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Effect of the dopant location and the number of Bragg mirrors on the

performance of superlattice infrared photodetectors

Pedro Henrique Pereira˚:§ , Germano Maioli Penello;§ , Mauricio Pamplona Pires;§ ,
Manfred Helm: , Harald Schneider: , Patricia Lustoza Souza˚§
˚ LabSem/CETUC, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
: Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum-Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
; Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
§ DISSE, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Nanodispositivos Semicondutores

Abstract—We have investigated the influence of the position solving the Schrödinger-Poisson equations for the conduction
of the dopants and the number of Bragg mirrors in the confine- band.
ment of localized states in the continuum of a InGaAs/InAlAs We present a careful investigation of the effect of the
superlattice with a structural defect. The potential profile of
the conduction band of the superlattice was determined by location of the dopants and the number of Bragg mirrors on
self-consistently solving the Schrödinger-Poisson equations. The the band structure of the superlattice with a structural defect.
influence of these parameters was analyzed by the oscillator The Schrödinger and Poisson equations were solved self-
strength of the optical transition between the ground state and consistently to obtain the electronic structure of the conduction
the first localized state in the continuum. The best location for band. The transition energy between the ground state and the
the dopants is in the structural defect quantum well, for which
an oscillator strength of 0.25 was obtained. It is found that two first localized state in the continuum and its oscillator strength
Bragg mirrors are enough to confine the first localized state in are used as an evaluation parameters for each studied case.
the continuum without decreasing the oscillator strength of the The location of the dopants in the superlattice considerably
optical transition from the ground state. modifies the band structure and directly changes both the
Index Terms—Quantum Well, Superlattice, Intersubband tran- detection energy and the oscillator strength.
sition, photodetector, self-consistent solution.
The employed calculation method consists of solving self-
Recently, InGaAs/InAlAs superlattice infrared photodetec-
consistently the Schrödinger-Poisson equations. Considering
tors (SLIPs) attracted much attention because of their ad-
the position-dependent effective mass and non-parabolic band
vantages over the Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors
approximations [8], the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation
(QWIPs), such as low thermal excitation, anomalous parity,
is [9]
detection energy not limited by the material band offset, dual
mode operation, room temperature operation and more degrees
h̄2 d
ˆ ˙
of freedom for tuning the transition energy [1]–[6]. 1 d
´ ψpzq ` V pzqψpzq “ Eψpzq, (1)
The heterostructure is based on a superlattice with a struc- 2 dz ˚
m pz, Eq dz
tural defect. Such structural defect consists of one quantum
where h̄ is the reduced Planck’s constant, ψpzq is the wave-
well of the superlattice with its thickness different from the
function, E is the energy, m˚ pz, Eq is the energy-position-
others. A proper choice of each superlattice‘s layer thickness
dependent effective mass and V pzq is the potential caused by
creates the localized states in the continuum [7]. The quantum
the material band offset, Vband pzq, and the dopants, Ve pzq,
wells and quantum barriers act as a Bragg mirror for electrons
given by
in these confined states. The superlattice infrared photodetec-
tors based on symmetric or asymmetric superlattices may give
rise to striking effects, such as parity anomaly [2] and leaky V pzq “ Vband pzq ` Ve pzq. (2)
electronic states [5], respectively. The one-dimensional Poisson equation is
It should be noted that the number of Bragg mirrors and
the location of the dopants change the band structure of d d
the superlattice and, therefore, should influence the device pzq Ve pzq “ ´e2 ρpzq, (3)
dz dz
performance. Two important parameters to assess the device
where pzq is the position-dependent dielectric constant and
performance are the detection energy and oscillator strength of
Ve pzq is the electrostatic potential. The charge density ρpzq is
the optical transition. They are determined by self-consistently
given by
` ˘
978-1-7281-1909-0/19/$31.00 2019
c IEEE ρpzq “ npzq ´ Nd` , (4)
where Nd` is the ionized donor concentration and npzq is the A. The symmetric superlattice with the n-doped structural
electron density defect quantum well
ÿ 2
The superlattice consists of one n-doped structural defect
npzq “ Ni |ψi pzq| , (5) quantum well and five Bragg mirrors on each side. The
i potential profile of the conduction band in the direction of
where i is the number of bound states, and Ni is the electron growth superimposed with the electron probability density at
occupation for each state given by null bias can be seen in Fig. 1(a). The ground state, blue line,
is localized in the structural defect quantum well. The first
kB T m˚ ” pEF ´Ei q{kB T
and second localized states in the continuum are highlighted
Ni “ ln 1 ` e , (6)
πh̄2 by black and green lines, respectively. The potential created
where, kB is Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, Ei is only by the dopants can be seen in the inset, as a red line.
the eigenenergy and EF is the Fermi energy. The potential energy over the structural defect quantum well
The Schrödinger and Poisson equations were solved using decreases by 2 meV. The comparison between the calculated
the Split-Operator [10] and finite element [9] methods, respec- absorption spectrum for the self-consistent potential and for
tively. The self-consistent method can be summarized in five the material band offset potential, black and blue lines, re-
steps, which are; spectively, is presented in Fig. 1(b). The absorption spectrum
1 - Solve the Schrödinger equation for the potential due to presents two energy peaks, one at 300 meV and another around
the material band offset to obtain the eigenstates; 440 meV. These energy peaks are related to optical transitions
2 - With the eigenstates, solve the Poisson equation to obtain between the ground state and the first and second localized
the potential due to the dopants; states in the continuum, respectively. The calculated absorption
3 - Solve the Schrödinger equation considering the complete spectra are almost equal, a small decrease by 1.25 meV in the
potential, the material band offset and the dopants; first energy peak is observed. The oscillator strengths are 0.28
4 - Calculate the energy difference of step 1 and step 3, and and 0.09, respectively.
compare it with the tolerance, we choose tolerance of 10´8 ;
f = 0.09
5 - If this difference is greater than the tolerance, return to
step 1 until the energy difference is below the tolerance. f = 0.28
Once the self-consistent potential profile and eigenstates
are obtained, the absorption spectrum are calculated using the
Fermi’s golden rule

= 1.25 meV
ÿ f1n Γ
αpEq “ ” ı, (7)
n 2π pE ´ En q ` 41 Γ2

where Γ is the linewidth of the Lorentzian function and f1n

is the oscillator strength, given by

2m˚ (a) (b)

f1n “ z |ψn y|2 ,
pEn ´ E1 q|xψ1 |p (8)
where E and |ψy are the eigenenergy and eigenstate, respec-
tively, where the subscripts 1 and n refer to the ground and
Fig. 1. (a) Potential profile of the conduction band of the symmetric
nth states, in that order [11]. superlattice with the structural defect superimposed with probability density
of the states. The band structure was solved self-consistently considering the
III. R ESULTS central quantum well n-doped with 2.5 ˆ 1018 cm´3 . Inset: The electrostatic
potential due to dopants in the structural defect quantum well, red line. (b)
The reference superlattices for this study are the symmetric Comparison between the calculated absorption spectra considering the self-
[2] and asymmetric SLIPs [5]. The structural defect quantum consistent potential, blue line, and only the material bandoffset potential, black
line. The absorption spectrum presents two energy peaks at 300 meV and
well has a thickness of 2.5 nm. The Bragg mirror is formed around 440 meV. The oscillator strength of each peak energy is 0.28 and
by quantum wells of 2.0 nm and barriers of 7.0 nm. The n- 0.09, respectively.
dopants considered in all simulations is 2.5 ˆ 1018 cm´3 . We
will explore the effect of the position of the dopants and the
number of quantum wells of the Bragg mirror in the symmetric B. The modulation-doped asymmetric superlattice
and asymmetric superlattices. The oscillator strengths for the The asymmetric superlattice consists of five Bragg mirrors
transitions between the fundamental state in the structural to the left, the structural defect quantum well, and one Bragg
defect quantum well and the first and second localized states mirror to the right. The barriers surrounding the structural
in the continuum will be used as an evaluation parameter for defect quantum well is be n-doped in three configurations:
all investigated cases. in the left barrier, in the right barrier, and in both barriers.
The positions of the dopants can be seen in the inset of Figs.
f = 0.05
In Figs. 2(a)-(b) the band structure and the absorption
f = 0.04
spectrum for the n-doped quantum barriers surrounding the
structural defect quantum well are presented. The band struc-
ture is considerably changed due to the dopants (brown line),
creating a sawtooth-like potential around the structural defect
quantum well. This perturbation changes the Bragg mirror
(a) (b)
condition and, consequently, the leaky electronic states. The
oscillator strengths dropped to 0.04 and 0.07, respectively. f = 0.07
The band structure and absorption spectrum for the case of
the left n-doped quantum barrier can be seen in Figs. 2(c)-(d). f = 0.03

The potential due to the dopants has a step function format for
the Bragg mirror to the right of the structural defect quantum
well (brown line). The changes in the potential affect the Bragg
mirror condition for the leaky electronic states. In this case,
the oscillator strengths are 0.03 and 0.07, respectively.
(c) (d)
The band structure and the absorption spectrum for the case
of the right n-doped quantum barrier can be seen in Figs.
f = 0.06
2 (c)-(d). As expected, the dopant potential is again a step
function giving rise to oscillator strengths equal to 0.08 and
0.07, respectively. f = 0.08

This drastic change in the potential generated by the dopants

is related, besides its position, to its thickness. In this section,
we consider quantum barrier, 7.0 nm thick, entirely doped.
C. Effect of the number of Bragg mirrors in the superlattice (e) (f)

The confinement of the localized states in the continuum

depends directly on the number of Bragg mirrors which form
the superlattice. The structural defect quantum well is n-doped. Fig. 2. Effect of the doped region of the asymmetric superlattice on the band
The band structure of the superlattice with one and five Bragg structure and absorption spectrum. (a)-(b) For the modulation-doped structural
defect quantum well. (c)-(d) For the n-doped left barrier. (e)(f) For the n-doped
mirrors and the electron probability density are shown in Figs. right barrier.
3(a)(b). For the superlattice with one Bragg mirror, the wave
function of the localized states in the continuum (green and
black lines) are partially confined. For the superlattice with asymmetric and symmetric superlattices [2], [5], respectively.
five Bragg mirrors, the localized states in the continuum are The experimental oscillator strength of the symmetric super-
now completely localized. In Fig. 3(c) the oscillator strength lattice is 0.28 ˘ 0.01, 12% higher than the theoretical value.
as a function of the number of Bragg mirrors is presented. The For the asymmetric superlattice, the experimental oscillator
oscillator strength for the transition to the first localized state strength is 0.17 ˘ 0.02, 19% lower than the theoretical
in the continuum starts at 0.15 and reaches its highest value of prediction.
0.25 with two Bragg mirrors, while for the oscillator strength
for the second localized state, it starts at 0.05 and saturates IV. C ONCLUSION
around its highest value of 0.10 for four Bragg mirrors. In conclusion, a detailed study of the effect of the dopant
The asymmetry in the superlattice gives rise to leaky elec- location and the number of Bragg mirrors in the localized
tronic states in the continuum. Keeping the left side of the states in the continuum in InGaAs/InAlAs superlattices with a
structural defect fixed with five Bragg mirrors, the number of structural defect was presented. The band structure was self-
Bragg mirrors on the right is varied from one to five. The band consistently solved. Each situation studied was evaluated via
structure of the superlattice with one and five Bragg mirrors the oscillator strength for the transitions between the ground
on the right superimposed with the electron probability density state and the first localized state in the continuum. The location
can be seen in Figs. 4(a)-(b). The oscillator strength for the of the dopants dramatically changes the Bragg mirror condi-
first leaky electronic state, Fig. 3(c), starts at 0.21 and the tion required for the localized states in the continuum. The
maximum value of 0.25 is reached for two Bragg mirrors. position of the dopants at the structural defect is the one that
The black cross and the gray square seen inFig. 4(c) least alters the band structure and, consequently, the optical
represent the experimental oscillator strength of the lowest transition’s oscillator strength. In the symmetric superlattice
transition energy (between the ground state and the first local- with an n-doped structural defect, the first localized state in the
ized state) obtained by the measured absorption spectra of the continuum needed at least two Bragg mirrors for the saturation
of the oscillator strength, whereas for the second localized
state in the continuum four Bragg mirrors are required. The
leaky electronic state is created with the asymmetric super-
lattice with only one Bragg mirror. The oscillator strength
of the optical transition to the first localized state in the
continuum is 0.25, while for the first leaky electronic state
is 0.21. The theoretical values of the oscillator strength of the
asymmetric and the symmetric superlattices are compared to
the experimental values and a good agreement is obtained.
(a) (b) The self-consistent analysis of the band structure plays an
important role in the development/performance of superlattice
infrared photodetectors.
. The authors would like to thank CAPES foundation, CNPq,
FAPERJ, and FINEP for the financial support.

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Fig. 4. Comparison of the number of Bragg mirrors to the right of the defect
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