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By: Lewelyn Villanueva

Before discussing where poverty begins let's find out what poverty means.
Poverty is the most trending crisis in the world, from social medias, television and it can
also be seen in the street. In this case, it's hard to think “why poverty do not end”.
Poverty is a state of not being able to get things which are available in market with high
rate label. We cannot define poverty by just saying having no money.” Poverty begins in
the mind. We conclude different thoughts over this. I am giving you the best reason that
will describe this phrase and I will help you to get rid of this. Yes! It is a state of mind.
Our mind is like a machine reacting on whatever we can see and whatever we want to
see. We see the label of poor, our mind pops different thoughts like “Is this real?” Ask
yourself, what would be the answer to this question. Well having not enough money
can't be the reason why you are poor, or you can't conclude that you are poor. “Poverty
only begins in the mind”.
First, stop thinking that you are poor. Start thinking that you are a human being.
A human machine that can work thousand times better than handmade machines. So,
don't let your brain create negativity on poverty mindset. You can achieve anything by
letting your brain work on different things. Get up and find the ways that can make you
more powerful, not more stressful. So, get up and find the ways too in achieving good
levels of life. And if you are rich, teach your heart and set your mind to give you rich
ideas to help the poor or the needy ones. Your thoughts about poverty makes you rich
or poor. “Poverty only begins in the mind”
We change the world by changing our mindset. I give you a famous quote that is
giving the right meaning here…” What we think, we become” It means, money can't
decide whether you are a poor or rich, but your mindset can. Poverty begins in the
mind. Then, think rich to become rich.

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