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1.Set the root password to “thuctive”

2. Set selinux policy to enforcing
3. Enable the boolean -
3. create groups redhat and tekup
4. create users : foulen1 , flouen2 and foulen3 as follow:
* all users have their password set to “thuctive”
*foulen1 has 1300 as uid and a comment “guest”
*foulen2 has “/bin/bash” as a shell
*foulen3 has a home directory “/home/test” and uid of 1301
*foulen1 has tekup as his primary group , foulen2 has redhat as primary group and
tekup as secondary, foulen3 has both groups as secondary
7. foulen2’s password will expire on april 5 th 2030 , has a minimum password age of
5 , 7 days of warning
8.create directory “/home/tekup”. owned by root and its group is redhat. redhat
members has access permission , others have none files created in this direcetory
inherit the group too and cannot be deleted only by their owners or root su
10.copy ‘/etc/passwd’ under ‘/tmp’. foulen1 has the right to read and change it foulen2
has none
11. copy all files owned by “user” under “/opt/dir
12. copy “/etc/shadow” under “/home/tekup/”, create a new file called nopass
containing all lines that have ”!!” in them.
13. under ‘/home/tekup’ create a file called start containing all system targets
14. . Set the system to sync time with server (your second machine).
15. Create a user called ldapuser11 so that when he connects , his home folder will be
mounted on “/home/remote/ldapuser1” .
The base directory for ldapuser11 on the server is /linux.
16. As the student user create a detached apache http web server container with the
name, (site1) .
Create and mount the ~/storage/html/ to /var/www/html on the container.
Also, port 80 on the container should be mapped to port 3000 on the host. Declare the
environment variables, httpd_user and httpd_password and use admin as their values.
17. Configure the container as a service using systemd and make the web
server/container persistent across reboot.

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