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After watching the video,

1. discuss at least 3 important ideas related to our subject.

2. give example to further elaborate each idea.

There are many interesting points that have been raised in that informative video. In
which further explains to me the overall idea as to why mother-tongue is important in the

1. “Having a strong mother-tongue foundation leads to a much better understanding of

the curriculum as well as a more positive attitude towards school, children must
maintain their first language when they begin schooling in a different language.”
- Children most likely enjoys studying when they understand what you are teaching.
Them being kids, they will lean more to a language that they’re able to comprehend,
that’s why, if they have a good foundation of their mother-tongue, learning will be
easier which creates a more positive attitude towards school. Also, everyday chit-
chats among students usually uses mother-tongue, if a kid is not knowledgeable
enough, these chit-chats won’t be possible and will likely impact the overall
enjoyment of the child inside the school.

2. “When children develop their mother tongue, they are simultaneously fostering a
whole host of other essential skills, such as critical thinking and literacy skills. It is
these skills that they take with them into formal education, and research tells us that
any skills and concepts gained in the learner’s home language don’t have to be re-
taught and when they transfer to a second language.”
- Learning is a ladder that you cannot simply skip a step or else you’ll trip. It is in
our mother-tongue where we develop our critical thinking and literacy skills
which is an advantage when we advance to our formal education. With us being a
critical thinker and literate enough, learning the second language’s easier as
we’re already trained in our mother- tongue.

- When I was a kid, I remember not having a hard time in introducing myself to my
second language which is Filipino. I find it easy because there are words and
terms that are quite similar in Bikol to Filipino.

3. “Language and mother-tongue play a huge role in the development of personal,

social and cultural identity. Children with a strong foundation in their first language
often display a deeper understanding of themselves and their place within society,
along with an increased sense of well-being and confidence.”
- Having a good foundation of your first language boosts a person’s sense of value
of themselves. It makes it easier for them to connect to people and make
relationships with.
- I am confident to boast my culture because I am well-aware of my mother-

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