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Geocentrism Theory of Claudius Ptolemy on the solar system

Heliocentrism Theory of Nicholas Copernicus on the solar system

Earth is the center of the solar Theory of Aristotle on the solar system

Geoheliocentric Model Tycho Brahe's model on the solar system

Six planets orbit the sun; sun is the Johannes Kepler's conclusion on the solar system
center/ Laws of Planetary Motion

Heliocentric Universe the advocacy of Galileo Galilei on the solar system

Psychoanalysis Theory of Sigmund Freud

Theory of Evolution by Natural Theory of evolution by Charles Darwin


INFORMATION REVOLUTION period when information societies were based on the production
of information and services

Industrial Revolution period when societies were rooted in the production of material

Digital Technology the steam engine of information society

Inca Civilization known to build suspension bridges and miles of road

Mayan Civilization developed the position-value number system with zero

Aztec Civilization developed religious calendar

Aztec used pictograms-little pictures that convey meaning to the


used cacao beans as money for trading

Maya developed hieroglyphic style of writing

said to excelient goldsmith

Inca use quipu system of recording

credited for the invention of rubber

Goodness it is that which all things aim

Eudaimonia an ancient Greek word which means living and doing well

Happiness said to be the ultimate end of human action

pursued for its own sake

Aristotle he is the ancient Greek philosopher known for Nichomachean

False the good life means that I make sure I improve without
necessarily taking others into consideration

False one does not need to eat healthfully to live the good life

False excellence of character is innate. it does not have to be


Virtue constant practice of the good

Moral Virtues & Intellectual Virtues Aristotle's two kinds of virtue

Aristotle "all human beings aim at some good. Every art and human
inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, it thought to aim
at some good, and for this reason, the good has to be rightly
declared as that which all things aim"

Eudaimonia Greek word of "good spirited"

Happiness & Excellence two characteristics of having a good life

Virtue true happiness comes from living a life, a life of excellence not
just for self but for others as well

Human Dignity an ultimate core value of our existence that brings man to a
good life

Freedom, rational, loving three means for being a fully human that more empowered to
make choices, value, and apply principles of logic and science

Materialism the first materialists were the anatomists in ancient Greece

Hedonism for them, life is about obtaining and indulging pleasure because
life is limited

Stoicism the idea that to generate happiness, one must learn to distance
oneself and be apathetic

Theism the ultimate basis of happiness for theists is the communion with

Humanism the freedom of man to carve his own destiny and to legislate his
own laws, free from the shackles of a God that monitors and

Good Life it is marked by happiness brought about by the virtuous human

actions and decisions that affect the individual self and the
greater community

Human Flourishing deeply intertwined with goal

Science and Technology relevant tool in achieving human flourishing

Martin Heidegger "technology is a human activity that we excel in as a result of

achieving science"

Technology is a human activity, goal-oriented, brings forth good

life-truth, means to an end, reveals human person and the world,
way of bringing forth

Verification Theory the idea of science if it can be confirmed through measurable

experiments and repeatability

Falsification Theory an ideology that is acceptable as long as it is not proven to be


Aletheia unhiddenness or disclosure

Poiesis bringing forth

Techne the root word of technology that means skill, art or craft; bringing
forth something

Calculative Thinking the way people look at nature that man puts order and puts a
system in nature so it can be better understood and controlled

Meditative Thinking the way people look at nature that man lets nature reveal itself
without forcing it

1. Nature knows best. 3 Principles of Nature

2. Everything else is connected to
3. We are stewards of nature.

The Universal Declaration of the global standard of fundamental human rights for universal
Human Rights (UDHR) recognition and protection

Dignity the right of a person to be valued, respected and treated


Social Empowerment being more empowered to make choices in the society where
one belongs

Digital World the migration of real-world experiences to the digital world

wherein one is bringing on tv shows, social media, video games

Internet Addiction Disorder the behavioral addiction in which one is dependent and is being
hooked with the internet

Nature in the story of the village of the watermills, science and

technology does not guarantee happiness because the thing
that we cannot afford to live without is

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