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Introduction Lesson
OBJECTIVE: Prepare for viewing the film
Casablanca by exploring the film's historical
and cultural context, and predict key themes.

STUDENTS: Navigate through the slides and complete each section.

On the Padlet linked in the title above, reflect on the title of the film "Casablanca" and share your
initial impressions, thoughts, and questions about the film based solely on the title.
THEN, Google “Casablanca -1943”. Share your findings in the appropriate section of the padlet.

Click the video to view this modernized trailer for
the film made by HBOmax.
What are some of your predictions about what
the film will be about?

a. Watch “Casablanca in WWII” b. A Real Wartime Couple in
Watch, read, Casablanca, 1943

view each Click the link in the title, then read

resource to the quick intro and scroll through

the photos. What are the people
explore the wearing? What is the setting of the
historical photos like?
of C. Read this excerpt of Casablanca (1943) from Sparknotes:
Casablanca “Casablanca is an exploration of the universal themes of love and sacrifice, but
when the film was released in 1942, audiences viewed it as a political allegory
about World War II. The film is set in December 1941, the month in which the
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. That attack changed the course of American
history, awakening the nation from political neutrality and thrusting it into the
midst of World War II. Casablanca tells the story of a similar, though much
smaller, awakening.” 3
(in your notebook)
EXPLAIN Based on what you viewed in the
previous slide, explain in your own
words what the geopolitical scene was
like in early 1940s Casablanca.

Click here for Casablanca Theme Jamboard

Fill out the class jamboard to help predict how these key
themes in the film will take place in Casablanca (1943).

Each group will be assigned one theme to leave a sticky notes

describing how you think this theme will present itself in the
film and why you think so. Use evidence and reasoning to
support your prediction.
Step 1: Discuss with your group
what predictions you came up
with and why you created them

Step 2: Choose a group member

to represent your group and
share with the class.

Step 3: One group member will

share with the class and we will
discuss whether your
classmates agree with your
predictions or have predictions
of their own for your theme!


(in your notebook)

Knowing what you know now about the film’s historical and
cultural background, how do you think that will affect the
plot and characters within our film? Do you think any of the
themes we discussed are connected to the historical and
cultural background of the film (or times)? If yes, how so?

Click here for Casablanca Google Doc

After watching the film as a class, review your reflection

answer and consider how the film presented the
geopolitical climate of Casablanca in the 1940s (or Europe
in the 1940s). Find and read one online article that talks
about the historical and/or cultural background of the film
and or real-life place during this time period.
Add the title of your article in our class Google Doc with a
description of what the article was about for your peers.
Lesson Plan
Click here for AI Generated Lesson Plan in Google Doc

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