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Answer Keys (ROTC Midterm Exam)

Military Customs and Traditions Basic Military Correspondence

1. Happy Hour 1. Clarity
2. Honor to the Flag 2. Correspondence
3. Sound of the evening gun 3. Accuracy
4. 4. Brevity
5. Salute 5. Clarity
6. Visiting the Sick 6. Dignity
7. C. 7. Military Correspondence
8. B. 8. Direct Communication
9. D. 9. Brevity
10. A. 10. Dignity

Basic Life Support

1. First Aid
2. Eye Injury
3. Heat Exhaustion
4. Heat Stroke
5. Allergic Reaction
6. Survey the Scene
7. Move patient to safest area
8. Check for the consciousness of the patient
9- 10 Any types of injuries (at least two)
Sprain, Wound, Abrasion, Laceration, Puncture, Avulsion
Military History and Revolution Disaster Management
1. Titus Flavius Josephius 1. A
2. Over 1300 years 2. A
3. July 15, 1099 CE 3. B
4. 1204 CE 4. A.
5. Fourth Crusade 5. C
6. May 18, 1804 6. B
7. Napoleonic War 7. D
8. Sun Tzu 8.B
9. 1914 9. C
10. June 22, 1941 10.B

1. Followership
2. Conformist Follower
3. Accountability
4. Active Listening
5. Competence
6. Ethics
7. Courage
8. Critical Thinking
9. Passive Follower
10. Pragmatic Follower

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