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Eastern Visayas State University

Carigara Campus

Assignment in Curriculum Development

(Prof Ed. 383)

How would you prepare yourself to become a teacher, using the three approaches to curriculum?

For me to be able to prepare myself in the near future of becoming a teacher, I must learn first
what is the curriculum and how will it help me in my job as a teacher and for the students as well. It is
also important to know my goals, resources, as well as knowing my state curriculum, preference and
ability. As a teacher, it is very vital to know your students whether they are gifted or advanced learner and
as a future teacher, this is what I also have to keep in mind. Using the three approaches to curriculum
would definitely be a great help in preparation to become a teacher. First, I have to approach it as a
content or body of knowledge to be transmitted. in this type of approach, we can effectively transmit this
to our students through following the guides in the selection of the Content in the Curriculum. Next is to
approach it as a process or what actually happens in the classroom when the curriculum is practiced. By
following also, the guiding principles, we should be able to communicate it well to our learners through
instruction, implementation and teaching the content well. Lastly is to approach it as product or the
learning outcomes desired of learners. Mastery is not necessarily a consideration for pass or fail, but
whether they have participated or not. Curriculum product is expressed in the form of learning outcome
so we should effectively deliver through process the content of curriculum to achieve the desired learning
The numerous tasks of teaching such as selecting worthwhile learning activities, giving helpful
explanations, asking productive questions, and evaluating students’ learning, all depend on the teacher’s
understanding of what is that students are to learn. It would be odd to expect a teacher to plan a lesson on,
for instance, writing reports and to evaluate related assignments. The focus of this reflection is the
preparation of teachers: what subject matter preparation entails, where and when it occurs, and with what
outcomes or curriculum product. Teachers must know what they are teaching appears what is curriculum
content rather what is included in the idea of knowing subject matter for teaching. The second is aligned
with how to execute the content knowledge, the sources and outcomes of teachers’ subject matter
learning. In the last, this is an outcome which are referred to as the achieved learning outcomes.

Prepared by: Prepared for:

Cathy Shandy G. Almocera Mrs. Amelita M. Sari, LPT. M.A.I.S.
DTS-1 Associate Professor IV

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