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The goal of the project is to implement Ubuntu Linux web servers in the

AWS cloud.

After the implementation users can access web servers from the internet
using the browser. (HTTPS port number 443.)

All the TCP port numbers will be blocked from both EC2 security groups
and VPC security groups except TCP port number 443 to make sure
systems are heighly protected.

It is also recommended to implement firewall rules at the EC2 level and

hardening the server.

The Auto scaling was not implemented to due cost constrains and some
extra $$ need to pay for the cloudwatch.

We haven’t attached the Disk to the servers as it is not required now.

The Firewalls are not installed to save some cost.

Now, the testing is being done the TCP port numbers are wide open for
port 80, 22, and 443.

The apache2 to already installed on both EC2 instances to test the load
balancer on the port number 80.

We configured the network Loadbalancer to manage the load over the port
number 80 it can be changed to port 443 once https service enabled on EC2

How to add a new disk to the linux server if required in the future, we
need to follow the following steps:

- Create new disk from EC2 volumes in AWS console.

- Attach it EC2 instance.
- Configure /dev/xvd** in ubuntu as LVM.

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