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Assembly Language Lab

1) An example to demonstrate the behavior of addition

2) An example to demonstrate the behavior of addition and subtraction instruction.

3) Consider an example to understand the behavior of MOV instruction. In the code given
below, a and b are the variables. DB is used for storing byte and DW is used for storing a
word (2 bytes).

4) The XCHG instruction exchanges the contents of the source and destination. Both operands
should be of the same type either word (16 bits) or a byte (8 bits). It does not support segment

Assembly Language Lab

registers. The direct exchange of data between memory locations is illegal. Both operands
should be a general-purpose register.

5) It is an increment instruction which takes only one operand. The INC instruction adds 1 to
the contents of destination operand.

6) It is a decrement instruction which takes only one operand. The DEC instruction subtracts 1
from the contents of destination operand.

7) Simple Input/output

Assembly Language Lab

8) Code to display hello world

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