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My best friend's name is Mixzy, she’s my age, we were both born in the same month but one

day apart, We always plan to spend our birthdays together. Mixzy likes to draw and paint like
me, also we both like to dance at parties, Although I rarely go out. She also likes to put on
makeup a lot, I'm not so much into putting on makeup. Usually, on weekends we go to ride a
bike around the neighborhood, we never left the district. She knows how to drive and she's
teaching me now. Mixzy doesn't like sports but sometimes we play volleyball in the park, I like
handball more. she likes to go to the gym in the morning, I prefer to go for a walk with my pet.
Mixzy doesn't like to read, now I'm reading a book that she gave me for my birthday. We never
made long calls, to tell each other something we usually get together to watch movies. We
studied at the same university she studied nutrition and I studied psychology. Now we are
both doing our theses to graduate While we work to save some money, she is working in an
organic store at the center, and I work in a grocery store. When the holidays arrive, she plans
to go to Chiclayo with her grandparents. I'm not trying to travel right now, but I'm processing
my passport so I can one day travel.

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