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How to Make a Pair of Dowsing Rods Have you ever seen a pair of dowsing rods on a television show, and wished you could have a pair? Well now you can, and even make them yourself in the comfort of your own home! Many of the tools required will be found around the house. If not, a simple trip to a hardware store will allow you to buy the tools in one visit, and under 15 dollars. Tools Needed: © 2 metal coat hangers or metal wire (brass or copper) A pair of needle nose pliers © A pair of wire cutters © Two hollow metal tubes Directions: Find a place in your home that will give you plenty of space to work on. I recommend a kitchen table, or a large desk. Gather all the required tools, and spread them out. If you chose to use coat hangers: Using the pliers, cut below the twisted wire handle on both. sides so you are left with an oval shaped wire. Do this for both coat hangers. Straighten out both wires so that there are no bends or twists. I recommend cutting both wires to be 17 inches long, This way it leaves enough room for a handle on the dowsing rods. On both wires, measure 5 inches in from the end of the wire, and bend it to form a 90 degree angle. This leaves a 5 inch handle, and a 12 inch spinning rod. Ifyou chose to use wire: If the wire is wound around a spool or other object, unravel and cut two 17 inch pieces, and straighten them out leaving no twists or bends. On both wires, measure 5 inches in from the end of the wire, and bend it to form a 90 degree angle. This leaves a 5 inch handle, and a 12 inch spinning rod. After you have your pieces, both coat hanger and wire: Make sure there are no bends in the wire. At the end of the 12 inch rod, using a pair needle-nose-pliers curl the wire inward forming a circle at the end. This way, there will not be a sharp edge spinning in front of your face, easily creating a hazard, ‘The Final Step ‘Take two hollow copper or brass metal tubes. They should be 4.5 inches long, and the hollow area should be wide enough that the dowsing rods can slide inside and spin freely. Once you have the pair of metal tubes, place one tube on each of the dowsing rod handles. Using the needle-nose-pliers, bend the end of the exposed handle around forming a circle. This will ensure that the metal tube will not fall off. Attaching the metal tubes allows users to hold the rods, and allow the rods to spin freely. This will eliminate people spinning the rods subconsciously. While this can still happen, the chances of it happening greatly decrease. By completing this step, the rods are finished! Congratulations, you now have a fully functioning pair of dowsing rods

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