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Writing question

Semana: 7

Nombre del estudiante:

Jafet Josue Giron
Sede de estudio:
Ceutec San Pedro Sula

Ana Gonzalez


Fecha de entrega:
Lunes 6 de marzo del 2023
Sarah´s party

Sarah is having a party. All her friends are there. Sarah is wearing a
new green skirt. Her friends all look nice, too. They are listening to
music, dancing, and talking. Some people are sitting on the couch
and watching TV. It´s a fun party! Rachel is dancing with Peter. They
have a lot in common. They both like jazz music and horror movies.
Penny is eating a sandwich and drinking soda. Richard is having fun.
Penny and Richard like each other.  Richard is smiling at Penny
because he likes her. In the backyard, people are sitting beside the
swimming pool. When Malika suddenly falls into the pool, everyone
laughs: even Malika! Now her clothes are all wet. Everybody is
having a great time.
Nobody wants to go home!
Write wh-questions based on the story. Use the following words
and add one question on your own.
1        Who is Sarah?
2        What is Sarah wearing?
3        What are people doing?
4        Who is Rachel dancing with?
5        Who are Penny and Richard?
6        Why everyone laughs? penny
7        Where is the party?
8        Why Richard is smiling at?

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