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US to pursue talks with Afghanistan despite frustration with Taliban

Date – 23rd August, 2022

Joe Biden's administration will pursue talks with Afghanistan on releasing billions of dollars in
Afghanistan’s foreign held assets despite it's frustration with Taliban and Afghan Central Bank, according
to sources.
US State Department and Treasury officials communicated their assent to independent analysts 12 days
after a CIA strike that killed former Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
The main motive behind this effort is to help stabilise Afghanistan’s economy and mitigate the effects of
a humanitarian crisis that can result in acute hunger for over 40 million people in the country.
The plan involves transferring billions in foreign held Afghan Central Bank assets to Swiss based trust
fund with the help of an international board that will bypass the Taliban. The plan has been discussed
with Switzerland and involved parties.
According to a source, the strike in Kabul did not change US government’s commitment to set up an
international fund. The Taliban and Afghan Central Bank, however, are not acting swiftly.
US, along with several other donors, halted aid to Afghanistan that funds 70% of its government budget
after the seizure by Taliban. While Washington froze 7 billion dollars in Afghan assets, other countries
hold Afghan assets amounting to 2 billion dollars.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan granted protective bail after in a terrorism case
Date – 23rd August, 2022

The Islamabad High Court on Monday granted 3 days of protective bail to Former Prime Minister Imran
Khan in a terrorism case filed against him for threatening a female judge, police and other state
institutions in a rally.
The FIR registered against him at a police station in Islamabad said that during a rally held by Pakistan
Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PIK), Imran Khan terrorised and threatened top police officials and a respected female
judge with an objective to stop them from performing their functions.
In the speech given at the PIK rally, Imran Khan threatened to file cases against several high authorities
including police officials, a female magistrate, Additional District and Sessions Judge and Election
Commission. The threats came in light of the treatment meted out to Imran Khan's close aide Shahbaz
Gill over sedition charges.
He had also threatened to file cases against several political opponents.
The case against Imran Khan was registered in the Margalla Police Station after which he was booked
under the Anti-Terrorism Act. He then moved the court to seek a pre arrest bail in the case.

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