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Alumno: Santiago Dreven

Materia: Inglés

As successful tech leaders,
the members of Forbes
Technology Council study
both current and
forecasted industry trends.
Below, they share 6
software development
trends they predict will
dominate the technology
sector in the months
ahead. Over the last few
years, the advances in
software development
made it necessary for
companies to keep going,
and this year was
enhanced with the global
pandemic that impacted
all industries.

We can say that the effects of Covid
paralyzed most industries. However,
IT development didn’t slow down.
More than that, software
development trends kept
accelerating faster. Therefore, we’ve
been forced to adapt to the new
environment using the technology we
have, for example, in terms of remote
work. Many new
technologies emerged and evolved,
and with them, new trends that we
can expect to grow when we go into

Forbes Technology Council: Consejo

tecnológico de Forbes
Current: Actual
Forecasted: Previsión
Below: Por debajo de
Months ahead: Meses por
delante Keep going: Sigue delante
Enhanced: Mejorado
Slow down: Reducir la
velocidad Ketp: Mantiene
Therefore: Por lo tanto
Evolved: Evolucionado
El consejo tecnológico de Forbes
previene que los meses por delante
mantendrá su mejoramiento y por lo
tanto, seguirá evolucionando.

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