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TEST I. Table Completion. Complete the table below. Write your answer in the spaces
provided. (50points)
Characters Narration/Highlight Moral Lesson
The Request of the Mother In this story, the mother Personally, the moral lesson
of James and of the story is to be of
Zebedee John approached Jesus and service to everyone. Jesus
knelt before Him, and asked teaches both James and John
James that her two sons sit at His that if you want to be a
left and right sides when He follower of the lord, you
John becomes the King. Jesus told must serve all the people
her that the woman might who need your help and
Jesus not understand what she even those who need help
was asking. When the other but aren’t reaching their
Other disciples ten followers heard this, hand for aid. Another thing
they were enraged at the about the story is that, it
two brothers. However, serves as a reminder that
Jesus explained to them that everyone yearns for
they must not behave in the approval and rewards.
manner in which kings of These are all items from the
the nations demonstrate outside world that we are
their power to the people or unable to bring into heaven.
important leaders wield Jesus died for our sins, and
power over the people. He comes to us to serve. We
Jesus made it clear that He need to constantly remind
came to care for others. He ourselves of this. It is not at
came to give His life so that all acceptable to imagine the
many people could be eternal kingdom as having
bought with His blood and status and power. 
set free from the penalty of
The Parable of the Good This is the story of a Jewish For me, the moral lesson of
Samaritan man traveling from the story is to love everyone
Jerusalem to Jericho. equally without any
Robbers attacked him as he prejudices. This lesson has
Jesus Christ walked. They stripped him been ingrained for us
naked, severely beaten him, Marians for a long time as it
Priest and abandoned him on the is a core value of our alma
side of the road, badly matter and with that,
Samaritan injured. This man had been choosing to help anyone
passed by three people: a without thinking of its race.
Robbers priest, a Levite, and a Religion and other
Samaritan. When the priest circumstantial difference of
Levite saw the injured man, he a person in need is a part of
crossed the street to the our and specifically my
Innkeeper other side. He walked away identity. As a medical
without offering assistance practitioner I would
to the man. A Levite certainly come across
followed a little later down people who doesn’t believe
the same path. He, like the in the things that I believe
priest, saw the injured man in. There are people that
but made no attempt to help doesn’t want to be cured in
him. But then a Samaritan the hospital, and some don’t
appeared on the road. even believe in vaccinations.
Unlike the priest and the But as a medical
Levite, he stopped in his technologist and a follower
tracks and feel sorry for the of the lord, it is my duty to
man. He knelt down and help and inform everyone of
applied oil and wine to his factual information that will
wounds. He assisted the lead them to a future
man in climbing onto the without fear of being sick
back of his own donkey and and immunocompromise.
then walked alongside him As a Christian, it is a must
to an inn. that I fulfill my duty and
help everyone who needs
me no matter what they are
and no matter what they’ve

TEST II. ESSAY. Elaborate your answers.

1. As a Marian Student, what are the three things you learned from CFE class that you
want to share to other people? (20points)

As a Marian student, the first thing that I have learned is to further condemn
racism as I learned about different parables and lessons in my CFE classes. Racism
has been very prevalent in today's society. Just because of your race you are
prejudged by the people around you, call you names, and consider you below them.
That's also what people did to Jesus but with his love, and commitment to service, it
didn't hinder him to fulfill his mission. I for myself want to consider everyone and
not let any race dictate my decisions and as a medical technologist student. It is my
job to help everyone with any race equally.I have learned that racism.

The second thing I've learned is that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
We can never judge other people's lives because each person only knows their own
pain and renunciation. So, judge less, accept more, and rediscover your joy. One's
own judgment of oneself increases as one passes judgment on others. We train our
minds to find the bad in others by constantly seeing the bad in them.

The last thing I learned in CFE from the reflections and journals that I
answered is that we should learn to help other people regardless of how we feel
about them; we should learn how to set our feelings aside, especially if those people
are truly in need. Not only does helping others benefit others, but it also makes us
happier and healthier, and in some cases, it can reduce stress levels. Giving brings us
closer to others, strengthens communities, and helps to make our society a happier
place for all.

RUBRICS (20) Excellent Good Fair

Clarity and The answer is very The answer is more The answer is vague
Concreteness (6) specific and well or less concrete and and the formulation
formulated sufficiently worded is confusing.
The answer is The answer has The answer can
Relevance (7) relevant to the some connection to hardly be connected
theme of CICM and CICM and to missionary
missionary identity missionary work vocation or
The answer clearly The answer reflects The answer makes a
Authenticity (7) expresses a some personal ‘recycled’
personal experience thoughts and impression, lacking
or opinion of the phrases. roots in personal
student thinking or feeling.

Checked and Approved by:


Head, Christian Faith Education Department

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