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Croce Rossa (C). . . . . . . . 11,703 Torre d'Ovarda (C) . . . . . . .


Carmelite, on whose death she became the wife of David (1 Sam.

prevented from contamination from without, putrefaction did

but which is nearly always exceeded, is one-quarter of 1%.

in 1649, and of the latter in 1651; and both of them were

See William Barnes, The Settlement and Early History of

where they have been rashly cut away, and the waters pour

and Ainsworth composed An Apology or Defence of such true

LONG ISLAND.) Howe has been criticized, rightly or wrongly,

As thus far considered, alliteration is a device wholly

bottomry; also all suits civil and maritime between merchants

it was incorporated as a borough and its name was changed to

goods. The imports comprise timber, grain, iron, linseed and

1852 the province of Amazonas was formally installed. In

country formed by a portion of their western spurs and

strengthened, however, the movement in favour of transfer.

per pound of cell at a 20-ampere rate, and 13.5 watt-hours

the rout of a detachment and the forcible seizure of some

Assembly (cf. Sigismund Lacroix, Actes de la commune de Paris.)

British navy was able to cover the retreat of the army from

(March 1756) in the 3rd Dragoon Guards. He served with his

the Federal vessels that were chasing them, but, in spite of

The following is a list of the territorial and state governors of Alabama:--

search of work continued unchecked (see below, Agricultural

empire, practically coincident with Asia Minor (q.v..)

stock. This was done, even by the poor or ill-furnished,

lines, still more rarely curves or the points of angles opening

Tell. In the south the Albian subdivision of the Gault is alone

acres in the case of better or poorer land. The total value

the Great Charter (1215), the lord's ransom from captivity.

1841. His first political service was as a member (1869-1875)

London, 1898) in the ``Yale Studies in English.'' Alcuini

The name Ambrosia was also applied by Dioscorides and Pliny

(See LIBRARIES and ALEXANDRIA.) Not only is this act of

Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey, where he remained until

under 600 ft. occupying an unusually small part of the surface;

natural beauty in the surroundings, but the mountains render

capacity. The Americans in the Civil War used much

the Kundar river with the Gomal) the Afghan boundary marches

initials ``C,'' ``W,'' and ``E'' show to which group each peak

and the largest ocean steamers may ascend it to the Fall

united administratively under a commissioner-general.

England. In 1858-1864 the lower Zambezi, the Shire and Lake

1863); K. Werner, Alkuin und sein Jahrhundert (Paderborn,

of the Cystocarp in Rhodymeniales,'' i. and ii., Annals

Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (70 vols., most

Nevertheless the political situation was still embarrassing,

with the original owner until the trees, if any, swept away

During the anarchy which accompanied Ottoman rule in Egypt

In the United States, and the British colonies in which English

Action across a Distance contrasted with Transmitted Action.--In

Aletschhorn. . . . . . . . . . 13,721 Mettenberg . . . . . . . . . . . 10,194

Berlin Act may be summed up as follows. The signatory powers

the agricultural distress, to inquire into which a royal

tea, to the prejudice of the health of his majesty's subjects,

source of Aegina's greatness, and her trade, which appears

Croce, who had helped to seize Cardinal Orsini, and Troches

almost exclusively of the passes across the main chain or

trial of which had been suggested to him by Waldie, a chemist of

scandal. This orator was known as Terrae filius. In 1721

recognize the gravity of the situation. At the diet which

on the 21st of January 1892, and was buried in St Giles's

genius of healing, and his daughter Hygieia, the goddess of

R. . Capefigue, Marie Marguerite Al-Coq (Paris, 1866).

Apries was killed and honourably buried in the 3rd year of

Lord absolve thee''; and this is still the practice of the Greek

biological survey, which studies the geographic distribution

marriage, order that the husband shall, to the satisfaction

lost Hungary. A war with Persia terminated in disaster,

him the hand of his niece Marcella (28). We must suppose

M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy.

Col di Fremamorta (Tinee Valley to the Baths of Valdieri),

welcome the offer; and upon his refusal to admit a British

Florideae (Padua, 1889-1900); P. Falkenberg, ``Die Algen

centrifugal tendency of the Greeks more persistent than in such

name Ala-tau also enters into the designation of (6), a range

exemption from punishment till he has actually received it.

originally yielded to the abbot of Glastonbury, until in

the passing of the Food Act this objectionable practice was

to the south and west of Abyssinia; and negotiations were

Oxus, where he had been governing when his father died; and

a fine Norman arch of the middle of the 12th century, and

brought, it will not be necessary to acclimatize, in the

New England scholarship.

spiritual birth begun at his baptism and consummated at his

justifying the truth of a bargain or transaction, as: ``I

It rises in Lake St Joseph in 91 deg. 25, W. and 50 deg. 55' N., and

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