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【幸福人生講座 - 如何做一個真正如法的好人】 蔡禮旭老師主講

(第十三集)2004/11/23 海口市孝廉國學啟蒙中心 檔名:07-002-013


Talk on Happiness in Life:

“How to be a Truly Decent Person”

By Teacher Tsai
(Chapter 13) November 23, 2004 (Haikou) File Ref. 07-002-013


Good afternoon everyone! Yesterday we talked about marital relations, a relationship which was of
utmost concern in ancient China. The rites of a wedding were the most solemn and majestic rites to
the Chinese even during the ancient era. The solemn and prestigious nature of a wedding also
indicated that it is the most important matter in one’s life. A happy marriage can bring peace,
harmony and happiness to the whole family and clan as well as ensure a good education for the next


According to our traditional Chinese wedding ceremony, the families of both the groom and bride
would not switch off the lights in their houses for three consecutive days just before the wedding.
During these three days, the groom would be imparted knowledge on how to be a responsible
husband and father and his obligations to maintain a happy family. For the bride, she would be
advised by her parents on how to be a good wife, a filial daughter-in-law and a responsible mother.
Judging from the solemnity of the ceremony, we can see that the ancient Chinese attached
paramount importance to marriage. Those three consecutive days were never an eleventh-hour
effort because the most important education was always given to children since they were very
young and continued throughout their young adulthood. More crucially, the parents showed their
children a happy relationship between a husband and a wife in their own marriage, and gave the
children much guidance on how to treat the other half and opposite gender. Due to the long-term
and imperceptible influence from the parents along with the advice given before the wedding, the
groom and bride were very clear about their individual obligations and knew their places.



However, in the modern era, it is common that men and women have the faintest idea of how to be
decent husbands and wives before getting married, not to mention the obligations of managing a
happy family. So what’s the consequence? They’re mentally unprepared on the wedding day. Not
only that, but they also have many incorrect ideas. At this moment, do the elderly at home advise
the groom or bride what to do? Do they teach him or her in time? Nowadays, many of the elderly
just could not care less even if their children are not faring well in their married lives. They would
even say: “The young people have their own way of thinking!” Whenever I happened to hear this, I
was greatly alarmed. “A bad upbringing is parents’ fault.” Not only did parents fail in the upbringing
of their children, they also turn a blind eye to the children’s marriages. In the long run, their
grandchildren and future generations will not be properly educated too. So, the right attitude to the
interaction with others and the opposite gender is very important in one’s whole life; and, as
parents and teachers, it’s most likely that we’ve never taught and guided our children how to
handle things in this aspect before they turn twenty.


In ancient China, the Chinese characters for “husband” and “wife” clearly explained the respective
obligations of both the husband and wife. Regardless of the Chinese characters, Chinese art or the
dribs and drabs of daily life in those ancient eras, there were always educational elements embedded
in them.


Taking a closer look at the Chinese character for “husband”, it conveys the meaning of “support” –
to support the whole family with gratitude, affection and honor. Being a decent husband, he should
maintain good relations within the whole family, show gratitude and exhibit good exemplary roles
to the younger generation. As far as the wife is concerned, the husband should ensure that she and
their children enjoy a stable and happy life. Besides, it is an ultimate responsibility of the husband
to educate his children properly so as to bring grace to his wife, his parents, ancestors and the
society. So a dutiful husband is a man with high moral conviction, he is grateful, affectionate and


The Chinese character for “wife” conveys the meaning of “being dutiful” in the sense of caring for
her husband and her children, and maintaining a peaceful and happy family. A wife should do her
best to fulfill the duty. Her husband will inevitably experience ups and downs in his career. Hence,
the wife should use her virtues and provide useful and timely advice to her husband so that he
would not make any irremediable fault in life. Next, the wife should educate the children and
educate them properly. Therefore, a married couple should first set a good example to the children
by showing filial piety to the children’s grandparents and by maintaining a good relationship
between themselves. In ancient China, the Chinese placed a great emphasis on women’s virtues and
conducts, generally termed as the Women’s Four Virtues – Women’s Speech, Women’s Virtues,
Women’s Chores and Women’s Demeanor. Among them, Woman’s Virtues denote that a wife should be
kind and wise so that her virtues could subtly influence her offspring.


When I was a kid, I witnessed an incident about my mother, and it exerted a great influence on me.
One day, my mother took my elder sister and me to see my maternal grandmother and we took a
taxi. But the taxi driver was not very skillful, and one of the tires slipped and was trapped in a ditch.
With much effort, the car was finally retrieved from the ditch. However, the exhaust pipe was
partially damaged and was shaking terribly as we continued our journey. After arriving at my
maternal grandma’s, my mother paid an extra one hundred dollars to the driver on top of the taxi
fare. At that time, I was about 6 years old but could figure out why my mother was paying more to
the driver. My mother felt that it was not easy for the driver to make a living. He also had to pay for
the repair costs which could mean a difficult month financially for him and his family. Since our
family was in a better financial position, my mother gave him a little more money. Although we
were not responsible for the driver’s poor skills, my mother thought of the hardship that the driver
faced and hence paid him extra.



So, at that time, I was really touched by my mother’s kindness which gradually helped nurture our
sense of compassion. Thus, my mother often tells us: “You and your elder sister are always too
considerate of others and overly nice!” However, I would tell her that she is also an overly nice
person and remind her of the incident about paying the taxi driver more, but she just could not
remember it at all. It is in the recent years after I started teaching when I began to think of the
influence that my family has had on me. Therefore, as parents, even a single unintentional dialogue
or action of ours could influence our children for the rest of their lives. So, Women’s Virtues is very
important because a mother with noble characters would constantly give a positive influence on her
children through her speech and actions.


Next, comes Women’s Speech. If a mother always shouts at the top of her voice when talking and
often argues with others, then her children would be influenced by her foul language or might even
avoid going out with her for fear of being humiliated by her ill-manners. In fact, if a mother is used
to speak impolitely and indecently, her child is most likely to have received negative prenatal
learning while in her womb. After the baby is born, this negative influence continues from the
mother and is eventually emulated by the child, because speech is the most commonly used
communication medium in human interactions. We often see that if one family member speaks
loudly, other members also respond loudly. Have we ever seen such families? Indeed, family
members do influence each other. If a mother shouts while speaking, her children will follow her
bad example. If she never allows others to save face while speaking, her children will copy her. On
the other hand, if she speaks softly and forgivingly, her children will follow her decent example. So,
children always learn from their mother. When we talk of family tradition, women take over half of
the responsibility of creating and maintaining it. In this aspect, we can say that the mother has
predominantly a bigger share than the father, that’s why mothers must have virtues and appropriate



Next, comes Women’s Demeanor which denotes women’s appearance. It does not refer to a woman’s
physical look but refers to her genial composure. If a wife’s appearance were untidy and scruffy
inside the house, her husband might enter the house but instantly ran out of it thinking he had
entered the wrong house. So, if a woman is always scruffy and does not look after her appearance,
her husband might be reluctant to go home. However, it does not mean that the wife should put on
fascinating make-up to attract her husband. Basically, a wife should be presentable and has a neat
and tidy image that brings others a sense of comfort. Apart from giving the husband a good
impression, more importantly, it is to show a good example for the children. Whenever they see the
mother, she is polite and tidy. As children most often look up to their mother, if she likes to be clean
and tidy, her children will surely emulate her good habits and unlikely to be disdained by others for
their untidiness. Thus, this is why Women’s Demeanor is an indispensable asset for a mother.


Finally, comes Women’s Chores. In ancient China, these chores included cooking, tailoring and other
domestic skills. As time goes by, clothes are now cheap and easily available. However, a mother does
need to have at least some basic domestic skills, like cooking, so that the whole family can enjoy a
scrumptious meal amid a warm familial ambiance. Take for an example, if the mother does not
know how to cook well and is used to dine outside, we can be sure that her son will be overweight by
primary school Year Three or Four. He will need to go to a weight loss clinic because most
restaurant foods are not a balanced diet and they are either too salty or too oily. So, if the mother is
good at cooking, the health of the entire family will be greatly ensured. We have a friend who has a
sturdy body and is always full of vitality despite the fact that he is almost 50. He often says: “My
health rests in the hands of my wife!” Because for the past decades, his wife has always prepared
nutritious breakfast for him.



We often say: “For breakfast, eat like a king; for lunch, eat like a civilian; but for dinner, eat like a
beggar.” In fact, it is very true. Why eat like a beggar during dinner? If we overeat or even have
supper only a couple of hours before bedtime, say, some meat and oily food, what will happen? Dear
friends, which organs will be actively moving while we are asleep? There are only two under the
autonomic nervous system – our lungs and our hearts. Whereas our stomach will refuse “to work
overtime” and protests: “Sorry, I’m closed, please come tomorrow!” However, if we have supper an
hour before bedtime, the food we eat will remain soaked in stomach acid and hence not be easily
digested. Normally, if we hold a piece of meat for more than an hour under room temperature, it
will begin to emit a foul smell. Now, if the meat is soaked up in gastric acid in our stomach for six or
seven hours while we are asleep before it is digested, it will decay and produce toxic substances
which will be spread to all parts of our bodies via blood circulation. Most people nowadays have bad
breath because they are used to take supper and thus toxic substances are eventually accumulated
in their bodies. So, be forewarned that taking supper is a bad habit that can jeopardize our health
day by day.


Hence, if the wife is health-conscious and knows how to cook delicious and healthy food, then the
health of the whole family is guaranteed. We say, “Health is the foundation of happiness”, without
health there will be no happiness in life. If the health of our family members is at stake, even high
reputation and wealth cannot bring us happiness.


Just now we mentioned that a husband should be righteous and a wife should be virtuous. As a
matter of fact, a husband should also be virtuous because righteousness and virtues are inseparable.
So let’s have a look. Does a husband need the “Husband’s Virtues” and “Husband’s Speech”? Indeed,
he does. What a husband says is also a role model for his children. Next, the “Husband’s Demeanor”.
As a role model, a father should not wear sloppily even at home so that his children would not
emulate his untidy habits. Next, the “Husband’s Chores”. There are many chores which ought to be
done by the husband like carrying heavy household items or climbing up high to fix light bulbs. So,
as husbands, it is our duty to learn to do these chores because it not only costs money to hire a

specialist to do the job, but it’s sometimes not easy to find one. Therefore, to improve the skills and
knowledge in housekeeping is not a bad idea at all for us husbands. Teaming up with our wives, we
can successfully deal with many important household matters. From the traditional Chinese
definition of and teachings for husband and wife, we can see that the Chinese sages attached a great
importance to the appropriate way husband and wife should follow.


Yesterday, we mentioned the utmost importance of educating children, which is about passing on good
family traditions and values to future generations. Sharing common understandings and beliefs,
such as this one, is the basis for establishing and maintaining a happy family, apart from focusing on
the family’s financial support. As far as educating children is concerned, “there are differences between
the husband and wife” which lie in the different duties to perform. With a clear division of duties, the
husband would be grateful to his wife for working hard at home for the family. So, the husband should see
his wife as a benefactor because she helps pass on the family’s virtuous traditions and values to the
younger generations. Giving birth to and educating children are tiring and difficult tasks. Hence, the
husband should really cherish the vital role that his wife plays. On the other hand, the wife should also
appreciate her husband’s effort of being the breadwinner of the family. So, by working together side by
side and cherishing each other’s contribution, there will be peace and harmony in the whole family.


Yesterday, we also mentioned that “the husband looks after business matters, the wife looks after
matters at home”. However, nowadays, many women are working and some even do not have time to
look after the family. I have heard that in Hong Kong there are more women than men, particularly
more women holding management positions than men. So, if women are constantly in pursuit of
fame and profit, do they really feel fulfilling in life? This is something that’s worth serious
consideration. More often than not, we only begin to evaluate life until decades have lapsed. So goes
a Chinese saying, “Wealth and status are but a dream.” Going after fame and profit is in fact
delusion, whereas educating our children cannot wait. Even if women are successful in gaining fame
and glory, they would eventually regret and feel guilty for neglecting their children’s education.
Many women might think, “Then should I waste my great talent?” But in fact, such great skills and
talent can be put to good use in educating their children instead of going after fame and profit.


Dear friends, why is the society so chaotic? Because there are few people with noble characters who
can become exemplary role models to awaken the innate good nature of humans. As a result,
everyone assumes that “all crows under heaven are as black” and people are as bad anywhere in the
world, hence the degeneration of moral qualities. How nice it would be if there were a Fan Zhongyan
or Mencius in our modern era, so many people’s conscience would be awakened. Why was there a
Mencius or other sages in ancient times? Because he had a mother who devoted her whole talent,
wisdom and life to her child and gave Mencius all-round guidance and education. Hence, educating
children is certainly not a meaningless job. The pursuit of fame and profit is but a floating cloud,
whereas educating children has infinite merits. If we could shape our children into useful people,
they would in turn benefit and influence the society as exemplary role models. Besides, they would
pass on the virtuous family traditions and values to future generations. To move a step further, this
influence will no doubt affect the whole of humanity in the future. Hence, “generations of sages are
produced”, mainly due to efforts contributed by virtuous mothers. So, educating children is indeed
the greatest career and the most valued mission. Hence, when there is a clear division in duties
between the husband and wife, children’s upbringing and family stability are ensured.


Undeniably, there are some women who are extremely capable at work, while their husbands love
housekeeping, such as cooking. However, these cases are only a few. When we ask children to do
housework, the 5- or 6-year-old boys usually choose heavy and tough jobs, while the girls like
folding clothes and washing dishes. Hence, we can see they display the characteristics of yin and
yang, being gentle or tough. However, if your husband is a brilliant cook, is excellent at
housekeeping and also has much patience in raising your children, then there is no harm in
switching the traditional husband and wife roles. But the rule of thumb is having a clear division of
duties so that the family’s financial standing is maintained and the children’s education is ensured.



In the process of educating children, there must be an emphasis on the consistency of education
principles. So, parents and all the elders of the family must share consistent principles rather than
having the father adopts one approach, mother adopts another approach, and the grandfather adds
in another approach. Who should the child listen to? In the end, the children would not know who
they should follow. Apart from that, the children would gradually conclude which senior family
members they can take advantage of when they do something wrong. Nowadays children are very
clever, but how is this cleverness being used? They would use it to get the object of their desires. For
instance, they would behave nicely and say nice things to the parents and grandparents so that they
could get what they want. When at fault, these children know very well who would get them out of
trouble. So, are these cases common? Pretty common. If they get into the habit of giving excuses or
evading responsibilities as children, then they will forever be in the habit of evade responsibilities
and never want to rectify their mistakes in their whole lives. So when the children make a mistake,
every senior member of the family should never ever be lenient or side with them. This is extremely


I remember during my childhood, whenever I made a mistake, I would always look at my

grandparents because they pampered me the most, being the eldest grandson. However, under
circumstances as this, no matter how hard I pleaded with them, everything was in vain because my
grandpa would tell me that I made a mistake and deserved to be punished. Then, they would go
upstairs leaving me behind to face the music. At that time, I was so ignorant and wondered why
they were so merciless. Of course, now I can see the wisdom behind this. Although my grandpa and
grandma never received an academic education and they are illiterate, they know how to educate
their children. No wonder there are four university graduates in our family including a PhD.
Therefore, it was never a coincidence. Educating children has nothing to do with academic
qualification but with life experience and wisdom.


Recently, there was a report about a survey done over several years, on the top academic
performers in the national university entrance exams. The result showed that none of their parents
were professors but mostly farmers. As life was hard for them, these outstanding achievers were
very hardworking, helpful and filial to their parents since childhood. So, from the report above, we
can conclude that these successful academic achievers were not forced to study. But, what actually
was the driving force behind them? Filial piety and the wish to repay kindness to their parents. So,
their motivating force (rewards) had never been a digital camera or high-tech computer. Hence,
when educating children, we must adopt the right and consistent approach from the beginning, and
it has nothing to do with academic qualification or money.


Whenever my father scolded and punished me, my mother just kept quiet and stayed by the side
(which is a positive and vital attitude). Nowadays, when a father scolds his children, the mother
immediately buts in, and before the children have a hard time, the couple starts to quarrel. This, in
fact, sets a very bad example for the children. So, we must be acute and rational when educating
children. Under that circumstance, my mother was just listening by the side, bending her head very
low. Why? Because she was afraid that she could not bear seeing me being punished. So, after I
grew up, I used to discuss these incidents and share my learning experience with my mother, as both
of us were teachers. Then, my mother told me that when my father was scolding me, she doubted
that I could understand it all. But I told her that I did understand what my father was saying. Dear
parents, never underestimate our children. Perhaps they might not fully understand what we say,
however, they do feel your caring love from our words and eyes.


My father used to tell me: “You need to have self-respect!” So my mother asked me: “Do you really
know what self-respect is?” “Yes, I do!” I said. And because of this, I did use “self-respect” to
overcome many setbacks and temptations.


Therefore, there should be strict consistency and a common understanding between the husband
and wife in family education. When the husband’s approach is not appropriate, the wife should
remain silent on the scene. When the husband is in a better mood, the wife can then seize the

opportunity to communicate with him in private. After all, both husband and wife want the best for
their children, and rushing to get your point across may bring in opposite results. As long as you are
patient and sincere, you will work out a better way to iron out the problems. All remained to be
resolved from this good intention.


Apart from that, there should be a close co-operation and consistency between the husband and wife
so that one parent plays the bad cop and the other the good cop. If both parents are good cops, then
children will become dominating and disrespectful. However, if both parents are bad cops, the
children will lose their confidence from a young age and the parent-child relationship will drift
apart just because they fear their parents too much. The Chinese emphasize the doctrine of the
mean. Thus, there should be a justified reward-and-penalty practice in family education – with
justified rewards, the children will be close to the parents; with penalty practice, the children will
not disobey the rules set by the parents.


Let’s take a look, who should be the bad cop and who should be the good one? I will take my elder
sister’s family as an example. As my brother-in-law was always tied up with work commitments, my
sister used to bring her son to our house. Under that circumstance, I became the bad cop, whereas
my sister became the good one. There is something strange about me – I have never joked or toyed
around with my nephew since his childhood. During my first year of teaching, I once seriously
scolded my students in class and taught them a harsh lesson. When I went downstairs, all my
colleagues gazed at me in disbelief, “You do get angry!” Should I scold my students? I should,
otherwise, I would not have fulfilled my obligation as a teacher. However, a teacher needs to learn
the trick of performing anger but without the slightest real anger in him. There were times when I
myself was moved to tears when giving the kids a harsh lesson because I felt what I said was
righteous. In fact, when we are scolding and punishing children, we are actually truly caring for
them, but not being angry.



My nephew came to our house on the second day after he was born. When I saw him, I noticed that
his eyes kept moving and looking at things around him. It was only the second day and he could
move his eyes so smoothly – this child is so clever. But those who are too clever are likely to be
troubled by their cleverness. If there is no discipline and they will one day become lawless. From
that time onwards, I decided to show him my stern looks to keep his behavior in check. I remember
when my nephew was about one or two years old, many relatives visited our house and teased him.
After a while, they stopped doing that and concluded that it was actually the little toddler who
teased with them rather than the other way round! See, how clever the child was! But smart kids
are always bad-tempered. Why? Because they dislike people who do not understand simple things
and tend to flare up.


To what extent did he flare up? He was about two years old back then, he made a mistake and cried
on top of his voice. So he was put into a pram, but continued to cry and kicked about. As result, the
pram turned over and he tumbled with his head hitting hard on the floor. So, blood gushed out from
a cut on his head. Whew! That was the extent of his bad temper which inflicted harm on himself.
His bad temper is his fault and it is never advisable to give in to this unbecoming attitude. When
raising a child, we should always be rational. My sister calmly took out the first aid box and
attended to his wound. However, this uncompromising kid was suddenly shrieking hysterically on
top of his voice again, like a pig being slaughtered. There happened to be a slaughtering house near
the place where we stayed in our childhood and the terrible cry of agony from the pigs was no
difference to my nephew’s shrieking cry. Hence, when facing such improper behavior from our
kids, we should always adopt a very stern and rational attitude – to make them know that parents
will never accept the threat from such an indecent attitude and that flaring up one’s temper cannot
overcome problems.


Once, we were having a reunion dinner on the first day of the Chinese New Year, my little nephew
held the wrong end of the chopsticks, so I showed him the correct way to use it: “You should hold
your chopsticks this way, Ah Wei, otherwise your chopsticks will be dirty!” My nephew glanced at
me for a second but persisted in his own way. In fact, he is challenging you. And again, I said to him
calmly: “Use the chopstick this way so that they will not be dirty. Be good! Uncle is teaching you.”
So this went on for three times and he still did not heed my words. What would I do now or should I
just leave it? No way! At that moment, I held him up tight without saying a word and took him to
my room. My elder sister kept on having the meal calmly, however my mother could not stand it
and said: “Don’t punish him! Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year.” Well, if we decided
not to punish him just because of this, it would give him an excuse to act even more outrageously.
“One cannot be punished on the first day of Chinese New Year”, he would learn and he would know
what time he can get away from punishment by you.


So, when I took him to my room, he started crying pitifully. He was using this psychology to
summon for help, however, everything was too late as I locked the door behind me. In spite of this,
he kept on crying. What a big temper he had! That’s why we say anger can make someone lose his
senses. The Chinese character for “angry” consists of the word “slave” on the top and the word
“heart” underneath it. It indicates that if the “heart” of a person is “enslaved” by a bad temper, then
this individual has no control over himself. That’s why people with a big temper often do things that
are regrettable.


My little nephew kept on crying. So, I warned him that if he cried harder, I would punish him more.
Apart from hitting him two or three times (without causing any physical harm) while staring sternly
into his eyes, the more important part was to let our stern disciplinary actions dominate over his
arrogance. Gradually, he dared not cry anymore and sensed that I was not just trying to scare him.
After this punishment, he began to soften his arrogant stance. We certainly don’t like punishing
children. So once he was less arrogant, I also softened my approach and taught him a lesson. And
because the tension had been eased, my nephew became more relaxed and consequently urinated on
my bed. I had punished him three times and he urinated twice on the same bed! This proved the
saying, ‘a bad cause brings a bad effect.’


So, he had finally learned not to threaten adults with his bad temper. After I finished teaching him
the lesson, I walked out of the room and my sister came in. So you see, educating children needs
collaboration from all sides before positive results become visible. My little nephew dashed towards
her to seek for asylum, but my sister pushed him aside and asked him: “What have you done wrong
just now? Speak out clearly!” Again, this little kid kept on rushing towards my sister but was
stopped by her. “Do you know what wrong have you done? Do speak for yourself.” The kid must
understand why he was punished, instead of sulking at the fact he was punished. The key was for
him to realize what he did wrong. After admitting his faults, my sister demanded him to come over
to me and apologize: “I am sorry, Uncle!” Because an appropriate ending is very important. After
that, the whole episode of education was perfectly completed.


The next day - the second day of the Chinese New Year - I brought my parents, including that
naughty little nephew, out for hiking. I was leading in front and my little nephew ran up to me and
held my hand by the side. In fact, I was still a little fed up with him but it seemed that this kid had
forgotten all about the punishment. See, children never hold a grudge against us because they know
they are wrong and should be punished. They just cannot control their temper sometimes. Despite
being punished because of misbehaving, he still respects and fears you. From then onward, as long
as I am present, this little nephew never dares to misbehave. Even when he has finished a meal, he
would show me the empty bowl. “I have eaten all the rice, Uncle!” So, we do need a bad cop,
someone whom the children would respect and fear, so that they know how to behave properly.
Recollecting my childhood memories, there was no need for my father to scold us for misbehaving.
As soon as my father gave us a stern stare, we immediately knew that we must behave well and be
more disciplined. So, there ought to be cooperation between the bad cop and the good cop at home.



Nowadays, husbands don’t like playing the bad cops. Why? As they are practically
tied up by work and hardly have time to look after their children, they try to
compensate by buying toys to please their kids. At first, the kids would say: “Thank
you, Daddy!” before they take the toys. As time goes by, the kids take it for
granted and a casual “thank you” has just lost its intended meaning because the
kids are more interested in the toys rather than cherishing their father’s kindness.
In the children’s eyes, the father is only someone giving them whatever they want.
Therefore, without stern fathers, the kids are difficult to be disciplined. So, who
is going to play the bad cop? OK, the wife has to play both the bad cop and the good
cop. The nature of a mother is showing motherly love, and hence the good cop. But
then when the children misbehave, the mother has to go against her nature, play the
bad cop and appear fierce. That is why endocrine disorders are not uncommon among
women nowadays. Because of this, most mothers are extremely stressful and feel
heavily pressurized. As husbands, we should work closely with our wives in playing
the role of a stern father and be responsible to discipline our children. Well,
that’s all for today. Thank you.


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