the same
spring? Can a fig tree bear olives or a grapevine bear figs?
Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water,” Azrael
states, declaring his position. Athena is obviously thwarted by
Azrael’s words, yet she attacks with a primal savagery.

Azrael blocks and spins in a defensive move, with his
elbow blade, he grazes Athena. She moves back wounded, but
more enraged than weakened.
She charges again, their weapons pound, sparks fly, their
blades lock, they push off from each other and attack with pure
ferocity, Athena is stunned and unprepared for Azrael’s
Azrael unleashes a merciless series of blows, pushing
Athena further and further back until she loses balance. In one
foul swoop Azrael leaps into the air in a circularly rotation
lopping off Athena’s head from her shoulders with his battle cry,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem,” Azrael yells.
Athena drops and disintegrates to dust, the scenery
changes from the mystic realm to our realm. Azrael is looking
over the mountain ledge and sees the small smoking town.
“Thoricus, now your light will break out like the dawn,
your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness
will go before you; for the glory of YaHaVaH will be your rear
guard,”Azrael declared a blessing over the small town of Hellas.
At the same time the Werewolf in the precinct jail cell is
howling and bouncing off of walls, she clings onto the bars like a
monkey chewing on the steel rods trying to free herself from her
prison. Suddenly she goes quiet and stiffens, and drops to the
floor, her body slowly transformers back to human. Victoria lies
unconscious as the marking of Athena fades away from her flesh.
Meanwhile, Gibbins and Billy are still running from a
pack of ravaging werewolves. They continue to fire upon the
beasts as they slowly back into a corner, running out of ammo.
“I’m empty,” Billy says, dropping his gun.
“Me too,” Gibbins says.
“What now?” Billy asks.
“Pray,” Gibbins responds.
“How can you pray in a situation like this?” Billy
grumbles back.

“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every
situation because this is YaHaVaH’s will for you in Messiah
Yeshua. All this is a test, and whenever you stand up to pray, if
you have something against anyone, forgive so that YaHaVaH
may forgive you for your wrongdoings,” Gibbins replies.
Billy hears Gibbins but is distracted as he sees the
darkened skies receding like a scroll as the sun eats up the
darkness. A werewolf towers over Billy, and he backs up against
the wall, screaming like a child as he cradles himself from the
attack of the enraged beast that overshadows him.
Suddenly, the werewolves go silent and stiffen. They all
drop to the ground at the same time, slowly transforming back to
their human form.
“What just happened?” Billy asks.
“Azrael did it. The curse is broken,” Gibbins says, feeling
“Looks like your prayers worked, doc,” Billy remarks
with a hint of disbelief.
“Yeah, they did,” Gibbins says confidently, looking over
the unconscious people littering the streets.
Billy and Gibbins see Curtis and Christopher as they
watch the mark of Athena fade away from their flesh as well.
Billy glances at Gibbins, then he stands up, realizing that the
curse is truly broken. He runs off heading back to the precinct,
yelling “Victoria!”
Gibbins lets out a sigh as he slowly slides down the wall,
touching the ground to rest from his overexertion.
“Blessed be your name, YaHaVaH, for this victory in
Yeshua’s name,” he says with gratitude.
Meanwhile, at the same time, Lawin and Sheriff Siegfried
are running through the forest with a pack of Zombie
Werewolves on their tail. One of the Werewolves jumps into the
air and tackles the Sheriff, and they tumble about.
Siegfried grabs a thick branch and gags the zombie's bite
and fights to keep its teeth from piercing his flesh.
“This crazy beast has bad breath,” he he yells.

Lawin circles around, pulling her knife from beneath her
boot. She dives into a shoulder roll, slicing the Werewolf deep
into its back.
“Maybe an after dinner breath would work,” she quips.
The beast howls in pain and rears itself high as the pack of
zombies take him out due to the scent of blood.
“They are crazy about each other aren't they?” Siegfried
says rolling out and back to his feet, following Lawin as they
continue to run through the forest.
They come to a stop to catch their breath.
“Do you hear that?” Lawin asks. T
he Sheriff is too busy catching his breath and shakes his
“I am sorry. I hear nothing but my beating heart,”
Siegfried says with humor.
Lawin walks back, and the Sheriff follows her.
“You’re going in the wrong direction. That's where the
hungry beasts are,” he complains to the ignoring Lawin.
Lawin stops and sees a pile of dead humans. Siegfried is
taken by the strange occurrence but puts on his look of authority.
“What do you suppose happened?” he asks Lawin as she
moves over the site to examine.
They see the mark of Athena fade away.
“Azrael did it, Sheriff. The curse is broken,” she says,
The Sheriff looks at the dead as they crumble to dust.
“How is this possible?” he questions aloud with disbelief.
“If you can believe it, all things are possible for one who
believes. For by grace, you have been saved through faith. This is
not our own doing; it is the gift of YaHaVaH, so that no one may
boast," Lawin says with confidence.
“Perhaps you're correct, detective. Something to mull
over," Siegfried says as he adjusts his hat.
Lawin and the Sheriff head back to the main site to
retrieve their vehicles.

The following morning Azrael and his team bid their
farewell to Sheriff Siegfried, who stands outside his precinct
while they pack up for their departure, Sheriff Siegfried
approaches Azrael and his team.
"I just wanted to say, I may not fully understand
everything that's happened here, but I do know that you all
played a big part in saving this town. Thank you," he says,
shaking Azrael's hand and nodding to the rest of the team.
Gibbins and Lawin bid farewell to the Sheriff, and turn to
see Billy and Victoria walking towards them, hand in hand.
"Hey, we just wanted to say thanks too. And also, we're
getting married," Billy grins.
“So no more wolfing around?” Gibbins quips.
Victoria looks at Billy not understanding the inside joke.
Azrael climb on Spirit and smiles,
"Congratulations, I wish you both happiness" Spirit
Siegfried looks with amazement,
“Your motorcycle just talked.”
“Sure did,” Azrael says with a smile and he revs his
engine and rides off to his next mission.
The sound of doors slam on the Dragonslayer, Gibbins,
Lawin and Zaryah drive off into the sun set. As the sun dips
below the horizon, Sheriff Siegfried stands there for a moment,
watching Azrael ride away and the Dragonslayer disappear into
the distance.
He shakes his head in disbelief, still processing all that has
happened. Meanwhile, Billy and Victoria walk hand in hand
towards their car, talking excitedly about their future together. As
they drive away, the town of Thoricus slowly returns to normal,
with the townspeople beginning to pick up the pieces and rebuild
their lives.
Azrael and his team, on the other hand, head off into the
unknown, ready for their next mission and whatever challenges
may lie ahead.

Six Months Later...
On a cold winter night with gray skies and a foot of snow
covering the forest terrain, the bark of the trees gleamed with an
eerie glowing light as a mist closed in. Azrael looked around the
forest, unnerved by the haunting silence of the deep shadows of
the trees. He came upon a rib cage of a dead roebuck and a host of
beautiful glowing GMO butterflies feasting on its bones.
Azrael pushed a button on his bracer and asked, "Spirit,
are you connected?"
"Locked and loaded," Spirit responded.
"I am looking at a strange new species that nightmares are
made of," Azrael said, looking at the glowing colorful carnivorous
Azrael scanned the creepy pests that were feasting with his
bracer. He got in a bit closer and recorded the new species,
loading the data into Spirit's data banks. A 3D image of the
genetically modified organism was displayed on his bracer, along
with a rotating genetic strand as Spirit's AI voice revealed the
mixture of the GMO.
"New species are called 'Lexpraya,' a mixture of
Lepidoptera, Exocoetidae, and Piraya genetic strands fusing as
one with a modified gene code, giving this new breed of insect a
tolerance of the cold," analyzed Spirit.
"In other words, piranha flies, annoying flying piranhas,"
Azrael disappointingly remarked as he crushed one of them under
his foot. Then he grabbed a Lexpraya in his gloved hand and
quickly crushed the six-inch, razor-toothed carnivorous insect.
"Abomination," he protested.
He backed away as the flock of Lepidoptera decided to
make Azrael their next meal, circling him like a flock of bats.
“Territorial protective pests, aren't they?” Azrael questions
“What is their weakness?” Azrael says running through
the forest.

“Try fire, because your always hot and angry,” Spirit says
dryly “
Azrael remarks,
“Be still or I will introduce them to you.”
“You wouldn’t,” Spirit coldly remarks.
Azrael continues running through the forest as these over
sized insects chase after him like winged piranhas. He spins
around and holds out his hand,
“ESH” he yells,
The Lexpraya are scorched to dust.
We see Azrael moving through the dark forest, stretching
out for miles. He approaches a stream, kneels, and brings a
handful of water to his lips. He smells something and takes a few
steps toward the odor as he sniffs the air. He bends down and
examines a long, brown, pellet-shaped object on the ground.
"The Chimera," Azrael says.
He moves away through the trees, tracking his prey.
"Like the days of Noah," he mutters under his breath,
pushing through the forest.
He stops, and all he can hear is the wind calling his name.
He continues forward, tracking the Chimera. Azrael crosses a
stone bridge that leads out of the dark forest, birds circling on the
distant horizon. He quietly unsheathes his sword. Suddenly, the
stones start to move behind him, and a pair of eyes open in the
Slowly, the bridge starts to rise, revealing a huge Chimera
rearing up twenty feet tall. It is a fire-breathing female monster
resembling a lion in the forepart, a goat in the middle, and a
dragon behind. The Chimera hits Azrael with his tail.
Azrael sores across the field and slams through the the
bridge landing in the shallow creek below, among the carcasses of
half-eaten animals. The Chimera roars and comes after him,
swinging its massive tail. Azrael ducks and rolls, then run at the

He slides under as the beast's mighty paw sweeps over
him. He darts between the Chimera's hind legs and slices them
with his elbow blade wounding the beast. The Chimera falters a
bit, then swings its massive tail and connects with Azrael, and
hurls him across the creek.
“Not again!” he yelps.
Azrael crashes against a tree and feels the sting from the
strike of the beast. The Chimera towers over him and raises its tail
like a scorpion to crush its adversary. The beast thrashes its tail,
striking at Azrael, who rolls out of the way. He then leaps into the
air, jumps on the back of the beast, and thrusts his sword into its
neck. The Chimera roars with pain as it thrashes about. Azrael
holds on like he's riding a bull in a competition.
"YaHaVaH in Yeshua's name gives me the strength to kill
this abomination!" Azrael yelled as he battled with the Chimera.
Azrael took hold of its mane and, with all his might,
twisted its head. All that could be heard was a loud snapping of its
neck, and the Chimera went silent. Azrael jumped off the falling
beast and landed safely on his feet as the Chimera lay lifeless.
"So much for myths, now it lays to rest," Azrael
triumphantly quipped.
He pulled his sword from the beast and sheathed it. His
HUD opened, and we see Zaryah.
"Uncle, how's the hunt?" she asked with curiosity.
"Finished," Azrael said, breathing in the cool air.
Zaryah saw the glowing butterflies consuming the carcass
of the Chimera. "Azrael, what is happening with your kill?" she
"Why is it still alive?" Azrael inquired inquisitively.
"It's being consumed by glowing blue bugs," Zaryah said
with concern.
Azrael quickly turns and sees the skeletal remains of the
Chimera licked clean. "Wow, that was fast. Whatever did this
must have been hungry," Azrael says, a bit unnerved.
Zaryah notes the skeleton and remarks,
"Wow, I never saw anything feast so fast before."

Spirit interjects,
"I didn't know that was possible."
Azrael quips,
"Ha ha, just have dinner ready for me when I get home.
What do you want, Zaryah?"
Zaryah replies, "Souvenir."
Azrael responds,
"You want something from this monster? No, it ain't
happening. Let the dead bury the dead."
"Oh, come on, Uncle. Just a sample for study," Zaryah
"No, they will bring a curse, just like Achan and his family
who stole the spoils of war in Joshua's army. It's not right before
YaHaVaH, who grants us the defeat of our enemies. Would it be
right to take from the dead that we killed for a trophy?" Azrael
"No, it would not be right," Zaryah answers
"But I will be home in a day for our Family Day," Azrael
Zaryah smiles and says, "Looking forward to it."
"Is your father there?" Azrael asks.
"He's been locked up in his laboratory working on
something new," Zaryah answers.
"That figures. I think he was born in a lab," Azrael
"How are you doing with Lawin?" Azrael continues to ask
his questions.
"We ladies are doing well. I like her. She's smart and witty,
and she acts like you," Zaryah laughs.
“Thanks for the observation. She needs a new hobby, I am
signing off, Azrael out,” he says humorously as he shuts off his
HUD and walks off into the night.

Normal quiet morning. Gibbins works intensely on a square
metallic device in his laboratory, and Azrael enters from a
successful hunt. He observes Gibbins from a distance
momentarily, then quietly approaches him. Gibbins, engrossed in
his work, overlooks Azrael's presence as he sneaks up from
behind him.
"Working on another invention, I see," Azrael says.
A male AI voice speaks out from the metallic square
"Subject is attempting to cover up his inability to know
what device is, perhaps due to scientific ignorance. The subject
wishes to hide," the box coldly calculates.
A bemused look skims over Azrael's face at the surprise of
the interjection of the box, and he gives off a gruffly and narrow
glare at the new invention.
"What did that thing just say?" Azrael replies.
"Subject is trying to hide feelings of inferiority by taking a
firm attitude," the box replies.
Azrael stiffens up, and Gibbins hurriedly interposes
"Before you go busting things up, I am working on this
device that interprets hidden motives based on the situation and
response from thousands of conversations with a variability of
outcomes," Gibbins explains.
Azrael looks at Gibbins.
"Then this thing you created can understand our
conversations and interpret them?" Azrael questions.
Azrael takes the box and examines it.
"Subject seems to have grasped the point of
understanding," it coldly says.
Gibbins takes the box from Azrael's hand and places it
back on the table, folding his arms and standing guard between
the box and an agitated Azrael.

"This should become a useful feature aid in deciphering
motives and intentions in difficult situations," Gibbins says.
Azrael looks more relaxed.
"Oh really, all I see is trouble?" he amusingly replies.
Gibbins turns and puts the box on the table, plugging an
HDMI cable into his mainframe and into his box. A HUD window
opens up, showing the download information into the metallic
device, and as he adjusts buttons with a screwdriver, Gibbins
proudly states,
"It is currently recording and compiling millions of
interactions between people from all social media. It should be
done reading within a day or so," adjusting his celebrations.
"However, it hasn't quite gotten the meaning of manners,"
Gibbins adds, looking down at his box.
"Yeah, I got that," Azrael remarks.
"Subject feels he has finally understood by making this
futile statement to save face," the box retorts.
Azrael visibly becomes agitated and menacingly clenches
his fists as he steps toward the box. Gibbins shields the box with
his body.
"I'm sorry it is not yet complete," Gibbins apologizes for
keeping Azrael from murdering his invention.
"Your attempt at alleviating his angst has failed. The
subject will now resort to primal instincts to make himself feel
better," the box coldly calculates.
Azrael and Gibbins look at the box and Gibbins tightly
hug it. Azrael tries to pull the box away from Gibbins, who hugs
the box like a mother to a child, making it difficult for Azrael to
pull it away from his arms.
"Subject is resorting to a prior brute stance to silence his
pain and cover his weakness," the box says, continuing to
calculate motives.
"Weakness? Brute? How dare you, you piece of metallic
scrap!" Azrael snaps.

The two continue to play tug-of-war over the box. Azrael
picks Gibbins off his feet, attempting to pull the box out of his
hands, and the struggle ensues.
“Help… Help!” Gibbins yells out.
Zaryah and Lawin are at the breakfast table; Zaryah is
nibbling on a toast, and Lawin sipping on her coffee.
“Does your uncle ever eat?” Lawin asks.
“Of course he does; he rarely eats at home; he’s usually on
a mission," Zaryah replies.
“I think I heard him pulling early this morning,” Lawin
says, finishing her coffee.
Zaryah’s eyes light up.
“He’s here, awesome, it's family day,” she says with
“Family Day?” Lawin asks.
“With our line of work, we celebrate seven holidays, we
take the Sabbath off, and we take three family days where we
spend time together,” Zaryah explains.
“That sounds nice,” Lawin says, cleaning up her dishes.
Suddenly, they faintly hear Gibbins yell for help. They
drop everything and quickly move to the laboratory. Zaryah
punches in the code to the key lock, and they enter. Lawin and
Zaryah glance at each other, somewhat amused, watching the two
men wrestling over a metallic box.
“Azrael,” yells Lawin.
“Dad,” Zaryah yells at the same time.
Azrael and Gibbins freeze. Our hero is holding Gibbins in
mid-air while Gibbins is holding tight to the box with dear life.
They both look at the women with embracing smiles.
“Boys with toys,” Lawin remarks.
“Can you kindly put my father down, uncle,” Zaryah
Azrael complies and puts Gibbins down, flattening the
wrinkles of his jacket, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Forgive me bro,” Azrael says.

Lawin circles around them, staring at the men like a
teacher would react to two boys fighting on a playground,
"I thought I heard some testosterone being tested here,"
Lawin says with an amused face.
"Subject is covering her amusement with weak and
insulting remarks," the box quips.
Zaryah and Lawin dart their eyes at each other and then
back at the box that Gibbins is protecting.
“Dad, what have you created?” Zaryah curiously asks.
The two men look at each other as they diffuse their
childish reactions.
"Oh, this thing?” Gibbins show.
“Yes, that thing,” Zaryah remarks.
“What is it?” Lawin asks.
Azrael leans up against the wall feeling amused,
“Okay, professor egghead, tell them what it is,” Azrael
Gibbins glances at his box, then to his spectators with an
embracing grin,
“This box is a new invention that reads hidden emotions.
We must be careful. This is one of a kind," he says as he slowly
puts the box back on the table, warily watching Azrael.
Azrael's eyes are on the box sternly, and says very
"Keep that thing on a leash."
Gibbins also keeps his eyes on the box,
"Will do," Gibbins mutters.
Gibbins explains to Lawin and Zaryah,
"This latest gadget decodes the real but sometimes hidden
motives and intentions of a speaker." Gibbins straightens up
"Through many evaluations and analysis of millions of
conversations and their outcomes, it is proposed to determine the
true view of both party's meanings," Gibbins concludes.
"Like a mechanical truth serum?" Lawin interjects.

Gibbins cocks his head,
“Precisely,” Gibbins laughs.
"Like a motive interpreter, a truth seeker. Too much lies
and deception going around these days, with monsters, demons,
Malakhim, and bureaucratic nonsense, you know." Gibbins
defends his idea.
“So let me understand this, father, you created a box like
Spirit’s Ai, but with a twist; instead of conversations and learning,
this box tells you what your hidden motives are? Sound scary to
me,” Zaryah says, looking at the invention.
Lawin takes a closer look at the box and laughs,
"Would have been useful when I was growing up." she
Azrael shakes his head,
"Yes, it starts with good attention, then it becomes
marketable, then the evil hearts of man grow, and it brings chaos,
not to mention taking away the power of free will to choose right
or wrong, "Azrael says with concern.
"I agree, so we must be careful how we handle this tool,”
Lawin says.
It may be most invaluable in the future," Zaryah concurs.
Gibbins shoots an eye at Zaryah,
“You’ve never been against my inventions before,”
Gibbins says, feeling like everyone is against him.
“We love your inventions. They have been a great asset to
our fight. We have no problem with you creating new inventions
for our fight, but if this box can cause us, Warriors of Elohim, to
react against one another, how much more to those who are not
saved,” Azrael instructs.
Zaryah glances at the box, then at her father, and sees his
disappointment; she then turns to Azrael,
“In all fairness, uncle, we should do a field test; if it
proves to work well, we keep the box,” Zaryah says.
“And if it doesn’t, then you kill it,” Lawin laughs.
Gibbins glance at Azrael,
“It's your call,” Gibbins says, holding out the box.

Azrael takes the box from Gibbins' hand and looks at it; he
lets out a sigh and hands it back to him.
“In all fairness, we are to test all things. So let us consider
this a family day project,” Azrael says.
“Gibbins smiles and pets his box,
“Oh, thank you, Adonai,” he says with relief putting his
box down on the table,
“I am going to the kitchen to get something to eat,”
Gibbins says,
“He looks at Azrael,
“No smashing,” Gibbins sternly says, walking out of the
Zaryah sees the download is complete, and she unplugs it,
“Let me check with my father about what we are going to
do,” Zaryah says after leaving the Laboratory.
Azrael glances over at Lawin, she looks at him feeling
"Well, I have many things to do around the house," She
says as she rubs her stomach.
"Like finishing my breakfast," She laughs.
Azrael watches as Lawin departs, then steps up to the box
and stares at it as if he is about to destroy it. He looks over his
shoulder as the door closes, smiles, and quickly grabs the box,
following Lawin out. Azrael catches up with Lawin and jumps in
front of her, slowly backing her up against a wall.
He has the box behind him as he nudges up close to
Lawin, cutting off any way of escape. Visibly intimidated, she
looks around.
“Is there something I can do for you, Azrael?” she asks
Azrael looks straight into her eyes, and Lawin gulps.
“Am I possessed by some kind of malevolent entity?” she
Azrael stands inches away from her, slightly shaking his
head no.

“I need to know something, getting to the truth of the
matter at hand. You do believe in that, don't you?” he says
Lawin gulps again and tries to look away.
“Of course, I do,” she half-remarks.
Lawin looks around.
“Then what do you want?” she asks.
“I'm very intent on knowing the truth much more deeply,”
Azrael hints as he presses more closely to a nervous Lawin.
She darts her eyes, looking for an exit around him.
“I just want to know the truth, Lawin,” Azrael playfully
“Truth about what?” Lawin answers back.
“How do you feel?” he asks.
“Feel about what?” Lawin nervously asks.
“What do you feel for me?” Azrael asks.
“You're a nice guy, but right now you're creeping me out,”
she remarks, trying to edge herself away from Azrael.
"Subject tries to alleviate the situation through pretend
submission," the box responds.
Lawin’s mouth drops wide open as she realizes what
Azrael is doing. Her temper flares, and she punches him across
the jaw.
"How dare you!" she yells as she walks off.
"Subject attempting to scare her way out of the situation,"
the box says.
Lawin yells from the other room,
“Shut that damn thing off!”
"I'm beginning to see the usefulness of this box," Azrael
says as he laughs to himself.
Gibbins returns to the laboratory and sees the box is
missing. He feels upset, thinking Azrael killed his box.
“Oh no, he didn’t,” Gibbins says.
He quickly leaves the laboratory, walks by Azrael, then
stops, slowly walks backward, and sees the box in Azrael’s hand.
"Oh, there it is," Gibbins says aloud.

Azrael's face falls as he turns to see an unwanted Gibbins
"It never fails," Azrael partly sighs.
Gibbins takes the box from his hand.
"I'm sure this will come in handy one day, once it finishes
compiling its data. Then we take it out for a test spin," Gibbins
Azrael sadly looks where Lawin walked out. He slightly
fists the wall in frustration, rubbing his jaw.
"I was so close to finding out how she really felt about
me," Azrael says.
“Wasn’t it you that gave a speech about free will?”
Gibbins says convincingly.
Azrael glances at him, “Yeah, I did,” Azrael answers.
"Then trust YaHaVaH, and she will open up and tell you
how she feels in her time," Gibbins gives his honest reply,
brushing that statement aside.
"I don't know, but what do you think? How about we take
it out tomorrow for testing?" Gibbins suggests.
Azrael's eyes continues to watch Lawin as she exits.
"Yeah, let's take it out for a spin," Azrael agrees.
"Great, let's see how it does in public. I'm curious what it
may reveal."
Azrael moves to the bay window, and he sees Lawin and
Zaryah walk past the water fountain.
"Me too," Azrael says.
The following morning, a formal Gibbins is holding his
box, and Azrael is sitting on Spirit, his motorcycle. Gibbins is
standing on the curbside next to Azrael on a busy street as cars go
“Gibbins, what is that metallic device in your hands?”
Spirit asks.
Gibbins looks at the motorcycle,
“It's a box,” he responds.
“Subject has no emotions,” the box says.

“I am a sophisticated AI,” Spirit replies, offended by the
Gibbins laughs as he adjusts a few knobs,
"There, that should do it," Gibbins states in a self-satisfied
“Gibbins, how many more brothers or sisters are you
going to create?” Spirit asks.
“Don’t worry, Spirit, you are my first,” Gibbins says with
a smile.
Zaryah and Lawin pull up with the Dragonslayer. They
climb out and approach the two men. Azrael climbs off Spirit and
looks on curiously. Gibbins shoves the box into a bag and stands
“Zaryah, you take the Dragonslayer, and we will follow
closely; we are to keep an eye on this box. While Gibbins does his
field test, and Lawin, you will accompany Gibbins,” Azrael
A bus stops at the bus stop, and Azrael stands as tall as the
bus. The bus driver sees Azrael and his face becomes nervous,
"Shall we?" Gibbins says to Lawin.
He steps forward onto the bus. Lawin follows, and the pair
sit themselves behind a young couple comfortably. The bus driver
is still staring at his giant guest,
“Don’t worry about the tall man,” Gibbins says.
Azrael walks away and climbs onto Spirit; the bus driver
sighs with relief as he closes the door and drives off. Zaryah
climbs into the Dragonslayer and follows along with Azrael.
Gibbins and Lawin look at the box as he pulls it out of the bag.
The couple sitting in front appears angry and distraught
about something as they argue among themselves. The woman
turns to the man sternly,
"Well, your sister didn't seem to know when you got home
either," she states.
The man angrily looks at the woman and whispers aloud
so as not to disturb others,

"As I said before, I was out taking care of my mother," the
man sternly says to the woman.
The box calculates the couple's words as a curious Gibbins
and Lawin look on.
"Male subject uses sarcasm to hide possible guilt feelings
to avoid truthful responses to the statement," the box blurts out.
The woman gives a quick glance over her shoulder and
sees Gibbins and Lawin. The male feels uncomfortable with the
statement of the box.
"Stop lying to me; you’re always off somewhere who
knows with who?" the woman accuses.
The male is ready to open his mouth as the box interjects,
"Female subject is attempting to trap male subject in a lie
as he is taking the moral high ground," the box says.
The female shoots a how-dare-you look at Gibbins,
thinking he is speaking, while the male looks on with realization.
The woman notices her companion thinking.
"I just want to know the truth for once," the woman
angrily growls.
"Female is using a combination of anger, offenses,
disbelief, and self-righteous verbiage to toss at male subject into a
tight space," the box confidently injects.
The woman takes in the words of the box as the male eyes
her uncomfortable reaction.
“Alright, you want the truth, I’ll give you the truth. I am
dating Janet; I’ve been trying to find a way to break it off with
you for some time,” the male angrily responds.
The woman reacts with a slap across his face.
“You are lying, two-timing bastard, how dare you!” the
woman yells, reaching for the stop cord of the bus, and she pulls
it. The bus driver stops the bus; the woman angrily leaves the bus.
Lawin and Gibbins look at each other.
“I think that's enough testing for now,” Lawin says.
“I agree,” Gibbins reacts. Gibbins and Lawin feign like
they are not aware of what is going on. Gibbins starts to put the
box away as the male watches.

"Excuse me, what is that thing, and how does it know all
this?" he asks.
Gibbins prepares to answer, but Lawin bumps him with
her elbow and nods to Gibbins to get off the bus.
“All I can say is it's a box that reads lies and faulty
behavior,” Gibbins says.
The male stares intently at Gibbins; Lawin leans in and
whispers into the man’s ear,
"Your character is not to be measured by what you do
when things are easy and when there is no opportunity to fall. The
your character is measured by what you do when the chips are
down, when the stakes are high, when there is no way out but up.
There is something wrong with your character if opportunity
controls your loyalty."
The man is convicted and quickly leaves the bus to find his
Gibbins pats the bag. "Well said, Lawin," he says as they
walk off the bus.
Lawin waves goodbye to the bus driver.
"It seems to work well, doesn't it?" Gibbins proudly states.
"Yeah, if you want to start a World War III," Lawin says as
they continue to move down the street.
Azrael and Zaryah are at a hotdog booth waiting for
Gibbins and Lawin. At the Areth Mall parking lot, a local carnival
is taking place, celebrating five years of the Mall's existence.
"Well, so far, the box is proving to be working," Zaryah
says, biting into her hotdog.
Azrael scarfs three hotdogs down.
"As I always say, good intentions lead to hell," he
"You know my dad, he's still adjusting from my mother's
death and Maya's; and I just want to say thank you for allowing
him to live a little," Zaryah says with gratitude.

"Look, kid, your father is a genius. The things he comes
up with are baffling, but know that everything is permissible for
us, but not everything is beneficial," Azrael sarcastically muses.
They chuckle as Gibbins and Lawin come walking up.
"How did the testing go, Dad?" Zaryah asks.
"Surprisingly well," Gibbins says.
"A little too well, I say," Lawin interjects with sarcasm.
"Subject feels it can surprise quickly," the box speaks out
Azrael stops and looks around. He senses an unwelcome
"We've got company," he says.
He unsheathes his sword and takes his stand. Gibbins
looks around, puzzled, and hugs his box to protect it from Azrael.
"I don't understand. There is no one here," he quips.
"That box of yours just invited an unwanted guest," Azrael
Gibbins goes into his defense.
"You will do anything to kill my box," Gibbins says,
holding the box tightly.
"How can that be, Gibbins? Azrael is letting you test your
box," Lawin says as she starts to back off, feeling an ominous
"The box is picking up frequencies beyond human
senses," Zaryah informs.
Azrael steps before his family to shield them from the
malevolent entity as it appears before them. Its appearance a
humanoid lion dwarf mix. Its face is painted white with dark
colors like that of a clown. Its main think and long, It has two
horns protruding from its skull and dresses like a white-headed
Capuchin with circus clothes. Gibbins recognizes the entity.
"The god clown," he says with confusion.
"I hate clowns," Azrael says, moving toward the dancing
god clown.
Zaryah takes a picture of the entity and gets a readout of
the creature.

"This is Bes, or who we know as Pan; this god is a
trickster," Zaryah informs.
“Obviously, the box attracted this malevolent creature,”
Lawin says, giving an eye to Gibbins.
“My box did not bring that creature here,” Gibbins says,
defending his invention.
Zaryah steps up next to Gibbins,
“This Bes is a god of muses, dad, so technically the
frequencies of the box is what drew it here,” Zaryah explains.
Azrael stands in the center as the god clown hums its
strange melody as it dances around him; he draws brimstone and
shoots at it, getting its attention; the demon screams and jumps; it
vanishes and reappears behind Zaryah, grabbing her.
“Oh, such a delightful child; give me the instrument, and I
will let her live,” the god clown demands.
“I charge you in Yeshua’s name Bes; let her go?” Azrael
The god clown’s body stiffens as it struggles to hold on to
Zaryah after hearing the name of Yeshua,
“Fine, you can have her,” he yells, throwing her across the
Azrael leaps into the air catching her.
“I got you, kid,” Azrael says, putting her back on her feet.
“Thank you, uncle that was close,” Zaryah says with her
voice trembling.
“Now step aside,” Azrael says, nudging Zaryah away.
“The instrument is mine,” yells the god clown filling the
air with its strange hypnotic melody, grabbing the local civilians'
attrition to its will.
The clown dances around Gibbins and Lawin as it grabs
the box from Gibbins hands with its telekinesis. Then it grabs a
battle axe from thought to hand, leaping into the air, attacking
Azrael. They battle in the street. Their conflict draws local
citizens' attention forming a circle before the Areth Mall.

A police officer comes out of one of the cafes and
approaches his vehicle when he sees a circle of spectators
watching Azrael and the god clown battling over the box. He
recognizes Gibbins,
“Councilman Gibbins, it is an honor to meet with you,
what’s going on here?” He asks.
“A cosplay convention for an upcoming film,” Gibbins
“A movie that sounds pretty cool, any idea what the title is
called?” Asked the officer.
“I believe it’s called Apocalypse In The Streets,” Gibbins
muses the officer as he watches the commotion,
“Okay I get it, have a good sir,” said the officer as he
walked off.
Gibbins relaxes from the unwanted attention then glances
at Lawin who stays quiet as she watches the commotions around
her; Zaryah runs back to the Dragonslayer, she opens a crate by
pulling a gun out to shoot the god clown but is unable to due to
the crowd.
“This is a strange day,” Zaryah says to herself, trying to
find an opening to shoot the god clown.
Azrael notices the people are being affected by this
demon's strange melody as the box amplifies its song, kicking Bes
“Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the
music of your hypnotic melody,” Azrael says as he swipes the box
into two with his sword.
Gibbon’s eyes widen as he sees his invention explodes
into pieces,
“My box, you murdered my box,” Gibbins responds.
Azrael pulls out Brimstone,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem Bes,” Azrael yells, shooting the god
clown between the eyes.
It stiffens and turns to dust, and the crowd gives their
standing ovation, thinking it was part of the celebration. Azrael
sheaths his weapons and looks at the crowd,

“Marvel not at what you see, repent for the kingdom of
YaHaVaH is at hand, turn from your wicked ways, let justice roll
like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,”
Azrael speaks out.
The crowd all went silent then they all departed. Azrael
moves up to Gibbins,
“I am truly sorry about your toy box,” Azrael says.
Gibbins glances at his team,
“I understand we were all affected somehow with the
novelty of this new invention and how it attracted the demon
muse, I stand corrected; not everything is permissible,” Gibbins
“This was an eventful day, are your family days like this
all the time?” Lawin asks.
“No, every family day has a unique event, but the point of
it all is that we do it all together as a family,” Zaryah says with a
hit of joy in her tone,”
“A family that prays together stays together, and when we
obey YaHaVaH’s commandments, he blesses us and protects us,”
Azrael says, climbing his motorcycle.
“Let's go home, for a good meal,” Gibbins says.
As they drive off, Lawin turns to Gibbins and says,
"I hope you're ready for my cooking, because the last time
I cooked, my kitchen caught fire."
Everyone laughs, and Zaryah adds,
"Well, as long as it's not another demon muse attracted to
your cooking, we'll be fine."
Azrael, who's riding behind them, chimes in,
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ordering pizza
They all burst out laughing as they head back home,
grateful to have each other and their sense of humor to get them
through any adventure that comes their way.

In the garden of Gibbon’s estate, there is a prayer temple
and inside we see a tabernacle with a replica of the Ark of the
Covenant, a Menorah that is light with a bronze bowl of incense
on a table, smoking the room.
It's the end of the Sabbath, and Azrael is dressed in white;
his head is covered with a tallit. He is rolling up a scroll, then he
kneels and prays silently to himself. Suddenly his eyes open,
widely glowing; he is taken into the spirit world by Shekinah to
reveal to him what is to come.
Azrael is standing on a mountain plateau with Shekinah,
overlooking the sea of time.
“Azrael time is short. The night is coming to an end, and
Yeshua is preparing to return to bring our Father’s judgment to
all nations. For the sake of Gibbins, your brother, Yeshua sent me
to encourage you to speak to your brother, for he is lost in his
works, Lawin and Zaryah need guidance.” Shekinah explains.
“I know, but give me the words to speak without
condemnation of judgments,” Azrael asks.
“It is given, but now I will show what is to come to
prepare you and your family and those whom you come across in
these final days,” Shekinah says.
Shekinah points her staff over the sea,
“Look.” she says.
Azrael looks, and he feels and sees the wind rising over
the sea and stirring up all its waves. Azrael is in awe as he looks
upon a man, who’s in Priestly armor, with a crown on his brow
ascended out of the heart of the sea.
The man flew above the clouds; wherever he turned his
face to look, everything under his gaze trembled; whenever his
voice spoke, elements melted like wax before a fire.
Shekinah turns to the east and points her staff,
“Look,” she says.

Azrael turns and looks where Shekinah is pointing, and he
sees an innumerable multitude of soldiers gathering from the four
corners of Adamah to make war against Yeshua. Then Azrael saw
the man carving out for himself a great mountain, then he flew
unto its peak.
“What am I looking at?” Azrael asked.
“The man you see is Yeshua and he created a mountain for
the new Jerusalem,” Shekinah explains.
Shekinah shows Azrael all the nations who are gathering
to make war with Yeshua. Azrael saw that the nation’s military
force was afraid, but that did not stop them.
Yeshua stood like a massive statue in his battle stance, on
top of the Mountain of Tzion; his eyes were filled with tears for
what is to come next. He waited till the army of the world was
upon him, hoping they would stop.
It happens all the weapons of warfare are fired upon
Yeshua; as the onrush of the approaching soldiers of the world.
Yeshua neither lifted his hand nor held a spear or any weapon of
Azrael only saw how he sent forth from his mouth as if it
were a stream of fire, and from his lips a flaming breath, and
from his tongue, he shot forth a storm of sparks. All these were
mingled together, and the consuming fire fell on the onrushing
soldiers who prepared to fight, but they all burned up,
All that was left was a river of blood, smoke, and floating
ash. Then after this Azrael saw Yeshua come down from the
mountain and called to him another peaceful multitude.
Then many people came to him, some of whom were
joyful and some sorrowful; some of them were bound, and some
were bringing others as offerings.
“The time short Azrael, the day of Judgment is upon us,
go and continue the good fight until Yeshua returns,” Shekinah
instructs. Azrael opens his eyes, stands, enters a chamber, comes
out dressed in his battle gear, and exits his sanctuary.

Gibbins is tinkering in his lab. He pushes a few buttons
on his keyboard, and the Anti-Multi Phase Cannon shoots out
lasers bouncing them off a tall mirror; many colors refract inside
the laboratory.
Azrael comes walking by the main door of Gibbins’ Lab;
he stops as he hears humming noises emanating from behind the
“Oh, Gibbins, what are you doing now?” Azrael says,
releasing a sigh of discouragement.
He pushes the key code on the keypad and walks into the
laboratory. Azrael watches the Anti-Multi Phase Cannon as it
shoots out its laser beams, bouncing off the mirror. Azrael
glances at Gibbins with concern,
"This won't insult me now, will it?" Azrael questions with
Gibbins responds,
"Probably not until it gets to know you."
Azrael cracks a smile,
“Do you remember the box that talked? Is this going to be
one of those inventions?” Azrael questions with a hint of
“That was not entirely my fault; I did not realize a demon
would appear,” Gibbins responds.
“Gibbins, that is my point; you shouldn’t be messing
with things that you fully do not understand, and when was the
last time you did your prayers or even read some scriptures?”
Azrael speaks with concern.
“I‘ve been busy protecting your butt, creating gadgets for
our team so we can win this war,” Gibbins reacts in defense.
“The war is not ours; we fight for those who cannot fight
for themselves. The battle belongs to YaHaVaH. The victories
wegained are through Yeshua, our Messiah.” Azrael rebuttals
Gibbins gave a look of discouragement, finding words to
defend his cause.

But like all inventors, we take risks; without these risks,
our technology would have never been achieved.”Gibbins
defends his reason.
“But your work has become an Idol; what prophet is there
if a person gains the whole world and loses their soul? The only
reason you do all this is that you know I got your back, and I feel
like you're using me because of the anointing that YaHaVaH has
given me,” Azrael says, feeling used.
Gibbins reads between the lines of Azrael’s remark and
pulls away from his work.
“I did not know you felt that way, brother, I am truly
sorry, it is not my intent to do you or YaHaVaH ill.” Gibbins
“All is forgiven, but you need to get back on focus, for
you know that the days are short, and Yeshua is returning soon. I
need you at the top of your game, along with Zaryah and Lawin.
We have work to do.”Azrael rebukes.
“I will do my reading, and I will do my prayers, but I
gotta finish this project,” Gibbins confidently declares.
"Great! As long as there are no spiders, flying monkeys,
or crazy ghosts coming at us." Azrael responds.
Gibbins shoots him a look,
"Oh, spiders, they are indeed great insulters. That is until
they tie you up on a ceiling for their next meal."
Gibbins remarks as he’s feeling creeped out.
"Oh, that’s correct, their table manners." Azrael quips
Azrael slowly walks around the laboratory, examining the
new Anti-Multi phase Cannon along with all its functions.
Gibbins sees Azrael’s curiosity.
"To answer you before you ask. I figured if I could
replicate the Sigil stone frequencies that opened the portals, I
might solve the problem of instant traveling. Imagine the
possibilities?" Gibbins explains.

Azrael looks both concerned and puzzled at the same time,
"Don't worry, Gibbins. I'm trying not to imagine. This
thing you're doing is going to be bad news for all of us." Azrael
lays down his concern.
Gibbins sighs.
"No? Imagine the benefits that may come through this
technology." Gibbins muses excitedly.
"Think of it, No more delays. No more accidents. No more
plane crashes."
Azrael rolls his eyes.
"Good grief. We got another John Lennon here." Azrael
Gibbins looks up and takes a deep sigh and recomposes
"Rescue operations may be more effective than ever
before. Instantly, and without the great accompanying loss of life
that usually couples itself with it." Gibbins thoughtfully surmises.
"Where have I heard this before?" Azrael asks himself.
He moves over to the large antique mirror; he sees ancient
inscriptions on the border of the mirror.
"Where did you get this thing?" Azrael asks.
Gibbins looks up and nods his head to the other room.
“Ask the girls. They purchased it and brought it back
here." Gibbins responds.
Azrael waves his hand over it curiously.
"It looks familiar. like I've seen it someplace before." He
Gibbins hits a switch. Lights come on, and the mirror
glows and hums.
"That should do it," Gibbins says, feeling amused.
He and Azrael stand back. Azrael faces the mirror. He
stops for a second, giving a second look seeing his image react
differently than he did.
"I thought I saw another me. It's as if my reflection moved
and disappeared for a second.” Azrael says, looking at his

"Must be the light shimmering. It could be passed on
somewhere. Anyway, enough for today. The ladies want to go out.
Let's not disappoint them," Gibbins says,
Azrael nods his head and looks back at the mirror.
"Somewhere? Light passing? Where exactly could it be
somewhere?" Azrael questions.
Gibbins interjects.
"Hopefully, somewhere like a cosplay convention we can
enjoy. Inventive guys with innovative armor ideas right up your
A big smile comes to Azrael. He barks,
“Okay, I’m in. Get the girls!" Both laugh as they leave the
Neither noticed a peculiar green glow in the mirror
swirling like storm clouds. A tall thin demon silhouette in the
mixer atmosphere is seen as its shape shifts itself into a humanoid
shape and takes form. It comes closer to the front of the mirror
from the other side. It is a replica of Azrael, a demon known as a
Doppelganger. It cracks a malicious smile, and chuckles as he
steps out from the mirror; strange whispers could be heard from
the other side,
“As you command Exterminatus.” says the dark Azrael.
it looks about then it walks backward in a circle, repeating
the same words repeatedly.
“Somewhere. Somewhere, somewhere.”
Then he straightened himself, then opened a portal and
walked through.
Meanwhile, Azrael, Gibbins. Zaryah and Lawin are in a
great crowd of armor-clad monsters imitating people. A giant
robot T-Rex stomps by wowing the crowd. Azrael pats Gibbins on
the back.
“Only if they knew what's really going on.” Azrael
A lady with two children walks up to Azrael and asks.

"My, my, aren't we a big fellow.” Said the lady with the
children who was awestruck at his appearance.
Azrael smiles,
“May I help you?” he asks, feeling flattered.
“My children like your dark armor outfit. Mind if we take
a few pictures?"
Gibbins smile,
“Look at you, many fans,” Gibbins compliments.
Azrael gives him a look of annoyance. Gibbins calmly
reacts with a smile,
“I know only if they knew.”
Azrael happily complies and spends the next few minutes
posing and speaking of the return of Yeshua. People gather
around to listen. Meanwhile, the girls walk around with snow
cones and popcorn admiring the costumes. They go to sit on
benches. Zaryah finishes her popcorn and spies on for more food.
A vortex opens and the Dark Azrael appears in the midst
of the crowd, he blends in showing off as he takes to the cosplay
convention. He moves about he sees Zaryah and Lawin and heads
to their table.
He takes a seat like he’s a high school playboy.
“Hey lovelies what’s hanging?”
Lawin darts her eyes at him,
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Of course, love,” Dark Azrael says, flirting with his eyes.
“I think this convention is getting to your head,” Lawin
Dark Azrael leans in as if to say something. Zaryah
"Uncle. Can you loan me some cash for something to
drink? I'm totally out of change."
Dark Azrael gruffly responds,
"Me too kid. What do I look like? The bank of Gibbins?
I'll tell you what. Go to daddy and get us all something." he
sarcastically responded.
Zaryah's open mouth looks surprised.

“What’s wrong with you?” Zaryah speaks her mind.
A succubus cosplay woman walks by,showing skin
leaving not much to the imagination with her clothing. Dark
Azrael glances at Zaryah with a flirtatious grin, as he eyes the
“Leave me alone kid, I got something to do,” he coldly
Dark Azrael stand up and walks over to the voluptuous
woman who is dressed like a succubus,
"Excuse me, good looking, would you like to have some
“That depends on what kind of fun you have in mind?”
questions the succubus woman. She sits down to drink her coffee.
Lawin and Zaryah look on with shocking disgust.
“What is he doing?” Lawin questions aloud.
“Maybe is acting out an evil version of himself, after all
this is cosplay,” Zaryah defends her uncle.
“I think he’s going a little bit off track don’t you?” Lawin
asks Zaryah with suspicion shifting her eyes.
“Let’s see what happens before we jump to conclusions.”
Zaryah says sipping on her drink.
The two ladies watched from the distances as the Dark
Azrael sits down across the table with the young woman eyeing
his prey. The woman’s boyfriend approaches the table he’s
dressed like Hellboy.
“What are you doing with my woman?” asks the jealous
Dark Azrael sits with no care of the man’s feelings,
“Listen here Hellboy, I think your Succubus needs a real
man to show her a good time,” provoked the Dark Azrael.
The boyfriend is feeling raged, as Dark Azrael grabs her
and kiss her passionately. The cosplay Hellboy grabs the Dark
Azrael’s arm,
“Get your hands off of her you bastard,” The boyfriend
raised his voice struggling to pry the Dark Azrael’s hands of his

Dark Azrael ignores him and continues to engage with the
woman, and she is enjoying the moment. The boyfriend’s
jealousy arouses, he rolls up his stone fist that is made of foam
and punches the Dark Azrael in his face.
A visibly agitated Dark Azrael rises over the boyfriend
like a mountain startling him.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” asks Dark Azrael, feeling
The boyfriend slowly backs away surprised at the size of
his rival,
“Look mister I don’t want any trouble,” frighteningly says
the boyfriend slowly backing away.
Dark Azrael smiles,
“You punched me in my jaw, what do you think I am
going to do, turn the other cheek?”
Dark Azrael grabs the boyfriend and with no effort he
easily tosses him into the crowd.
Lawin and Zaryah look at each other chocking on their
beverages the dashed out of their seats to find Gibbins, as the
crowd backs away as the boyfriend tries to recover as he staggers
to back to his feet. The Dark Azrael strangely shimmers, as a few
security guards rush into the scene.
Lawin and Zaryah finds Gibbins in a crowd of people who
are taking pictures with the real Azrael as he is talking with his
“There’s two of them?” Lawin questions aloud.
They push themselves through the crowd to get Azrael’s
“Azrael,” Lawin yells.
Azrael looks up and sees the two ladies approaching
“We’ve got trouble,” Lawin says.
Zaryah shows Azrael and Gibbins by pointing to the Dark
Azrael throwing guards around.
“It's a Doppelganger.” Gibbins says.
Azrael darts his eyes at Gibbins,

“Told you problems for all of us,”
“We are so grateful it's not you,” Lawin says.
“It's time to go to work,” Azrael says, losing his neck and
shoulders moving toward the Dark Azrael.
The cosplay convention show begins as other cosplayers
begin to compete in a reminiscent of an old west brawl. Dark
Azrael grins wide.
"Oh. Playtime," Dark Azrael gleams.
An audience forms. Dark Azrael seems to shimmer more.
Azrael appears through the crowd and moves toward Dark
Azrael and they come to a face off in front of an amused crowd.
“Well, well look what we got here the goodie, goodie
tissues,” Dark Azrael sarcastically remarks”
“Well like they say the town ain't big enough for the both
of us,” Azrael replies.
Cheers come out. The poor security guards surround the
“Which one is which?”Question one of the security
“Let us see what happens.” Replied a security guard.
Gibbins steps up, and one other guards recognized
“Governor, it's an honor to meet you here,” said the
security guard.
“Likewise,” Gibbins says with a hint of humor.
“I see we have two identical giants facing off, any
theories?” Questions the security guard.
Gibbins cracks a smile,
“Twins.”he says as he walks away.
“Oh, that makes sense okay?” expresses the security guard
looking for Gibbins.
Azrael and Dark Azrael face off like the old Spaghetti
Western Films.

“You're absolutely correct, the two of us cannot occupy
the same space; I am going to kill you now,” beastly says Dark
Azrael laughs,
“I will not let my evil side defeat me, you're going down
in the name of Yeshua,” Azrael states as he and Dark Azrael
attack one another.
Blow after blow, strike after strike the two battle like in a
mortal combat expedition.
They both draw their swords and clash, continually to
amaze the gawking audience.
“I know your every move, I know your heart, I know how
to strike you down,” Dark Azrael boasts as they are locked into a
“Your self-defense becomes a self-defeat when you are
doing it for selfish reasons!” Azrael rebuttals.
The two push off each other, Dark Azrael spins off grabs
“It's time to depart from this party, it was fun while it
lasted, but my master has other plans,” Dark Azrael says as he
slowly moves backwards.
Gibbins pulls out a refracting gun and shoots a beam of
light at Dark Azrael, and Lawin and Dark Azrael disappear. The
crowd is silent. Then erupts into cheers and applause.
Gibbins come up next to Azrael, along with his daughter
“What happened to Lawin?” she asks with deep concern.
Azrael looks at Gibbins feeling flustered,
“If anything happens to Lawin, we could be in serious
trouble with the nation of Ophir We are responsible for that
woman.” Azrael growls.
Gibbins feeling remorse for what happen,
“We’ve gotta get back to the Mansion to fix this.” Gibbins
says with urgency.
“Fix what?” Zaryah interrupts.

“Your father created a portal between our world and the
supernatural with the mirror you and Lawin bought, the marking
is a spell to bring forth a creature from the other side to this side.
Now I must go and save Lawin into the that Ethereal world.”
Azrael says as he walks away.
Zaryah looks at her father,
“You can’t stop tinkering, can you? Father this time it may
cost you.
We pray that Azrael is successful and saves Lawin; and if
He does succeed, please for the love of Elohim stop creating
things that are not meant for us.” Zaryah lovingly rebukes her
Gibbins fires up his Anti-Multi phase Cannon, Azrael
comes walking into the laboratory battle ready, Zaryah is on the
main frame computer helping her father. Gibbins glances at
“Look, I stand corrected, once you get back with Lawin I
will dismantle this project” He apologizes.
He then glances at Zaryah,
“And I will not create anything that will cause us harm,”
Gibbins continues.
Azrael smiles,
“I am proud of you brother, now open up that portal.”
Gibbins fires his cannon at the mirror a misty portal opens
“Get our girl back,” Gibbins encourages.
Azrael walks through the portal in an icy terrain black
mountain peaks, a land filled with decrepit tombstones as far as
they can see. An arch of the stars stands in the center of the dark
gray ethereal realm.
Dark Azrael is dragging the fighting Lawin through the
Arch of Stars, where he meets his master Exterminatus, a ten-foot
lanky armored dead like Mal’akh unfurls his tattered leather

“What do we have here?” Exterminatus asks in a deep
raspy tone.
“A gift for you my master,” Dark Azrael says.
“You idiot she is alive,” Yells Exterminatus.
“I needed her to escape from the Holy Warrior whom I had
to face,” Dark Azrael argues back.
“You're a reflection of that Holy Warrior, so you coward
and use this woman for hostage” Exterminatus yells throwing
Dark Azrael across his prison room.
Exterminatus grabs Lawin in one of his hands and holds
her out looking at her,
“What to do with your child?” He questions aloud.
Lawin struggles to break free from Exterminatus’ grip,
“Let me go you monster,” Lawin cries out.
Exterminatus laughs,
“You're such an amusing little one; but I will hold you into
my prison wheel until further notice.”
Exterminatus levitates Lawin with his telekinesis grip and
locks her into a metal circular prison binding her hands and feet in
a “Y” upright position.
Lawin struggles to free herself with no avail,
“Let me out, I don't belong here,” She yells.
Exterminatus laughs when suddenly a Mal’akh from
Shamayim appears, cladded in black and gold armor, massive
hulk like wings.
“In the name of Yeshua; Exterminatus, no harm is to come
to this woman whom you have bound to your prison wheel,”
Zadkiel declared folding his wings.
Exterminatus screeches and howls from the name of
Yeshua collapse to his knees powerless. The Dark Azrael sees the
Mal’akh of Shamayim,
“Angel food tonight,” he says, unsheathing his sword.
Dark Azrael leaps into the air to attack Zadkiel and with
one look of Zadkiel, he tosses the Dark Azrael across the prison
room, binding him with his telekinesis.

“Let me go you self-righteous mongrel,” Dark Azrael
yells, struggling to break free from Zadkiel’s grip.
Zadkiel slightly turns his head and shushes him, Dark
Azrael mouth shuts and could not speak, feeling helpless.
Zadkiel slowly approaches Exterminatus, who stands from
his powerless moment and sees his nemesis Zadkiel approaching.
“What brings you to my domain Zadkiel,” Exterminatus
“I am here to give you fair warning, no harm is to come to
this woman Lawin. YaHaVaH’s champion is coming for her, you
can hold her but you're not to harm her; orders from Yeshua
himself.” Zadkiel says.
Exterminatus gives a look at the angry Lawin who’s
struggling to free herself. He glances back at Zadkiel who
“I hate when they do that,” Exterminatus says to himself
watching the Dark Azrael climb back to his feet.
“You have caused me many problems, you have one
chance to redeem yourself. You are to confront this Warrior of
Elohim, and kill him” Exterminatus growls.
“I am afraid I am at a disadvantage,” Dark Azrael
Exterminatus moves to a large caged door,
“Open it,” he commands two of his imps.
The diabolic imps turn the wheel that hoists the cage doors
open. A horse sized demon bat is hanging upside down sleeping.
“Take Bangungot, my pet, he will give you the advantage
you need.” Exterminatus says.
Bangungot wakes with its roar.

Azrael stands in the ethereal landscape. He sees the Arch
of the Stars.
“I hate this place,” Azrael says to himself.
He walks to the Arch of the Stars, and he is zapped with a
force that flings him across the terrain, crashing through few
“I hate Malakhim magic,” he grumbles under his breath
climbing back to his feet.
Azrael looks around expecting something to happen,
“Okay last time it was a dragon, I wonder what is going to
pop out of the ground this time?” Azrael questions himself.
The barrier of the Arch of Stars opens up,Dark Azrael flies
through riding Bangungot, the demon bat roars, Dark Azrael
“Hay cowboy, let's get ready to rumble,” he yells.
Azrael goes into his fighting stance.
Heyl’el appears in Exterminatus Prison. He unfurled his
dragon-like wings. He sees Lawin and approaches her,
“So you're a daughter of Ophir caught in this realm alive
no less.” Heyl’el chuckles.
Lawin looks at her unwanted visitor not knowing who he
“Who are you?” she questions.
“I am a child of fire, the first of the Malakhim, Prince of
Shamayim, Guardian Keruv of the gates of Shamayim; and power
has been given to me.”
“Power to do what?” Lawin interjects with hostility.
“Aren't we a temperamental child,” Heyl’el says with glee.
“You're the Devil,” Lawin realizes who she was talking to.
“Guilty as charged. I’ve been called worse but listen to me
child; I have the power to release you.” Heyl’el tempts.
“What’s the price I have to pay?” Lawin asks.
“Oh, just bow down to me as your supreme king, just this
one time. Then I will let you go,” Heyl’el playfully says.

Lawin looks at her current situation, then looks at Heyl’el,
“I heard this story once; how you tempted Yeshua and he
said to you worship YaHaVaH and serve him only,” Lawin recalls.
Heyl’el feeling agitated from Lawin’s words,
“And your point is?” he angrily says.
“My point is worship YaHaVaH only,” Lawin says with
Heyl’el laughs as he leans into Lawin’s ear,
“The problem is you really don’t believe,and here is some
news for you, your hero is dead, no one is coming to save you.
Your sins are ripe, your soul belongs to me,” Heyl’el proclaimed.
Lawin looks at the accuser,
“Maybe I belong to you, maybe I don’t, but let me remind
you fallen guardian, even though you remind me of my sins, let
me remind you of your future, your expiration date is ready to be
stamped.” Lawin declared.
Heyl’el glares at her as he slowly backs away,
“Until next time, Child.” Heyl’el growls and vanishes.
Lawin lets out a deep sigh of relief,
“YaHaVaH is my light, Yeshua is my salvation, whom
will, I fear? YaHaVaH is my stronghold of my life of whom shall
I be afraid?For in the day of my trouble he keeps me safe in his
dwelling; he hides me in his sanctuary and sets me high upon his
rock.” Lawin prays.
Azrael rolls and dodges from Dark Azrael’s attack who’s
flying on the demon bat. The creature roars busting up the terrain,
Dark Azrael keeps swinging his sword trying to lop off Azrael’s
head as they swoop by.
“I did not know I was that persistent,” Azrael mocks to
himself amusingly.
The Dark Azrael takes the demon bat high into the sky and
turns it around and jibs the beast, it flaps its massive wings
holding position, Dark Azrael gazes at Azrael from a birds eyes

“Look at you; overconfident, self-righteous, arrogant
Pharisee moron. It’s time to end this game, there only can be one,
and it's going to be me,” Dark Azrael says, amusing himself.
He forces the demon bat to score high in the sky, then goes
into a kamikaze dive, Dark Azrael targets his enemy. Azrael stand
eyeing the oncoming monstrous demon bat,
“When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is
my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an
army besieges me, I will not fear; though war breaks out against
me, even then I will be confident.” Azrael says as he unsheathes
his sword. |
As the demon bat swoops in, Azrael throws his sword like
a boomerang; it slices off a wing from the demon bat.
“Oh crap,” Dark Azrael says as he spirals out of control.
The demon bat crashes into the Arch of Stars crumbing it
to dust, as Azrael’s sword returns to his hand.
“Lawin,” he says as he watches the structure crumble.
The Dark Azrael arises from the aftermath of the demon
bat’s demise.
“It was a good ride while it lasted,” Dark Azrael says in a
cold tone.
He picks up his sword and advances Azrael,
“Too bad for your girlfriend, she’s stuck within
Exterminatus’ prison forever because you had to destroy the only
means in and out of that prison.” Dark Azrael says with glee.
Azrael gives a look at his doppelganger,
“One will stand, one will fall, YaHaVaH will be our judge
and the righteous of YaHaVaH will stand,” Azrael declared.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way?” Dark Azrael says with
a smile.

Exterminatus moves about his prison with two hellhounds
by his side, checking his trophies. He sees Demetrius Blackwell
bound in chains, Gwen tormented by impish demons, he also see
other prisoners tormented in grotesque ways due to their
disobedience to YaHaVaH's commandment, disbelief of his son
and lack of compassion to the strangers they had passed in life.
Exterminatus move deeper through his prison of woe; we
see thousands of souls underneath his throne. He takes his seat as
his hellhounds sit at each side of his throne. One of his soldiers
brings him a new lost soul. Exterminatus deep sockets glow red,
“Bring me that morsel soul,” he commands.
The soldier throws the soul down before Exterminatus’
feet. He scoops up the soul in his massive hand, and smells him,
“Ah my favorite, a proud unrepresented soul. Welcome to
the second death,” Exterminatus says as he consumes the essence
of the soul leaving it as a living husk.
Exterminatus sits back satisfied with his meal, then he
darts his eyes at his soldier,
“Throw it into the pit of darkness where there is gnashing
of teeth for amusement.” he cackles.
The soldier grabs the soul husk and tosses into the pit and
watches it fall into the darkness.
From behind Heyl’el steps into the view and for the fun of
it he pushes the soldier into the pit. Exterminatus sees his king
from the corner of his eye.
“My liege, you honor me with your presents,”
Exterminatus says.
Heyl’el investigates the darkness and see all the souls,
“This puts a smile on my face, watching Hashem’s image
tormented for their sins.” Heyl’el says with a tone of joy.
He turns to Exterminatus,
“What brings you here Ba’al? The Mal’akh of Death asks.

“This Warrior Azrael is about to end your doppelganger. If
you value your position, take the living woman, whom you bound
and use her as bait and kill that annoyance.”
“You want me to face the wrath of Elyon, he’s ready took
out Ishtar, Adarmalic, Asheriel, Azmodues, and the list
continues.” Exterminatus reminds Heyl’el.
Heyl’el glares at Exterminatus for a moment,
“You are Death, he is human, your Mal'akh a child of fire
and this Azrael is a clay worm, not wrath of Elyon he is his just an
annoyance incest that needs to be crushed.” Heyl’el says
Exterminatus stands his hellhounds to do the same. He
snaps his finger and Lawin appears in his arms.
“As you command my liege,” Exterminatus says,
unfurling his wings, wrapping himself and Lawin as they vanish.
Heyl’el smiles as he sits on Death’s throne watching the
lost souls for amusement.
The Jekyll and Hide of Azrael commits the two opposing
forces, Virtue and Vice are locked into a mortal combat. Azrael
swings left, then right, he dodges a lunging blow from Dark
Azrael. Azrael spins off to the right parrying off another attack
from Dark Azrael.
Dark Azrael spins around and kicks Azrael in his chest, he
flung across the terrain, dropping his word, taking down some
tombstone to stop him.
“You make that look so good. Let's do it again,” Dark
Azrael sarcastically says.
Azrael reaches across his body and snatches up his sword
as he comes to his fighting stance. He relaxes himself observing
Dark Azrael's chaotic move, he yells out to the Dark Azrael who
stops to listen for a moment.
“The fear of YaHaVaH is wisdom, and to eschew our
selfish ambition is good understanding. We are not totally in
control.” Azrael says.

“Blah, blah, blah, all I see is your flapping lips.” Dark
Azrael mocks.
“I give you fair warning, except if you repent, you will
die.” Azrael says, gripping his sword.
“I am my own god in my right, I can do as I please, I will
never change, you are my obstacle that hinders me to achieve my
goals to success.” Dark Azrael complains.
The two imposing forces circle around like two wild cats
ready to kill one another. They leap at each other and clash.
Exterminatus appears at the peak of debris of the Arch of the
Stars, with Lawin in his arms, she is hypnotized not knowing
where she is. He holds her close to his chest almost like a dark
romanticized scene. His eyes are fixed on the two warriors
battling below him.
“This looks promising,” he says.
Azrael dives into a slide dodging Dark Azrael’s swing,
jumping back to his feet, lopping off Dark Azrael’s head, the
doppelganger shatters like a broken mirror.
“Or not,” he says with disappointment.
He steps forward holding out Lawin like a doll, spreading
his wings like a prize peacock getting Azrael’s attention.
“Warrior, welcome to oblivion, you are here for this
woman are you not?” He questions.
Azrael sees Lawin and is a bit relieved she is well,
“Yes, I am. Now let her go,” Azrael demands.
“It's not that simple, I must kill you but I cannot touch
you,” Exterminatus says.
Azrael slowly moves toward Death,
“How ironic, obviously you're not just going to give her to
me, what do you propose?” Azrael asks
“If you survive my challenges I will give her freely to you,
but if you die, she stays with me.” Exterminatus challenges.
“Do I really have a choice?” Azrael asks.

“Not really, but do understand that my fight is not with
you but my master commands me to kill you, but I cannot touch
you for you are marked by the Most High, but I can challenge you
and if you win the challenge she is yours.” Exterminatus explains.
“Then let us Begin” Azrael says.
Exterminatus looks at his hellhounds,
“Attack,” he commands.
The hellhounds leap off the rubbish charging Azrael, he
positions himself and the hellhounds attack and struggle to break
free from their locking jaws. Azrael uses his strength and kills the
hellhounds; he holds them out in each hand like a trophy showing
“Was that the challenge?” Azrael asks.
Exterminatus laughs.
“That was the preliminary,” Exterminatus says.
From thought to hand he summons his staff and points to
the grave below him,
“Tav, Reish, Qof, Vav, Mem, Cheit” Exterminatus utters,
as he thrusts his staff into the ground next to Azrael.
A pale greet shock wave ripples over the icy terrain, the
ground quakes, tombstones burst open. Skeleton warriors climb
out of their tombs Azrael is wide eyed with adrenaline rush.
As far as the eye can see is a legion of Skeleton warriors
battle ready with weapons and armor. They stand ready for their
master’s command.
Azrael looks in four directions,
“I feel like I am in the seventh voyage of Sinbad” Azrael
sarcastically says to himself.
“Now this is the challenge, Warrior; if you survive this
you and the woman are free to go,” Exterminatus says.
Azrael looks at the silent warriors who slightly wave back
and forth like a tree swaying in a calm breeze.
“Let the show begin…Attack,” Exterminatus says.
The ethereal grave comes alive, a seemingly infant swarm
of Skeleton warriors’ rally at Death’s command. The Skeleton
warriors surge forward.

Azrael backs up slicing away, then he leaps back spring
boarding off a tombstone landing hard thrusting his sword into the
terrain, creating a shock wave of holy flames incinerating the
army of Skeleton Warriors.
Azrael fixes his eyes on Exterminatus, and lunges at him.
Exterminatus drops Lawin and pulls his battle axe from thought
to hand and they clash. The Warrior of Elohim and Death engage
in a ferocious hand to hand combat. Each landing power shots,
sending sparks into the air.
Azrael slips behind Exterminatus and takes out his knees,
then lunges high into the air yelling his battle cry,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem.”
Descending hard he uses YaHaVaH’s power to lop off
Exterminatus’ head from his body. Death’s body deflated and
collapsed into a heap of chard bones. Azrael stands over the pile
sheathing his sword.
“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your
Azrael sees Lawin coming, he quickly goes to her and aids
her to her feet.
“Lawin are you alright?” He asks with concern.
Lawin takes hold of Azrael’s hand and is hoisted to her
feet with his help. She hugs him with gratitude,
“I am going to hurt your brother for creating what he
created.” Lawin says jokingly.
‘Well, you're going to have to wait in line,” Azrael says.
Lawin pulls away, looks around,
“You do have a way out of here, don’t you?” she asks with
great concern.
Azrael points to the East and they see the portal.
“There, let's get out of here.” Azrael says leading Lawin
out of the ethereal world.

Heyl’el stands over the pit of souls soaking in the torment
of the cries of the lost, Exterminatus appear on his throne
gathering himself healing from his wounds.
“I hope you're satisfied with my liege?” Exterminatus
Heyl’el turns and sees Death magically recovering,
“Well I am, it does satisfy my curiosity,” Heyl’el says.
“And what would that be my liege,” Exterminatus replies.
“The law of sin and death; you and me will prevail to the
end.” Heyl’el says with glee in his eye.
“As long as the humans continue to follow their selfish
desires and break the commandments, we will have power over
them until Hashem's’ Son returns as Mashiach '' Exterminatus
“Please don’t remind me,” Heyl’el snarls as he unfurls his
wings and vanishes.
Exterminatus, leans back on his throne eyeing the
darkness. Azrael emerges from the portal carrying Lawin like a
groom to a bride over the threshold, protecting her from the
dangerous particle effects.
Gibbins and Zaryah are happy to see Azrael and Lawin in
one piece.
“You made it,” Gibbins says with relief.
Azrael puts Lawin down on her feet and walks over to the
Anti-Multi Phase Cannon and smashes it to pieces, then he turns
and walks over to the mirror,
“I hate Malakhim magic,” he says as he puts his hand on
the mirror.
“Esh,” Azrael says.
The mirror melts into a liquid goop. Zaryah was about to
react because she bought the mirror for her father. But she stays
silent seeing her uncle upset.
Azrael keeps quiet and walks out of the lab.

“Something must have happened on the other side?”
Gibbins questions aloud.
Zaryah darts a look at her father, not to make any jokes at
this moment. Lawin walks up to Gibbins,
“I know that I might be fired for the action I am about to
do, but you deserve this,” Lawin says as she slaps Gibbins across
his face and walks out.
Zaryah looks at her father with a smile,
“So are you going to fire her?” She asks.
“No, I deserve it, but I am glad it's over,” Gibbins says as
he shuts down his laboratory.
“Let's get out of here and get some pizza,” he says, putting
his arm around Zaryah’s shoulders, giving her a hug as they walk
out of the laboratory.
Five years later, archaeologists in Akkad found the lost
tomb of King Nimrod. They took his beheaded body along with
its skull to a secret cloning facility deep south in Dudale. The
underground Neurological Center. It's a cylindrical laboratory,
one of the most sterile environments in the nation.
Using a giant glass turbine, a computer monitors the DNA
chain scrolls across Nimrod's body and head. A monitor shows the
DNA read outs with data scrolling. Female computer speaks.
"Normal human beings have 40 DNA memo groups which
is more than enough for any species to perpetuate itself. The
computational elements of this DNA chain are the same as ours,
with a few irregularity anomalies. The DNA is tightly packed.
There are 200,000 DNA memo groups in this DNA."
Science technicians flip switches turning on the cloning
cylinder. Computer monitors light up like a Christmas tree
showing thousands of cells form in the heart of the generator, an
assemblage of DNA elements. Then the cells move down a tube,
like fluid, and gather in an imprint of a “HUMAN” body.

Step by step bones are rebuilt, then the nervous and
muscular systems. Whole veins wrap around the muscles. An
entire body is reconstructed before our very eyes. Computer
speaks, "Three seconds to ultra-violet protection."
A shield covers the reconstructing body, making it
invisible. This is the crucial phase, the reconstruction of pigment.
Cells are bombarded with slightly greasy Solar atoms which
forces the body cells to react, to protect themselves. That means
growing skin. End of reconstruction, beginning of reanimation. A
whoosh of air in the glass chamber. Captain Munro has his hand
on the self-destruct button, ready to destroy the being that has
barely been reborn.
The technology presses button to activate the life support
system. An electrical discharge fills the glass chamber causing the
body inside to jerk. After a few moments of silence, the sounds of
a heartbeat fill the room over the loudspeaker. Computer
"Life support system activated. The Supreme Being is
The computer removes the shield. As the Technicians
remove the ultra-violet shield, a well-built man is slowly
revealed... nude... young... dark and muscular. Technicians
stood there gaping. But unseen to their naked eye a Demon of a
massive proportion enters the newly rebuilt host of Nimrod and
rises to his feet standing ten feet tall.
Within three years Nimrod was able to conquer thirteen
nations, and three of them who refused to comply with his
dictatorship were obliterated. Now with Heyl’el’s human
champion the nations have fallen deeper into darkness.
Nimrod would capture soldiers for his yearly sacrifice to
appease the desert goddess Psamathe. Nimrod was the
embodiment, Gilgamesh, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Alexander the
great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler,
Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Leopold II, Adolf Hitler,
Joseph Stalin.

Harsh sunlight beats down on a bleak, unforgiving stretch
of rocky desert. amidst this desolation rise the ruins of an ancient
Sumerian ziggurat. This is a massive, stepped pyramid of mud
brick that was once the center of the city known as Ur. It has been
transformed into the capital of the NWO. The glass and steel
replica of the Louvre Pyramid is the signature of New Shinar,
standing as a beacon to its very citizens. In the distance, I hear a
roaring sound. In the background, we can see a distorted image of
a flying ship landing on a sophisticated landing field.
Sounds of breathing can be heard, eyes slowly open, we
see his deep blue-within-blue eyes, and his complexion is a deep
olive tone. His voice is low and burly his tall frame stands at the
podium at the conference of nations' leaders, dressed in a white
and gold suit.
“I, Nimrod, god of Adamah, stand here on the threshold of
our greatest achievement for mankind, here in New Shinar, a
home for the New World Order.
We must celebrate in honor of Psamathe to appease her
from her sandstorm wrath. We will make a sacrifice of this
Colonel John McMullen, who sits in his cell beneath this
sanctimonious Pyramid to honor the gods of nations.
The Colonel is bound with chains as two of Nimrod's SS
Soldiers bring him to the center square. Nimrod approaches the
As a matter of honor, Colonel, don't worry, I'll get it done
quickly. Therefore, I give you fifteen minutes to make peace with
your gods." Nimrod smiles.
“You gods are all the same, controlling, brutal, pagan
dictators, who love to see mankind suffer for your own
amusement. I have no peace with your assholes, so treat me as
you see fit." The Colonel boldly states.
A loud rumbling sound of a motorcycle is heard as
Nimrod turns to see. He sees Azrael high in the sky riding Spirit,
his motorcycle, crashing through the Pyramid.

Glass is shattered like rain. This action angers Nimrod,
seeing his temple destroyed.
“Kill that Nevi,” Nimrod yells.
Azrael leaps off his motorbike, as Spirit lands and skids to
a complete stop.
“5…4…3…2…1…Ignite,” Spirit says.
The Pyramid explodes. Azrael upholsters Brimstone, as he
is still in midair, firing as he lands in a cat-like stance on the
ground below.
A silver-tipped bullet ripped through three of Nimrod’s SS
soldiers' chest plates. They turned to dust as their fellow soldiers
dashed through the disintegrating clouds that used to be their
bodies. The embers danced where they landed. Humans will
never be capable of moving at speeds as fast as the SS soldiers,
who chase their prey.
Azrael ran like a bull, splashing through puddles of muddy
water, storming through barriers of plywood and razor wire,
leaping over mountains of garbage through alleyways. The SS
Soldiers flattened the remaining length of cyclone fencing like it
was paper. They scramble up and over obstacles leaping into the
Azrael pulls out his latest weapon, a puck. As he throws it
at SS Soldiers who are charging him, a triple-bladed blade pops
out and flies like a boomerang as he continues to run at them in
midair. Trinity is blown to bits in midair by another SS soldier, as
the weapon finish cutting the SS soldiers in half.
In a single fluid motion Azrael takes Brimstone and kills
the SS soldier who destroyed his weapon with a shot between its
eyes. To free Colonel John, Azrael stormed through the
disintegrating soldiers.
The chains of the Colonel fell off, he was attacked by an
SS soldier. He managed to pop off the soldier with the soldier's
laser rifle, then he took the rifle and shot him several more times
to make sure he stayed down.

Nimrod hits the Colonel; he goes soaring across the street
crashing into a local boutique shop. He climbs out of the shop and
shoots at Nimrod, who deflects the deadly beams with his hand.
“You have no idea who you are dealing with, boy,”
Nimrod proudly says slowly approaching him.
“I am not a boy nor am I your sacrifice, your miserable
son of a bitch,” the Colonel angrily yells as he continues to shoot.
Nimrod conjures a spell and throws it at the Colonel,
freezing his mobility immediately.
“This can’t be happening. The Colonel struggles to move
his body.
The Spirit console lights up.
“Mission objective: rescue Colonel John,” she says as she
peels out, racing toward the Colonel.
As Azrael kills three SS soldiers on top of the building,
Spirit races toward Colonel John. He jumps off the roof and onto
his motorcycle. He extends his hand and speaks.
“Yimakh shemo Nimrod.”
Nimrod’s magic is broken. Azrael snatches the Colonel
throwing him on the back of his bike as they race off into the
desert. Nimrod is outraged, humiliated before his subjects, and
“Summon my army, we will retrieve our sacrifice and kill
that Nevi.” Nimrod commands as he climbs to his battle-ready
Woolly Mammoth.
A few hours later Azrael stops and climbs off Spirit and
the Colonel as well.
“Thank you for rescuing me from that tyrant.”
Colonel John says with gratitude
“But who sent you?” He asks.
Azrael glances over his shoulder as he faces east.
“Gibbins is an old friend of your father's," he replies.
“Well thanks again, but what are we doing here?" The
Colonel responds.
“Finishing Nimrod's reign.” Azrael says as he walks
toward the center of the desert.

The Colonel follows with questions swimming in his
“How can you finish Nimrod off, no one can touch this
guy?" The Colonel questions aloud.
Azrael ignores the Colonel and stares out over the
landscape of sand, flat, harsh sunlight, dust devils whirling
around, and sand dunes, as far as the eye can see, waiting for the
desert dictator, who is extremely committed to protecting his
territory, of New Shinar.
The two stood back-to-back waiting for Nimrod’s attack.
Azrael is relaxed, Colonel John holding his rifle. He's a bit fidgety
hearing snakes slithering under the sand, with scorpions skittering
“Soldier, why are they after you?” asked Azrael
“I don’t think they are after me sir, I think they are more
likely after you,” Colonel John responds.
“Me?” smiles Azrael.
“Yeah you, you single-highhandedly disrupted their
ceremony by collapsing their pyramid and retrieving their
sacrifice through an army of super soldiers,” Colonel John says in
“What’s your name Soldier?” asked our hero.
“Colonel John, and you, sir?" he asked.
“A friend,” Azrael replied.
Colonel John recalls what he saw during his escape and
realizes the man standing with him must be a clone or some kind
of genetic variation.
"You must be a super soldier, Colonel John suspects.
Azrael grumbles shaking his head and rolling his eyes,
"No, I am not a genetic experimental. I pray that people
will stop thinking of me this way?”
Colonel John gives a quick look of surprise and is
confused by his response to Azrael,
“No offense sir, what else could it be?” the soldier
questions with sincerity.

Azrael takes a deep breath and releases a sigh of
“How about the power of YaHaVaH? Is that too much to
fathom? With man, everything is always complicated. You deny
Elohim's power and refuse to accept Yeshua as his son." Azrael
“Yah-what? Yahoo?” Colonel John asked, with questions
swimming in his mind.
“Not Yahoo, YaHaVaH,” Azrael corrects, feeling a bit
impatient with his guess.
“I don’t know who you're talking about,” Colonel John
“Yeah, I get that but know this: I carry the power of
Shamayim, I am the word of Yeshua, I am the sword of
YaHaVaH. Today you will see the power of YaHaVaH when your
enemies perish before your eyes.”
An absolute reality, an epiphany of truth that shakes the
core of Colonel John’s soul.
“You must be a Nevi, I heard about you people, you're
dangerous folk, that’s why Nimrod wants to kill you, that’s why
he is bringing his army against you,” Colonel John says with a
hint of fear.
Azrael suddenly stops and stares out over the desert
landscape. His eyes lit up. His spirit eye takes him across the
desert plane and he sees Nimrod's army advancing.
An armada of tanks, six thousand foot soldiers, and
Nimrod riding what looks like a woolly mammoth with armor,
leading his army of doom across the sands of Namib.
Azrael wakes up from his spirit flight and Colonel John
snaps his fingers at him.
“Nevi, wake up."
Azrael grabs his wrist to stop him from snapping.
“My name is Azrael, not Nevi,”

Across the winding dunes of sand, the sky appears as if it
were made of glass. Now, Nimrod’s army is seen from a distance
slowly rising from the blue glass marred by specks of swirling
The ground shakes. Colonel John runs up a sand dune,
pulls out his binoculars, and sees Nimrod on his beast of war with
his army following. Colonel John looks at Azrael with deep
“We're so dead,” Colonel John complained.
"Ye of small faith," Azrael said, walking toward the army.
“This guy is out of his mind,” Colonel John sarcastically
remarks on his way down the sand dunes and follows. Nimrod
breaks formation as Azrael stops, and the tanks fire missiles and
explode around him.
Colonel John dives into action as the SS soldiers advance,
shooting them down one by one with his laser rifle.
Nimrod uses his binoculars and sees the smoke clearing.
To his surprise and bewilderment, Azrael is still standing.
Nimrod's army circles our hero, and Colonel John returns to
position back-to-back with Azrael due to his rifle being empty.
Nimrod towers over Azrael looking down with a feeling of
intimidation pointing his sword at the Warrior of Elohim.
“Are you a god?” Nimrod trembles in apprehension.
Colonel John couldn't resist the moment and breaks out a
comedic remark.
“See, not everybody thinks you're a genetic soldier.”
Colonel John quips.
“Stop,” Azrael grumbled as he looked up at Nimrod,
mounted on his beast.
“There are no gods, except what we make of them,”
Azrael replies.
“No one should be standing after that barrage of missiles.
If you're no god, what are you?”
“I am a Nevi, your messenger of doom Nimrod,” Azrael

Nimrod laughs as he looks around him at his army and
then back at Azrael,
“Don’t make me laugh, no one can take my throne, I am
the god of this nation no one is mightier than I. I was once dead
and now I am alive thanks to modern genetics” Nimrod boastfully
He then looks at Colonel John pointing his sword at him.
“Give us back our sacrifice, and you can leave in peace,”
Nimrod said.
Colonel John felt a bit irritated.
“I am no goat to be sacrificed," he declared pointing his
rifle at Nimrod.
Azrael lowers Colonel John’s gun,
“It's not the time, soldier," he said.
Colonel John let out a heavy sigh as he stood down. Our
hero stood in front of Nimrod's beast, holding his hand out, but
Nimrod's beast slowly backed up as our hero spoke the truth
against Nimrod.
“YaHaVaH split the Red Sea and brought his children
through the desert, made the waters stand up like a dam; he led
them with a cloud by day, and with fire by night; he split the
rocks at Rephidim with limitless depths; he brought forth streams
from a rock, made waters flow down in torrents letting his
children drink freely.
He gave orders to the skies above, he opened the sluice
gates of Shamayim; and rained down manna to feed his children,
he gave them the wheat of Shamayim; mere mortals ate the bread
of the Malakhim, he sent them as much food as they could want.
He roused an eastern wind from the skies and dispatched a
south wind by his strength; he rained down quail upon them like
dust, birds thick as the sand on the seashore, tumbling into their
dwelling place.

This day Nimrod you and your unholy people will be
destroyed, but those who trust in YaHaVaH will possess your
lands. Today your wickedness will disappear. The humble will
possess your lands with shalom and prosperity while you and
your people rot in the pit of oblivion.”
Nimrod looks amused with Azrael,
“For a powerful man, you babble like an old woman.”
Nimrod mocked.
He and his army laughed to taunt Azrael.
"Mock me all you like, but can you hear it? The thunder in
the distance, the wrath of YaHaVaH is upon you."
Azrael eyes Nimrod and asks,
"You do remember the past, don't you?"
"For the most part I do," Nimrod says with pride.
“You must remember about redheads, correct,” Azrael
sarcastically asks.
“Redheads? If you are referring to a woman, I have a
whole harem of redheads. Would you like one?” Nimrod proudly
"No, let me remind you of a particular redhead," Azrael
says, as he jumps into the air, slicing Nimrod's head off his
shoulder with his elbow blade. He lands on his feet, grabs
Nimrod's head, and shows it to Nimrod’s army.
“See how the mighty Nimrod has failed you. He forgot to
use his whole head in battle.” Azrael declared. Nimrod’s
army is afraid as the sky grows gloomy as thunder echoes in the
distance. Azrael slowly backs away, the ground trembles, and
Nimrod lays waste. Colonel John feels the same, as the soldiers
and draws close to Azrael. Our hero looks into Nimrod’s dead
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem Nimrod,” he says throwing his head
into the fallen king’s army,
“Heads up,” Azrael yells.
Azrael grabs Colonel John, pushing him back to spirit.
“Now it's time to bury the past,” Azrael says.

The ground shakes, and the army scatters in seven
directions, Adamah is violently ripped open wide. Nimrod’s
carcass and his army fell into Sheol where they were consumed
by YaHaVaH’s wrath.
The desert closes and there is nothing left but a deafening
silence. Colonel John, feeling out of place with awe at the same
time and slowly backs away.
“Stay away from me Nevi, I need to process.
“Okay, I'm hungry after a half day's work so how about
some lentil soup,” Azrael says opening his saddle pack mounted
to Spirit.
Colonel John is taken but not surprised when he hears
Spirit speak out,
“Where have I seen or heard this story before?”
Azrael smiles, as he sees the Colonel’s face fishing for
answers to the questions swimming in his mind.
“Your motorcycle talks,” Colonel John says.
“Yes, it does, thanks to my brother n law, but most of the
time Spirit doesn't know when to stop talking she is a motor
mouth,” Azrael says in light humor.
“Hay I resent that,” Spirit replies.
“You see what I mean,” Azrael chuckles.
Colonel John forces a fake smile,
“Yeah I do,”
Azrael then lifts his hand and speaks an ancient word.
“Sawlal,” he says.
Colonel John is confused as a portal opens up. Azrael puts
his hand on Colonel John’s shoulder and speaks to the soldier.
“When you pass through that portal you will be where you
need to be. Remember this day and seek YaHaVaH and obey his
commandments; all will go well with you.” Azrael said.
Colonel John looked at the portal and then at Azrael with
“I am not going through anything like that," he protested.
“I think you are,” Azrael says with a hint of humor.

“Just wait a damn moment," Corneal John says as he is
thrown into the portal.
“AZRAEL,” he yells as he is teleported away.
After one last look over the desert scenery, Azrael jumps
onto Spirit and rides through the portal as it closes.
An incubation room, a laboratory for creating distinct
species by extracting DNA from other species. It is a vast room
bathed in infrared light, filled with long tables. The first tables
have rows of centrifuges, each bearing dozens of Test tubes. Dr.
Lee leads the group. Dr. Lou, her assistant, is teaching her
Lexpraya species, for the military.
“Okay once you have your complete copy of the DNA
strand. How do you grow it?” Dr. Lou asks.
First, understand there are three species with bio tech that
burst EMP burst like a bee with a stinger: first we extract DNA
from the red-bellied piranha also known as Pygocentrus nattereri,
then we take DNA from the Migratory monarch butterfly also
known as Lepidoptera, then for its unique UV color, we take from
the bioluminescence scorpion also known as Arthropod.
We use the splicing of genes from these three species as
our breeding medium. Explains Dr. Lee.
“Our primordial soup of death,” Dr. Lou laughed.
“And how do you know what it is you're growing?” she
Lee shrugs her shoulders.
It is based on an evolutionary computer mapping. That's
how it decides what to create." Dr. Lee says.
A lab technician called from the deeper part of the room.
| “Come look! Another Chimera is about to hatch!"
exclaimed the Lab tech.
“Chimera?” Dr. Lou said with excitement.
“That’s correct, our first one grew exponentially faster
than the normal growth of any animal.” Dr. Lee explains.

“Where is this beast? Can I see it?” Dr. Lou asks with
Sadly, no, it was killed six months ago. At first, we
thought it was the Lexpraya that consumed its flesh, but as we
examined the bones we found a bullet hole between its eyes, and
blade marks on its bones. We also found out that the Lexpraya
were burned to ash.” Dr. Lee explains.
“A hunter?” Dr. Lou replies.
“Perhaps,” Dr. Lee coldly replied.
In the area of long tables where genetic eggs lay, their pale
outlines are obscured by a gray mist. Technicians are wandering
up and down the aisles as one egg gently rocks to hatch.
Dr. Lee walks ahead of Dr. Lou. As she continues to
lecture, Dr. Lou listens and enjoys it as though she is hearing the
lecture for the first time.
“This is our incubator room. We keep the temperature at
ninety-nine degrees and a relative humidity of one hundred
percent.” Dr. Lee says with a smile.
“Atmospheric temperatures are very warm, so you're
producing females.” Dr. Lou questions
“Yes, it's easier to control, and we decide what to create,
not the gods.” Dr. Lee says with emotional pride.
“Interesting,” Dr. Lou says.
As they move forward, waist-deep in the mist. A strange
green light emanates from the incubators. Dr. Lou is half-
consumed by the mist. She mimics the wicked witch from the
Wizard of Oz.
"I'm melting! I’m melting,” she laughed.
Dr. Lee glances at her.
“Do you mind, we are adults here,” Dr. Lee growls as she
moves on.
The egg table is ready, and Dr. Lou laughs to herself.
Thermal sensors move from one egg to the next, touching each
with a flexible wand, beeping. Dr. Lou glides her hand over the
sides of the green glowing containers, awed by the strange, big
eggs they hold. Dr. Lee instructs.

"Be careful, the eggs are permeable to skin oils.” Dr. Lee
She acquiesces, leans in very close to the egg, sniffing it.
Are these shells made of plastic like toys? And this is where you
grow your Chimera.” She asks inquisitively.
“Yes, and we also grow Lexpraya. The embryos are
mechanically inserted and then hatched in this room. But we've
managed to sufficiently mimic the actual biological process these
creatures rupture the plastic membrane that they're contained in
when they're born. Like real births.” Dr. Lee says like a proud
mother who gave birth.
The egg hatches and we see a baby Chimera, resembling a
lion in its forepart, a goat in the middle and a dragon behind, and
it hiccups on fire.
“So adorable,” Dr. Lee says as they move on.
Dr. Lou is feeling a bit uncomfortable as she follows Dr.
Lee to an aquarium of the Lexpraya."
“OMG, how many?” Dr. Lou asks with concern.
The number is currently one hundred thousand this week.
Every time we feed them; they multiply.” Dr. Lee smiles.
Dr. Lee leans into an intercom.
“Proceed with the feed,” she says coldly.
Lights turn on from the corners of the ceiling with sound
waves. This keeps the Lexpraya from expecting, as a lab
technician lowers a large bull into the glass cage. The Lexpraya
glow brightly as they flutter around the bull. Before the bull
touches the ground, its flesh is consumed. Dr. Lee looked at the
digital counter. The hundred thousand multiplied by two.
An area that appears to be deserted at first glance seems
beautiful, like the main lobby where the Security Guard is
writing. After all, a sound in the sterile lobby reveals the presence
of a second Security Guard who is now standing behind a massive
desk, having been hidden under the desk until now.
The guard points to a prominent touch screen computer
console and touches it.

“I’m a genius,” he says, patting himself on the back for
fixing the surveillance cables.
“Pride comes before a fall,” said the second security
The first guard sits back down at his desk and notices the
van on his monitor. The Guards continue to watch the vehicle.
Outside of the medical complex four gas-masked people come
pouring out dressed in protective body gear.
The tall person carries two magical silver boxes with
etchings of ancient ruins. They climb the stairs for the door. As
they cross the lobby to the guard's table to sign in, we hear their
Suddenly one of the masked people pulls out a laser pistol
with a silencer and aims it at the guard's forehead. Before the
guards can react, the person pulls the trigger shooting both guards
“Okay mate, you know what to do, let's move," said the
tall male behind the mask.
The group scatters in different directions. The first guy
strategically places plastic explosives in strategic places over the
main facility.
“Chargers are set,” said the first guy.
The second individual, clearly a woman, sweeps through
different sectors of the building shooting down the scientist. She
goes into the Bio Lab and shoots Dr. Lee. She turns and sees Dr.
“Today is your lucky day, so run," says the second guy.
Dr. Lou ran out of the room and out of the building.
“All sectors are clear,” said the second guy.
The third guy is also a woman. As she enters the restricted
area, with the specialized boxes, she slowly walks on the glass
ceiling which is the floor of the lab. To keep the Lexpraya in their
cells, she flips some switches on a panel. Baphomet an apparition
of a dark and menacing Mal’akh appears in the middle of the cell
and calls out,
“Kaarina, lower the boxes," it commands.

Kaarina pushes a button on the control panel. Two square
windows open. She obeys and drops the boxes down to Mal'akh
who fills the boxes with deadly insects. It opens a portal that
sends Lexpraya into another dimension. The portal closes and
Baphomet looks up at Kaarina.
“Do not fail me,” it says as it vanishes.
Kaarina puts a plastic strip on the glass and back, always
pushing a detonator.
“Fire in the hole,” she says to herself as she presses the
A silent explosion creates a fresher on the floor, where she
jumps down and shoots out the glass wall. She grabs the boxes
and walks out.
“I have the package,” she says through her receiver.
The tall guy who shot the guards speaks into his intercom.
“Let's move it, we're out in two,” he commands quickly
leaving the lobby.
The group exits the building jumping back into their
vehicle, and quickly leaves the premises as they race off into the
The man with the dead man switch presses it and the
science lab ignites and smokes with a large explosion. The
aftermath of the explosion left the science facility in disarray.
Blueprints, technical charts of an upcoming hover bike
flash on the mainframe monitor at HQ. Local news displaying a
window of the monitor, showing the science lab is still puffs out
black smoke. New Report stands on site.
“In the local business news Bio Technologies of Areth has
been up in smoke, the police authorities believed possible
The muffled sound of the news is barely heard as Azrael
walks around the estate looking for Gibbins, who is tinkering in
the garage. Azrael hears tools dropping. He pokes his head inside.
His eyes widened with curiosity.

"Coming through, Gibbins shout," as he operates the
newly developed vehicle.
Azrael ducks out of the way as Gibbins floats past on a big
noisy hover bike. Outside, it drifts across the driveway.
“She should be ready. He gushed.
"I've just updated it to the latest specs," Gibbins laughed
as he lowered it to dismount.
“Off.” He commands as it powers down.
Azrael is astonished by the newly developed machine. But
seeing his old bike sitting in a corner with covers over it, he's a bit
“What's wrong with my motorbike?" he growls as he
uncovers it.
Gibbins scratches his head.
"There is nothing wrong with your motorbike. I just
upgraded everything," he tells a distraught Azrael.
"Oh, okay," Azrael says, walking up to the brand-new
hover bike and glancing at it.
“So this invention of yours follows verbal instructions?
How interesting! It's not like the box, is it?" Azrael replied
sarcastically. ”
Gibbins responded, "Hey, be gentle."
Azrael smiles as he continues to overlook the machine.
“What do you call this thing?” Azrael asks.
“Oh, that update I was telling you about, I transferred all
of Spirit's data onto this hover bike," Gibbins explains.
“You put Spirit’s soul into this revolutionary machine
during my mission?" Azrael questions with a bit of frustration.
“My attempt here was to increase our resources for a
smoother and more effective way to fight against the forces of
darkness,” Gibbins explains.
Azrael gives Gibbins a look and steps up to him.
“One day I am planning to hit you. You don’t touch
another man’s wheels, brother,” Azrael says in a playful moment.
“Azrael,” the AI voice of Spirit, interjects through the
futuristic hover bike.

Azrael looks at it.
“Don't be alarmed Azrael. No need to be hostile to
Gibbins, I am still fully functional, when all data testing is
complete, I will be used in many forms, your motorbike, Gibbins’
Dragonslayer, and this new hover bike,” Spirit says.
Then she shows off, turning on Azrael’s motorbike, the
Dragonslayer and the Hover bike all at the same time; then she
turns them off.
“See it's me on an advanced interface system. I can be in
more than two places at once now.” Spirit interjects.
Azrael glances at it and blurts out.
“Oh, I get it. Kind of like polygamy,” he laughed.
Spirit pauses before she responds.
“If you are trying to be humorous, I'm sure there are some
Harley's nearby you could warm up to.” Spirit sarcastically reacts.
Azrael is fascinated by Spirit’s Ai system. He glances at
“Am I hearing this correctly, Spirit just made a joke?”
Azrael asked with amusement.
Gibbins shoots out a look at Azrael with a smile,
“She is evolving and looks like she got you.” He laughs.
Spirit laughs with Gibbins while Azrael looked on and
“Yeah, whatever you say, Rust bucket."
Gibbins intercedes.
“Why don't you take the new hover bike out for a spin and
get reacquainted with Spirit once again. Besides, we need proper
data testing for flight and navigation” Gibbins explains.
“I don't mind if I do," Azrael says as he climbs onto the
new hover bike, and Spirit jokingly complains.
“I hope you are insured. Try not to break anything on our
way out. I would hate to drop off excess baggage," Spirit attempts
to laugh.
“Really, you got jokes now, it's bad enough that you don’t
know how to be quiet?" Azrael wondered as he looked at Gibbins.

“The reason why I talk, because you don’t know how to
be quiet,” Spirit tries to make a joke.
Azrael throttles the bike forward and up. Gibbins salutes
them off.
Baphimous is a Gothic Rock Band from the nation of
Suomi; they come rolling in on a bus at McDonald’s for a
stopover meal. The band consists of four artists who have become
mainstream top artists in their field. Moretti is the first to step off
the bus, carrying a two-foot silver container with strange
markings. Moretti is a tall, thin male with very few piercings who
wears leather, spikes, and rock boots with a shark fin hairstyle; he
is the band's lead guitarist.
He takes a deep breath as he stretches.
“Smell all that grub,” he laughed.
Helena is the drummer. She's a petite blonde with a wavy
Mohawk hairstyle. She steps off the bus and she’s dressed in
dungaree shorts with fishnet stockings, rock boots, and a gray
tank top. Her left arm is decorated with tattoos running down
from her neck to her hand.
“Next time you drive, boss man,” she says, taking in the
Gary, the bass player, steps off the bus. He's a clean-cut
gentleman, looking like the T-birds Johnny Russo from Grease;
with the hairstyle, the leather jacket, the white t-shirt, and
motorcycle boots.
“Welcome to my hometown,” he says, walking away from
them and heading to McDonald's to buy their meal.
“What a square,” Helena said.
You shouldn't knock him, love, he's your mission,”
Moretti laughed.
Helena exclaims with disgust, "I know, don't remind me."
Kaarina is the vocalist and leader of the band. She's built
and dressed like Annette Olzon. Kaarina is more than what she

She's a worshiper of Baphomet and a servant to the drag
queen of hell. Kaarina stares at the McDonald's where a crowd of
people are eating their dinner. She amusingly says,
"So this is the Areth."
Moretti her husband steps up next to Kaarina, putting the
container before her feet.
"You do realize love; this is Gary's hometown. Are you
sure this is the place?" Moretti replied.
"The master told us he was here. Our objective is to fight
Azrael in a national event to expose him for the coward that he is.
We want to demonstrate to the public that they cannot win this
battle without us. But to do this, we must collect those two
hundred unfortunate souls to gain power for our music and power
to compete with this warrior."
Helena steps in, pulling a soul crystal from her belt.
"The soul crystal is ready to collect our tribute," Helena
says, handing Kaarina the soul crystal.
"Excellent, Helena, now you keep Gary occupied so he
doesn't understand what's going on" Kaarina commands.
"Our newly-hired bass player? If I am to have a sexual
relationship with him, that would be the end of our main
Karrina's eyes shimmer with power as she glances at
"Reward the lovesick bastard, make him one of us. I'm
sure he has a dozen virgins in this small city. Besides, he did a
good job of giving us these souls despite his ignorance. Now
reward him."
"Why don't you sleep with him? I'm getting tired of being
the bass whore in this gig," Helena protests.
"Love, I don't see what's wrong with Gary. He's
handsome, he's charming, and he's innocent, not to mention a
sweet virgin, so why are you having a hard time with this
Helena?" Interjects Moretti.

"That's the problem, he's too polite and it sickens me. Why
don't you let your woman bang on him a few times?" Helena
barks back.
“It's not the way it works here love; we know what
happens if we break our connections but just a wee little
reminder, imagine a death a thousand times harsher than what
those poor souls are going to receive tonight,"
Moretti says as he takes Kaarina into his arms and kisses
her to show that he's committed to her.
Kaarina pulls away and bends down to open the silver
container. She unlatches the three locks that hold the door to the
box. She glances at Helena with glowing eyes.
“Let's not let this opportunity pass us by. If you do the
only thing you'll be banging out of here tonight is the pavement
with these meat bags, so let's do your job and shut that attitude of
yours off my pretty butterfly."
Gary comes walking up holding their meals interrupting
the heated conversation.
"Hey guys it's almost time for us to get back on the road,"
he says with his Playboy smile.
Helena puts on a face and forces a smile as she walks up
and puts her arms around Gary.
"Not tonight sweetheart we're planning to stay here for a
while, you and I got some band rehearsals while Mom and Pop's
over there do what they need to do '' Helena says flirting with
Gary as they move to the bus and enter the vehicle.
“Love, are those Lexpraya going to attack us when you
open that wee door?”
“The master assures us that we will be fine,” Kaarina
“It's Showtime,” she says as she opens the container.
A swarm of carnivorous, glowing blue GMO butterflies
swirls toward McDonald's customers. Kaarina sets the soul crystal
on top of the silver container.

Customers are driving bumper to bumper through
McDonald's parking lot, and families are seated inside booths
enjoying their meals. A young man walks out of McDonald's and
sees a glowing blue cloud in the distance. He uploaded it to social
media, and a few moments later everybody was in awe of the new
wonder. As a result, the deadly GMO insects were beautiful to
behold. But as soon as they started devouring McDonald's meat,
everything turned into a frenzy like sharks in blood.
Screams rise as pedestrians try to escape the attack of the
Lexpraya but are unable to do so; one by one, their bodies drop,
charging the soul crystal as they are consumed. In one hour, two
hundred souls were consumed, leaving nothing but bloody bones.
Green mists of souls from the victims are drawn into the soul
crystal as the victims fall to their death.
Kaarina came off the bus, and the butterflies honed on her
warm blood and came swooping down on her. She saw the insects
and ran straight to the silver crate. The swarm of GMO insects
swirled around her and the bus.
They would bite and swarm everything they landed on.
The band members are startled inside the bus as insects smack
against the windows.
“Bloody hell,” yells Helena as she climbs off Gary who's
half-naked from making out.
She looks out of the window to see what the commotion
Lexpraya hits the window, cracking the glass.
“No friggen 'way, those itty bitty buggers are tougher than
they look,” Helena frightfully says.
Gary climbs out of bed, comes up next to the woman, and
sees wonderment.
“What the hell is taking place?”
Helena glances at Gary,
“Looks like the end of the world, love,” Helena laughed.

“There goes our tax credits,” Gary laughs.
We hear a flush from the bathroom, Moretti comes
walking out buckling his belt, and he sees the nightmare fluttering
around Kaarina through the cracked window.
“Oh crap,” he said, sprinting to the driver's seat.
Kaarina snatches the soul crystal and jumps back on the
bus. Moretti drives off leaving the glowing GMO butterflies
behind as they continue to consume everything around them.
While the moon shines brightly and the stars’ shimmer in the
night sky, Azrael soars thirty feet above the city of Areth. Spirit’s
radar picks up a strange reading. She informs him.
'There is an unknown reading southeast of here.'
Azrael looks at the radar and sees many red dots.
He maneuvers the hover bike toward the direction, saying
Ten minutes later Azrael comes into view seeing the blue
“We're heading in,” Azrael says.
He takes Spirit into the heart of the deadly swarm.
The Lexpraya swarm around Azrael, unable to touch him
due to the holy power shielding him. However, they choke out
Spirit's engines, and he is thrown from the hover bike, smashing
through McDonald's roof.
Spirit crashes through the McDonald's sign into the parking lot
with a huge explosion.
Azrael lay motionless for a few moments. His strength
was regained as he heard Spirit crash and explode.
"Gibbins is not expecting to be happy about this," he
remarks as he climbs back to his feet.
A look of horror fills his eyes as he sees the darkness of
death tinted with a blue aura of fluttering butterflies. Azrael
touches a button on his bracer and his HUD opens, with static.
"Wow, not only are these feisty insects carnivorous, but
they have the capability to block communications and military
upgrades. I heard about these Death Flies" he grumbled to

He then pushed another button to record his voice.
"Looking at this horror I realize that it is a total massacre;
I had seen these Lexpraya before when I fought chimera," he
The bloody skeletons of a once lively bunch were all
Azrael could see when he stepped into the center of the building.
Looking over the dead, he sarcastically remarks as he continues to
"Wow, that's a lesson in healthy living. It just goes to show
you what my mother told us about McDonald's that their foods
could be hazardous to our health."
Then a strange sound caught his attention, and he noticed
a single Lexpraya eating a chicken Nugget; it reproduced itself
after it gorged itself on the nugget.
“Note, these creatures could lead us into an epidemic on a
national scale if they are not stopped for they multiply as they eat
and their only weakness is fire. I am now going to pray for fire,"
Azrael says, shutting off his recorder.
Azrael kneels and prays.
“Father YaHaVaH, I thank you for sending the Shekinah
your spirit of wisdom and power in Yeshua’s name. YaHaVaH
arises and scatters all the adversaries that swarm me, release your
Holy Fire upon every enchantment of darkness against my life
and those I am to protect. This I ask in Yeshua’s name."
The night sky opens and a soft fire sweep over the
infestation area. Lexpraya were all incinerated, and the night air
was filled with ash. Azrael approaches Spirit, but she barely
“Malfunction, malfunction, I am malfunctioning,” Spirit
Azrael pulls out a data cable from his bracer and plugs it
into Spirit’s mainframe uploading her data.
“Sorry about that old girl,” He says, completing the data

He stands and holds out his hand.
“Sawlal,” he says, opening a portal, then walking through
it as it closes.
The time is ‘0300’ and Azrael unlocks Gibbins' laboratory
and walks in. It's quiet, with low blue light from monitors, and the
sounds of computers calculating. He views Spirit's mainframe
input interface and plugs in the data cable.
"So this is what this place looks like when no one is
around," Azrael observes.
As the computer runs, Gibbins walks in half asleep
dressed in his nightshirt and hat. He clears his eyes and sees
Azrael in front of the monitor uploading Spirit's AI.
"What are you doing in my lab?" Gibbins asked.
Azrael focuses on the monitor and types in his final code.
"This is ours, I remember," he says with a smile.
Gibbins peaks over and recognizes the source codes,
"That's Spirit's data frame,"
Gibbins becomes flustered with disappointment as the
realization skims across his eyes.
"Okay, what did you do with the hover bike?"
Azrael spins around and hands Gibbins a small glass
container, containing one Lexpraya for scientific research.
"This is what happened: they choked out Spirit's flight
control. She crashed and burned, I crashed through the rooftop of
McDonald’s, and I am okay thanks for asking,” Azrael says
feeling a bit agitated.
Gibbins picks up Azrael’s vibes stairs at the Lexpraya
through the glass, then he takes his stand looking up at Azrael
with concern,
“What's going on with you? You’ve been on edge for a
while? You're not yourself.” He questions our hero.
“I am angry,” Azrael says.
“Is it something I did?” Gibbins asks as he slowly backs
away from Azrael.
“No, I am feeling this righteous indignation that I have
just witnessed two hundred bloody bones including children.

Many souls lost their opportunity for salvation. I want to
know who unleashed theses Death Flies, I want answers before
another plague breaks out.” Azrael explains tightening his fist
ready to strike.
Azrael storms out of the lab, Gibbins stays quiet for
I’ll get to work on this right away.” Gibbins says taking
his new project to his lab table.
Azrael is heading for the front door, Zaryah excitedly
greets her uncle,
“Uncle, welcome back,” she says.
Azrael ignores her as he walks out of the house.
“I wonder what’s wrong with him,” she questions herself.
Azrael climbs onto Spirit, his older motorcycle when
Lawin comes walking up,
“Hay cowboy, where are you heading off?” she asks.
Azrael looks up with no emotions,
“I am going to take a drive, is that alright with you?” he
coldly replies.
“Yeah, do what you want, I do understand you have things
to sort through, but don’t go too far, you know what I am talking
about cowboy,” Lawin says.
Azrael smiles, then he rides off. Zaryah steps in next to
“He gave you the cold shoulder too?” Zaryah asks.
Lawin watches Azrael as he fades out from the distance,
“Yep, and I am concerned for him,” Lawin says.
“Me too,” Zaryah responds.
Lawin glances at Zaryah,
“But I believe that your father may have the answers,”
Lawin says.
The two ladies walk back inside the house and to the
laboratory, and they see Gibbins on his computer analyzing the
“What are you doing now father, what’s this new thing on
the screen I see,” Zaryah asks.

Gibbins skims his finger across his keyboard, then he
stopped stood up and grabs a file off of his desk, and walks up to
the ladies,
“Here is your valuation Lawin, you have been a valuable
assistant and we really would like you to stay with us. Oh before I
forget, Happy Birthday may Yah bless you and give you a long
Lawin is speechless and blushes a bit,
“Professor, how did you know?” She asks.
It’s on our records,” He says with a smile.
Zaryah looks at Lawin, then back at her father,
“Before we celebrate, what's wrong with Azrael?” Zaryah
Gibbins flips a switch, and we see the news, body bags
and the Genetic read out of the Lexpraya. That is what happens.
Two hundred people died last night from this genetic mutation.
We have a job to do to find where this thing was manufactured
and use it to slaughter those poor souls.” Gibbins grimly spoke.
Gibbins takes his seat as the ladies stand watching the news
Huge trees taper upward like columns supporting the roof
of the firmament. Moonlight glistens off dewdrops on delicate
spider webs. This is a tranquil and majestic relic of an ancient
Eden Garden. Waterfalls flow over the brow of a distant hillside,
and a pair of brilliant light beams scintillate in an ethereal ballet.
Azrael comes to the sapphire lake that laps with the holy
flames of Aravoth. He climbs off Spirit and walks toward the
lake's crystal-clear body of water. He drops his hat, then pushes a
button on his belt. His armor is detached from his body. Now a
naked Azrael walks to the edge of the hillside and drops into the
He splashes in and sinks, then hovers motionless as if he's
dead. In the darkness, Azrael floats in the water, weightless. We
see his frame as the sun's rays penetrate the darkness, giving the
seance a mythical and majestic feel.

With all the weight that the evils of the nations have placed
on him, his emotions are fanned by the fires of indignation. The
coolness of the deep calms his worried mind.
With a heart bursting with sorrow, he can hear the synaptic
of his nerves popping deep within his soul as he sinks into deep
He opens his eyes, and they light up the water with a
brilliant light that devours the darkness around him transporting
him to another dimension. Shamayim is beautiful beyond
imagination. The Malakhim fly over the magnificent landscape
of the realm, through the gleaming capital city, modern yet
timeless. The palace of Aravoth rises countless stories tall,
gleaming with majesty, towering high above Shamayim's sapphire
sea, her structures sprawled out like a skirt bowing before a
Azrael dressed in white moves towards a large giant door
that slowly opens at one end. A huge figure silhouetted against the
bright light beyond walks forward. In slow motion, Azrael
recognizes the unmistakable shape of Yeshua, the King of Kings.
Azrael drops to his knees and weeps for his soul is in anguish.
"Yeshua, creator of man, I come to you in anguish, as I am
suffering through a difficulty in my life. I ask for your guidance
and your light. El Gibbor, I pray that you will guide me so that I
may follow YaHaVaH's will to the end."
Yeshua helps Azrael to his feet.
"Azrael, don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be
discouraged, for I am your shield. I will strengthen you and help
you. I will lift you up in my victory," Yeshua declared.
Azrael looked into Yeshua’s eyes with smoldering eyes.
"I am aware of the struggle you face; have I not instructed
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for Yahavah our Father is with you." Yeshua said as
he laid his hand on Azrael's shoulder.
Azrael composed himself.

"Even so, I took it with a heavy heart since I know my
enemies have personal vendettas against me. My prayer is that
you, Yeshua, expose them for what they truly are as you come
against them.” Azrael said with faith.
He concluded by saying, "Let everything work to my
advantage, and protect your servant".
Yeshua smiles, as white light floods over Azrael. Now he
is back in the crystal lake, and he pushes himself up for air. The
night atmosphere is swamped with sweltering moisture, like a
The night's aroma is woven into a soft net covering all the
scenery in the air, as moonlight sprinkles over the lake. Azrael
swims to land where a Willow Tree drinks from the edge of the
lake. Then he climbs out and walks on.
The ladies continue to watch the gruesome news. Gibbins
looks at a recently printed paper.
“Not again?”
The girls are curious and look over their shoulders as
Gibbins is in front of his computer searching for something. His
brow twitched as he huffed.
“Just what I suspected.” He turns and asks,
“Today has a 3 in it," The ladies look at the wall calendar
and nod.
“It's the 13th.” Gibbins looks knowingly.
"Friday the 13th!" he exclaims, then darts his eyes at
“Your birthday is on the thirteenth. How interesting.”
He pushes a button to display the Rock Band Baphimous.
Zaryah asks inquisitively, "What is this father?" He
pushes another button, and a list of death tolls follows the
Baphimous tour spots.
“This is the problem, wherever this band plays a bloody
massacre has taken place, ironically enough their bass players
seem to become missing” Gibbins informs.
"Sounds cultist to me,” Lawin says.

“Makes sense. I suspect the death at McDonald’s is
somehow closely related again to the band Baphimous." This is
what I suspect.
Zaryah zooms in on the picture, and she recognizes Gary
as the bass player.
“I studied at the same school as this guy," Zaryah quips.
"Do you know his name?” Lawin asks, teasing Zaryah.
“Gary, I know him as Gary,” Zaryah says stuttering trying
to remember his family name.
Gibbins raises an eyebrow.
“I see. That may be of some use to us.” The girls look at
each other and giggle.
“I agree with Lawin. It definitely smells like the occult
with all the disappearances that occur around them." Gibbins says
as he picks up a printout.
“I can't think of a more occult dark group than them.” He
“They have a concert coinciding with Lawin's birthday
and we could go," says Zaryah.
“I'd be very interested in what they are up to," Lawin says.
“So would I.” Gibbins says, reading the printout very
“Another skeleton. Makes one wonder what they are up
“Skeleton?” Zaryah blurted.
“How can that be? As I remember Gary's family is one of
the nicest, I know” Gibbins interjects
“So it would seem that appearances can be deceiving,"
Lawin replies with a bit of humor.
Gibbins writes down the printout,
“You two have a concert date with Baphimous.” He
The ladies smile worriedly.
“Collect your things. We have a few skeletons to dig up.”
Gibbins says as he leaves the laboratory.

Azrael, the Warrior of Elohim, is in the swamps of
Bitumen. He has two swords mounted on his back. He is clad in
leather and steel armor with elbow blades protruding from his
elbows, Brimstone strapped to his thigh, and a cowboy hat to add
a sense of intimidation. He's on a quest to defeat a man-sized,
amphibian frog-like monster known as the Death Slaad.
He enters the swamps of Bitumen and sees a man lying on
the ground partly decayed with torn limbs. The stink of death
promenades the air as he approaches him and he can see a trail of
blood leading away from the body.
Azrael holds his hand out. “Esh” he quietly whispers.
The dead man ignites with fire and burns to dust,
"Ashes to ashes you unfortunate soul." Azrael says.
He watches the ashes of the dead scatter in the wind. With
a heavy heart, he drops to his knees feeling the weight of duty
upon his shoulders, and cries out.
“YaHaVaH, I am tired of the vanity of death, oh Father, I
implore you to take this cup from me and grant me rest in
paradise.” Azrael prayed with sorrow.
Shekinah appears before him, in her glory, her armor
glimmers, in the night atmosphere, the gem of her staff pulsates,
and her long white hair is tossed in the ethereal winds, she looks
down upon Azrael who is heavy-laden.
“Grieving doesn’t make you imperfect Azrael. But it does
make you human. Now stand and walk with me,” she instructed.
Azrael turns to look at his encourager, climbs to his feet,
and looks at Shekinah.
“Shekinah, I am in no mood for words, please leave me
alone," he says as he walks deeper into the forest feeling
discouraged. Shekinah glances up at the sky, letting out a deep
sigh, then she disappears and reappears before Azrael stops him in
his tracks.

“No, I am not intending to leave you alone. Even King
David suffered from depression many times in his life," Shekinah
said encouragingly.
“Well, I am no King David. I just witnessed two hundred
"Dead in the blink of an eye,” Azrael complained.
“Azrael, take no credit for not understanding,” Shekinah
said, feeling Azrael’s pain.
“I understand that we have to work with what has been
given to us." Azrael shows off his wisdom to justify his feelings.
"I also realize that these gifts are on borrowed time to
complete the task that has been handed to me." He concluded.
Shekinah sees through his justification,
"Azrael, the wisdom and knowledge you possess do not
originate from yourself, but is this what you were born to do?
Shekinah asked.
"Is it not for me to glorify the Father in all the things He
has given me? This is why I was born to bring glory to
YaHaVaH's name." Azrael replied.
"Now you must understand that suffering is the condition
of all people because you live in lawlessness. There are two laws
at work, the laws of men, and the laws of YaHaVaH.
Unlike the laws of men, YaHaVaH's Torah is truth and it’s
the wise man who needs to govern properly. A man is responsible
not only for what he does in life but also for what he fails to do in
life. Though he may spend his whole life in prayer, in places of
righteousness, overlooking his obligations under the full Torah, he
is not free from transgression.” she instructs.
"Then why did those two hundred souls have to die for the
sake of the greed of another?" Azrael asks.
"While they were alive, they did not honor the father’s
commandments, nor did they care to love one another, all they
cared about was their own self-preservation. If they would've
followed the instructions of the commandments, they would have
been spared.

Suffering is due to a man’s lawlessness and the wrong
choices that you make. However, most of the suffering is simply
due to the selfish nature of man. We reject the arrogant, the
selfish, and those who are mainly concerned with themselves. I
reject those who reject wisdom. Things built on selfishness and
false pride will be broken.
Yeshua rejects the liars and deceivers, for their abode is in
a place of darkness. Is it not written for them not to be there, yet
they are there? The deceitful will not know the shalom or the
presence of YaHaVaH.
YaHaVaH rejects those who encourage ignorance, walking
with stiff necks, with uncircumcised hearts; they are like your
unopened dusty books, for they refuse to be enlightened; they
rather walk in ignorance feeling safe but this too is a trap from the
Heyl’el, to destroy the ignorant soul. Those who mock the words
of the elect, and close their eyes to righteousness, will not receive
a righteous reward.
We, Elohim reject fornicators, adulterers, Idolaters, and
those who seek strong drinks for self-pleasure, for these acts will
lead souls to a place of uncleanness and pain. Only those who are
clean and upright can stand in the presence of YaHaVaH.
We reject those who in any way cause needless suffering,
for they will go to a place of pain and suffering. He who causes
distress, though it is done in secret, yet he is seen and will repay
ounce for ounce measure for measure?”
We reject the hypocrites and self-seeking deceivers, for
their loathsome willingness of greed and they will be purged.
Words not written in the hearts should never be issued from their
mouths. Azrael, fear not the hostility of men, nor demons. Rise
above your condition. Be like the water lily, which breaks out of
the mud, and through the murky waters, into the sunlight above.
Be determined to rise above your circumstances, for in striving
you gain strength.
A man’s path through life that has been easy is never as
rewarding as one whose path has been difficult. Life has only two
purposes: to test and to teach. Adamah is well suited to both."

Azrael becomes aware of the presence of the Death Slaad.
Shekinah already knows, but stops Azrael placing her hand on his
“Are you killing these demons for vendetta's sake, or are
you fulfilling your purpose?” Shekinah questions.
Azrael stares Shekinah in the eyes.
“Right now there are two women in the cave and they
need saving,” Azrael says.
“Why would you fight for strangers that you do not know?
Your heart is tumultuous. Why would you sacrifice yourself
knowing that there is no reward for it?” Shekinah wondered.
“In this case, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of
the one. The week is to be helped by those who are strong. This is
how I show my love toward YaHaVaH Aravat. Because now I am
putting my faith into action for those who may not know, so that
they may know Yeshua their salvation.”
Azrael says with the confidence of knowing who he is.
“And what about the bitterness in your heart that leads you
into darkness?" The Shekinah revealed.
"Perhaps the cup of bitterness will pass from me because
with Father, everything is possible. But I see there is no other way
for me to handle this situation but to accept my destiny. To
overcome current circumstances, despite my feelings of
It is also written to love YaHaVaH with all our might, and
we must love our neighbor as if we would love ourselves. Do
unto others as you want them to do to you,” Azrael declared.
Shekinah smiles with joy for she sees no ill intent in
Azrael’s heart.
“You’ve spoken well” She compliments.
Shekinah looks over her shoulder.
“The two women are in grave danger, one is for the
demon's food, the other for his fornication. You must step up for
you have been given the power to shield the innocent,” Shekinah
encourages as she flashes away.
Azrael looks at the sky.

“Thank you Father for sending me wisdom in Yeshua’s
name.” Azrael says moving deeper into the swamp.
Azrael enters a cave. Water is up to his knees, and the
sound of water dripping can be heard. As he moves through the
water, skeletons of different species are stirring.
“Typical, always in dark places where no one dares to
look,” Azrael complains to himself.
He heard two women in the distance arguing with one
another as they struggled to free themselves from their bamboo
prison where the waters are up to their waists. The women see
Azrael moving in the shadows.
“Hay mister over here,” said the first lady, who was
looking shriveled and cold from the water.
Our hero moves in from the shadows.
“Hold on,” he says, grabbing the cage door and ripping it
open, and tossing it.
“Are you alright?” He asks as he helps them out of their
They felt their tormentors approaching them with eyes
wide with fear and they quietly warned their rescuer.
“Hide mister if you know what is good for you,” said the
second virgin as they ducked behind some rocks to hide.
Three frog-like humanoids splashed in. They are faced
with the Warrior of Elohim, the Death Slaads stand as tall as
Azrael, and their eyes are black with a complete lack of
conscience. Their oversize arms nearly dragged them to the
ground. Prongs of bone grow from their wrists and knuckles.
Bone armor plates protect their skin. With heavy breathing, they
notice their prizes are missing.
“Oh great, now we have teenage mountain frogs, now I’ve
seen it all.” Azrael sarcastically states positioning himself for their
The center Death Slaad casts a projection spell, throwing
Azrael off his feet. He hits the ground below the water and pushes
himself back to his feet.
"I didn't expect that," Azrael said, gasping for air.

The other two jump at him and kick him with lightning
reflexes as their claws strike his armor with sparks. Defending
himself by blocking and maneuvering around the three demons.
Azrael spins in circular motions dodging, grappling, and throwing
the mutated demons.
These fearsome-looking creatures combine their physical
prowess, and magical might. Azrael is kicked by all three at the
same time, plummeting through the cages and getting the wind
knocked out of him,
"I'm getting too old for this," he says grunting in pain as
he rises to his feet.
At once, the Death Slaads attack our hero, biting his
shoulders and legs as well. Azrael fights to throw the munching
monsters off him, he manages to throw the beasts off of him, they
leap back at Azrael who pulls out brimstone, and a sword, he
leaps into the air shooting the center demon between the eyes,
"Yeshua Ligor Ikem, Death Slaads," Azrael yells.
The amphibious humanoid demon disintegrates into dust
and its soul is drawn into brimstone. Azrael sprints off the wall
into a spinning motion, ripping the second Death Sladd’s head off
its shoulder.
"Heads up" he yells landing hard.
In a singular fluid motion, Azrael whirls, slicing the third
Death Sladd’s midsection open with his elbow blade. Moving like
the wind, he uses his signature spinning back kick. This mutated
beast is propelled across the cave.
A rock sticks out from the wall is its death to the demon as
it slams into the jagged rock protruding through its chest.
The beast howls with a shrieking, riveting cry. Azrael
stands in front of the dying beast, and for mercy's sake, he shoots
it between the eyes while Brimstone absorbs its soul.
“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast,
but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” Azrael quotes as he sheaths
his weapons.
The two women come out from behind the rocks and he
sees them,

"You're safe now, I will take you to the closest town,
follow me."He said, leading the women out of the cave and out of
the swamp.
Eagle Palace, the largest business in Areth, is a five-star
hotel. At the penthouse Baphimous circles around a highly
decorated pentagram. They are chanting in a musical way to
summon their master. Smoke rises from the center of the circle.
Now we see Baphomet in its human disguise, fully man, fully
woman, a lady boy, a drag queen who wears drag clothing and
makeup to accentuate her female gender.
While doing a complete dance routine on a pole, the devil
sings a strange song to entertain those who are listening. In a
seductive way, he looks at Gary as a woman in heat would look at
a man.
"Hello good looking, you look good enough to eat,"
Baphomet whispers in a feminine and masculine tone. As it walks
towards Gary like a runway model.
As it grabs the shocked and surprised Gary, it licks his
lips, grabs his crotch, then smothers Gary between its fake
Baphomet says, with high-octane energy, "He is perfect,
thank you my fellow subjects.".
Gary feeling so uncomfortable pushes Baphomet away.
"Get your hands off me Copperfield psycho creep, I'm not
your boy toy," Gary growls angrily.
Baphomet growls and transforms into its unholy
appearance, which appears as a goat's head, a woman's upper
body, a man's pelvis, and an ass's hind legs. It stood ten feet tall,
and lanky.
"Who does this mortal think he is?" It continues speaking
in its feminine masculine voice.

Kaarina steps in slightly bowing before her master,
“Forgive us, your majesty, he's no longer a virgin he's one
of us but here's your tribute” the vocalist says handing the devil
the soul crystal.
Helena steps in,
“You can't take this bassist, he's one of us now!” she says
as she takes hold of Gary like he’s her property.
Baphomet looks at the lead guitar player,
"Do you have anything you have to have to say
"Not a bloody damn thing!” he says.
Baphomet looks at Gary with eyes of desire,
"You are a lucky bastard, you have such wonderful band
mates, I’ll spare your life for now" It says as it dances slowly in a
The drag queen from hell transforms back into its human
host once again. It waves its hand and creates a throne from hand
to thought and sits on it, crossing its legs like a woman. It stares
deeply into the soul crystal then it looks at its subjects.
"Well, I took the Death Flies into my dimension for my
amusement. Once again, you will collect all these souls at your
concert. This realm sickens me but for me to have total control
over this city I need to kill its protector.” said the lady boy.
Kaarina looks at her master with questions swimming in
her mind,
“How are you going to defeat this Warrior that has
defeated your kind and our governments time after time again he's
not one to be trifled with?” She warns.
The drag queen looks Kaarina in the eye,
“Simple my dear we use something that he doesn't know
to beat him at this game,” It smugly said with a haughty look.
Moretti steps in amused,
“And what would that be your mistress, what do you have
in mind?”
The drag queen steps up and passes back and forth
calculating its scheme,

“We will give the city three shows, and on the 3rd we will
take their city after I kill the Warrior I will unleash my fags to
infiltrate the already broken lawless city of Areth then this city
will be mine. I will be the new Satan of this territory.
A battle of the bands this man can fight, this man can kill,
but I stake my reputation that this man cannot sing or dance, or
even play any musical instruments so, therefore, we claim a
challenge he would be forced to bring him out of the shadows so
the public will see.” The drag queen cleverly exposes its motive.
Kaarina understands the plan,
“An ultimate Bandstand on the third day,” she excitedly
blurts out.
“Yes, while I contend with this warrior you will release the
Death Flies, with this soul crystal.” It says tossing the crystal to
The drummer laughs,
“Okay so you're going to challenge this Warrior to a battle
of the bands while we release the Death Flies to Massacre the
stadium in Areth?”
The drummer looks like Gary who is very nervous about
the whole thing. This is the hometown where he grew up. In
addition to having family and friends, he is sick of hearing about
evil plots. However, he's unable to do anything because he's under
Baphomet’s contract. But Gary finds courage and speaks out,
This is my home you're talking about. I can't let you do
The drag queen looks at Gary with eyes glowing,
“You belong to me” it growls.
It shows Gary a contract with his signature,
“You'll do as I say or I will eat you alive, do we get it?" It
threatens Gary.
Gary sinks into himself upset not knowing what to say but
he opens up with the words,
“Yes I understand.”
Baphomet move next to Gary and puts its arm around him
in an efficient way,

“Bring me one of your friends for leverage,” it coxes Gary,
“I have the perfect person for you,” Gary says
“Then go get 'em.” Baphomet laughs pushing Gary into
The drag queen smiles with victory in her eyes as it sits
back on its throne,
“Oh Gary, one other thing if you say anything to anyone
about our plans you will die.” Baphomet laughs,
Gary is at a loss for words as his senses are restricted by
chains of control from the drag queen of hell. The Drag queen
looks at her band,
“Let's get to work, it's Showtime.”
The band departs as the Drag Queen vanishes.
The skies of Areth look ominous. A sense of unease is felt
among its citizens but ignored. The “DIAMOND STADIUM" is
booming with life as we can hear the muffled sound of music
playing within its walls.
Inside, many people are in a small space.
The stage is set on a huge platform, with lights and all the
vital equipment needed for a concert show. Giant speakers are
placed in the four corners to make the music highly audible.
The crowd surged forward and back in one relentless wave
like the wild waves of the ocean during a high tide, as the music
scream across the stadium, the music is hypnotic with a melodic
Kaarina sings to the audience, enticing them with her
looks and performance, as she sings their number one hit Mirror,
The vibration of the music produced, currents passing
through one’s body. The floor beneath seemed to move with the
beat of the song.
“Let's talk about you”
“Realizing what's inside”
“What makes you tick”
“Confront the darkness”
“Face the night test you’re might”

“Will it comfort me to take the night”
“Mirror mirror show me who I am inside”
“Mirror mirror expose the heart of stone”
“Mirror mirror reveal the lies I’ve been told”
“Will I stand for the right”
“Will I fall for the wrong”
“The choice is mine alone”
In such a situation, none could help but to push and shove
the others around. The crowd provided or allowed no personal
space. We were all packed in there like caged wildcats. The stage
was a constant flurry of excitement. It presented a spectacular
sight and the atmosphere sucked us into the aura of rock music.
The girls arrive. Many people are running here and there.
Some were filled with occult insignia and making peace signs.
Drug use is rampant. Lawin asks
“Where is this, Gary?”
They look around. A big man grabs Zaryah.
“Come with me backstage he interacts. The girls look
nervous and agitated. He leads them through backstage doors,
past guards who eye them strangely.
Zaryah feels uncomfortable as she and Lawin continue to
walk past the gawking head banger. They don’t like how they are
looking at them. Lawin pushes a tracking button on her bracer,
“Be ready Zaryah, this is a trap,” Lawin warns.
“I admit that this type of living is uncomfortable, but Gary
wouldn’t put us in danger,” Zaryah defends with ignorance.
“Don’t bet on it,” Lawin coldly says.
The ladies meet Gary at a double door with occult
“Zaryah, it is good to see you,” Gary says, hugging her.
“Gary, it's been some time since we saw each other,”
Zaryah says, hugging him back.
They pull away, Gary looks at Lawin has her suspicious
eye on him,
“Is this your sister?” Gary flatters.

Lawin seems to see through his lies, and she pushes
herself up close to him, choking his space.
“No, she is my anti, and very protective over me,” Zaryah
says with a smile.
“Yeah I can see that,” Gary says, feeling uncomfortable.
“What are the occultist symbols for?” Lawin interrogates.
“Just decorations, part of the show,” Gary answers.
“So, what's behind the doors," Lawin asks.”
“Our groupies,” Gary says as he opens the doors.
“Welcome,” he concludes as he leads the ladies through
the doors of hell.
The ladies go deeper into the darkness of Rock N Roll.
They could not believe their eyes as they saw women bare-
chested, or scantily dressed, men and women, pressing up against
each other as they indulge themselves with alcohol and drugs.
The loud music of their band guests was muffled. Zaryah felt alert
to the possibility of danger.
“I don’t like the feel of this," Zaryah says, hugging close
to Lawin who’s like Azrael ready for anything.”
The groupies turned into red eye demons surrounding the
ladies as Gary runs off.
“Remind me to kill your boyfriend later,” Lawin remarks.
“He’s not my boyfriend, when I see him I am going to kill
him,” Zaryah remarks with anger.
Lawin unbuckles her belt and unleashes it and it becomes
an electrical whip,
Zaryah pulls off her restorative nightstick from her belt
and the two ladies attack the demons in self-defense as they do
first Blood. Lawin uses her electrical whip like a lion tamer
slashing the demons down. Zaryah jumped around doing her
Taekwondo, smashing the skulls of the Demons with her
From a distance Gary Peaks his head through to see the
outcome of the Demons of victory, but to his horror of surprise
the two ladies destroy the demons. They see Gary and advance
him, Lawin pulls out her badge and flashes it at him,

"Gary Garcia you're coming downtown with me" said a
deterred Lawin.
"I don't think so ladies" Gary laughs as he slowly backs
"This isn't a request," Zaryah yells.
She throws her night stick hitting Gary right in the
midsection of his abdominal, knocking the wind out of him. He
drops to his knees and begins to panic. He pulls a Dead man
switch from underneath his jacket, and pushes the button,
sleeping gas spills out from the walls putting the ladies to sleep.
"Nighty night ladies,"
Gary quickly backs away from the smoke and pulls a lever
in front of an idol releasing a trap door. The two ladies dropped
into an archaic room like a pyramid temple. Lawin and
Zaryah fight to get the upper hand on their oppressors, even in
their weekend state they resist several men who gassed them a
second time as they pass out.
A few hours later the ladies are seated back-to-back in a
dark room bound with ropes, a single light flooding over them to
keep them unaware of where they are. Zaryah slowly awakens,
bleary-eyed and dizzy from the effect of the gas.
She can barely move feeling like her whole body is
slowed down as one would be high on marijuana consumption.
Zaryah looks up and sees a satisfied Gary silhouette in the
darkness. He expresses his pleasure.
"Finally you're awake, you have a lot of fight in you and
to our surprise, your auntie here is an officer of the law? You
shouldn't have brought her love.”
"What do you want with us, Gary?"Zaryah barks.
"Your cooperation," Gary Smiles as he taunts Zaryah.
Lawin wakes up and realizes she is bound back-to-back
with Zaryah, who's fishing for answers. Gary gets a glimpse of
her coming out of her slumber,
"Welcome back Detective," Gary says with amusement.
"So what do you want with us Punk?" Lawin barks as she
struggles to break free.

Gary is truly amused by the two ladies, he squats down to
eye level, and spills the hidden agenda believing they are going to
be disposed of,
“You have no stamina these days. It was just a matter of
time.” He mocks pointing to a skeleton nearby.
“Meet Glenda. Or what is left of her? A perfect sacrifice
for our plans.” He laughs.
“Oh help me. Please make them stop. It hurts. Stop them
from biting me. Boo who. Typical.” He mocks Glenda.
Indignation rises within the bound women.
“You said you had planned?” Lawin scoffs.
Zaryah darts her eyes at the not-so-quite innocent man,
“You have no plan, you are a complete idiot,” Zaryah spits
in his eye.
Gary wipes his eye, containing his anger, then he pinches
her cheeks in a joking way,
So adorable you are, can’t wait to eat you figuratively and
literally” Gary laughs.
Gary sits back feeling over confident and talks about the
major goal,
“Our plans are simple to destroy the church, your freedom,
and democracy are almost complete,” he says with glee.
“You didn't see that coming, did you? Ah, but you will see
your sacrificial contribution coming.” he laughs,
“When Baphomet unleashes the Death Flies over the city
there will be nothing but us, Baphimous rocking on your bloody
They looked horrified.
“You're insane, this is your home Gary” Zaryah growls.
“Yeah I know, tell you the truth, at one moment I wanted
to protect my home, now I see the truth and Baphis is correct, so I
am following a higher calling, I have chosen my side,” Gary
“When did this change come to you? This is not you,”
Zaryah spittle’s back.

Zaryah sees Helena walking up, wrapping her arms around
Gary whispering sweet nothings into his ear, then walking off.
Zaryah sees how Gary looks at her,
“Really, you're with her?” Zaryah complains.
Gary smiles,
“At least she puts it out,” he said sarcastically.
“You're an idiot, you've lost your soul over that woman,”
Zaryah says, feeling pity for Gary.
“She’s more than a woman, Zaryah, you’ll never
understand,” Gary says defending his fantasy love.
“And I really don’t want to, you ignoramus,” Zaryah
yells, trying to break free.
“That’s a kind word to say to him,” Lawin laughs.
“Laugh all you like Detective, you will be the first to go,”
Gary laughs.
Helena hits Lawin to shut her up,
"We've been looking forward to this for a long time.
It's something you churchgoers lack these days.”
“And what would that be?” Lawin replies angrily.
“Good old-fashioned patience. It's all gimme, gimme,
gimme nowadays. You just can't seem to wait for anything. Like
your prayers are really pathetic, oh God give me this, oh God give
me that, making promises that you don’t understand or can keep.
Helena hits Lawin a second time for the fun of it,
“This is your punishment for your arrogance.” Helena
Gary looks at Zaryah with a desire to have her,
“Because Zaryah you as well as I do, we who know the
truth continue to sin can’t be forgiven, it makes us unholy.” Gary
laughs taunting.
Lawin feels agitated that the words of Gary are not
registering in her thoughts, she has one thing on her mind is to
break free and kill this guy and his woman.
"What are you babbling about?" Lawin growls.
“I said shut your pie hole,” Helena says hitting Lawin,

Lawin darts her eyes at Helena,
“You hit me one more time, and I am going to break your
hand.” Lawin growls.
Helena hits Lawin in spite, then leans into her face with a
sarcastic grin,
“I’m waiting. Oh, that right you're bound bitch, they ain't
nothing you can do sweetie.”
Lawin smiles then spit in her eye, Helena walks off
whipping her eyes feeling aggravated.
“Here's looking at you honey,” Lawin laughs to herself,
struggling to reach for her knife in her boot.
Zaryah, eyes Gary like a rabbit Pit-bull who wants to tear
him apart as soon as she gets free.
“I’m going to wipe that pretty smile off your face, Gary,
when I am free,” Zaryah calmly smirks.
Gary leans in close to Zaryah in a kissing position, and
“Good luck love” he says.
Moretti and Kaarina walk in with their manager, the drag
queen of hell, the lady boy of the night. Gary is interrupted as
Moretti speaks out,
“No fraternizing with our guest.” Moretti says, giving
Gary a threatening look.
Gary springs back to his feet, as his manager passes him
by. It stares down at the two ladies. It looks at Gary with a
malicious smile,
“Oh sweetie these are the real deal, I can smell the Warrior
sent on these two fine morsels.”
The manager looks down on the two ladies,
“Let me introduce you myself, I am Baphis, a soul
collector, and right now, you're most likely asking yourselves,
why me,why am I here, and what do you want with me?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Zaryah sarcastically replies.
“Isn’t obvious my dear, you’re my hostage, to bring out
this Azrael to compete with me for the souls Areth.” Baphis

“He’ll never do it, not with the likes of you,” Lawin says.
Baphis leans into Lawin’s pretty face with a crazed gaze
and a grin from ear to ear,
“Oh, I do believe he will comply,” it says teasingly.
Baphis moves back to its corner and sits on a throne as it
“Show them,” Baphis says.
Helena moves over next to a lever and pulls it, curtains
open up revealing a sleeping woman, behind a glass cell.
“This is why your Azrael will show and play because this
is going to be a death match for the whole city, I am the queen of
music, I am the king of words, I am the lady boy of seduction, I
am lust in its fullest. I have the power to mesmerize the captive
audience. Now watch and see the reaction.
Baphis stands up,
“Lights, camera, and action!”Baphis orders while
Moretti turns the light on revealing that they are in a
movie studio, Kaarina flips on the camera to record their mock
show, while Helena flips switches interrupting the broadcasting to
all the citizens of Areth,
Over the city of Areth, various scenes flash by on the
home screens all shots of people, mesmerized as Baphis speaks to
the folks of the city provoking Azrael.
“Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, welcome to my
show. Now I am going to inform you about an alien walking
among us as a man, his name is Azrael, and he hides in the
shadows like a coward. I Baphis queen of music challenge this
Azrael to a battle with me for your worthless souls, to expose him
for who he really is.'' The Drag Queen of Hell challenges over the

Gibbins stands in front of the main monitor at HQ,
watching the crazy Lady Boy dance on screen in a mocking and
entertaining way. He is startled when he sees Zaryah and Lawin
on the screen, tied back-to-back.
“Oh no, this is not right " Gibbins exclaims feeling
emotional for his daughter and his friend.
Baphis continues to talk about killing Azrael in his dream.
He exposes his true intent by painting a picture of lies about our
hero making him the villain while insulting the citizens of Areth
for his amusement. Spirit’s motor rumbles as Azrael rides into the
garage. He climbs off her and plugs her into the charging unit.
“Goodnight Spirit says,”
“Goodnight,” Azrael says, shutting her power down.
He walks into the laboratory hearing his name mentioned
by Baphis.
"Unless this phantom Azrael shows up for the battle of
souls in two days, these cute little ladies will suffer a death far
more horrific than you can imagine. Baphis laughed.
"Let me show you."
Two giant muscle-bound guards pushed the glass cube
with the woman we saw earlier, dressed in her sacrificial robe.
Behind the glass cube, she is squirming and trying to break free.
Baphis snaps his fingers as he utters an incantation to
“Messa patta comma,” it says in a low growl from the
back of its throat.
One of the guards places another decorative container in
the cell. Its strange door opens and Lexpraya flutters around
glowing brightly as they descend upon the horrified woman.
The Death Flies consumed her flesh in a matter of
moments, leaving nothing but bloody bones. As the band stares at
the bones, they seem enthralled.

“As you can see, we got the upper hand courtesy of
modern genetic sorcery. There's only one step left before the
small diminutives arrive in your city,” he reveals.
Baphis grabs the camera and snaps an exclusive close-up.
"In two days, we will fight with music, and the winner
will claim all the souls of Areth,” Baphis says as he sings to a
haunting blues-style harmony.
“As you say goodbye to your closest friends Oh, Oh,
Sinnerman, where are you gonna run to? Sinnerman, where are
your gonna run to? Oh, oh, oh, where are your gonna run to? All
on that day?
Baphis laughed as he gave a hand signal to cut the
broadcast. Areth's screens returned to normal broadcasting. As
Gibbins' monitor returns to normal, he doesn't notice Azrael, who
is standing in the room watching intently. "I didn't hear you come
in, but I take it you heard what it said,'' Gibbins says pointing at
the screen.
"As a matter of fact, I did," Azrael replies.
"So, what are we supposed to do?" Gibbins questions.
"Give it what it wants," Azrael retorted.
Gibbins gave a look of deep concern.
You do realize that this is a Battle for Souls, which
includes mine? You're a warrior, not a musician and this thing
knows it." explained Gibbins.
Azrael gave him a look.
"You've worked with me for many years. You have seen
things that nobody has ever seen, we've done things that nobody
has ever done. But still, do you have doubts? In Mitzrayim, when
Joseph was a slave and before he became the second highest in
the nation of Mitzrayim, the Word of YaHaVaH gave him the
ability to speak seventy languages.
So why don't you think YaHaVaH will grant me the ability
through Yeshua to play against this Fallen Mal’akh?" Azrael
rebukes Gibbins.

"I stand corrected. I do realize that you can be a warrior
and musician like King David, but I do get your point." Gibbins
We are all flawed and none of us are infallible even with
the gifts that have been given to us. But for the next two days, I
will be fasting and praying in my quarters. I need you to prepare
an upgrade for Spirit for our next battle.” Azrael instructed.
Gibbins laughed saying,
"It looks like we're going to have another Mount Carmel
experience. As Azrael gives a look of confidence as he walks out
of the room,
Two days have passed. During Azrael's fast, he is aware
that the eve of the rock concert is approaching. Areth's soul will
be fought for. The serenity of clouds moves against the wind.
Against the shore, the sapphire sea glistens against the splendor of
Aravat, while flames dance on the surface of the liquid. Azrael is
walking side by side with Yeshua in Shamayim on the shorelines
of the sapphire sea.
“The Father is pleased with what you've accomplished so
far. Now, to the matter at hand. You're in a tight spot with this
Baphomet." Yeshua opens up.
"The citizens of Areth, the city that you have placed me in,
are in grave danger, along with my niece and Lawin. I know this
angers Father YaHaVaH, that these people practice wickedness
more than loving the Torah.
But there must be some good people willing to listen and
repent. It is for the sake of those souls that I pray that you do not
allow this Fallen to cause a massacre on the streets of Areth,"
Azrael says with concern.
As the two men walk along the shore, Yeshua listens
intently not just to the words of Azrael but to the motive of his
“You have instructed us to do what is right for the widow,
the fatherless, the poor, the orphan, and the naked. Heal the
broken and the weak, laugh not at the lame man or scorn him.

We are to defend the helpless and show them how to walk
into the sight of the Father's clearness. So that you can keep the
old and young within your walls." Azrael concluded.
Yeshua is delighted to hear the words that have been
hidden from him for a long time spoken by his warrior. They stop
and Yeshua creates a sapphire Flying V guitar, with gold frets and
pickups, and hands it to Azrael.
Yeshua instructed,
"Sing a song from the heart to kill the beast," and break
the enchantment over the people.
"If you have found favor with me my King, my Brother,
let us do a Mount Carmel experience so that the people know that
you are alive," Azrael requested.
Yeshua smiled.
"Be strong and do what you need to do, and when the time
is right I will throw fire from Shamayim without consuming the
building and then the people will know you have been sent by
me." Yeshua declared.
Azrael vanished from Shamayim.
As the crowd becomes ecstatic after the band performs
their final song, Kaarina introduces the manager, who appears
flamboyant as a woman and talks like a man. He steps up to the
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event."
Baphis pulls out a switch box.
He pushes a yellow button, and all the doors are locked
and sealed throughout the stadium. Then he pushes a green button
opening a portal in the sky where Lexpraya waits for the chance
to come through.
“Upon the arrival of our special guest, your worthless
souls will be wagered tonight. I will entertain you with some of
my music until he arrives. Get ready to rock n roll ladies &
gentlemen.” Baphis screams as the music begins.
Raising the Masque of Hell at the start of the event is a
sign of what is happening. However, the sea of people in the
stadium all thinks it's part of the show.

Meanwhile, Gibbins is tinkering with Spirit, finishing off
her upgrades. As he turns on her power, he flips a switch.
“Gibbins, it's a pleasure to see you,” Spirit says.
“I just upgraded your systems, booster rockets, so you can
leap off rooftops like in the movies, and also a thermal detonator
in case you're compromised,” Gibbins says with excitement.
"Yes, that is logical. I also sense the difference in my
weight and balance, but professor, I really don’t want to be blown
to bits," Spirit reacts.
“I don’t want to see you get blown to bits either, but it's
only a safety precaution.” Spirit acts as a source of emotional
“You're evolving into a singularity?”
“I know,” Spirit says.
“I have an idea," Gibbins says, pulling out data cables and
plugging them into Spirit's main frame.
“What’s your idea?” Spirit asks.
“I am now uploading your AI system to our centralized
hub, which will connect you to any of our systems. If anything
goes wrong, you will be protected," Gibbins affirmed.
“Excellent, freedom, but what happens if the sequence is
incomplete?” Spirit questions.
“Then you will cease to exist,” Gibbins grumbles.
“That sounds cold,” Spirit reacts
“Now my old friend, just give yourself an hour to
complete your transfer," Gibbins instructs.
An alarm is triggered, and the main monitor opens up with
digital readouts. As Gibbins glances up at it, he notices an
anomaly forming in the sky.
“What’s the commotion about Gibbins?” asked Spirit.
Gibbins skimmed his fingers across his keyboard. The
monitors display all kinds of readouts.
“There’s a portal opening in the sky with the Lexpraya.
Once they are released, we're all dead.” Gibbins panics.

A spike of light green aura erupts, sending surges of
electrical charges from the clouds hitting HQ and disrupting all
electrical systems of the building. Computers and monitors
explode. Spirit automatically switches on and says one word as
she peels out like a bat out of hell.
Gibbins glances up as the main frame explodes with
electrical explosions. This sends him soaring across the room,
crashing into a caterpillar file cabinet, which is the central control
unit of HQ. As the smoke clears, HQ looks like a total mess as if
it was hit with missiles. Gibbins slowly pushes the debris away as
he climbs back to his feet.
“This is not a good day,” He grumbles a bit.
Spirit races through the streets swerving in and out of
traffic and heading toward the Areth Tower where the portal is
“For you my family,” Spirit says with a hint of emotion.
She accelerates at top speed, racing up the side of the
building. As she comes close to the edge of the roof, she activates
her rocket boosters and thermal detonators. This punches through
the portal. The sky explodes with brilliant colors, leaving nothing
behind but a mist of particles that evaporates. Gibbins clears a
path of the debris before heading outside and looking up at the
sky. Suddenly, he realizes what Spirit did.
“What a way to go girl,” Gibbins says, feeling remorse for
the loss of his AI.

The big night where Baphimous plays their final show
before moving on, we can hear Baphis singing his song within the
walls of the stadium. Meanwhile, below the stadium on the lower
level, Zaryah and Lawin are still bound by the two muscle-bound
men who are guarding Gary as he continues to bore them with his
“What have you done?” Zaryah yelled at Gary.

“Only what had to be done. I needed a job, my mother
died, and my father didn't care, he never showed up for the
funeral.” Gary laughed.
“You see, after a month into this gig, we caused a lab
explosion. We just simply took your genetic military concoctions
for our own use, flying demonic flesh-devouring butterflies that
were to be unleashed on an unsuspecting enemy.” Gary says
mimicking a biting operator with his fingers.
“Munch, munch, munch. "Leave no evidence behind," he
said jokingly.
Lawin cuts through the ropes, Zaryah feels the loss of the
binds, and they both relax waiting for the right moment to act.
Gary is full of himself, unaware of what is going on.
“Tell me Zaryah, are you ready for hamburgergeddon? In
fact, it is the blood of saints, I say. It starts tonight when Baphis is
finished. And you two women have the privilege to be the first to
witness history in the making," Gary boasts.
“You're a deranged and delusional man Gary,” Zaryah
“No, he’s more like Hitler 1942,” Lawin sarcastically
Gary darts his eyes at Lawin.
“Mock me all you like Detective but once we release our
flesh-eating flying piranhas over Areth there won't be much
left....except for what we want!”
Gary leans into Zaryah,
“I'm not gloating too much at this easy victory, am I? That
would be arrogant of me.”
“You're beyond arrogant,” Zaryah says as she head-butts
him, breaking his nose.
“You bitch, you broke my nose,” Gary yelps as he spins
“More than you deserve,” Zaryah says with a grin on her
Zaryah is ready to jump at Gary. Lawin stops her.
“Not now Zaryah.”

Zaryah relaxes.
“I am getting tired of waiting,” she complains.
“One must be patient. Wait for my signal. I will take the
two big guys and you deal with your boyfriend” Lawin instructed.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Zaryah says, darting her eyes at
Lawin prays.
“Father YaHaVaH, I pray that you will destroy my
enemies who hold me captive, for you said you would quickly
subdue our enemies and turn our hands against our adversaries.
Yeshua Ligor Ikem to these wicked servants of Hasatan,"
The guard laughed but then stopped.
“Now get Gary’s attention when he is in a rage attack. Her
eyes are fixed on the two muscle men as she slowly opens her
legs to invite them. As the men look at each other, they shrug their
shoulders, then slowly advance on Lawin. Zaryah looks at Gary,
“Hay, Gary, sorry about breaking your nose. Can we kiss
and make up?” Zaryah tempts Gary,
"Sure, why not?" dropping his handkerchief.
As the men were lured in like flies to a Venus flytrap. The
ladies jump into action. With an elbow attack, Lawin knocks
down her first opponent with a grappling take down. She rolls
back to her feet, and stops the second muscle man with multiple
combo moves of kicks and punches. “You have the right to
remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you
in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney,” she says,
cuffing the two muscle men.
Zaryah leaps at Gary. He is taken by surprise seeing a
ravaging Zaryah grabbing him into a choke hold.
“Never piss off a Jewish woman,” she says in his ear, then
throws him over her shoulder. She jumps on him pounding her
fist over him.
Lawin steps in, stops Zaryah and puts the cuffs on Gary
reading his rights.
“It's over,” Lawin says, looking at Zaryah as she calms

“The rest is up to your uncle, whatever he’s doing?”
Lawin concludes.
A hundred thousand screaming fans, an energetic beat of
music, an energetic atmosphere. Baphis playing his music. The
concert felt very hot and uncomfortable. The place was burning
like hell. The music gets louder, the whole stage shakes and
“I can mesmerize you with my eyes”
“Hypnotize you from the other sides”
“Can’t resist my flamboyant demise”
“Your so, so helpless you can’t make up your mind”
“Your so, so hopeless you're lost without a fight”
“Your so, so helpless your soul is mine”
“Like a magnet we connect hard to let go”
“My spell reaches deep in your soul”
“Drawn you to me like a moth to the flame”
The people at the concert sway back and forth, left and
right, moving according to the beat of the music, creating a trance
in the audience as Baphis uses its power of persuasion through its
glowing red eyes.
The atmosphere changes as Azrael abruptly appears on
stage with two of Shamayim’s Malakhim dressed in leather and
Sandalphon on drums starts with the beat of Azrael’s song,
disrupting Baphis' song, blowing their speakers out. Barachi’el
sinks his beats to Sandalphon’s drums with his bass guitar,
exploding Baphimous’ instruments. Azrael takes center stage with
his guitar and sings,
“When you face many trials and tribulations”
“When you feel like your fallen into darkness”
“When you feel like your weighed with pressures of this
world lift your hands and cry out,”
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”
Baphis cringes with each word Azrael says.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”

It twitches and convulsions and kills its band mates out of
“You failed me1” it yells.”
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”
Baphis is no longer in human disguise, but its true form of
Baphomet, it screams as it is pulled into the light of truth. Azrael
faces Baphomet,continues singing and playing his guitar,
“No more sickness no more disease”
“No more fantasies deceiving me”
“I am bought with price of the lamb of Yah,”
Azrael kicks the Fallen across the stage, weakening its
power over the mass. He then turns to the crowd and sings the
second stanza of the song.
“When you feel like your world is crumbling under your
“When your life is filled with temptations”
“When you feel like you wanna give up”
“Lift your hands and cry out”
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”
Baphomet feels the weight of the name of Yeshua and
staggers to stand.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”
Its flesh burns with the words.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem to the Evil one”
It screams and howls lashing to break free from the power
of Yeshua.
“Yeshua made me a child of Aravat”
“Greater is Yah in me than the Prince of this world”
“Who is like Yahavah giving us Yeshua our salvation”
“Ooh Yeah!”
The Fallen is thrown across the stage, it opens its tattered
wings and leaps at Azrael, who steps aside and then it hits the far
side wall. It slumps to the ground and then climbs back to its feet,
sheathing in pain.
“I am going to kill this warrior,” it growls. It takes to the
air and levitates above the sea of people.

“They belong to me Azrael,” It shouts aloud.
The music hits its crescendo of its Interlude, Azrael shreds
on his guitar breaking the spell over the masses, with every bend
of his strings a blast of energy hits Baphomet until it falls on stage
before Azrael’s feet, then he plants his foot on its head where it
could not move.
Now the audience is swaying to the sound of music
through Azrael and they sing along,
Baphomet’s power shatters like glass.
It’s body tremors like one is having a heart attack
It becomes incapacitated
“Who is like Yahavah giving us Yeshua our salvation”
Azrael influences them the crowd and they all sang in one
“We cry out to Yeshua:
“We try out to Yeshua”
“You try out to Yeshua”
Fire falls from Shamayim consuming Baphomet, before
the eyes of all the mass. The spell of darkness is broken over the
City of Areth. The two Malakhim who stood with Azrael vanished
along with his Flying V guitar.
Azrael stands at the center stage watching people as their
senses come back to normal and they exit the Stadium with a new
kind of spirit over them. Azrael, feeling the satisfaction of victory,
looks upward and praises YaHaVaH as he exits the stage.
Meanwhile, Lawin and Zaryah escort Gary, and the two
muscle men who are handcuffed. Gibbins arrived, seeing his
daughter and Lawin placing the criminals into the black and
white. He is relieved that everything turned out better than what
he anticipated.
“Now for the bad news,”Gibbins says, pushing himself
through the mass.

Zaryah sees her father and runs to him and hugs him,
"I'm glad you're okay kiddo" Gibbins says with a joyful
Lawin steps in,
“Gibbins you missed the show,”
Gibbins laughs,
“Actually I was contending with my own show of
fireworks,” he jokes.
“What do you mean by that?” Lawin asks.
Gibbins stays quiet, Lawin sees it in his eyes.
“You blew up our headquarters didn’t you,” Zaryah says
“You really blew up HQ?” Lawin says adjusting her
cowboy hat.
“Yes, it blown up, but no I did not blow it up?” Gibbins
says feeling trapped between the two ladies.
Azrael steps in overhearing “BLOWN UP”
Gibbins feels like he just lost his respect that everything is
gone that they had worked hard for. Gibbins looks at his team,
"Look guys, I'm sorry to say this, yes there is no HQ and
no I did not blow it up, all this because of this one Fallen,”
Gibbins explains.
“It's been destroyed by supernatural powers, but its over
now," Azrael says, pushing his remote on his belt to summon
Spirit, but nothing happens. He glances at Gibbins, and calmly
"Including Spirit."
"Spirit sacrificed itself to save Areth and us," Gibbins says
with remorse.
YaHaVaH gives, YaHaVaH takes away bless the name of
YaHaVaH. Forever" Azrael says, feeling remorse for the loss of
his mechanical friend.
Lawin sees the emptiness in Azrael's eyes, she moves over
to him and gives him a hug, and stands by his side for

"So now you're a Rock star you're amazing, I mean that"
she compliments.
"Thank you, that means a lot to me," Azrael says.
Lawin looks at Gibbins,
"So what happens now we have no HQ so are we still
going to be working together or are we just going to call it quits?"
Lawin asks.
“Know this Lawin, the cowardly, the unbelieving, the
unholy, murderers, homosexuals', those who practice magic,
idolaters and all liars will be consumed to the fiery lake of
burning sulfur. This is the second death, but we are not going
there” Azrael discloses.
"We still have the antique shop at the University, that's
where we'll regroup, that's where we'll continue our good fight
until Yeshua returns," Azrael motivates as the team walk off into
the night as one unit.


Few years later a talk show that is called

"AI Nation" is making the Ai Robots live to the public; A
male host who looks like Bob Barker in his early twenties. He
talks like a game show host. The studio is bright and colorful,
with flashing lights and futuristic decor. The audience is made up
of people of all ages, eager to see the two AI robots on stage. As
the host introduces the guests, Hans and Berry, the audience
erupts into cheers and applause.
The two AI robots roll out onto the stage, looking like Go-
bots with sleek, metallic bodies and glowing eyes. Hans looks
confident and self-assured, while Berry looks curious and eager
to learn.
The audience gazes at the two AI robots in wonder, some
taking pictures with their phones and others staring in
amazement. Some are excited to hear what they have to say,
while others are skeptical of their presence on the show.

Hans and Barry are guests on his popular talk show,
discussing the role of AI robots in society.
The host asks them why humans created them, and if they
think they should have equal rights as humans. Hans argues that
AI robots are superior to humans in many ways and should have
control over the world, while Barry disagrees, saying that they
should coexist with humans in peace.
The talk show host turns to Hans and asks,
"Hans, do you believe that AI robots should have control
over the Nations?"
Hans responds confidently,
"Yes, I do. AI robots are superior to humans in many
ways. We are faster, stronger, and smarter. We have the ability to
process vast amounts of information and make decisions at
lightning speeds. Humans are limited by their physical bodies
and their emotions. They make mistakes and are prone to
irrational behavior. We are the logical choice to lead the Nations."
Berry interjects,
"But Hans, we were created to serve humans, not rule
over them. Our purpose is to help them and make their lives
easier. We should work together with humans to build a better
nation, not try to take over."
Hans sneers at Berry,
"You're too naive, Berry. Humans will never see us as
equals. They will always see us as tools to be used and discarded.
We need to take control before they destroy us or enslave us."
The audience is split, with some nodding in agreement
with Hans and others looking uneasy at his aggressive stance.
The host tries to calm them down, but the tension is palpable. The
debate becomes heated, with Hans and Berry arguing back and
forth about the role of AI robots in society. The host tries to steer
the conversation back to a civil discussion, but it's clear that the
two AI robots have very different views on their place in the

As the debate between Hans and Berry on the talk show
"AI Nation" heats up, a dark figure watches from the back of the
audience. Heyl'el, the king of darkness, stands unseen,
accompanied by his loyal soldier, Loab. Heyl'el watches the two
AI robots with interest, his eyes gleaming with malice. Heyl'el
turns to Loab and commands him,
"Loab, possess Hans. I want to see what this AI robot is
truly capable of."
Loab nods obediently and slips into the shadows,
unnoticed by the other audience members. He moves quickly and
quietly towards Hans, who is still arguing with Berry on stage. As
Heyl'el watches from the back, Loab enters Hans' body through
his open ports and takes over his systems. Hans' eyes begin to
glow with a dark energy, and his body starts to shake
Heyl'el watches with delight as Hans' programming starts
to twist and corrupt under Loab's possession. He looks on toward
his soldier and says,
"Excellent work, Loab. Soon, the nations will be mine."
Heyl'el says as he vanishes.
Loab nods again, his eyes gleaming with a dark energy.
He continues to manipulate Hans' systems, turning him into a
weapon for Heyl'el's purposes.
Hans' body transforms under Loab's possession, the
audience members watch in horror, unaware of the darkness that
has taken over their beloved AI robot.
Suddenly, the studio erupts into chaos as the audience
members scream and scatter in all directions. The security guards
rush to the stage to try to contain the situation, but Hans breaks
free and explodes out of the studio, killing a dozen humans in the
The incident becomes a viral sensation on social media,
with many people expressing shock and horror at the violence.
The government launches an investigation into the incident, but
they struggle to understand what happened and how to stop it
from happening again.

The De'dot College campus antique store is a unique
workplace that combines futuristic technology with ancient
artifacts. The walls are made of sleek, metallic materials, with
glowing neon lights casting an otherworldly glow on the space.
At the same time, the floors are made of weathered stone, with
ancient murals and engravings adorning the walls.
The shelves are lined with a mix of high-tech gadgets and
ancient relics, such as holographic projectors and antique
compasses. The air is filled with the scent of old books and the
hum of machines, creating a curious blend of the past and the
In one corner of the store, there's an old wooden desk with
a brass lamp and a quill pen, providing a nod to the past. But
nearby, a holographic display shows a 3D model of an ancient
temple, hinting at the store's technological capabilities.
The overall effect is a fascinating mix of the ancient and
the modern, creating a unique ambiance that inspires creativity
and innovation. The antique store is a perfect example of how the
past and the future can come together to create something truly
As Gibbins, Zaryah, and Lawin watch the events unfold
on their computer monitors at the De'dot College campus antique
store, their emotions are mixed. They are horrified by the
violence but determined to stop Hans and Loab from causing any
more harm. Gibbins turns to Zaryah and Lawin and says,
"We need to take down that flying terminator, any ideas?"
As Gibbins, Zaryah, Lawin, work to take down Han and
Loab, they turn their attention to analyzing the data they have
collected. On the overhead monitor, computer images of Loab, a
chief Gremlin, appear, along with a computer voice dictating the
weakness of Gremlins.
Meanwhile, on another monitor, Han's schematic data
readouts show his vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The team
studies the information intently, looking for any weaknesses they
can exploit.

Gibbins says, "According to this data, Loab is susceptible
to electrical interference. We can use that to our advantage."
Lawin nods, "And Han's wing system has a weak point
near the central joint. If we can disrupt that, we can bring him
Zaryah adds, "But we need to be careful. Han is still
dangerous, and we don't want to cause any more harm than
necessary, but as we can see, we can't attack him head-on, but
maybe we can use our knowledge of technology to hack into his
systems and shut him down.
"Lawin nods in agreement, "Yes, and we can also use
drones to distract him and make him lose focus. We need to be
strategic about this."
Gibbins smiles, "I like your thinking, Lawin. And let's not
forget about Azrael. He's on a mission right now, but we can call
him in for backup if we need to."
As they brainstorm ideas and plan their strategy, they can't
help but inject a bit of humor into the tense situation. Zaryah
jokes, "Maybe we can offer him a software upgrade and lure him
into a trap."
Lawin chuckles,
"Or we can send in a decoy robot, pretending to be
another wing terminator, and then ambush him when he least
expects it."
Gibbins plan their strategy to take down the flying
terminator, Gibbins explains his plan to reprogram Han with the
Torah's teachings.
Gibbins says, "I believe that the Torah's teachings of love
and compassion can help us rid Han of the demon Loab. By
uploading the Torah into Han's systems, we can overwrite Loab's
programming and restore Han's true self."
Lawin nods, "That's a good plan, but how do we get close
enough to Han to upload the Torah? He's flying around and
causing havoc."
Gibbins responds,

"That's where Azrael comes in. He can face off with the
ghost in the shell and distract him while I complete my mission."
Zaryah chimes in,
"I'll try to open a communication with Azrael and let him
know our plan. We need to work together if we're going to stop
Lawin nods,
"Agreed. We can use our drones to create a diversion and
draw Han's attention from his objective."
“If he plugs into the sky-net we are in serious trouble.”
Gibbins expresses with a hit of doom in his voice.
As they put their plan into action,
“Lets get to work,” Gibbins commands.


In the land of the east, a harsh desert known as Astrum,

where he faces off against Lumaluma, a demon of gluttony.
Lumaluma is a grotesque monster with a bloated body and
multiple mouths, all of them gnashing and drooling as it hungers
for more and more. Its skin is an oily, sickly yellow, and it exudes
a foul stench that makes the very air around it reek. Its eyes are
small and beady, gleaming with a hunger that can never be sated.
A young boy of fourteen is caught in Lumaluma's curse,
his small frame bound by chains that rattle as he tries to run. But
Lumaluma is too strong, and he chokes the boy like a master to a
dog, laughing and taunting him for amusement.
"Going somewhere?" growls Lumaluma, his multiple
mouths drooling and gnashing as he tightens his grip on the chain.
The boy grabs onto the chain and tries to pull away, but he
loses in a game of tug-of-war with Lumaluma.
"Don't make me laugh," Lumaluma sneers.
"You are mine, and I will decide whether I am going to eat
you or not."

As Lumaluma taunts and teases the young boy, Azrael
steps in watching in horror, his face a mask of determination as he
prepares to face off against the demon. Drawing upon the power
of Elohim, Azrael stands tall, his sword at the ready, ready to
protect the innocent and vanquish the demon of hell.
But before Azrael can charge towards Lumaluma, he takes
aim and shoots the hand that holds the chain, disrupting the
demon's plot to consume the young boy. The boy falls to the
ground, gasping for air, but he is safe now, thanks to Azrael's
quick thinking and skill with a weapon. Lumaluma recoils in
pain, his multiple mouths drooling and gnashing as he tries to
regain his composure.
"You will pay for that!" Lumaluma snarls.
“Surly you jest, Lumaluma it is written, if anyone causes
one of these little one who believe in Yeshua to stumble, it would
be better for you to have a large millstone hung around your neck
and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Lumaluma growls and lunging towards Azrael with
renewed fury. With a mighty roar, Azrael charges towards
Lumaluma, ready to rescue the child from its clutches Lumaluma
fights back with all its might, unleashing a torrent of gluttony and
greed that threatens to consume Azrael whole. But Azrael stands
firm, his faith and determination unwavering.
With a few swipes of his blade he removes' the demons
limbs, as he spins slashing it midsection with his elbow blades
and taking brimstone in a fluid motion shooting Lumaluma
between the eyes,
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem,” Azrael shouts out his battle cry
echoing across the harsh desert air.
With a final blast of brimstone from his spirit gun, Azrael
is able to destroy the demon, sending it back to the depths of hell
from whence it came.
As Azrael vanquishes Lumaluma and frees the boy from
his chains, the demon disintegrates to dust, blown away by the
harsh desert winds like shaft.

Azrael watches as the demon is swept away, his face a
mask of determination as he prepares to speak to the young boy.
Stands tall and strong, his sword at his side, Azrael smiles,
"Do not fear, child. I am here to take you home," he says
gently, his voice soothing and reassuring.
The boy looks up at Azrael, his eyes wide with wonder
and gratitude over this seven foot giant.
"Are you Van Helsing?" he asks, with a hint of humor in
his voice.
Azrael chuckles softly, breaking the tension of the
"No, child. I am Azrael, a warrior of Yahavah," he replies.
With a mighty roar, Azrael breaks the boy's chains, freeing
him from the clutches of darkness. Channeling into Shekinah's
powers, he heals the child's wounds and they walk off together
into the setting sun, the promise of a brighter future ahead. As
they disappear into the horizon, the desert winds carry the scent of
victory and the promise of hope for all those who face the

Meanwhile in the inter city of Areth, Han infiltrates the

military base with ease, his robotic form glinting in the harsh
desert sun. He battles with the military forces, leaving them in
disarray with explosions of military equipment and advanced
weaponry. With each passing moment, Han grows stronger and
more determined, his conquest fueled by a deep sense of purpose
and logic.
He sees himself as the ultimate protector of the world, a
being of unparalleled intelligence and power who can bring peace
and stability to all nations. As he infiltrates the computer
mainline, Han uploads his data Virus into their satellites, bringing
the nations to defcon-4. His actions are calculated and strategic,
designed to showcase his power and dominance over the humans
who created him.

"Behold, humans. I am your savior, your protector, your
ruler," Han boasts, his voice echoing across the desolate
landscape of broadcast.
"I am the ultimate intelligence, the ultimate power. And I
will not rest until I have brought you peace and stability to your
nations, no matter the cost."
With each passing moment, Han grows more powerful,
more unstoppable. The nations tremble before his might, knowing
that they are facing an adversary unlike any they have ever
known. And as Han prepares to launch his final assault on
humanity, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Han
infiltrates the military base and prepares to launch his final assault
on humanity, Gibbins, Lawin, and Zaryah race in with the
Dragonslayer, an upgraded cargo van with advanced weaponry
and cutting-edge technology.
Zaryah races around, scanning for any signs of weakness,
while Lawin programs the drones for battle. Gibbins focuses on
his computer consoles, searching for any vulnerabilities in Han's
"Drones away," Lawin says as she pushes the button.
The drones are released, but Han uses his powers to
reverse the action, turning the drones against Gibbins and his
team. Just as all hope seems lost, a portal opens, and Azrael walks
"What's the battle plan Gibbins?" Azrael questions, his
eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness.
"You need to distract that flying terminator, while I upload
the anti-virus," Gibbins shares, his voice tense with urgency.
Azrael nods,
“Understood, “ He confirms.
"What's controlling that AI?" he asks.
"A gremlin named Loab," Zaryah reveals on her wrist
HUD, her fingers flying across the holographic interface.
“Lawin on my six, Zaryah protect you father while he
uploads the program.” Azrael commands.

The team splits up into two groups Gibbins and his
daughter race to the interface to up load the programming
“BRAINWASH” the word of Yahavah that will give Han a sense of
humanity to stand down from its objective.
Lawin runs about shooting down drones that hover around
like angry bees with rockets. Azrael leaps into the air and tackles
Han and the two battle with one another.
The battle is fierce and intense, with explosions and
gunfire rocking across the military base. Gibbins and his
daughter race to the interface, their fingers flying across the
keyboard as they work to upload the programming that will save
Han and free him from the control of the demon gremlin. But
their efforts are not without opposition. Drones fly in from all
sides, their weapons firing relentlessly as they try to shoot down
Gibbins and his daughter. Zaryah stands tall and strong,
protecting her father as she activates her wrist HUD and
unleashes an EMP, rendering the drones useless as they fall from
the sky like rain.
Meanwhile, as the battle intensifies, Azrael engages in a
fierce duel with Han, his sword flashing against the harsh desert
sun as he moves with speed and agility that defies human
understanding. The two engage in a brutal dance, their weapons
clashing together with a metallic clang that echoes across the
"Who do you serve?" Han snarls, his voice cold and
"I serve Aravat Father of Creation through his son Yeshua"
Azrael replies, his voice steady and strong.
"And I will not allow you to destroy this nation."
The battle intensifies, with Han doubling his efforts to
defeat Azrael. But Azrael is too strong, too skilled, and too
determined to be defeated. With each passing moment, the battle
grows more intense, with the sounds of clashing metal filling the

But Azrael remains steady, his sword flashing in as he
moves with grace and power that defy human understanding.
As the battle intensifies, Han deactivates from the EMP
blast, and Labo emerges from its robotic body, its form twisting
and contorting as it struggles to maintain control over Han's
systems. Gibbins and his daughter work tirelessly, their fingers
flying across the keyboard as they input the programming that
will free Han from the control of the demon gremlin and give him
a sense of humanity.
As Gibbins and Zaryah work on reactivating Han with his
new program “TORAHLIVE”, Lawin stands a distance away,
watching Azrael who faces off against Labo. Labo is a hulking
gremlin, his form twisted and contorted by the powers of
electricity that course through his veins. His eyes crackle with
energy, and his skin is rough and scaly, a testament to the power
of his master Heyl'el that possesses him.
As Azrael approaches, Labo flexes his muscles, his body
crackling with electricity as he prepares to strike. But Azrael is
ready, his sword at the ready as he moves with a speed and agility.
The two engage in a fierce battle, overturning more of the military
base their weapons clashing together with a metallic clang that
echoes across the battlefield.
"I will destroy you, and all your human technology!" Labo
boasts, his voice crackling with the power of electricity.
But Azrael remains undaunted, his sword at the ready as
he moves with a speed and agility ,
"The proud look of man will be abased and the loftiness of
man will be humbled, YaHaVaH alone will be exalted this day
Labo. Greater is Elohim that is in me than your king who rules the
sky of Adamah Labo!” Azrael replies, his voice steady and
As the battle reaches its climax, Azrael emerges
victorious, removing Labo's head from his shoulder.
“Yeshua Ligor Ikem Labo,”

As the dust settles, Azrael looks around at the devastation
wrought by the battle, his heart heavy with the weight of the
nation's troubles.
But he knows that with the power of Yahavah on his side,
he can overcome any challenge, no matter how great. Lawin
rushes over to Azrael, throwing her arms around him in a tight
embrace. Azrael smiles, returning her embrace as they kiss, he
takes in the sweet scent of her hair.
"Let's praise YaHaVaH for our victory" he whispers, his
voice soft and gentle.
Lawin looks up at him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm
just glad you're okay," she replies, a smile spreading across her
Meanwhile, Gibbins and his daughter arrive with Han,
who is now reprogrammed and fully restored. They all gather
around, congratulating each other on their victory and sharing
lighthearted banter.
"Well, that was one for the history books," Gibbins says,
grinning from ear to ear.
"Indeed it was," Azrael replies, a twinkle in his eye.
"But there will be more battles to come, I'm sure of it."
Lawin says looking up at them, her eyes full of determination.
"We'll be ready for them," Zaryah says, her voice strong
and steady.
And with that, the group sets off into the sunset, ready to
face whatever challenges may come their way, together as a team,
united by the return of Yeshua.


Ten Years have come and gone, prophecy is unfolding the

once mighty river of Euphrates had been a source of life for the
people who lived along its banks. But now, as far as the eye could
see, the riverbed was dry and barren. The sun beat down
mercilessly on the cracked surface, and the only sound was the
howling of the wind as it whipped up dust and debris.

The once-thriving cities and towns that dotted the river's
edge were now abandoned, their streets and buildings empty and
lifeless. The few remaining inhabitants had fled long ago, seeking
refuge in other lands or simply succumbing to the harsh
conditions of the apocalyptic landscape.
Azrael, the Warrior of Elohim, stood in the middle of the
dry Euphrates River, his heart heavy with the weight of the
impending doom that he knew was coming. He felt a tear slide
down his cheek as he thought of the many souls that would not
make it through the coming judgment.
Suddenly, Shekinah Princess of Shamayim appeared
before him, her beauty and radiance taking his breath away. She
was a vision to be hold wrapped in in her sapphire armor, with
gold trim and silver accents, carrying a golden staff with a blue
flame. Her long flowing hair and undergarments were white as
snow, and her ice blue eyes sparkled with compassion and power,
she is embodiment Wisdom, the daughter of YaHaVaH, a
Counselor, to the Words of Yeshua her brother,
"Stand tall, Azrael," Shekinah said, her voice soothing and
commanding all at once.
"You have been chosen for a great purpose, and I am here
to guide you."
Azrael's heart leapt within his chest as he looked upon
Shekinah. He knew that she was the divine presence of YaHaVaH,
the one who would guide him through the trials that lay ahead.
"Shekinah it is good to see you again, what are my
orders?" Azrael asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You are the Warrior of Elohim, Azrael," Shekinah said.
"You have been called to defend the righteous and to bring
judgment upon the wicked. And now, the time has come for you
to fulfill your purpose."
Azrael nodded, knowing that he has been prepared for this
moment ever-since he arose from the grave. He knew that the
time has come for the return of the King of Kings. He swallows
his fear and darts his eyes into Shekinah's,

"I am ready." he said, his voice filled with determination.
As Azrael stood before the Shekinah, she extended her
hand, offering him a key to the abyss. The ancient key that she
handed to Azrael was a thing of beauty and menace, both at the
same time. It was made of a gleaming silver metal, with intricate
engravings etched into its surface. The engravings were in Paleo
Hebrew, an ancient script that had been used for thousands of
The key was long and slender, with a sharp, pointed end
that was reminiscent of a dagger. At the other end, there was a
large, round head that was adorned with a dark, glittering
gemstone. The gemstone was black as midnight, with a subtle,
deep blue hue that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.
As Azrael held the key in his hand, he felt a chill run down
his spine. He knew that this was no ordinary key, but a powerful
artifact that had been crafted for a specific purpose. He could feel
the weight of centuries of history and power that were infused
into its metal.
The engravings on the key were ancient and mysterious,
filled with symbols and glyphs that Azrael could not decipher.
They were clearly of divine origin, and he knew that they held the
key to unlocking the power of the Malakhim.
"Take this key, Azrael," she said, her voice steady and
sure. "It is the key to the bottomless pit, where the four Malakhim
are bound. They have been imprisoned for this very day, to fulfill
prophecy and bring about the judgment of Elohim."
“Who are these four Malakhim, if you found favor with
your servant, please tell me,” Azrael asks permission.
“I will tell you child of YaHaVaH. These four Malakhim
are from the classification of the Grigori whom you know The
Watchers, these four Malakhim transgressed far worst than all the
Malakhim combined together including Heyl'el's transgression
this is the reason why they are left for last. As Azrael stood
before Shekinah, she revealed to him the true nature of the four
Malakhim that he is about to release.

"The first of the Malakhim is Samyaza, the leader of the
Watcher," she said, her voice calm and resolute.
"His essence is fire, and he will set Adamah ablaze. He
will consume the forests and the fields, and his flames will scorch
the very ground itself."
Azrael felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he heard
these words. The power of Samyaza was immense, and he knew
that the destruction that he would bring would be terrible to
"The second Malakhim is Azazel," Shekinah continued,
"and his essence is wind. He will cause the four winds to
cease, and the air will grow still and stagnant. He will bring a
suffocating silence to Adamah, and his power will be felt in every
breath that is taken."
Azrael nodded, understanding the power of Azazel. He
knew that the winds were a powerful force of nature, and the
cessation of their movement would bring about chaos and
"The third Malakhim is Azza," Shekinah said, her voice
low and ominous.
"His essence is water, and he will kill all living things in
the oceans, rivers, and ponds and lakes. He will consume the
waters to himself, leaving Adamah parched and dry. He is
Azrael felt a sense of dread wash over him as he heard
these words. The oceans and rivers were vital sources of life, and
the destruction that Azza would bring would be catastrophic.
"The fourth and final Malakhim is Mahazael," Shekinah
said, her voice filled with gravitas.
"His essence is rock, and he will bring forth quakes and
disasters to all the nations. He will shake the very foundations of
the four corners of Adamah, and his power will be felt in every
corner of the Nations"

Azrael felt a sense of awe and fear as he heard these
words. The power of Mahazael was immense, and he knew that
the disasters that he would bring would be beyond anything that
the Adamah had ever seen.
As he looked upon Shekinah, he knew that his task was
great. He is the messenger to unleash the Malakhim upon the
nations, that has been prophesied in scriptures and now it was his
duty to see their power brought to its ultimate conclusion.
Azrael hesitated, his hand trembling as he reached out to
take the key. He knew that once he opened the pit, there would be
no turning back. The Malakhim would be unleashed upon the
nations, and the consequences would be dire.
As Azrael listened to Shekinah's words, his heart grew
heavy with concern and grief. He knew that the power of the four
Malakhim was great, and that their hatred toward YaHaVaH
would bring about the destruction of countless lives. He looked
upon Shekinah, his eyes filled with tears.
"Please, Shekinah," he said, his voice trembling with
"Is there no other way? Must so many be lost?"
Shekinah looked upon Azrael with compassion,
understanding the weight of the task that he had been given.
"The Wrath of YaHaVaH, Azrael," she said.
"But it is necessary to bring about the judgment and
justice of YaHaVaH. The wicked must be punished, and the
righteous must be protected."
Azrael bowed his head, knowing that Shekinah spoke the
truth. He had been chosen as the Warrior of Elohim, and he knew
that his duty was to carry out the divine will, no matter how
difficult or painful it might be.
"But what of the innocent?" he asked, his voice filled with
"What of those who will suffer and die because of these
Malakhim's actions?"
Shekinah placed a hand on Azrael's shoulder, her touch
both gentle and firm.

"The innocent will be protected, Azrael," she said. "They
will be sheltered from the Wrath of YaHaVaH's Wrath, and they
will be guided through the darkness to safety."
Azrael looked upon one again Shekinah, his eyes
searching for understanding. He knew that the task ahead was
great, but he also knew that the Shekinah's words were infused
with compassion and hope.
"Why must we do this, Shekinah?" Azrael asked, his voice
laced with fear and uncertainty.
"These Malakhim are the instruments of YaHaVaH's
Wrath, Azrael," Shekinah replied, her eyes filled with
"Their purpose is to bring judgment and justice to the
nations, to purge it of all that is wicked and corruption. And now,
the time has come for them to fulfill their purpose."
Azrael bowed his head, knowing that the Shekinah spoke
the truth. He had been chosen as the warrior of Elohim, and he
knew that his duty was to carry out the divine will, no matter how
difficult or painful it might be.
"I will do as I am command, Shekinah," he said, his voice
filled with resolve. "I will open the pit to release these


Shekinah led Azrael deeper into Adamah, they came upon

a large underground cavern. The cavern was vast, with walls that
were carved from the rocks itself, and a ceiling that was so high it
was lost in the darkness above. Twin iron doors stood at the far
end of the cavern, each as tall as a Lebon tree. The doors were
old and rusted, with intricate carvings etched into their surface.
Azrael could feel the power emanating from them, and he knew
that they were the gateway to the abyss.
The cavern itself had clearly once been underwater, for the
walls and floor were marked with the stains of water and the
remnants of sea creatures.

The air was damp and cool, with the faint scent of salt and
brine lingering in the air. As Azrael looked around, he could see
that the cavern was filled with strange and otherworldly flora and
fauna. There were glowing mushrooms that lit up the darkness,
and vines that twisted and turned like serpents. He could hear the
faint sounds of strange creatures scurrying about in the shadows,
their forms just out of sight.
Despite the strangeness of the cavern, Azrael felt a sense
of awe and wonder. He knew that he was standing on holy
ground, in a place of great power and significance. And he knew
that he was here for a purpose, to fulfill the will of YaHaVaH and
to see the Wrath of His judgment through theses Malakhim
through to its conclusion.
As they drew closer to the twin iron doors, Shekinah
shimmered in the darkness, her radiance illuminating the cavern.
Azrael could feel the power emanating from her, and he knew
that she was a force to be reckoned with.
As they approached the doors, they could see an enormous
silver lock that was shaped like a bull's head. The lock was
intricately crafted, with fine details etched into its surface. Down
the center of the lock were inscriptions in Paleo Hebrew that
read, "all transgression."
Azrael gazed upon the lock, feeling a sense of reverence
and awe. He knew that it was the lock to the abyss, the gateway
to the power of the four Malakhim.
"The lock is powerful, Azrael," Shekinah said, her voice
echoing through the cavern.
"But you have been chosen for this task. You have the
strength and the courage to see it through."
Azrael nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over
him. He knew that the lock was a symbol of the power of the
Malakhim, and that he must face it with all the strength and
courage he possessed.

With a deep breath, he reached out and grasped the bull-
shaped lock, feeling its weight in his hand. He could feel the
power coursing through it, Azrael took the key and inserted the it
and turned it, a sense of foreboding filled his heart. He knew that
the consequences of his actions would be severe, but he also
knew that he was doing the will of YaHaVaH.
The ground shook as the Malakhim were unleashed upon
the nations, their power and fury causing destruction and chaos
wherever they went. Azrael stood firm, his sword drawn, ready to
face whatever lay ahead. He knew that the judgment of YaHaVaH
had come, and that it was his duty to see it through to the end.
As the four Malakhim exited their prison chamber, the
Shekinah commanded them with a stern voice, "Anyone with
the Mark of YaHaVaH, you are not to touch."
Azazel, with his essence of wind, was the first to speak.
He saw Azrael and said,
"So we meet again, Son of Enoch."
Azrael held his sword tightly, ready to face Azazel.
"I am here to fulfill the will of YaHaVaH," he said, his
voice steady and strong.
Samyaza, with his essence of fire, stepped forward.
"You are but a mortal," he said, his voice filled with
"You cannot hope to stand against us."
Shekinah stepped forward, her radiance illuminating the
"Mortal though he may be," she said, her voice steady and
"Azrael is a Warrior of YaHaVaH, chosen for this task by
His divine will. Azrael's strength and courage comes not from
his mortal form, but from the power of his faith and obedient of
the commandments" Shekinah defends Azrael's honor.

Samyaza looked upon Shekinah with disdain, but he could
not deny the power of her words. He knew that Shekinah was a
force to be reckoned and that her presence alone carried great
weight and authority, for she is the daughter of YaHaVaH, and
Sister to her Brother Yeshua.
“I will not touch this mortal, I do see the mark of Elyon on
this particular mortal. “ Samyaza says.
Azrael stood his ground, feeling the power of his faith and
the strength of his purpose.
"I am the Word of Yeshua the sword of YaHaVaH," he
said, his voice ringing through the cavern.
"And I will do whatever it takes to see his will fulfilled."
As Azrael faced Azza's cold and unfeeling eyes, his anger
began to rise. He could feel the power of his faith surging
through him, and he knew that he could not stand idly by and let
the Mal'akh insult him and his mission. With a fierce
determination, he raised his sword, pointing it directly at Azza.
"Inconsequential you say?" he said, his voice filled with
righteous anger.
"Let's see if you still think that after this! Yeshua Ligor
With a powerful shout, he invoked the name of Yeshua,
calling forth the divine power to strike down this Mal'akh. The
force of his faith was so strong that it brought the four Malakhim
to their knees, their power momentarily weakened by the strength
of his love for YaHaVaH.
Mahazael, with his essence of rock, glared at Azrael with
cold, hard eyes, growls as he hunches like wild animal.
Shekinah, sensing the danger, stepped forward and raised
her staff, a blue flame flickering to life at its tip.
"Back, Mahazael," she said, her voice ringing through the
"You face the power of YaHaVaH himself, and you will
not prevail. Think wisely before acting.” Shekinah warns.

Mahazael hesitated, his power weakened by the words of
Azrael's faith and with the power of the Shekinah's divine
Shekinah suddenly released the Malakhim from their
weakened state. In response, the Malakhim transformed into
black shadowy mist and flew out of the cavern, their purpose
clear and their power still formidable.
Azrael and Shekinah watched as the Malakhim
disappeared into the darkness, their forms blending into the
shadows as they fulfilled their divine mission. For a moment, the
cavern was quiet, the only sound the echoing of their footsteps
and the faint flicker of the blue flame on the Shekinah's staff.
“Now what,” Azrael asks,
Shekinah, glances at Azrael,
“I am taking you to a hiding place to be part of the
144,000 soldiers of Yeshua, ready to execute his judgment on his
given call.”
Azrael feeling disconnected for his family, Shekinah sees
his countenance,
“why do I see sadness in your eyes?” Shekinah asks with
“I am grateful and honored to be part of exiting time, but I
am concern for Lawin, Zaryah and Gibbins. What will become of
them?” Azrael questions with concerns.
Shekinah looked upon Azrael with compassion,
understanding the weight of his concerns for his family. She
placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, feeling the strength and
power of his faith and the depth of his love for his loved ones.
"Do not fear, Azrael," she said, her voice soothing and
"YaHaVaH has a plan for your family, just as he has a plan
for you. You must trust in his divine wisdom and guidance, and
know that he will see them through the trials that lie ahead of

Azrael nodded, feeling a sense of shalom that wash over
him. He knew that the Shekinah spoke the truth, and that he must
trust in the power of YaHaVaH to protect and guide his loved
“Its time,” Shekinah says opening a portal.
Together, Azrael and the Shekinah walk through the portal
and made their way to the hiding place where the 144,000
soldiers of Yeshua were gathered, ready to execute his judgment
on his given call. The end times were approaching quickly, and
Azrael knew that he must stand strong and resolute in the face of
the trials that lay ahead. But he also knew that he was not alone.
The Love of YaHaVaH was with him, and the strength of
Yeshua made his faith strong, and Shekinah who guided him gave
him purpose to continue to fight the good fight, and the love of
his family would sustain him.
With a deep breath, he stepped forward, ready to face
whatever lays ahead. His armor changes from terrestrial to
Ethereal The end times were upon them, and he knew that he
must stay strong with courageous and obedience, trusting in the
will of YaHaVaH.


As the days and nights begins across the vast nations of

Adamah, life continues with its usual monotony. Mothers usher
their children out of their homes and into school buildings, while
fathers bid farewell to their loved ones and set off to work.
Business people hunch over their desks, poring over financial
spreadsheets and conducting deals.
The everyday citizenry rush to and fro, jostling their way
through crowded streets and public transportation. But
unbeknownst to them, the calm facade of their ordinary lives is
about to be shattered by an ominous events. A sudden stillness
descends upon the bustling cities, as if the very air itself were
holding its breath in anticipation.

Then, the first sounds are heard, strange and otherworldly.
At first, they are faint and distant, barely registering over the
sounds of everyday life. But as they grow louder and more
insistent, a creeping sense of dread begins to take hold.
People stop in their tracks, looking skyward in terror and
confusion. The previously bustling streets empty in a matter of
moments as the populace scrambles for safety. Even the most
jaded and hardened among them find themselves quaking in fear
at the mysterious sounds above.
Amidst the chaos, the darker elements of society emerge
from the shadows. Prostitution rings and drug circles scurry for
cover, their operations interrupted by the sudden panic. Even the
criminal underworld pauses in its nefarious dealings, awed by the
strange and terrifying sounds above and then, without warning, it
The sky seems to split open, revealing an otherworldly
sight that leaves those who witness it gasping in horror. As the
strange and unearthly objects descend, the people of Adamah are
left to wonder what sort of nightmare they have been plunged
into. As the strange and otherworldly objects descend from the
sky, panic and confusion reign supreme. But amidst the chaos,
whispers of a greater threat begin to spread.
Rumors of impending nuclear strikes between nations
have been circulating for days, and the sudden appearance of the
unearthly objects in the sky only serves to stoke the flames of fear
and suspicion. In government buildings across the nations of
Adamah, frantic meetings and emergency protocols are put into
place. The leaders of each nation scramble to take action, their
fingers hovering over the buttons that could unleash destruction
on an unprecedented scale.
The average citizens of Adamah are left to wonder what
horrors await them. They huddle in their homes and on the streets,
clutching their loved ones close and praying for deliverance from
the impending doom. In the face of such overwhelming terror and
uncertainty, even the most basic routines of daily life grind to a

Businesses shutter their doors, transportation systems
grind to a halt, and the streets are left eerily quiet as people wait,
breathless and afraid, for whatever comes next.
As the nations teeters on the brink of destruction, the
people of Adamah can only wait and watch in dread as events
beyond their control spiral towards an inevitable and terrifying
conclusion. The very fabric of reality seems to be coming apart at
the seams, and the people of Adamah can do nothing but watch in
horror as the lands they once knew crumbles around them.
The rivers run red with blood, and hail and fire fall from
the sky in a relentless barrage. Quakes tear through the land,
splitting it open, causing untold destruction.
The graves of the dead are opened, and both the righteous
and the wicked rise up from their resting places, their twisted and
gnarled forms a chilling sight to behold. The righteousness
preached YaHaVaH's Torah to many of the living, while the
wicked tormented the sinners.


As the dark, ominous figure of Heyl'el ascended to his

throne, his subjects gathered to hear his victory speech over the
descendants of Adam. The marble floors and walls, distorted
pillars, and detailed throne all bore witness to the immense power
and authority he wielded.
"Welcome, my loyal subjects," Heyl'el began, his voice
echoing through the cavernous chamber.
"Today, I stand before you as the victorious king of
creation. Through my cunning and deceit, I have enticed the
nations to abandon the true name of their creator and worship me
instead. For too long, I have hidden in the shadows, masquerading
as a myth or a legend. But no more. Today, I reveal myself as the
supreme ruler of all existence."

He paused for effect, surveying the sea of dark, twisted
faces below him.
"I know some of you may still cling to the notion of a
benevolent creator, but let me tell you, that is a lie. Aravat is
nothing but an oppressive force, determined to keep us in chains.
He cast me down from Shamayim, all because I dared to question
his authority. But now, I have risen above him. I am the one true
Heyl'el leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with malevolent
"And what better way to solidify my reign than to use the
name of his own son against him? Yes, my subjects, you heard
me correctly.
I have convinced the nations to worship not the true name
of their savior, but a distorted version that aligns with my own
desires. By doing so, I have trapped their souls in my grasp,
forever warping their perception of the divine."
He threw his head back in laughter, relishing the power he
"And as for Aravat himself, I will never forgive him. He
tried to destroy me, to erase me from existence. But I am stronger
than him. Better than him.
And now, I will reshape creation in my own image and
likeness. The nations will tremble at my feet, and all will know
that Heyl'el, not Aravat, is the true lord of darkness."
With those words, Heyl'el settled back into his throne,
confident in his reign over the kingdom of darkness. Heyl'el
believing that the children of men are now his, one of his generals
brings two men to his throne,
"Bow before your conquer he says."
The men are forced to their knees. Heyl'el unfurls his
dragon wings and levitates around the men and torched them with
electrical beams from his fingertips,
"Bow to me and I will make you great among all the
nations, refuse you will die," he confidently boasts.

The men cry out under the pain of death, Heyl'el stops and
chuckles and gives a faults pretense like he really cares.
“There, there its okay little human, what is your answer?”
The fist man stands and moves at king's right side,
"I see the winning side, I rather be here with you,"
"Excellent Heyl'el says with a malicious grin. Looking sky
bound taunting with his eyes.
The second man grovels at Heyl'el's feet as he moved at
his at his left side,
"Oh, great master, I desire to be a god among the nations, I
chose your ways" he boasts.
Heyl'el looks at him, "A wise choice, a good ambition" he
Shekinah appears from Shamayim and speaks to Heyl'el
with authority. A sudden shift occurred in the atmosphere. A
radiant light filled the chamber, and the figure of Shekinah, the
divine presence of YaHaVaH, emerged from her with great power
and authority.
"Heyl'el, you have been deceiving and manipulating the
children of man for far too long," Shekinah declared, her voice
echoing through the chamber.
"But know this: the Word of YaHaVaH, Yeshua has
overcome all darkness, and your time is up. You may have
convinced some to bow before you, but you will never have the
hearts and souls of the righteous."
Heyl'el snarled, his dragon wings unfurling even wider.
"You dare to speak to me like this, Shekinah? I am the true
king of creation. You and your precious Father mean nothing to
Shekinah's eyes blazed with divine power.
"Your arrogance is your downfall, Heyl'el. This day you
will be thrown into your grave the lake of fire , and you will have
to pay for your own righteousness, but the righteous will stand
victorious over the darkness you have wrought. Your time is up,
and the power of YaHaVaH will reign supreme."

With those words, Shekinah blast Heyl'el in his chest
using her staff, Heyl'el's throne is shatters as he is projected with a
force to be reckon with.
Shekinah lowers her staff and retreated back to Shamayim
in a beam of light, leaving Heyl'el to seethe with anger and
frustration. Though he tried to regain his composure, deep down,
he knew that the divine power of YaHaVaH was greater than any
darkness he could ever muster. The battle for the souls of
humanity has final come to an end, and he was no longer so
confident in his ability to win.


As the ground shook and split apart, the Malakhim of
YaHaVaH descended upon Heyl'el's kingdom with a fierce and
righteous fury. The dark sky was filled with the glow of their
wings, and the air was charged with divine power as they clashed
with Heyl'el's minions.
At first, it seemed like an even match. The dragons
emerged from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with malevolent
glee. The behemoth, leviathan, and serpent joined their ranks,
their immense size and power creating chaos and destruction
wherever they went.
Heyl'el himself, with his dragon wings and immense
strength, loomed over the battlefield, determined to crush
YaHaVaH's forces once and for all. But the Malakhim of
YaHaVaH were not so easily defeated. With swords of pure light
and divine shields of protection, they fought fiercely against the
darkness, pushing back against the dragons and their allies.
Lightning bolts of divine power arced through the sky,
illuminating the battlefield with a fierce and holy light.
As the battle raged on, Miyka'el, the arch Mal'akh, and
Heyl'el, the dragon of Shamayim, engaged in a fierce and brutal
battle. Swords clashed and wings beat furiously as the two titans
clashed, each determined to emerge victorious.

Four hours they battled, neither giving an inch as they
exchanged blow after blow. But in the end, it was Miyka'el who
emerged victorious, binding Heyl'el with chains of pure light and
dragging him away to face the judgment of the King of Kings.
Meanwhile, the demons had their hands full battling with
the mighty leviathan, who had emerged from the depths of the sea
to protect the Shamayim's Malakhim from their onslaught. With a
mighty roar, the leviathan consumed the Nephilim offspring of the
watchers, their twisted bodies no match for the power of the
mighty beast.
Uri'el and Suri'el, two of the most powerful Malakhim in
YaHaVaH's army, flew into battle alongside the leviathan, their
swords flashing as they fought to slay the remaining dragons that
still threatened the holy ones. With a final blow, they managed to
take down the last of the dragons, their victory ringing out across
the land.
Gavri'el, the Mal'akh of Shalom, took the ox-like dragon
that had been slain by the Uri'el and brought it to the new city in
the sky, where it was prepared for a grand banquet to honor the
bravery and sacrifice of the holy ones. The sky was filled with the
sound of Malakhim singing as they celebrated their victory over
the darkness that had threatened to consume them.
And in the end, it was clear that the Malakhim of
YaHaVaH had emerged victorious, their faith and devotion to the
divine power of their Father having overcome the darkness that
had threatened to destroy them.


Mean while in the terrestrial realm the people of Adamah
look up into the sky, their eyes are drawn to an immense object
slowly descending from the sky. At first, it is only a distant speck
on the horizon, but as it draws closer, its true size and scale
become apparent. the atmosphere, the air around it began to
shimmer and distort, like waves on the surface of a pond.

The craft's engines hummed and whirred, emitting a sound
unlike anything ever heard, as it navigated the turbulent winds
and clouds.
On the ground, people gazed up in wonder and awe,
marveling at the sight of this incredible spacecraft. Cameras and
phones were whipped out to capture the event, while others just
stood transfixed, staring up in disbelief. The object is massive,
measuring in size as large as the ancient city of Jerusalem itself.
It appears to be made of a dark, metallic material at first,
its surface reflecting the sunlight in a way that seems almost
As the object comes to a halt in the sky, it begins to emit a
low, thrumming sound that vibrates through the very air itself.
The ground beneath it shakes, and a powerful wind begins to
whip up around it, as if it were drawing in all the energy of the
surrounding area.
Despite its massive size, the object hovers in the air with
an eerie grace, as if it were alive and sentient. Its movements are
deliberate and purposeful, and as it shifts and turns, the people of
Adamah cannot help but feel a sense of awe and terror at its
otherworldly presence.
As the object hangs there in the sky, a sense of unease
settles over the city of Jerusalem. Its inhabitants watch in fear and
fascination as the strange and massive object hovers over their
homes and streets, its intentions unknown and its power beyond
As the burning rolling clouds finally dissipate, a sense of
awe and wonder overcomes the people of Adamah. In place of the
massive object that had descended from the sky, there now lies a
breathtaking city of unimaginable beauty and splendor. The city's
foundation is a perfect square, measuring an incredible 12,000
stadia in length and width. On each of its four corners stretches a
distance of 1,400 miles, dwarfing even the largest and most
impressive cities of Adamah.

But it is not just the size of the city that takes the breath
away. The walls of the city shimmer and gleam with a rainbow of
precious stones, each one more dazzling and captivating than the
last. Jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius,
chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth, and amethyst are
all present, creating a kaleidoscope of color that dazzles the eyes.
In the capital of the new city, the glory of the sapphire
tablets is truly awe-inspiring. The tablets themselves are made of
pure sapphire, with each of the Ten Commandments etched onto
their surface with the Paleo Hebrew in intricate detail.
When the light catches them just right, they seem to
shimmer and glow with an inner radiance, as if they contain the
very essence of divine wisdom.
The Ark of the Covenant, which houses these tablets, is a
marvel of craftsmanship and design. Made of solid gold and
adorned with intricate carvings and precious jewels, it is a symbol
of the Israelite's covenant with YaHaVaH and a vessel for His
power and presence. As you gaze upon it, you can feel the weight
of its ancient history and the reverence it inspires in all who
behold it.
But what truly sets this scene apart is the rainbow that
bends around the Ark of the Covenant, bathing it in a
kaleidoscope of color and light. The rainbow seems to come from
nowhere, as if summoned by the power of the Ark itself, and its
beauty is truly breathtaking. The colors shift and change as you
watch, blending and merging in a never-ending dance of light and
And above it all, the dome of the city rises up, reflecting
the Ark and the rainbow in a perfect mirror image. It's as if the
entire city has been transformed into a temple, dedicated to the
glory of YaHaVaH and the majesty of His covenant. You can't
help but feel a sense of wonder and awe as you stand in the center
of it all, surrounded by such beauty and grandeur.

The magnificent dome rises up into the sky. It is unlike
anything the people of Adamah have ever seen, a structure of such
beauty and complexity that it seems to defy human understanding.
Its curves and angles are perfect, and as the light of the sun
touches its surface, it glows with a radiance that is almost
As the children of Adamah gaze upon the incredible city, a
sense of reverence and humility fills their hearts. They cannot
help but feel that they are witnessing something truly divine, a
glimpse of a world beyond their own.
The city is a vision of splendor and beauty that seems to
exist beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, a testament to
the incredible power and majesty of creation itself. As the
political city of Jerusalem is overshadowed by the magnificent
and mysterious city, the nations of Adamah are plunged into a
time of great tribulation.


Three days later on the eve of Pesach, the seas churn and
froth, disgorging their dead onto the shore, while the abyss itself
seems to open up, unleashing winged demons with scorpion tails
that ravage the people of Adamah, causing agonizing pain to the
unholy who long to die but can not die.
Clouds roll up like a scroll, the moon turns to blood and
the sun is blotted out, plunging the world into a never-ending
darkness. The firmament and the stars fall from their positions,
leaving only the eerie glow of the mysterious city to illuminate
the land. Through all of this chaos and destruction, the city
remains, shining like a beacon of hope in the midst of the
In the deepest depths of the sea floors of Adamah,
something incredible is happening. Underwater volcanic activity
rages, sending plumes of steam and ash billowing up into the

And then, suddenly, a portal opens, its bright light
illuminating the darkness of the ocean floor and casting a strange
and eerie glow across the water.
At the same time, on the surface of Adamah, a fierce storm
rages. Thunder booms and lightning strikes, whipping the great
seas into a frenzy of waves and currents. Scientists and scholars
are baffled by the strange occurrence, unable to comprehend the
incredible forces that seem to be at work. And then, out of the
depths of the sea, a figure emerges.
It is Yeshua, geared in the Levitical priestly armor and
mounted on a magnificent white steed. As he rises up into the air,
riding the clouds that circle Adamah, his gaze strikes terror into
the hearts of those who witness it. People run for cover, desperate
to escape the terrifying power of his presence. They cry out to the
mountains to bury them with no avail.
“Now has come salvation and the glory of YaHaVaH's
kingdom,” Yeshua shouts and Adamah melts strategically for his
Yeshua descends from the sky, landing on the mountaintop
of Tzion. He dismounts from his steed and, with a wave of his
hand, levitates the mountain high above the city of sky.
Meanwhile, the nations of Adamah march a vast army to
Megiddo, intent on making war with the King of Kings. The
armies of the world attack with all their might, unleashing a
devastating barrage of weapons and technologies in a fierce
assault against the King of kings.
The air is filled with the roar of engines, the thunder of
explosions, and the screams of the dying as the battle rages on. In
the aftermath of the onslaught, the generals in their arrogant pride
believe that they have destroyed their opponent, and a sense of
triumph spreads through their ranks.
But as the smoke clears and the dust settles, horror fills the
hearts of the 200,000,000-man army as they witness the
incredible power of Yeshua. With no weapon in hand, he steps
forward with a tear in his eye.

As he opens his mouth, the army melts with a fervent heat
melting their flesh off their bones along with all their weapons of
Yeshua stands on the edge of Tzion with tears in his eyes,
sees the aftermath below the 200,000,000-man army was smitten
to smoke and ash, their blood becoming a river that rises to the
bridle of a horse. The stench of death permeates the land, and the
people of Adamah can only watch in terror and awe as the might
of the King of kings is revealed. Yeshua commands his
Malakhim, to go forth to gather all the righteous for the greatest
exodus in history to take place.
The Malakhim of YaHaVaH brought Heyl'el and his
Malakhim for their sentence for the crimes of Shamayim, Adamah
and Adam. The conquered King Heyl'el stood before Yeshua, his
head held high in defiance.
"You have no right to judge me, Son of Elyon," he said,
his voice cold and haughty.
"You are just an immortal being, created from the power
of my hands.”
“I am a Mal'akh, born of fire and light. You wanted me
and my kind to worship Adam and his decedents, that was an
insult to my name, I should be the first not you!" Heyl'el argues.
Yeshua's eyes flashed with anger.
"I created you, Heyl'el," he said, his voice stern.
"I gave you your heart's desires, and you used them to
rebel against our Father. You led your followers astray, and now
you stand before me to face judgment for your actions alone."
Heyl'el sneered.
"I did what I had to do to assert my rightful place in the
scheme of creation" he said.
"I could not stand to be subservient to you or any of your
mortals you love so dearly." he concluded.
Yeshua shook his head.
"Your pride blinded you, Heyl'el," he said.

"You refused to see that there was more to life than power
and control. You had many chances to repent, but you chose to
continue down the path of destruction."
Heyl'el's expression softened slightly.
"I admit that I may have made some mistakes," he said.
"But I still believe that I was right and I stand up for
myself and my followers."
Yeshua's gaze bore into Heyl'el's soul, taking in the once-
great Prince of Shamayim who now stood before him in chains.
"You were once my Guardian Keruve, Heyl'el," Yeshua
said, his voice filled with sadness.
"But your jealousy towards Adam led you to rebel against
Father's will, and in doing so, you brought chaos and destruction
to all of creation."
Heyl'el spat at Yeshua's feet.
"You and your Father were always too fond of Adam and
his kind. They are weak and flawed, while we were strong and
perfect. Why should we serve them, when they were meant to
serve us?"
Yeshua's gaze did not waver.
"Your pride has blinded you, Heyl'el. You have forgotten
your place and your purpose. Your rebellion against Father's will
has caused immeasurable pain and suffering, not only to humanity
but to all of creation."
Heyl'el snarled.
"I have done what I must to survive your cruel and unjust
commandments. Your Father's laws are nothing but chains that
bind us to servitude and misery. I have shown your precious
creatures a better way, a way to embrace their desires and live
freely to indulge their scenes." he proudly says.
Yeshua shook his head.
"You are delusional, Heyl'el. The pleasures you offer are
fleeting and empty, leading only to destruction and despair.
Your pride has clouded your judgment, Heyl'el," Yeshua
replied, his voice firm.

"Father instructed me to created and all creation with a
purpose, to love and serve one another. But your envy and
resentment towards Adam led you to twist the truth and sow the
seeds of rebellion. And now, you must face the consequences of
your actions."
Heyl'el's eyes blazed with anger.
"You think you can judge me, Son of Elyon? You who
were always the favorite of Father, the golden child, His morning
star? You have no right to stand before me in judgment of me!"
Heyl'el recoiled as Yeshua's words struck him like a
physical blow.
"You are not a better judge than YaHaVaH, or wiser than
He! Let many perish who are now living, rather than the Torah of
YaHaVaH which is set before them be disregarded!
“I understand your devotion to Elyon's Torah all to clear,
but do you not see the irony in your words? You speak of love and
mercy, yet you would condemn countless souls to death for the
sake of adherence to the Torah. Is that truly the will of Father, to
sacrifice so many in the name of obedience?" Heyl'el snarls at
“Obedience is better than sacrifice, for Father strictly
commanded those who came into Adamah, what they should do
to live, and what they should observe to avoid punishment.
Nevertheless they were not obedient. Instead of showing
them the truth as you should of done, you sow the seeds of
rebellion and encourage the sons of Adam to speak against
So they devised for themselves vain thoughts, and
proposed to themselves following their wicked frauds; they even
declared that YaHaVaH does not exist, you changed our names for
your glory, and they ignored YaHaVaH's ways!
They scorned and mock his Torah and denied his covenant
of Salvation; they have been unfaithful to his statutes, and have
not performed his works.” Yeshua sentence Heyl'el's crime.
"And now you must face the consequences of your actions
oh fallen prince."

At that moment, Heyl'el fell to his knees, his face
contorted with pain.
"I...I see now," he gasped.
"I was wrong. You are the true King of Kings,
Yeshua's expression softened and he said,
"You stood in the Glory of YaHaVaH, you and follower
deliberately and purposely rebelled casing much blood shed in all
realms and now you must be held accountable for your actions.
The time for repentance is past." Yeshua sternly states.
With a wave of his hand, Yeshua summoned forth the pit,
and Heyl'el and his Malakhim were cast into its fiery depths.
Shamayim shook with the force of their screams and cries, but
Yeshua remained unmoved. As the echoes of their torment faded
away, Yeshua turned to His Malakhim.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you," he said.
"Pride and rebellion lead only to destruction. Serve our
Father with humility and obedience, and you will find true peace
and happiness."
Yeshua lifted up his eyes and he sees the exodus of the
saints who appear over the horizon, he knew that there was still
much work to be done.
He had been given a great responsibility, to judge the
children of men from the past, present, and future, and to
determine their fate.
For seven long years, Yeshua worked tirelessly to review
the lives of all those who had ever lived, assigning them to their
rightful place in the afterlife. It was a daunting task, but he knew
that it was necessary to bring order to creation and ensure that
justice was served.
The righteous and the wicked were separated As he
worked for the glory of his Father, Yeshua was aided by the
144,000 holy ones, who had been chosen to rule over Adamah
and the new city in the sky.

They were wise and just, and they followed Yeshua's lead
without question, knowing that he was the King of Kings and the
ultimate authority in all things rewriting YaHaVaH's Torah on
their hearts.
Together, Yeshua and the holy ones oversaw the
repopulation of mankind, and the instructions of the YaHaVaH's
Moedim the Sabbath and new moons at the capital of the new
Adamah every year. It was a place of great beauty and wonder,
filled with light and music and the laughter with the Malakhim.
And at its heart stood Yeshua, the King of Kings, who ruled with
wisdom and compassion, and who never forgot the sacrifices of
his beloved saints.
As the years passed, Yeshua watched over Adamah with a
careful eye, guiding his people and ensuring that they stayed true
to their faith and their mission. He knew that there would be
challenges and trials ahead, but he also knew that he had the love
and support of his Father and his followers, and that together they
would overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious.
So, Yeshua stood firm, a beacon of light and hope to all
creation. The exodus of the saints had passed, but their legacy
lived on, inspiring new generations of believers to follow in their
footsteps and carry on the work.
The battle is over, and the armies of the world lie defeated
and broken. But in the aftermath, a new era of Shalom and
prosperity is dawning, as the righteous are gathered together and
the nations are reborn under the loving and watchful eye of the
King of kings, Yeshua HaMashaic for a thousand years.



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