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word meaning word meaning
1 otherwise 16 drink it plain 아무것도 넣지 않고 마시다

2 make it through 이겨내다, 버텨내다 17 consume

3 the UK 18 specific

4 consumer 19 term n. 용어, 기간, 학기

5 average 20 a pot of tea 홍차 한 주전자

6 weapon 21 container

7 as a result of 22 loose tea 깡통 등 방습용기에 다량으로 넣은 홍차

8 tradition 23 teapot

9 go back to 24 let it sit 그대로 두다

10 variety 품종, 변종, 다양성 25 according to

11 preferred 선호되는 26 serve (음식을)내다, 상에차리다

12 form v. 형성되다, 형성하다 27

13 develop 28

14 practice n. 관습,습관/관행,관례 29

15 whereas 30

1 It is no surprise that the UK is one of the world's largest tea consumers.

2 During World War Ⅱ, Winston Chruchill said tea was more important to British soldiers than weapons.

3 The British tea habit started as a result of its trade with China.

4 It was also around this time that a British tea culture started to form.

5 British people developed a practice of drinking tea with milk and sugar, whereas in other countries people drink it plain.

UNIT 1-2
word meaning word meaning
1 period 16

2 bar n. 술집 17

3 stay + 형용사 ~한 상태로 있다 18

4 siesta (더운지방에서)낮잠,휴식 19

5 climate 20

6 take a nap 21

7 would (옛날에)~하곤 했다 22

8 feel refreshed 기분이 상쾌한 23

9 make sense 24

10 air conditioning 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30

1 A siesta is a period during the middle of the day when everything stops and people can take a rest or sleep.

2 I'm not sure I understand why Spanish people take a siesta.

3 Things are different in modern times.

4 Few people actually have time to go home and get into bed.

5 Siestas는 우리가 스트레스를 덜 받는 삶을 살도록 도와준다. (help, stressful, life, a, us, live, siestas, less-배열)

UNIT 2-1
word meaning word meaning
1 language 16 emphasize

2 in contrast 17 explain

3 likely to-v 18 philosophy

4 point out 19 category

5 on the other hand 20 harmony

6 tend to-v 21 central

7 relational a. 22 essential

8 relation n. 23 conduct (실험,설문조사..)행하다

9 relate v. 24 demonstrate 보여주다, 입증하다

10 relationship n. 25 noun

11 infant 26 verb

12 involve 27

13 focus 28

14 individual n.개체,개별 a. 개별적인 29

15 care for 30

1 You might hear an American mother say this to her young son.

2 English-speaking mothers are more likely to point out objects.

3 Most Asian mothers, on the other hand, tend to use relational words when they talk to their infants.

4 Westerners believe it is important to understand individual objects and place them into categories.

5 For Asians, understanding how things relate to the whole is most essential.

6 An experiment was conducted to demonstrate the different pholosophies in Asinas and Westerners.
UNIT 2-2
word meaning word meaning
1 native speaker 모국어 사용자 16 unique

2 distance 17

3 accent 18

4 vocabulary 19

5 take the example of 20

6 get dressed 21

7 trainers (영국)운동화 22

8 recognize 23

9 confusion 24

10 publish 25

11 editor 26

12 nevertheless 27

13 similarly 28

14 richness 풍부함 29

15 variety 다양성 30

1 While all of these people speak English, distance and time have caused differences in the language.

2 Australians use many words that English speakers from other countries may not recognize.

3 It is sometimes hard for even native English speakers to understand them.

4 With a little practice, you will be able to guess a speaker's country from his or her accent and vocabulary.

UNIT 3-1
word meaning word meaning
1 lead to 16 situation

2 syndrome 17 become trapped

3 sore throat 18 whatever 무엇이건 간에

4 symptom 19 feel bad 몸이 불편하다(아프다)

5 specific 20 figure out

6 illness 21 ceiling

7 classic 전형적인 22 fall apart (오래되어)부서지다, 엉망이다

8 source 23 coworker

9 be related to 24

10 air circulation 25

11 properly 26

12 polluted 27

13 either A or B 28

14 chemical cleaner 29

15 worsen 30

1 Either old air doesn't leave the building properly or new air is polluted.

2 Whatever the reason for Sick Building Syndrome(SBS), the rusult is the same - people feel bad.

3 It is usually very difficult to figure out exactly what part of a building is sick.

4 In Boston, the ceiling was actually falling apart, causing people to breathe in harmful dust from above.

UNIT 3-2
word meaning word meaning
1 ecological 16 sort 종류

2 footprint 17 once 일단 ~하면

3 measure 18 planet

4 impact 19 meet 만족시키다(satisfy)

5 have an impact on 20 civilization

6 find out 21 demand

7 calculator 22 resource

8 a number of 23 in other words

9 available 24 restore 회복시키다, 복원하다

10 approximately 25 obviously

11 on average 26 sustainable

12 dispose of 27 solution

13 cover (주제)다루다 28 in the long run

14 such ~ as …. ….와 같은 (그러한)~ 29 make an effort

15 commute 30 bring about 야기하다, 초래하다

1 An "ecological footprint" measures the negative impact a person has on the environment.

2 There are a number of calculators available, each of which asks a number of questions about your lifesytle and activities.

3 In other words, it takes the Earth nearly a year and a half to restore the natural resources we use in just one year.

4 In the long run, every little effort we make now will help bring about a brighter future for our planet and everyone who lives on it.

UNIT 4-1
word meaning word meaning
1 although 16 involve

2 widely 17 strategy

3 overall 전체의, 전반적인 18 purchase

4 smoking rate 19 side effect

5 decrease 20 mouth cancer 구강암

6 the number of 21 packaging 포장재, 포장

7 increase 22 conclude

8 realize 23 demand

9 more likely to-v 24 regulation 규제

10 develop + 병명 (병, 문제)생기다 25 encourage

11 prematurely (너무)이르게, 일찍 26 broadcast

12 die from (병으로)죽다 27 nationwide 국가적인규모의

13 address (문제,상황)다루다, 고심하다 28 ban n. 금지

14 stop ~ from …ing 29 the World Health Organization 세계보건기구(WHO)

15 method 30 attempt

1 In fact, even thoiugh the overall smoking rate is decreasing, the number of teenage smokers is increasing.

2 To address this situation, many countires are working to stop their citizens from smoking.

3 Demarketing is a marketing strategy used to stop people from purchasing certain products.

4 Many studies have concluded that it takes an average of three years to reduce tobacco demand by 1%.

5 Teenagers tempted to try cigarettes should always keep in mind that smoking could cost them their lives.

UNIT 4-2
word meaning word meaning
1 lifetime 16 career (직업에서의)성공, 출세

2 stable 17 elderly people

3 population growth 18 support 부양하다

4 decade 19 particularly

5 warn ~ of … 20 retirement

6 overpopulation 21 issue

7 thanks to 22 workforce 노동인구, 노동력

8 underpopulation 인구부족 23

9 occur 24

10 birthrate 25

11 bring up (자녀)양육하다 26

12 raise 양육하다, ~을 들다, 올리다 27

13 furthermore 28

14 married couple 29

15 be concerned with ~에 관심(관계)이 있다 30

1 Furthermore, young married couples are often more concerned with reaching their career and personal goals, so they don't want to have children.

2 A decreasing birthrate is directly related to an increasing number of elderly people in society.

3 It costs more to support older people, but there are fewer young people in the workforce.

4 The situation is soserious that young people today cannot be sure there will be a retirement and health system to take care of them when they get old.

UNIT 5-1
word meaning word meaning
1 geography 지리학, 지리, 지형 16 shrink-shrank-shrunk 줄어들게하다

2 the Mercator projection 메르카토르 도법 17 officially

3 geographer 18 adopt 채택하다, 입양하다

4 mathematician 19 organization 기구, 조직

5 cartographer 지도제작자 20 be pleased with

6 cartograph (삽화가 있는)지도 21 be around 주변에 있다

7 plat surface 평평한 면 22 be willing to-v

8 equation 23

9 continent 24

10 navigation 25

11 most importantly 26

12 accurate 27

13 Northern hemispher 28

14 be referred to as ~라고 불리우다 29

15 nonetheless 30

1 To show the round earth on a flat surface, Mercator created a mathematical equation that keeps the correct shapes and directions of the continents.

2 Another problem is that Mercator maps make the Northern Hemisphere look larger than the South Hemisphere,
in order to place Europe and North America at the center of the map.

3 Referred to as the Perters projection, it uses an equation that shows the continents in their proper sizes.

4 Neither is perfect, but they both offer a meaningful view of our world.

UNIT 5-2
word meaning word meaning
1 the Golden Gate Bridge 금문교 16 withstand

2 engineering 공학, 공학기술 17 suspension bridge 현수교

3 despite 18

4 location 19

5 strait 해협 20

6 bay 21

7 construction 22

8 current 해류 23

9 present ~ with … 24

10 tend to-v ~하는 경향이 있다, ~하기 쉽다 25

11 combine A with B 26

12 architecture 27

13 at the same time 28

14 destroy 29

15 though (문장중간에쓰일때) 그러나 30

1 Despite its name, the bridge is not painted gold but orange.

2 It is called the Golden Gate Bridge because of its location, over the Golden Gate Strait, where the Pacific Ocean enters San Francisco Bay.

3 Orange paint was used because it looks wonderful against the cool blue colors of the sea and the sky.

4 In addition, the bay gets very foggy, so orange was chosen to help passing ships see it more easily.

UNIT 6-1
word meaning word meaning
1 literature 16 misunderstanding

2 novel 17

3 prejudice 18

4 focus on 19

5 except (for) 20

6 immediately 21

7 be attracted to 22

8 arrogance 23

9 energetic 24

10 despite 25

11 eventually 26

12 apologize (to A) for B 27

13 insult 28

14 blame A for B 29

15 break up (with) (~와) 헤어지다 30

1 Elizabeth is insulted, and blames him for treating Mr. Wickham badly and for causing Jane and Mr. Bingley to break up.

2 Their father is funny and wise, and their mother can think about nothing except finding husbands for her daughters.

3 After several more misunderstandings, Elizabeth finally realizes that Mr. Darcy is a good person and that she truly loves him.

4 Despite this, Elizabeth eventually finds herself attracted to Mr. Darcy and he asks her to marry him.

UNIT 6-2
word meaning word meaning
1 tame 16

2 establish 17

3 monotonous 18

4 stare at 19

5 extraordinarily 엄청나게 20

6 be in a hurry 21

7 wonder 22

8 well n. 우물 23

9 bucket 24

10 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30

1 “To me, you are nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys.

2 Suddenly, a train rushed past extraordinarily fast. The little prince asked the man why all the passengers were in such a hurry.

3 It was such a simple thing to do, but the little prince felt happy.

4 He wanted to know what they were looking for

UNIT 7-1
word meaning word meaning
1 glassblowing 유리불기, 유리세공 16

2 display 17

3 worldwide 18

4 recently 19

5 shape v. 모양을 만들다 20

6 gragile 21

7 brilliantly 찬란히, 훌륭히, 뛰어나게 22

8 inspire 23

9 piece (미술,음악,글)작품, 작품한점 24

10 contain 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30

1 It is the largest piece I have ever made.

2 He was amazed by this skill and decided to become a glass artist.

3 My mother’s beautiful flower garden inspires me.

4 We work together to create the pieces according to my designs.

5 It contains about one thousand multicolored glass flowers that hang from metal branches.

UNIT 7-2
word meaning word meaning
1 get paid 16

2 factory 17

3 sample v. 시식하다, 맛보다 18

4 fudge 퍼지(설탕, 버터, 우유로 만든 연한 사탕) 19

5 chunk 20

6 make sure 확인하다, 확실히하다 21

7 dairy business 낙농사업 22

8 ingredient 23

9 process 24

10 tongue 25

11 recognize 26

12 so far 27

13 unlike 28

14 insure ~에 보험을 들다 29

15 30

1 He focused on what he liked most, and turned a love for ice cream into a "sweet" career.

2 His uncle taught him about the ingredients and the process of making good ice cream.

3 He avoids eating spicy foods, such as pepper and garlic.

word meaning word meaning
1 task 16 expedition

2 alternative 17 leave behind

3 seige 포위(작전) 18 trace 흔적, 자취

4 assitant 19 accomplishment 업적, 공적, 성취

5 supply n. 보급품 20

6 attempt 21

7 mountain range 산맥 22

8 require O to-v 23

9 porter 24

10 equipment 25

11 set out 출발하다, 시작하다 26

12 besides 27

13 advantage 28

14 be caught in ~에 (갇혀) 옴싹달싹못하다 29

15 avalanche 30

1 The alpine style of climbing was developed as an alternative to the traditional way the tall mountains of the Asian Himalays were being climbed.

2 Alpine style means climbing the mouintain in a single attempt, carrying everything you need on your back.

3 They cannot use fixed ropes, bring along oxygen tanks or hire porters to help carry their equipment and supplies.

4 Since it takes less time, there is a smaller chance of being caught in a snowstorm or an avalanche.

5 Alpine-style climbers work quickly, leaving behind no trace of their amazing accomplishments.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 8-2
word meaning word meaning
1 be crazy about ~에 열광하다 16

2 brazilian 브라질의, 브라질사람 17

3 bounce (공이)튀다 18

4 lie in ~에 있다 19

5 be encouraged to-v 20

6 as … as possible 21

7 technique 22

8 atmosphere 23

9 passion 24

10 That's why + 문장 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30

1 Young players in Brazil are encouraged to spend as much time as possible with a ball to develop their skills.

2 It is smaller and heavier than a normal soccer ball, and also bounces less

3 With energy and passion for soccer, Brazilians developed their own way of practice.

UNIT 9-1
word meaning word meaning
1 be afraid of 16 life-long

2 take off 17

3 psychologist 18

4 specialize in 19

5 therapy 20

6 computerized 21

7 virtual world 22

8 scene 23

9 amazingly 24

10 advantage 25

11 face v. 26

12 fearful 27

13 overcome 28

14 manage 다루다, 처리하다 29

15 anxiety 30

1 Even seeing an airplane take off from an airport once made Terry shake with fear.

2 Inside the helmet is a computer screen in front of the patient's eyes.

3 It is much cheaper to show someone a scene of the inside of an airplane than to buy a real plane ticket.

UNIT 9-2
word meaning word meaning
1 arboretum 수목원 16 physical

2 responsibility 17 mental

3 frustration 18 contribute to

4 daily life 19 benefit

5 recover 20 exposure to

6 alternative 21 boost 신장시키다, 북돋우다, 끌어올리다

7 treatment 22 immune system

8 bathe 23 due to

9 tub 24 phytoncide 숲 속의 식물들이 만들어 내는 살균성을 가진 모든 물질을 통틀어 지칭하는 말

10 forest bathing 25 fight off

11 employee 26 germ infection

12 relaxation 27 take advantage of

13 be based on 28 entrance (fee) 입장(료)

14 scientific 29

15 suggest 30

1 Do the responsibilities and frustrations of daily life have you stressed out?

2 This is what we call forest bathing.

3 The sounds of birds, the smell of the trees, and the sight of sunlight through the leaves all contribute to a sense of ease.

4 This is due to chemicals that trees produce called phytoncides.

5 Phytoncides protect trees from insects, bacteria, and viruses and help humans fight off germ infections.

UNIT 10-1
word meaning word meaning
1 rule 16 machine

2 colony 17 take control of

3 unfair 18 depend on

4 relationship 19 Britain

5 cotton 20 weapon

6 ship 운송하다, 실어나르다 21 independent

7 spin-spun-spun 실로 짜다, 방적하다 22 thanks to

8 can afford to-v 23

9 independence 24

10 struggle 25

11 violence 26

12 symbol 27

13 nonviolent 28

14 encourage+O+to-v 29

15 from place to place 30

1 It had to be cheap enough for everyone to buy and small enough to carry from place to place.

2 By spinning their own cloth, Indians showed that they can take control of their own economy and future.

3 They did not need to depend on Britan. Neither did they need to depend on weapons.

UNIT 10-2
word meaning word meaning
1 European 16 belong to
2 settler 17 slavery
3 make a living 18 slave
4 tobacco 19 despite
5 plantation 대규모 농장(특히열대지방) 20 awful
6 owner 21 runaway 도망자, 가출자
7 slave 22 illegal
8 make fortunes 23 legal
9 labor 24 organization
10 act 법률 25 make it to ~에 이르다, 도착하다
11 prohibit 26 put an end to
12 importation 27 be passed down to
13 in an effort to-v ~해보려는 노력으로 28 force O to-v
14 backbreaking 29
15 property 30

1 Despite the awful life of slaves, few tried to escape the plantations.

2 They made fortunes by keeping slaves and not paying them a penny for their labor.

3 To be free, runaway slaves had to travel hundreds of miles to reach Canada, where slavery was illegal.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 11-1
word meaning word meaning
1 astronaut 16 atmosphere

2 probably 17 suborbital flight 탄도비행

3 option 18 fulfill

4 ordinary 19 come true

5 citizen 20 cost 비용이 ~이다

6 take advantage of 21

7 incredible 22

8 opportunity 23

9 afford the cost of 24

10 intensive 25

11 orbit ~의 궤도를 돌다 26

12 spectacular 27

13 in addition to 28

14 besides ~ 29

15 millionaire 30

1 Each of these "space touris" had to be quite rich to be able to afford the high cost of the journey.

2 Clearly, as time goes on, more people will be able to fulfill their childhood dream of traveling to space.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 11-2
word meaning word meaning
1 weightlessness 16 plenty

2 usual 17 take exercise

3 rise (해가)뜨다, (가격이)오르다 18 muscle

4 biological clock 19 weaken

5 suffer from 20 fit 건강한, 알맞은

6 jet lag 21 toilet

7 take a shower 22 empty ~을 비우다

8 cling to 23 fix ~ to… ~을 ..에 고정시키다

9 limited 24 pastime 취미, 오락, 심심풀이, 기분전환

10 conserve 아끼다, 보호(보존)하다 25 go by 지나가다, 흐르다

11 get dressed 26 typical 보통의, 일반적인, 전형적인

12 straw 27 duty 의무, 업무, 직무

13 otherwise 28

14 regular 보통의 29

15 strap 30

1 The spacecraft speeds around Earth so quickly that the Sun rises 15 times every 24 hours.

2 However, astronauts must work and sleep to the natural 24-hour biological clock, or they would soon suffer from non-stop jet lag.

3 Sometimes, however, the astronauts eat regular food - fixed to the dish with straps - using plates, knives, and forks with magnets attached.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023
READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 12-1
word meaning word meaning
1 decade 16 sensor 센서, 감지기

2 rarely 17 measure

3 thanks to 18 impact

4 improvement 향상, 개선 19 high-tech 첨단 기술의

5 crash 충돌시키다, 충돌, 추락 20 alternative

6 improve 21 virtual 가상의

7 human being 22 exist

8 as ~ as possible 23 lifelike

9 rib 24 alter

10 artificial 25 resemble

11 backbone 26 height

12 rubber 27 weight

13 knee 28 best of all

14 ankle 29 over and over

15 be designed to-v 30

1 Sensors in the head, legs, and other areas show how fast a body part moves during a crash.

2 A sensor in the chest area shows whether our chest would survive a crash without causing injuries that could lead to death.

3 They can easily be altered to resemble people of any height or weight, and, best of all can be used over and over without being damaged.


UNIT 12-2
word meaning word meaning
1 structure 구조물 16 steady 흔들림없는, 안정된

2 inspiration 17 dragonfly

3 behind 18 transparent

4 as a matter of fact 19 section

5 thigh 넓적다리 20 gecko (lizard) 도마뱀붙이

6 model ~ on … …을 본떠서 ~을 만들다 21 stick on ~에 들러붙다

7 discovery 22 peel off 떨어져나가다

8 anatomist 23 microscopic 미세한, 극히작은

9 bear ~(의 하중을)을 견디다 24 innovation 혁신품, 획기적인 것

10 moreover 25 solution

11 be made up of 26 principle

12 strut 받침대, 버팀대 27

13 interconnect 서로(상호) 연결하다 28

14 orientation 방향; 목표, 지향점 29

15 enable O to-v 30

1 The orientation of the struts is what enables the thigh bone to suport the body's weight.

2 Besides the Eiffel Tower, we can see human-made structures modeled on nature in many places in the world.

3 People are beginning to realize that solutions to many of the problems we face may already exist in the natural world.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 13-1
word meaning word meaning
1 inconvenient 16 take apart 분해하다, 해체하다

2 annoyed 17 join together 모아서 맞추다, 결합시키다

3 hymnbook 찬송가집 18 sticky

4 choir 19 persuade

5 meanwhile 20 come toghether (하나로)합치다

6 dilemma 21

7 glue 22

8 separate 23

9 tear-tore-torn 24

10 manufacture 25

11 product 26

12 co-worker 27

13 ask for 28

14 office products 사무기기, 사무용품 29

15 stick-stuck-stuck 붙이다, 찌르다, 집어넣다 30

1 These days, we see these brightly colored pieces of paper stuck everywhere in school and offices.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 13-2
word meaning word meaning
1 terrorist 16 explode
2 treat (특정태도로)대하다, 취급하다 17 take ~ away ~을 데려가다
3 treatment 대우, 처우 18 compassion 연민, 동정
4 strict 19 fate
5 be tired of 20 leave ~ behind ~을 남기다
6 the House of Parliament 21
7 light (불을)붙이다, 켜다 22
8 arrest 23
9 immediately 24
10 declare 25
11 sympathetic 26
12 get ready for 27
13 firework 28
14 make a bonfire (of) 모닥불을 지피다, ~을 태우다 29
15 escape 탈출, 모면 30

1 If Guy Fawkes's plan had succeeded, we might remember him as the world's first famous terrorist.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 14-1
word meaning word meaning
1 psychology 16 blind 눈을 멀게하다, 시력을 잃게하다

2 mythology 17 destiny

3 oracle 신탁, 신탁을 전하는 사자 18 illegally

4 shepherd 19 tragic

5 raise 기르다, 양육하다 20 be unable to-v

6 horrible 21

7 fate 22

8 avoid 23

9 insult 24

10 defeat 25

11 pleased 26

12 dmurderer 27

13 previous 28

14 as soon as 29

15 hang oneself (to death) 목매어 자살하다 30

1 Believing the kind couple to be his real parents, he left his home forever to avoid the terrible fate.

2 Oedipus killed them, not knowing that one of the group was actually his father, King Laius.

3 This oracle told Oedipus to find and kill the murderer of the previous king, Laius.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 14-2
word meaning word meaning
1 describe 16 rivalry 경쟁(의식)

2 the Oedipus complex 오디디푸스 콤플렉스 17 competitive 경쟁심이 강한, 경쟁하는

3 exist 18 search for

4 be attracted to 19 similar to

5 negative 20 be named after

6 the Electra complex 엘렉트라 콜플렉스 21 be responsible for

7 unknowingly 모른채, 모르고 22 overcome

8 marry ~와 결혼하다 23 unconsciously

9 universal 24 relating to

10 unconscious 25 be unaware of

11 at the same time 26

12 fear ~을 두려워하다 27

13 view A as B 28

14 enemy 29

15 envy 30

1 The Oedipus complex is a problem that exists when a boy is strongly attracted to his mother and has negative feelings toward his father.

2 At a certain age, a young girl is attracted to her father and hates her mother, which is called the Electra complex.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023
READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 15-1
word meaning word meaning
1 biology 16 2 meters across 지름(직경,폭)이 2m인

2 jellyfish 17 poisonous

3 certainly 18 painful

4 creature 19 cause O to-v

5 consist of 20 drown 익사하다

6 nerve 21 shore

7 sense 감지하다 22 be aware of

8 tentacle 23 characteristic

9 prey 24 feature

10 shoot out 25 recognize

11 poison 26

12 underneath 27

13 species 28

14 vary 다양하다 29

15 appearance 30

1 Jellyfish vary greatly in appearance and size, from ones as small as a coin to ones with bells over 2 meters across and tentacles 60 meters long.

2 The box jellyfish is so poisonous that it can kill a human being injust a few minutes.

3 Not only that, its poison is so painful that it usually causes people to drown before they can swim back to the shore.

READING EXPERT 2 04/24/2023

UNIT 15-2
word meaning word meaning
1 bison 들소 16 extinction

2 buffalo 17 release 놓아주다, 방출하다

3 weigh up to 18 at risk of extinction

4 stand 키,높이가 ~이다 19 even though

5 hump 20 go through 겪다, 경험하다

6 messy 21 describe

7 travel in herds 22 make profits

8 grassland 풀밭, 초원 23 die out

9 resource 24 despite

10 spiritual 25 decrease 감소시키다, 감소하다

11 calf, calves(복수형) 송아지, 새끼 26

12 plains 평원, 평지 27

13 arrival 도착, 등장, 출현 28

14 compete 29

15 less than ~이하 30


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