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“Learning is the best when students are not confined with rules and limits”.

This is my
personal educational philosophy. What I believe to be the purpose of education, how my
students will learn, and what my student’s role, and my role as a teacher in the
classroom, forms a philosophy with my own believes that will impact to my students. I
believe that the teacher needs to be the center figure in the classroom, but I also
believe that the students need to be active well in learning too. I am anti-modernist
approach to education because I don’t follow certain order in conducting my classroom
instruction. I just want my students to enjoy and be creative enough as they want
because for me, that is the best learning when they are given a chance to do what they
want to do in the learning process. Somehow it can be related to postmodernism or
existentialism because it is a student-centered philosophy in which students are free to
explore with their own ideas and share concepts with one another in non-traditional
ways and engaged in all aspects of learning and works together with the teacher and
their peers to develop a curriculum and evaluation system that allows for individual
interests and abilities. Through my philosophy, I can fosters critical thinking, creates
active and motivational learners.
Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free to
flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in
shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern. The highest function of education
is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole. I
believe that teachers’ practices and attitudes are important for understanding and
improving the educational processes. They are closely linked to teachers’ strategies for
coping with challenges in their daily professional life and to their general well-being.
They shape students’ learning environment and influence student motivation and
achievement. A good teacher is one who is able to explain and demonstrate concepts in
a variety of ways for a variety of different learners and learning styles. A good teacher is
a good learner, they learn how their students learn and modify their teaching

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