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ROLL NO- A.20.21

M&M'S is a popular brand of chocolate candy that is

manufactured by Mars, Incorporated. The candy is made
up of small, round pieces of chocolate that are coated in a
colorful candy shell.
The brand was first introduced in 1941 and the name
"M&M'S" is derived from the initials of the candy's
creators, Forrest Mars and R. Bruce Murrie. The candy
was originally designed for soldiers as a way to provide
them with a portable, tasty snack that wouldn't melt in
their pockets.
Over the years, M&M'S has become a beloved treat all
over the world. The candy is available in a wide range of
flavors and varieties, including milk chocolate, dark
chocolate, peanut butter, caramel, and more. The brand
has also been involved in numerous marketing campaigns,
including the iconic "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your
Hands" slogan.
M&M'S has also expanded beyond the candy aisle, with
branded merchandise such as clothing, accessories, and
even home decor. The brand is known for its distinctive
"M" logo and vibrant colors, which have become instantly
recognizable around the world. Now this Brand is
launching it's product in INDIA.
Launching a new product in a new market can be
challenging, but with a well-thought-out strategy,
M&M'S can successfully enter the Indian market.
Here are some key elements that M&M'S could
consider when launching their candy in India:

1. Target Audience: M&M'S should identify their

target audience in India. This could include
children, young adults, families with children, and
people who enjoy sweets and chocolates. M&M'S
could conduct market research to understand the
preferences and behaviors of their target audience
in India.
2. Marketing Strategy: M&M'S should focus on
building brand awareness in India through various
marketing channels. This could include advertising
on social media platforms like Facebook and
Instagram, as well as through popular Indian
media channels like television, radio, and print.
M&M'S could also partner with popular Indian
influencers or celebrities to promote their brand.
3. Localization: M&M'S could tailor their product
and marketing strategy to suit the Indian market.
For instance, they could offer flavors that are
popular in India, such as mango or cardamom.
They could also adjust their packaging design to
appeal to Indian consumers.
4. Distribution Strategy: M&M'S will need to identify
the best distribution channels to reach their target
audience in India. This could include partnering with
local retailers, and e-commerce platforms, or setting
up their own physical stores in high-traffic areas.

5. Pricing Strategy: M&M'S will need to carefully

consider its pricing strategy in India to ensure that its
products are accessible to its target audience while still
generating a profit. They could offer competitive
pricing in comparison to other brands in the market.

Overall, M&M'S will need to invest in a

comprehensive marketing strategy to successfully
launch their candy in India. By understanding their
target audience, adapting to the local market, and
utilizing various marketing channels, they can increase
brand awareness and ultimately achieve success in the
Indian market.

In the Indian market, M&M'S will face competition

from other well-established chocolate and candy
brands. Some of M&M'S competitors in the Indian
market include:

1. Cadbury: Cadbury is a British multinational

chocolate company that has a significant presence
in the Indian market. They offer a wide range of
chocolate products, including Dairy Milk, 5 Star,
and Gems.
2. Nestle: Nestle is a Swiss multinational food and
beverage company that offers a range of
chocolate and confectionery products, including
Kit Kat and Munch.
3. Ferrero: Ferrero is an Italian chocolate and
confectionery company that offers products such
as Ferrero Rocher, Kinder Joy, and Nutella.
To overcome these competitors in the Indian
market, M&M'S could adopt several strategies:

1. Differentiation: M&M'S could differentiate its

products from those of its competitors by
offering unique flavors and packaging. For
example, they could offer flavors that are
popular in India, such as cardamom or mango.
2. Localization: M&M'S could tailor their
marketing strategy to suit the Indian market.
They could collaborate with local influencers, use
Indian festivals as an opportunity to promote
their products, and offer localized packaging to
appeal to Indian consumers.
3. Distribution Strategy: M&M'S could leverage the
growing e-commerce market in India and partner
with popular online retailers such as Amazon and
Flipkart to reach a wider audience.
4. Pricing Strategy: M&M'S could offer competitive
pricing in comparison to their competitors. They
could also introduce smaller, more affordable
pack sizes to make their products accessible to a
wider audience.
5. Marketing Campaigns: M&M'S could invest in
creative and engaging marketing campaigns that
resonate with Indian consumers. They could partner
with local celebrities, sponsor events, and run social
media campaigns to build brand awareness and
increase visibility.

Overall, M&M'S will need to differentiate itself

from its competitors in the Indian market by
offering unique flavors, localized marketing
strategies, and competitive pricing. By leveraging
these strategies, M&M'S can successfully establish a
strong foothold in the Indian chocolate and
confectionery market.

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