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A screenplay by Jed Edgar

Inspired by To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar

EXT. Los Angeles Corporate building — Day

INT. A big man sits behind his desk, a man in a suit stands beside

him sliding what appears to be a collection of papers towards another

man who sits across from him.

We slowly zoom in on this man, he appears nervous but excited. His

leg is bouncing as if he had too much coffee, the sound quickly fades



Well son, I speak for the whole record company when I say we

absolutely love your demo and with a little tweaking from our team’s

excellent A&R’s we think you could be the next big thing


Thank you sir, you don’t know how much that means to me I’ve been

working my whole life for this moment


Please call me Sam. I like to have a very personal relationship with

all my clients. I want you guys to see me as the fun loving Uncle.

The man across from him laughs politely at this. The assistant hands

Sam the pieces of paper he’s holding and Sam begins indicating places

on the paper towards the man.


Now if you can just sign here, here and here at the bottom and then

we can finally get started.

The man signs his name—Andre Glover—in the three indicated places

Uncle Sam’s eyes malevolently glow red for the slightest moment,

Andre is too busy admiring the contract to notice.



Sam takes the paper and files it within this huge filing cabinet that

has the capacity to store millions and millions of files. Dreams

labeled out and condemned to small pieces of paper.


Okay so first things first we’re gonna send you up to PR they’ll give

you themes to hit when we have your introducing press conference in

about an hour where spoiler alert you’ll be announcing your upcoming



I have an album coming out soon?

Andre sounds confused because while he has been working on an album

he hasn’t told anyone about it, it isn’t even close to being ready

for mass consumption


Ah yes that reminds me, Clark!

The assistant comes out from behind the big man.


Yes sir?


Please get the writers to send Andre the lyrics for his upcoming



Right away sir

Clark rushes out of the room. Andre looks upset


I don’t need writers I’m a writer


Yes yes, I know. But we don’t have time to waste for the age

demographic you’re trying to hit we have to continue to build

interest after your first hit song, the second you take a prolonged

break to write your album you’re out of the public eye, which means

you won’t make as much money, which means you’re dead to us. Now

there’s plenty of time for you to write your own stuff, just as long

as you can continue to pump a chart topping single out every 6 months

and an album every 15 we should be fine.


But I’m working on an album. Just give me 2 months and it’ll be



We don’t have that kinda time Andre. See we just signed you to a

million dollar deal, we have to put something out within the next two

weeks two even make our money back. But listen, this isn’t a bad

thing, it's a new way of life, you no longer have to prove anything

to anyone with your music. You made it, you're a millionaire. What do

you want? A boujee mansion, swanky car, jewelry? Hell you can have a

plethora of all these things, you can buy the whole shopping mall for

all I care! Too much ain’t enough Andre. Go live lavishly.

Andre still seems as if he wants to argue he opens his mouth but no

words come out. The weight of what Sam had just said hits him slowly

but surely he seems less up in arms by the whole idea of having

foregoing writing all together. This makes Uncle Sam smile, he has

one last trick up his sleeve and Andre’s will will become pacified.


Come, lets go talk with pr

Sam gets up and walks towards the door Andre follows him, they walk

past the receptionist and into the elevator. Sam scans his keycard

and hits the very bottom button.


You’ll love Lucy, she has a way of making people feel… dangerous. She

offers true happiness. She’s actually the one who runs things here.

I'm just the day to day guy, she’s more of the big picture.

The elevator clings to a stop, the doors roll open and outside of

them stands the most gorgeous, attractive woman Andre has ever seen.

She has raven dark hair amber colored eyes and is wearing a short red

dress that radiates with her eyes. Andre can see what Sam meant, just

being around her Andre felt compelled to let his more primal

instincts take over.


Told you have fun now buddy

Sam pushes Andre out of the elevator and begins to go up, leaving

Andre and Lucy alone.


So you're who I keep hearing about huh

Her sultry voice is almost at a whisper


What is it that you’ve heard

She starts circling him now looking him up and down like a vulture to

it’s prey


That you could be the greatest artist of all time. That you could be

the most beloved, the most influential, rich and attractive artist of

this generation.


I don’t know who you’ve been talking to that doesn’t sound like

anyone I know. That doesn’t sound like me at all.

Andre laughs. Lucy stops circling and looks him right in the eyes her

gaze is enough to make any man's knees buckle. Andres legs feel like

jello, his bones like toothpicks. He looks in her eyes and sees

everything he wants the possibilities she had just described to him

she leans in his ear and whispers


But it could be. If you listen to me that will be how everyone will

view you and talk about you, Sam offered you all the material you

could ever want and I can offer you everything else, love, lust,

fame, fortune? Your wildest dreams can become a reality if you listen

to me.


This sounds too good to be true


I assure you my darling it is. And it's what I have to offer you


But I don’t have anything you could possibly want

Lucy inches closer to his face they are almost nose to nose, Andre

can feel her hot breath on his face she stares him down looking

straight through the eyes as if she can see his soul


Oh but you do, I want you.

Lucy leans in as if she’s gonna to kiss Andre, he leans in ready for

it but she pulls away at the last minute and conjures papers as if

out of thin air.


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