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1. Sarah Waters is a writer ___________ novel Fingersmith has just been translated into Polish.

a. who’s
b. who
c. whose
d. which

2. I’ll lend you some money if you _________ heave rehearsals in the attic.
a. had let me
b. let me
c. have let me
d. should let me

3. There’s no point in asking them for money. They __________ everything by now.
a. will have spent
b. will be spending
c. will spent
d. will have been spent

4. When we were small kids our father ____________ address our aunts and uncles as „Madam”
and „Sir”.
a. made us
b. is made to
c. had made us
d. has made us

5. If you knew your blood pressure was high, you ___________ the doctor.
a. had to call
b. must have called
c. should have called
d. would have called

6. Chris did use my computer but he denies ___________ any e-mails from my account.
a. to have sent
b. having sent
c. to send
d. to having sent

7. I’d rather you __________ little Cathy watch such violent cartoons.
a. you won’t let
b. wouldn’t let
c. not to let
d. didn’t let

8. Is it worth _____________ so much money on second-hand clothes if new ones are cheaper?
a. to spend
b. spending
c. to have spent

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