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Action draft one

Jack Canfield

activating the Law of attraction. The universe is about balance. You have attracted everything into
your life.

Like attracts like only in certain aspects of balance.

Number one. Keep it high level, thoughts, emotions, attract people, attract things.

Three. Take 100% responsibility for your whole life. Give up blaming and complaining.

Three and five. Shared in tension increases power.

Three. Can't rely on others to alter your vibrational state. Your thoughts and attitude affects you.
Keep feeling good.

Four. What's different thought? To feel better? Law of vibration.

Three. Thoughts affect of vibration. Focus on the outcome, not on the obstacle. Wherever your
attention goes, your energy flows.

Four. People show up as an opportunity, potential.

Three. Take responsibility for your orders to the universe, deliberate creation. What belief do you
have? What would I have to do to do this? Different self talk.

Number four. Model others who are already doing what you want to do. Do what other people do or
think that works for them, model their mindset. Mindset, skill set, environment.

Five. Make space for the new you, fat clothes.

Number one. You want a car – you attract the source of income or opportunity to forward the car
yourself. Number four.

Three. Inner impulses are guiding you, not always what or how you expect. Expand your world.

Five. Timing or opportunity, invitation. Ask – ask for what you want. The leave, expect and take
action. Action is an expression of belief. Match your expanded beliefs with expanded action.

Three. Faith. Action. Receive, being able to receive something, be ready to accept it. Open space,

Number four. as you wish to receive. Thoughts – talking to yourself. Thoughts as pictures,

Number three and four. Your brain will try to make the image happen. Aristotle. Your mind is that
goal seeking mechanism. The brain says, let's make the energy real. Visualising your goals as already

Number one. Strength of feelings in pictures. Bring picture to higher energies.

Five. Conflicting energies.

Number three and five. Old image of yourself. Image of new/goal, clear picture. 30 – 40 days
timeframe. Habit of success. Conscious/subconscious unconscious – controls you 15/85 – influence
your unconscious. Eliminate "I can't". There is always what you want – if you ask. Clear intention.
Positive expectation. Doubt (noise reduction). Release it and it comes – don't cancel the order. Take
action, massive, persistent, consistent action.

Persevere. Principle of attraction. Don't give up until you get the result you want.

Number one and four. One hour of intentional mental work is worth seven hours of physical labour.
Combine the effects of one with the other, magnify.

One. Decide exactly what you want. Focus on what you want not what you don't want. Positive,
actual, not negative, nothingness. Number three. On your desires. Trust your preferences, be
yourself 100%. Hell, yes! Hell, no! What you want – create an irritation list, note everything you
don't want or like. Then, what is the opposite of that. Make your list to tackle the problems, this
build self-esteem, counters resignation, that things won't change. Make a list of 101 things you
wanted to before you die. Number four.

Number one and four. Dream a big dream. People with a vision focus on the dream, the vision. What
do you want? Input the destination, it figures out the map. The unconscious and the universe
created. The how shows off after the commitment to the what.

Number one. Commit first, to see the how. Know your destination first. You're in a guidance system
will tell you if you are on course or wharf course. Joy.

Number four. Emotions, how do you think about this path? Is it opening up or closing down?
Expansion or contraction, alive versus boredom .

Number one after your vision turned each one into a specific goal. What do you want? By how
much? By when? Measurable in time and space: specifics. Number five.

Number three. Believe you're going to reach your goal. If you can dream it, you can do it. Take
actions, you have the capacity. Positive expectation. See it when you believe it. Inspirational
literature. Little steps, headlights. The vision is always towards the horizon and over it. Get started,
get in the game. Expect the result.

Number four look for a need and fill it (basic human desires) take action, responses, pictures,
thoughts, actions. Actions – obvious actions, inspired actions.

Number five. Do the obvious things. Concrete steps, practical.

Number one. Act on inspiration. Listen to the universe. Ask for inspiration, meditation.

Number four. Divine obsession. Ride the flow. Inspiration leads to ask, enlist cooperation. Receive –
ask, believe, receive. Your mailbox must be big enough to receive your order.

Number five vibrational match. Gratitude – daily.

Number four. Grateful – positive in energy – actualised. Attitude of gratitude, paying back – balance.
Forgiveness, to give everybody, including yourself. When you know better, you do better. People do
the best they know how to do, with awareness available to them.
Number two self-confidence, principal of self belief. Your outer world corresponds to your inner
world. Talk about things you want. Sympathetic resonance. People actually believed that they would
be a success.

Number three. Setbacks are lessons, never stopped believing in themselves.

Number one. Big dreams, powerful goals. Trusting mindset, vision, passion, inspired. Being realistic is
justifying a negative mindset.

Number four. Setting realistic goals – set low goals. Can't fail. Do you want to succeed, or do you
want not to fail? What is realistic?

Number two. Confidence is a byproduct of action. Commitment, courage, confidence. I dear, action,
take the first step, building confidence. Building the habit of a cognition and.

Number five. People never fail, they just stop trying. Repetition, stopping takes away opportunity.
Obstacles, road blocks – go under, over, through.

Number four. Project yourself into the future, and meets yourself there. Give your best shot every
day. Collective intellect.

Number five. Doing not what's working.

Number three. Intention – decide to attract money doing what he loved. Wealth producer, a
different product. Producer mindset – awaken, shift in mindset to something you. The principle of
right action. Shifted thinking and belief system! Doing what is not working. Belief – doing. Inside –
outside. What beliefs will work? Model success. Consumer – producer.

Number two. Believe in yourself, heart and mind to change your situation.

Number three. Trusting yourself to make changes. Believe in a kind and harmonious universe to
support you, that loves you.

Number four. A loan against the world. Ego trip, self sabotage. The universe will support anything
you believe. Be in alignment with the universe. The universe supports your beliefs. Know that you
are loved. Believe in a benevolent higher source that supports your financial desires. You can ask for
help and get it. You must ask for help, look to help – bigger than yourself.

Number three. Give up acting as a victim. Challenges are everywhere. Go from victim to empowered.
You don't have to react when low. Forgive yourself and others for wrongdoings. Three stark energy.
Hold a grudge three years, thinking about it, keeps alive. Release and forgive. Use your energy for
something greater. Be grateful for all that comes your way, this is very powerful. Gratitude comes
first this can attract more of what you want. See new possibilities.

Number five. Take action! Action and the universe love speed. Money love speed. Act on your ideas
quickly. Fast ideas come with high energy, use this energy to complete your ideas. Honour the idea.
Ride the energy. Somebody else may take your idea and bring it into being. The universe is sharing
ideas at one time too many people. If you don't act, others will, as you will see.

Number one. Know what you don't want. Victimhood. Intend what you prefer – be specific. Counter
your list of complaints, reverse it. It has to feel good and believable to you. Your mind and body go
towards the intention, direction. Send out a message to the universe to feel your intention and to
feel your desires. Change complaints into intentions.
Number three. Get clear of unconscious limiting beliefs to getting money. Read internal blocks, free
to attract.

Number four. Imagine that you are already achieving your goals with feeling. Imagine the end result
as if it has already passed. Today this happened, and this is how I feel. Imagine the past tense, with
good feelings.

Number five. Let go while taking inspired action. Be detached from your desire, wanting it to much
pushes it away.

Number four. Need implies lack, incompleteness. It would be wonderful, but I'm okay without it.
Peace, contentment. Action, nudged from within to do something. Let's go how it should happen.

Number five. Counter negative messages. Listen to positive material, read positive material. Get
support. Mastermind group, mentors, coaching.

Number three. Read internal blocks, make you free to attract. Remove blocks to a attraction, give
what you want to attract (value) and circulate money et cetera. Scarcity mentality, let the money go!

Number seven and six. Righteous rewards. Reward what you value, on what you value. Giving
speeds of money, skills, Karma, service, time, energy. Blocks – fear of scarcity, victimhood. Very
reasonable amounts approximately 10% from where you received some nourishment. Money always
circulates, the universe fills a vacuum.

Number four. Discover your life mission, ask for what you want. The passion question – what would
you do if you had the money? Now, what are you going to do? Following your life purpose attracts
money, easily, effortlessly. Resistance to giving away money shows the fear scarcity.

Number three. Get clear of belief cleansing process, ask what are the benefits of your limiting
beliefs? You supply the meaning of money to you?

Number five. Take action, act on ideas to overcome fear of failure – success. Speed, take action now.

Number seven. Support a cause so that you can feel better about deserving success. A worthy
reason to get money. Support or create a cause, think about others outside yourself. This expands
your ability to receive.

Number three. Get support, coaching, mastermind group etc don't be a Lone Ranger. Being grateful.
Find things to be grateful for.

Number four. Do what you love. Follow heart, passion, enthusiasm. Elevate your thinking. Change
questions, think impossibilities. How can I think/what to do/to attract money? Not so much reacting,
see a wider perspective. Different ways that money can come to you.

Number six. Problems create opportunities – moneymaking… Somebody would/should… Learn to

see problems as opportunities.

Number two. You have to improve your level of self-esteem, of worthiness, deservedness. Forgive
yourself, you are doing the best you know how to do. I deserve better, love yourself. Knowing you
deserve it.

Number three. Cleanse limiting thoughts/beliefs.

Number five. Help others by helping yourself – make a difference. Noble causes, bigger causes. I
deserve more, I love myself.
Number three. Learn the principle of attraction, when you focus on something you tend to attract it.
Focus on, tends to expand, feeling wealthy and grateful. Apply attraction in a practical way. Become
an entrepreneur, mindset, create more than you consume. A producer/creator mindset.
Empowered, turn on your mind, turn around problems to potential for problem-solving, business
opportunities. The mindsets of successful people relentless, fearless and focused. Do not give up,
courage. Fearlessness – don't pay attention to the crowd, but listen to your inner compass. Focus on
the end result.

Part four. Think of yourself as a superhero, bring forth those characteristics from within you. Pretend
that you are already wealthy, or successful, think/act like them, go in their direction, aspects that
you admire. Create value, something out of nothing. Attract – create money out of nothing, out of
your mind, wealthy mindsets. Call them forth, invoke the powerful mindset. What if… This works to
you. Expectation of success are you, the mind picks out evidence to support your beliefs, expect
success. Attract money in unexpected ways, your mind starts looking for it all around you. Turned
on, tune in. Tune in to the positive. I wonder where the money will come from – in an expectant
way. Curiously, you don't know how. My mind expects to see money, attract money, look for the
opportunities for money to show up.

Part five.USP – difficult to knock off, scalable, easy, low overhead. Marketable on the Internet with
little or no inventory, subject to few regulations, cash flow positive, minimal labour required, takes
no more than a few employees to generate $1 million in revenue, a limited capacity to earn well for
me, challenges me intellectually, creatively, emotionally.

Part one. Life takes on a meaning when you become motivated, set goals, and charge after them,

Number three. Failures – never take effective action. Ignorance, indecision or fear – overcome by
taking action over in action.

Number five. Don't wait for 100%, assess the odds and if good, strike out boldly.

Part two. No absolute assurance in life. Failure means you will be smarter than next time, in action
means no next time, worry, regret.

Part six. Disregard most obstacles, find and follow the fastest path. Value on action. Accelerated
failure, learn the most when we fail, and do better the next time.

Number three. Don't wait and worry, assess the odds and take action. Smart worriers. Ignore
worries, put yourself in motion. Get going, 1 foot in front of the other.

Number one. Complete the pledge to yourself – create a master plan, keep a journal, invest time and
money to achieve your goals.

Number three. Benefits in disguise, your past behaviour has no bearing on future habits.

Number five. Change our habits, change your life/luck. Don't wait for luck. Combination of common
sense and shrewdness. Don't wait too long to begin, makes plans along the way. Something that has
worked well for others. A master plan. Realistic and flexible, different in scope, little designs –
master – overall design.

Number one. Dissatisfied, prepared to make change. Reinvent your life. Get started right away, but
use a proven strategy. Too little effort, misdirected. For major goals. Goals;

number one. specific. Number two. Actionable. Number three. Time oriented. Number four.
Realistic. Few people accomplish goals without writing down goals, action plans.
Number four. Seven year goals, tasks, daily objectives. Very important to write down your goals.
Unconscious thoughts must become actions. Write down steps, tasks, goals.

Part two. Goals all still just dreaming? Empty movies or talk. Establish your goal.

Number five. Elevated awareness, solidity, prioritise goals, medium and long term, realistic. Dreams
into goals – reality, specific, actionable, realistic. Space realistic, within reason, goals. Objectives –
more specific and shorter timeframe. Jobs – nothing to do with what you would do in a year from
now. Job/dream. Tasks, specific parts of the process, objective. Short term, medium term, long-term,
solid goals. Write down yearly goals – break down into steps. Core values – what is important to
you? Your goals must aligned with your core values. Specific as possible, actionable, feasible. Time
orientated – by a certain date, realistic. Yearly, monthly, weekly. Daily task sheets. Plan your days,
end up working for other people. Stay in charge of your time.

Number three. Vocabulary of success, accomplishment. Importance of words. Dream – fantasy. Goal
– AM, intent. Objective – purpose, narrower in scope. Job – work you do for a living. Task – smaller,
scope, specific thing, narrow. Dreams – delusional, fantastical. Pursue your goals.

Number six. Stay in charge of your time. Begin each day to day before, at the end of each day – list
your uncompleted tasks, breakup longer tasks. Important/less important. Top priorities, attend to
important tasks. Important tasks must take top priority. Overcome neglected goals. Take charge of
your schedule. Journal to track your success. Action is the important thing, with some planning and
preparation, work out the kinks as you go along. People want to avoid taking action, afraid of failure
or success, failure to get started. Counter procrastination.

Number four and number six. Good intentions are not enough. Don't spend too much time imagining
your future life. Spend most of your time taking action, dealing with tasks and problems. Break up
your busy day. Get organised.

Number seven. In your journal – keep track of goals and objectives, stay creative and keep writing
fresh, new ideas; remember things you want to remember, good ideas.

Number three. Lack of confidence, fear of pain, laziness – with the least amount of effort.

Number five. Motivation to change through positive reinforcement. Reward yourself, attach rewards
to desired behaviours. Short term goals – quick rewards the cricket actions. Smaller, quick rewards
for everyday tasks. Don't mistake busy being productive. When you are happy you can move
mountains. Emotional detachment. You intend to do something, focus on doing well but prepare a
plan B. Push to succeed. Just start writing, motivation follows action. Motivation to change through
positive reinforcement. Steps to success, start now and keep on going every day, however little.

Number three. Create their own motivation through action. Motivation follows action. Have a goal,
make achieving it a priority, find a way to act on it every day. Just start. You don't have to be an
expert to get started, start right away, keep going every day. Desire and drive, the drive to succeed.
Longer hours of work. Single-minded purpose, focused on getting money. Addiction stronger, do
what ever they need to get their goal. Do whatever it takes.

Number one. The core desire – to be loved and appreciated. Burning desire; go beyond your comfort
zone. If you want to achieve more than you've ever done before you have to be willing to do more
than you've ever done before, to do what you've never done before. Commit yourself. What would
you do? Why aren't you doing it? Face your fears and feelings squarely, look at how they are
stopping you.
Number two. Why being positive doesn't work for many people. Success gives you confidence to
succeed again how to counter deeply held negative feelings? There's no quick fix. Reading doesn't fix
anything. Solid successes are required to change thinking.

Number five. Emotionally positive. Take specific action is to help you achieve your goals. Self-
improvement. Don't stay stuck.

Number four. Visualisation – works. Sharp, focused picture of what you want. Practice your skills et
cetera. Not dreaming. Start by setting modest objectives, using visual – intention. Only actions will
reprogram your limbic brain for success.

Number three. Are you too scared to try, it gets easier each week. Progress – do it, learn. Gradually
expose yourself to phobia. Failure? What exactly are we afraid of? Feelings – how do you feel?
Shame/embarrassment. Humiliation/humiliated. The cure – the ability. Disconnect the ego. Make
mistakes, accelerated failure. Be willing to make mistakes and failures. In the pursuit of knowledge
we must learn from mistakes. Being humble. Pride – no feelings of shame. Humility is a virtue.
Makes us more endearing, easier to get co-operation, and we learn easier and faster. Attract
helpers. Plan to defeating failures: 1. Accept the truth – you're not good at everything. Admit that
you are incompetent at a certain school. 2. Admit this to an indifferent audience. Repeat until you
can do this with grace and good humour. 3. Admit to the judgement of an audience – to a qualified
person, every time you make a mistake with grace and good humour. 4. Admit to someone who can
punish you. Humility. I'm going to try, but think if it works! Be happy, the eager to try and fail on to
you finally succeed. You are finding out what works, testing by doing.

Number five. How to become what you want to be. If you want to become something or do
something, do it. Distractions, abandoning your dreams. You can be somebody who does X.

Part one. Becoming is not being. Live your dream. Start early. Just start doing it, don't wait for the
right time, conditions.

Number three. Doubt is produced by the ego. Questioning your ability is sensible.
Confidence/caution/enthusiasm in equal parts. The right mental mix. Is your goal realistic? Has it
been done before? How often? How often has it been tried unsuccessfully? What are the odds of
succeeding? Do I have what it takes? All personal qualities etc. Taking the big leap. A great
opportunity – can't meet the chance? Grand Canyon jump. Grounded in reality, set a high hurdle for
yourself. Which one thing could help you? Announce your intention. Set a very high standard for

Number five. Successful models. Can skills be learned? Make a frank assessment of the market et
cetera. Research. Personally rewarding to you? Studying does not make you something, only doing,
applying, actions. How can you go about achieving it? You can't go against physics. What? When?
How? Checking your progress. Keep track of your progress for example your weight loss. Track your
net worth on a regular basis. Count your money. A personal balance sheet. This affects how well
think and act. Write down your goals and check them often, helps you achieve. Written goals,
prioritised daily tasks. Information is not knowledge. Don't become an information junkie. Be very
practical, read for specific pragmatic purposes. Profit from information – what rate of return can you
expect? Deadlines to use for recommended actions. Make progress first. Information overload.
Overwhelmed by overload. You don't have to know it all. Do you have a desire to learn more? And
information junkie has no time left to act. Analysis paralysis. 80% 20%. Pareto's Law. Recognise it you
receive too much information.

Part seven. Mentors, advice, support, experience. Find shortcuts to success – persistence, dogged
determination, and to get a sale, nothing else happens. Product quality. Know what you're going to
do before you do it. Showcase what you do well. The power of a simple question. The question and
lightens, not the answer. Asking questions. Mastered the art of persuasion. Convince others that
your ideas are worthwhile. Articulate speech. Effects of poor communication. Product idea. Speaking
well is a single fastest way to get ahead in any field. Do important tasks first. Practice speech.
Presenting skills, speak well to fast track your career. The power of a simple question. Read less,
learn more. Learn to scan. Find big ideas fast. Make it fun. Accept the worst. Become emotionally
prepared. Look for the silver lining. Identify the good out of a bad situation. Develop a plan,
multilevelled, redo least three eventualities to each outcome. Take action, develop an action plan.
Acting on your plan. Start making progress. Recognise low energy – motivation – limiting, debilitating
thoughts and replace them. Be grateful with the good things you have. Do something to give
yourself a change. Complete a worthwhile task, something useful that has value to you. Something
that is important to you, and do it well. Problems are draining your energy – don't ignore a slump,
act on it at once. Attack them in the beginning, recognise the symptoms.

Number six. Persuasive thinking – lazy thinking. 1. Figure out what want – think, prepare, goal list. 2.
Figure out what you can give others. More than just asking, satisfy desires of others. Explain
benefits. 3. Take time to consider the objections. List the objections. Find a good responses to them.
Objections – parts – responses. Ready, fire, aim. What effect will your words have on others, on us?
Think strategically, speak persuasively. Get out her abrupt – regain your passion for work. The
universe is a void, meaning must be created, let down of energy. Action/creation. Make yourself
happy with meaningful aspects of all aspects of your life.


• “Get Rich Slow” demands a long life of gainful employment.”

• “Get Rich Slow” is a losing game because the game is played with your time.

• The real golden years of life are when you’re young, sentient, and vibrant.


• Fame or physical talent is not a prerequisite to wealth.

• Fast wealth is created exponentially, not linearly.

• Change can happen in an instant.


• Wealth is a formula, not an ingredient.

• Process makes millionaires. Events are by-products of process.

• To seek a “wealth chauffeur” is to seek a surrogate for process. Process cannot be

outsourced, because process dawns wisdom, personal growth, strength, and events.


• To force change, change must come from your beliefs, and your roadmap outlines those


• Each roadmap is governed by a wealth equation and predisposed to a financial

destination—Sidewalk to poorness, Slowlane to mediocrity, and the Fastlane to wealth.


• A first-class ticket to the Sidewalk is to have no financial plan.

• The Sidewalk’s natural gravitational pull is poorness, both in time and money.

• You cannot solve poor financial management with more money.

• You can be income rich and still ride the Sidewalk dirty.

• If wealth is defined by income and debt, wealth is an illusion, because it is vulnerable to

potholes, detours, and “bumps in the road.” When the income disappears, so does the

illusion of wealth.

• Poor financial management is like gambling; the house eventually wins.


• Wealth is authored by strong familial relationships, fitness and health, and freedom—

not by material possessions.

• Unaffordable material possessions are destructive to the wealth trinity.


• Money doesn’t buy happiness because money is used for consumer pursuits destructive

to freedom. Anything destructive to freedom is destructive to the wealth trinity.

• Money, properly used, can buy freedom, which can lead to happiness.

• Happiness stems from good health, freedom, and strong interpersonal relationships,

not necessarily money.

• Lifestyle Servitude steals freedom, and what steals freedom, steals wealth.

• If you think you can afford it, you can’t.

• The consequence of instant gratification is the destruction of freedom, health, and


• Like wealth, luck is created by process, not by event.

• Luck is created by increased probabilities that are improved with the process of action.

• If you find yourself playing the odds of “big hits,” you are event-driven, not processdriven.

This mindset is conducive to the Sidewalk, not the Fastlane.

• “Get Rich Quick” infomercial marketing is a Fastlane because savvy marketers know

that Sidewalkers place faith in events over process.

• Moneymaking “systems” are rarely as profitable as the act of selling them to



• Hitchhikers assign control over their financial plans to others, which effectively

introduces probabilities to victimhood.

• The Law of Victims: You can’t be a victim if you don’t relinquish power to someone

capable of making you a victim.

• Responsibility owns your choices.

• Taking responsibility is the first step to taking the driver’s seat of your life.

Accountability is the final.


• The Slowlane is a natural course-correction from the Sidewalk evolving from taking

responsibility and accountability.

• Wealth is best experienced when you’re young, vibrant, and able, not in the twilight of

your life.

• The Slowlane is a plan that takes decades to succeed, often requiring masterful political

prowess in a corporate environment. For the Slowlaner, Saturday and Sunday is the

paycheck for Monday through Friday.

• The default return on your time in the Slowlane is negative 60%—5-for-2.

• The 5-for-2 trade inherit in the Slowlane is generally fixed and cannot be manipulated,
because job standards are five days a week.

• The predisposed destination of the Slowlane is mediocrity. Life isn’t great, but it isn’t so

bad either.


• In a job, you sell your freedom (in the form of time) for freedom (in the form of money).

• Experience is gained in action. The environment of that action is irrelevant.

• Wealth accumulation is thwarted when you don’t control your primary income source.


• Slowlane wealth is improbable due to Uncontrollable Limited Leverage (ULL).

• The first variable in the Slowlane wealth equation evolves from a job that factors to

intrinsic value that equates to your nominal value for each unit of your life traded.

• Intrinsic value is the value of your time set by the marketplace and is measured in units

of time, either hourly or yearly.

• In the Slowlane, intrinsic value (regardless of its time measurement) is numerically

inhibited because there are only 24 hours in the day (for the hourly worker),and the

average lifespan is 74 years (for the salaried worker).

• Like the Slowlaner’s primary income source (a job), the Slowlaner’s wealth acceleration

vehicle (compound interest) is also pegged to time.

• Like a job, compound interest is mathematically futile and cannot be manipulated. You

cannot force-feed the market (or the economy) to give you phenomenal returns, year

after year.

• Wealth cannot be accelerated when pegged to mathematics based on time.

• Time is your primordial fuel and it should not be traded for money.

• Your time should not be an expendable resource for wealth because wealth itself is

composed of time.

• Your mortality makes time mathematically retarded for wealth creation.

• If you don’t control the variables inherent in your wealth universe, you don’t control

your financial plan.


• Slowlaners attempt to manipulate intrinsic value by education.

• Indentured time is time you spend earning a living. It is the opposite of free time.

• Parasitic debt is debt that creates indentured time and forces work.


• Take advice from people with a proven, successful track record of their espoused


• Many money gurus often suffer from a Paradox of Practice; they teach one wealth

equation while getting rich in another. They’re not rich from their own teachings.


• The Slowlane has seven dangers, five of which cannot be controlled.

• The risk of “lifestyle” is the one risk Slowlaners will try to control.

• The Slowlane is predisposed to mediocrity because its mathematical universe is


• Slowlaners manipulate the “expense” variable because it is the one thing they can


• Exponential income growth and expense management creates wealth—not just by

curtailing expenses.

• You can break the Slowlane equation by exploding your intrinsic value via fame or

insider corporate management.

• Successful Slowlaners not famous or in corporate management end in the middle . . .

middle class and middle age.

• Slowlane millionaires are stuck in the middle class.

• $5 million is the new $1 million.

• A millionaire cannot live a millionaire lifestyle without financial discipline.

• Lottery winners fall into the millionaire trap and go broke because they attempt to live

a “millionaire” lifestyle, not understanding that a few million doesn’t go very far.

• The risk profile of a Fastlane strategy isn’t much different from the Slowlane, but the

rewards are far greater.

• The Fastlane Roadmap is an alternative financial strategy predicated on Controllable

Unlimited Leverage.

• The Fastlane roadmap is predisposed to wealth.

• The Fastlane Roadmap is capable of generating “Get Rich Quick” results, not to be

confused with “Get Rich Easy.”


• Producers are indigenous to the Fastlane roadmap.

• Producers are the minority as are the rich, while consumers are the majority as are the


• When you succeed as a producer, you can consume anything you want.

• Fastlaners are producers, entrepreneurs, innovators, visionaries, and creators.

• A business does not make a Fastlane—some businesses are jobs in disguise.

• The Fastlane wealth equation is not bound by time and its variables are unlimited and



• The key to the Fastlane wealth equation is to have a high speed limit, or an unlimited

range of values for units sold. This creates leverage. The market for your product or

service determines your upper limit.

• The higher your speed limit, the higher your income potential.

• The primary wealth accelerant for the rich is asset value, defined as appreciable assets

created, founded, or bought.

• Wealth creation via asset value is accelerated by each industry’s average multiplier. For

every dollar in net income realized, the asset value multiplies by a factor of the multiple.

• Your industry of specialization will determine the average multiple that determines
your wealth accelerant factor. If the multiple is 3, your WAF is 300%.

• Liquidation events transform appreciated assets (“paper” net worth) into money (“real”

net worth) that can be transformed into another passive income stream: a money



• To divorce yourself from the Slowlane’s transactional relationship of “time for money,”

you need to become a producer, specifically, a business owner.

• Business systems break the bond between “your time for money” because they act like

surrogate operatives for your time trade.

• If you have a passive income that exceeds all your needs and lifestyle expenses including

taxes, you’re retired.

• Retirement can happen at any age.

• The fruit from a money tree is passive income.

• A Fastlane objective is to create a business system that survives time, exclusive of your


• The 5 money-tree seedlings are rental systems, computer systems, content systems,

distribution systems, and human-resource systems.

• Real estate, licenses, and patents are examples of rental systems.

• Internet and software businesses are examples of computer systems.

• Authoring books, blogging, and magazines are forms of content systems.

• Franchising, chaining, network marketing, and television marketing are examples of

distribution systems.

• Human resource systems can add or subtract to passivity.

• Human resource systems are the most expensive to manage and implement.


• One saved dollar is the seed to a money tree.

• A mere 5% interest on $10 million dollars is $40,000 a month in passive income.

• A saved dollar is the best passive income instrument.

• Fastlaners (the rich) don’t use compound interest or the markets to get wealthy but to

create income and preserve liquidity.

• A saved dollar is a freedom fighter added to your army.

• The rich leverage compound interest at its crest, applied against large sums of money.

• Fastlaners eventually become net lenders.


• The Law of Effection states that the more lives you affect or breach, both in scale or

magnitude, the richer you will be.

• Scale translates to “units sold” of our profit variable within our Fastlane wealth

equation. Magnitude translates to “unit profit” of our profit variable within our

Fastlane wealth equation.

• The Law of Attraction is not a law, but a theory. The Law of Effection is absolute and

operates exclusive of a roadmap.

• All lineages of self-made wealth trace back to the Law of Effection.

• The Law of Effection’s absoluteness comes from direct access and control (you are the

athlete) versus indirect access (you are the athlete’s agent).

• To make millions you must serve millions in scale or a few in magnitude.


• “Pay yourself first” is fundamentally impossible in a job.

• To own your vehicle (you), start a corporation that formally divorces you from the act of

business. Your corporation is the body of your surrogate.

• The recommended Fastlane business entity is a C corp, an S corp, or an LLC.


• The leading cause of poorness is poor choices.

• The steering wheel of your life is your choices.

• You are exactly where you chose to be.

• Success is hundreds of choices that form process. Process forms lifestyle.

• Choice is the most powerful control you have in your life.

• Treasonous choices forever impact your life negatively.

• Your choices have significant horsepower, or trajectory into the future.

• The younger you are, the more potent your choices are and the more horsepower you


• Over time, horsepower erodes as the consequences of old choices are thick and hard to



• Your choices of action manifest from your choices of perception.

• What you choose to perceive, or not perceive, will manifest itself to a choice of action, or


• You can change your choice of perception by aligning yourself with those who

experience the perception as reality.

• Worst Case Consequence Analysis helps avoid treasonous choices.

• The Weighted Average Decision Matrix can help you make better big decisions by

clarifying alternatives and their internal factors.

• The universe has no memory, only you do.

• Your past can be accelerative or treasonous. You choose the classification.

• If your eyes are transfixed to the past, you can’t become the person you need to become

in the future.


• The natural gravity of society is not to be exceptional, but average.

• Toxic relationships drain energy and detract from your goals to be extraordinary.

• The people in your life are like your comrades in a battle platoon. They can save you,

help you, or destroy you.

• Good relationships are accelerative to your process, while bad relationships are


• Fastlaners regard time as the king of all assets.

• Time is deathly scarce, while money is richly abundant.

• Indentured time is time you spend to earn money. Free time is spent as you please.

• Your lifespan is made up of both free time and indentured time.

• Free time is bought and paid for by indentured time.

• Fastlaners seek to transform indentured time into free time.

• Parasitic debt eats free time and excretes it as indentured time.

• Lifestyle extravagances have two costs: the cost itself and the cost to free time.

• Parasitic debt has to be stopped at the source: instant gratification.


• Fastlaners start their education at graduation, if not before.

• A Fastlaner’s education serves to advance their business system and their money tree,

not to raise intrinsic value.

• Fastlaner’s aren’t interested in being a cog in the wheel. They want to be the wheel.

• I don’t know how” is an excuse dismantled by discipline.

• Infinite knowledge is everywhere and it’s free. What’s missing is discipline to assimilate


• You can become an expert in any discipline not requiring physical skills.

• Educational recharges can occur within time blocks already allocated for other


• Organizers of expensive seminars take advantage of Sidewalkers and disenfranchised

Slowlaners by marketing empty promises as “events.”


• Interest is first gear. Commitment is the Redline.

• Hard work and commitment separates the winners from the losers.

• Some choose short-term mediocre comfort over long-term meteoric comfort.

• To live unlike everyone else, you have to do what everyone else won’t.
• Arm your expectations to hard work, sacrifice, and other bumps in the road. These are

the land mines where the weak are removed from the road and sent back to the land of

“most people.”

• Failure is natural to success. Expect it and learn from it.

• One home run could set you financially secure for your life, perhaps generations.

• Home runs can’t be hit in the dug out.

• Moronic risks have unlimited downside (long term) and limited upside (short term).

• Intelligent risks have unlimited upside (long term) and limited downside (short term.)

• There is never perfect timing and waiting for “someday” just wastes time.


• Not all businesses are the right road. Few roads move at, through, or near the Law of Effection.

• The best roads and the purest Fastlanes satisfy the Five Fastlane Commandments:

Need, Entry, Control, Scale, and Time.


• The Commandment of Need states that businesses that solve needs win. Needs can be

pain points, service gaps, unsolved problems, or emotional disconnects.

• Ninety percent of all new businesses fail because they are based on selfish internal needs, not
external market needs.

• No one cares about your selfish desires for dreams or money; people only want to know

what your business can do for them.

• Money chasers haven’t broken free from selfishness, and their businesses often follow

their own selfish needs.

• People vote for your business with their money.

• Chase money and it will elude you. However, if you ignore it and focus on what attracts

money, you will draw it to yourself.

• Help one million people and you will be a millionaire.

• For money to follow “Do what you love,” your love must solve a need and you must be

exceptional at it.
• “Do what you love” sets the stage for crowded marketplaces with depressed margins.

• When you have the financial resources, you can “do what you love” and not get paid for

it, nor do you have to be good at it.

• Slowlaners feed “do what you love” with “do what you hate.” Five days of hate for two

days of love.

• “Doing what you love” for money can endanger your love.

• Passion for an end goal, a why, drives Fastlane success.

• Having a passionate “why” can transform work into joy.

• “Doing what you love” usually leads to the violation of the Commandment of Need.

• The right road for you is one that will converge with your dreams.


• The Commandment of Entry states that as entry barriers fall, competition rises and the

road weakens.

• Easy access roads carry more traffic. More traffic generates higher competition, and

higher competition creates lower margins for the participants.

• Businesses with weak entry often lack control and operate in saturated marketplaces.

• Exceptionalism is required to overcome weak entry barriers.

• Access to a business road should be a process with a toll, not an event.

• “Everyone” consists of the general populous and is served by the mainstream media.

• If everyone were wealthy, “everybody is doing it” would work. And if everyone is

wealthy, then no one is wealthy.

• “Everyone is doing it” is a signal to overbought conditions and the entrance of “dumb


Drivers create MLM companies; they don’t join them.

Drivers sell franchises; they don’t buy them.

Drivers offer affiliate programs; they don’t join them.

Drivers run hedge funds; they don’t invest in them.

Drivers sell stock; they don’t buy stock.

Drivers offer drop-shipping; they don’t use drop-shipping.

Drivers offer employment; they don’t get employed.

Drivers accept rents and royalties; they don’t pay rents and royalties.

Drivers sell licenses; they don’t buy them.

Drivers sell IPO shares; they don’t buy them.


• Hitchhikers relinquish control of their business to a Fastlaner.

• There is a difference between “good” money and “big” money. Hitchhikers can make

good money while Fastlaners make big money. Sometimes legendary money.

• In a driver/hitchhiker relationship, the driver always retains control and the hitchhiker

is at the mercy of the driver.

• Hitchhikers are party to someone else’s Fastlane plan. Make the world your habitat of

play in an organization you control.

• Network marketing has little to do with entrepreneurship but more to do with sales,

networking, training, and motivation.

• Network marketing fails both the Commandments of Control and Entry, and

sometimes, Need.

• Network marketers are soldiers in a Fastlaner’s army.

• Network marketing is a powerful distribution system. As a Fastlaner, seek to own one,

not join one.


• Your total pool of customers determines your habitat. The larger the habitat, the

greater the potential for wealth.

• A business can be a singles or a home-run-based business. Its strength is determined by

scale, which is derived by habitat.

• The Fastlane wealth equation is disarmed when you violate the Commandment of Scale.

Scale is achieved in reach (units sold) and/or magnitude (unit profit).

• The Law of Effection is the primary conduit to wealth, which can be road blocked by
scale, magnitude, or source.

• Effection consequences trickle up to owners and producers. Breaking scale or magnitude

indirectly in an uncontrolled entity is not a guarantee of wealth.

• To gain access to Effection, you have to break the barrier of scale or magnitude in an

entity you control.

• Scale, magnitude, or source deficiencies create governors on the speed of wealth



• A business attached to your time is a job.

• business that earns income exclusive of your time satisfies the Commandment of Time.

• To satisfy the Commandment of Time, start with a business that uses a money system

seedling, or introduce one.


• The best Fastlanes satisfy all five Commandments: Control, Entry, Need, Time, and


• Assuming a need-based premise, the Internet is the fastest interstate, because it

overwhelmingly satisfies all Commandments.

• Innovation can be any variety of open roads: authoring, inventing, or services.

• Inventing success needs coupling with distribution.

• A singles-based business is scaled to a home-run business by intentional iteration. With

iteration, scale is conquered.

“I hate . . .”

What do you hate? Solve the hate, and there’s your open road.

“I don’t like . . .”

What don’t you like? Remove the dislike, and there’s your open road.

“This frustrates me . . .”

What is frustrating? Remove the frustration, and there’s your open road.
“Why is this like this?”

I don’t know, why is it? Remove the “why,” and there’s your open road.

THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE: Crack the Code To Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime.

Copyright 2011: Unlawful distribution or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

“Do I have to?”

Do you? Remove the “have to.” There’s your open road.

“I wish there was . . .”

What do you wish? If you wish, others wish too. Make wishes come true, and there’s your open


“I’m tired of . . .”

What are you tired of? Fix someone’s tiresomeness, and there’s your open road.

“This sucks . . .”

What sucks? Remove or reduce suckage, and there’s your open road.


• Opportunities are rarely about inventing breakthroughs, but about performance gaps,

small inconveniences, and pain points.

• Competition should not impede your road. Competition is everywhere, and your

objective should be to “do it better.”

• Fastlane success resides in execution, not in the idea.

• The world’s most successful entrepreneurs didn’t have a blockbuster ideas; they just

took existing concepts and made them better, or exposed them to more people.

• Opportunity is exposed in your language and your thought processes, as well as other

people’s language.

• Failure cracks open new roads.

• Quitting only happens when you give up on your dream.


• The Fastlane is the means to your end because dreams cost money.

• Conquer big goals by breaking them down to their smallest component.

• Daily saving reinforces your relationship with money; it is your passive system that

buys freedom and another soldier added to your army.

• A money system isn’t used to grow wealth but to grow income. Growing wealth should

be left to your Fastlane road.

• You will struggle to build a financial empire if you are financially illiterate.

• “Live below your means” is relevant at any income level.

• For the Fastlaner, “Live below your means” means to expand your means.

• A financial adviser doesn’t solve financial illiteracy and literacy is insurance.

• Financial illiteracy dilutes your control, especially when evaluating the advice of a

financial adviser.


• Speed is the transformation of ideas to execution.

• Most people let powerful information expire and become worthless.

• Successful Fastlane businesses are run multi-dimensionally, like a game of chess. Onedimensional

businesses focus on price only.

• Execution divides winners and losers from their ideas.

• In business, execution is process. Ideas are events.

• Ideas are potential speed. Execution is actual speed.

• Others share your blockbuster idea. He who thinks the idea owns nothing. He who

executes the idea owns everything.

• Real money and momentum is created when an idea (potential speed) is matched with

execution (accelerator pressure).

• An idea is neurological flatulence. Execution makes it smell like a rose.


• The world gives clues to the direction you should be moving.

• Business plans are useless because they are ideas on steroids.

• As soon as the world interacts with your ideas, your business plan is invalidated.

• The marketplace will steer you into directions that were previously unplanned for.
• The best business plan in the world is a track record of execution—it legitimizes the

business plan.

• If you have a track record of execution, suddenly people will want to see your business


• If you want your business to get funded, take action and create something that reflects

tangible execution.

• Investors are more likely to invest in something tangible and real; not ideas dissected ad

nauseam on paper.


• Complaints are valuable insights into your customers’ minds.

• Complaints of change are difficult to decipher and often require additional data to

validate or invalidate.

• Complaints of expectation expose operational problems in either your business, or in

your marketing strategy.

• Complaints of void expose unmet needs, raise the value of your product or service, and

expose new revenue opportunities.

• Great customer service is as simple as violating your customer’s low expectation in the


• Poor service gaps are Fastlane opportunities.

• Satisfied customers can be human resource systems who promote your business for


• Satisfied customers have a dual residual effect: Repeat business and new business via


• Your customer and their satisfaction hold the key to everything you selfishly want.

• Looking big but acting small sets up customer service expectation violations in the


• Looking big can scare away potential competitors.


• A business partnership is as important as a marriage.

• A good accountant and attorney will save you thousands, perhaps millions.

• Accountants and attorneys have the keys to your castle; make sure you trust them fully

because they have the power to right or wrong you.

• Unmitigated trust exposes you to unmitigated risk.

• Unverified trust can lead to uncontrollable consequences.

• Your employees communicate the public’s perception of your company.

• Fanatical customer service can overcome shortcomings, but fanatical features can’t

overcome poor customer service.

• Customer service philosophy is delivered from human interactions—not ambitious

mission statements on a wall plaque in the CEO’s office.


• Commoditization occurs when you get into business based on a false premise—“I want

to own a business” or “I know how to do this, so I’ll start a business doing it.”

• If you are too busy copying or watching your competition, you’re not innovating.

• Use your competition to exploit their weaknesses.


• Marketing and branding (the queen) is the most powerful tool in your Fastlane toolbox.

• Businesses survive. Brands thrive.

• Businesses have identity crises, brands don’t. Identity crises force business owners into

price commoditization.

• Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) are the keys to your brand and differentiate your

company from the rest.

• People have a natural disposition to be unique and unlike everyone else.

• To succeed in marketing, your messages have to break above the advertising clutter, or


• Polarization is a great above-the-noise tool if your product targets a polarized

audience—usually politics, minority opinions, and even sports teams.

• Sex sells and always draws eyeballs.

• Consumers make buying decisions based on emotions before practicality.

• If you can arouse emotions in your audience, you will be more likely to convince them to


• People have a natural disposition to talk about themselves. If you can incorporate

interaction into your campaigns, you will have better success.

• To be unconventional means to first isolate and identify what is conventional, then

doing the opposite, or interrupting that convention.

• Consumers are selfishly motivated. Always target your messages toward the

predisposition of “What’s in it for me?”

• Features are translated to benefits when you switch positions from producer to

consumer, identify the feature’s advantages, and extrapolate those advantages into a

specific result.

• Price implicitly conveys value and worth.

• Don’t allow your own perception of price direct your brand to mediocrity.


• Tekel Syndrome sufferers are polygamist-opportunists who opportunity hop.

• A weak business commitment commits you to weak assets.

• Weak assets do not accelerate wealth.

• The most successful entrepreneurs lived their business and were 100% committed to it.

• Successful business monogamy can lead to successful business polygamy.

The 40 Fastlane Lifestyle Guidelines

--- ~ ---

I SHALL . . .

1. Not dismiss “Get Rich Quick” as improbable.

2. Not allow the Slowlane to bury my dreams.

3. Not allow Slowlane prognosticators to contaminate my truth with their dogma.

4. Not ordain the Slowlane as the plan, but let it be a part of the plan.
5. Not sell my soul for a weekend.

6. Not expect nor seek a chauffeur to wealth.

7. Not trade my time for money.

8. Not put time in control over my financial plan.

9. Not forsake control over my financial plan.

10. Not demote time as abundant and effervescent.

11. Not assign faith to events, but to process.

12. Not take advice from gurus who preach one roadmap, while getting rich using another.

13. Not use compound interest for wealth, but for income.

14. Not disrespect the passivity of a dollar.

15. Not cease learning at graduation, but start it.

16. Not impose the burdens of parasitic debt into my life.

17. Not play on Team Consumer, but switch to Team Producer.

18. Not dismiss the plausibility of my dreams.

19. Not chase a path of money, but a path of need.

20. Not fuel my motivation by love, but by passion.

21. Not focus on my expenses, but on my income.

22. Not pay myself last, but first.

23. Not do what everyone does.

24. Not trust everyone, but allow trust to be proven.

25. Not relinquish control over my business.

26. Not hitchhike, but seek to drive.

27. Not operate within limited scales and in tiny habitats.

28. Not dishonor the horsepower of my choices.

29. Not swim as a guppy in a pool, but as a shark in the oceans.

30. Not consume first, but produce first, and consume later.

31. Not engage in barrier-free or entry-weak businesses.

32. Not invest in other people’s brands, but in my own.

33. Not give credence to ideas, but to execution.

34. Not forsake my customer for other stakeholders.

35. Not build a business, but a brand.

36. Not focus my marketing messages on features, but benefits.

37. Not be a polygamist opportunist: Focus!

38. Not engage my business like checkers, but chess.

39. Not live above my means, but seek to expand my means.

40. Not live without the insurance of financial literacy.


The Billionaire has the ability to make people feel good that they

are around him or her. He or she has charm and charisma.

People thirst for acknowledgement and friendliness and will think

more of you for being interested in them.

Charm and charisma can be developed by adopting these practices

and attitudes of being friendly, interested and focused on the person

with whom you are in conversation. It is a skill the Billionaire

knows is useful.


The Billionaire has developed a persona for themselves that they

have honed over many years. It is the way they choose to be

perceived by the outside world. Of the Billionaires I have known

there is:





There is almost always a single common quality remembered about

this person once you meet and or deal with them.

How did they do this?

They started at the beginning .... Took at look at themselves in the

mirror and said "I am going to be known as being successful and

powerful or a doer or a maverick or a deal maker.

Say out loud: I AM A SUCCESS

You are beginning to learn that you must start with believing

yourself first so that you will walk, talk, look and be successful.

The Billionaire utilizes a measured voice when speaking. He or she

tend to speak slower to be clear with even rhythms to be inviting

(you enjoy their voices). Oh yes, they can be commanding in their

voice. However, they are not always shouting or barking orders to

people, as they know that pushes people away and their purpose is

to bring people into their world.


The Billionaire loves money! I mean REALLY loves money. Let

me show you how much.

How can we relate?

Easy ....

Money brings freedom.

Money brings choices.

Money means more options.

You don't have to adopt the tremendous love of money that the

Billionaire possesses. However, you do need to respect what

money provides.... Freedom, choices and options!

Next to each area list some reasons why lTIOre money will

enhance this area of your life.

You have begun your newly enhanced awareness and love of

money. Good! You are getting into The Billionaire Way and

resulting mindset. This is a must for automatic success.


The Billionaire has a "clock in their head" and knows how to utilize

time as an asset.

Knowing Time / Removing Distractions

Removing distractions

When the Billionaire is focused on his To Do List he or she is not

thinking of anything but about the List and what needs to be done.

He is not concerned about where he is going for lunch, who won a

sports event the previous night, or when the children need to be

picked up from school. He stays in the moment and does not allow

his mind to interrupt his focus with thoughts other than the task at



The Billionaire develops a strategy for their goals and business

plans. They have a clear vision of where they are going in both the

short term and long term. The Billionaire knows how to get there.

They don't drift away or allow distractions and interruptions to

throw them off their chosen path.

Don't let your mindset be thrown off track by the "if only they"

thoughts like - If only they would have listened or if only the other
person understood better.

It is your responsibility to communicate!

Others cannot read your mind.


That's right! For the whole day I want you to avoid

meaningless conversations. That is your goal. How?

• Politely excuse yourself from meaningless conversations.

• DO NOT initiate any meaningless conversations.

• INITIATE meaningful conversations that move you forward.

• Ask yourself - Will this be productive?

• Remain focused on your TO DO LIST for the day.

• Do not let your mind wander or drift.

• Stay on track.

• When speaking with someone BE COMMUNICATING.

• You do not have to avoid people or phone calls. However, you

do need to practice staying on target and moving forward.

By the end of the day you should be pretty used to accessing your

conversations and if they are meaningless or productive.


The Billionaires I have known came from humble beginnings.

Even so they were NEVER ordinary. Their surroundings may have

originally be ordinary where they lived and where they worked but

they themselves were and are extra ordinary individuals. They do

things in a better way. If they do not have the way ... they find the


One way is to multi-task. The Billionaire believes it is imperative

to multi-task in order to achieve and maintain greater results.

The Billionaire cannot be satisfied with doing and having only one
project in a day, a week, a month or a year's time, Their goals are

much higher and the Billionaire can only be satisfied or fulfilled

with having accomplished numerous goals on that day or in that

week, month or year's time.


The Billionaire is an active listener. When he takes meetings he or

she usually let others speak first and processes what they are saying.

The Billionaire LOOKS at people when they are speaking to him.

No doubt the Billionaire has an agenda for the rneeting (obtaining

the best price, the most advantageous contract, etc.) but he enters

the meeting as a clear channel to listen, be attentive and absorb.

Words Mean Things

They really do! I want you to practice your listening skills and

continue your practices of demeanor (calm), charisma (charm), time

frames (keep it moving) and goals (staying on track).


The Billionaire is more challenged than the average person is when

distinguishing needs and wants because more is available to them.

Why else? Easy answer - they simply have more resources of time,

money and opportunity. However, it was not always this way AND

the Billionaire continues his LOVE OF MONEY so does not part

with it readily or easily.

To be sure, there is always someone trying to sell the Billionaire

something. The Billionaire continues the Billionaire Way and

distinguishes between needs and wants.


The Billionaire lives and breathes budgets. He or she is human and

want the eyes sees ... the heart desires. However, the Billionaire

has a fine filter, which says-

Do I need it?

If so, can I buy it for less?

Both personally AND professionally the Billionaire views spending

money to excess as inappropriate. Of course, we all have our own

perspective on what is excessive, don't we!


How often has the Billionaire heard the word NO? Not very often

to be sure. Yet when they do it is usually because it has been

presented in a reasonable, pragmatic fashion. Such as --- hey, boss

we can't do that because it is not to our best interest .. here is why.

Now when the Billionaire says NO they are perfectly willing and

capable of delivering the NO with their usual charm and flare. The

Billionaire tends to maintain his position to not alienate a vendor,

an associate or the community in general because it would not serve

his purpose. It would limit his success so the Billionaire practices

keeping the doors open.


The Billionaire is relentless in his or her quest to find services and

products for the best value. Of course it is easier for the Billionaire

than the average person as more people with products and services

are available to him and actively solicit him.

This being said the approach and concepts remain the same AND

the Billionaire always requests:

A better price.

More services.
The Billionaire knows it is not done until it IS DONE!


The Billionaire sees, hears and accesses differently. Because of

their clarity they have revelations every day.

How are they doing this?

The Billionaire perceives more of their environment, people and

contracts than the average person does. The hectic pace of business

is actually seen in slow motion. Remember that the Billionaire is a

clear channel and this means he or she accept their immediate

environment as what it is. They DO NOT perceive the world as

what they want it to be but rather AS IT TRULY IS.


The Billionaire is organized. The Billionaire knows this is a must

AND expects those around them to be organized as well!

The Billionaire is organized in his or her thoughts, actions and

words. You must be, too so let us practice some organization.


The Billionaire knows he or she cannot do it alone! They are ever

mindful of others especially those key to them, I have known a

Billionaire who maintains a birthday list of his key people and even

though his assistant may have it on their calendar .. once a month he

asks for the list and writes a personal message on the card.

Another Billionaire I have known designed personal stationary and

envelopes to write Thank You notes to key associates and managers

to express appreciation or acknowledgement of a job well done. He

does not utilize company stationary, as he wants the recipient to

understand this is coming from him personally.

It is good practice to acknowledge those assisting you with their

help even if you are paying for it. Human beings thirst for

acknowledgment and appreciation.

Incorporating these Thank You practices will advance your goals

and bring you automatic success!


Obviously the Billionaire is a winner. They are successful and have

achieved wealth.

A fundamental principal of the Billionaire is that they always have

options. Every day the Billionaire faces difficult challenges that

would delay or end projects for the average businessman.

The Billionaire focus is on the positive. Their belief is that there is

an answer to the problem and it can be found.

The Billionaire impresses upon his or her team to think, research

and then find the answer and are willing to look at all reasonable

alternatives as a solution to the pending obstacle before them.

The Billionaire along with his or her team continue to move

forward. Why not .. they have an abundance of history to support

the confidence that an answer can and will be found.

Take the confidence and success that you just reviewed during the

first exercise and say to out loud:





The Billionaire expects the unexpected and embraces change.

Any system you don't embrace will eventually ostracize you (cast

you out).

The Billionaire does not take on the mentality that "the sky IS

falling" and neither should you.


There is an answer.


The Billionaire creates trust by being trustworthy. He or she is true

to time frames and commitments. An example - A key staff

member is eligible for a raise based on performance and has met

those performance goals. That key staff member is rewarded with a

raise. Another example - the vendor is ALWAYS paid in a timely

manner, as contractual obligations require.

The Billionaire's focus in ALL relationships is to invite people into

their world and make them feel valued.


Because the employee who believes he or she is valued will work

harder and longer to earn the Billionaire's trust.


When the Billionaire realizes that a sequence of events or project

has not gone as conceived he or she will acknowledge this reality.

Once realized they IMMEDIATELY look for the: errors or mistakes

that have been made. The Billionaire is willing to invest time and

money to investigate and understand what systems or people failed.

What went wrong?

Who went wrong?

How can we change?

The ability to correctly place the errors and misjudgments in their

proper context and adjust allows you to move forward to success.

The Billionaire refuses to let personalities be the issue.

They attack problems... not people.


The Billionaire deals fairly and honestly with their staff, bankers,

associates and vendors. They may and often do leverage their

position and seek the greatest opportunity for their company's

profit. However, it is not done at the expense of alienating all the

people mentioned.


They did not become wealthy by themselves and they cannot retain

their wealth if they are not perceived as:




The image that they take advantage of everyone they meet IS

perpetuated by TV and the movies... it is not in real time!

The Billionaire, of course, does what is best for them and looks for

an edge. However, they do this within the parameters of

knowing that they cannot do it alone.

We expect professionals to maintain a high degree of composure

when we deal with them. There is no good time for bad news yet

the reality is it does come our way.


The Billionaire does not carry grudges forward. They train

themselves and expect their key staff to resolve problems and limit

time spent in making people or personalities the issue.

Although it is human nature to have a grudge, the Billionaire

chooses to NOT HOLD a grudge. They simply cannot allow these

type distractions to invade their clarity of thought or interrupt their



The Billionaire is quite adept in asking for assistance. It is not

uncommon for the Billionaires I have known to ask a vendor for a

better price or more services at the same price. They tum on the

charm and make the Vendor feel valued and earnestly seek their

assistance. After all saving money is as good as making money!

Imagine how many people you will be counting on today to

advance your goals and agendas.

How do you advance your goals?

By realizing each and every day has a tempo to it and YOU are part

of that tempo. Though you cannot control other people's behavior

per se you can AND should help them to help you.


Emotion is not evidence.

Attack problems... not people.

Forgive and forget.

The tempo of your day.


The Billionaire is first, last and always a salesman. He or she is

selling their dream to his bankers, employees, vendors and their

families. The Billionaire is focused on every conversation and

leading people down a corridor to keep them on his mission and to

his ultimate goal, which is money.

Determining common qualities of the Billionaire mindset and

communicating them to you is my goal today.

1. Revelations (clarity) - see it differently. First time insights.

Perceive more of your environment, people and contracts.

The hectic pace of business is seen in slow motion. Do not

develop a "sky is falling" mentality.

2. Charisma - the Billionaire is a charismatic individual.

What is charisma? It is the ability to make other people

feel good about themselves. It requires equal measures of

confidence and empathy. It also helps to have a good


3. Integrity - they maintain the integrity of their goals, values

and personal image. Integrity is a unique quality as you

can only sell it one time.

4. Love of money - think of whom or what you love the most

... times that by 10 and that properly reflects the love the

Billionaire has for each and every dollar.

5. Time Define projects, meetings and employee

performance by time frames. Have a pre-set time limit for

all endeavors. The Billionaire has a clock in his head and

he always knows what time it is.


When accessing talent they have the ability to determine the

employees that would be paid to devise strategy and the ones

who are going to implement the strategy. The challenge is

deciding the employees that will be assigned strategies and the

employees that will do the work. Two to three senior managers

comprise the inner "circle of trust" to whom priority

assignments are delegated. The Billionaire's focus is ceaseless.

The members of their "circle of trust" are the most satisfied in

terms of salary, working conditions and opportunities for

advancement within the organization.

The Billionaire stays in contact with key managers by phone and

email on a daily basis to reinforce the mission and increase their

presence in the manager's minds as if they are always there

with them. It is an interesting concept that is unique to the

Billionaire. The image he wants to reinforce is "every

conversation you have in phone or in person, each letter - email

- fax you write, as if he was standing right next to you - how

would you respond on his behalf?"

The company mission is always communicated to key managers

as having a higher goal than money. The goal is communicated

as a positive for the employees, the company and the

community at large with a higher purpose than money. Yet

actually it is not --- it is always the money!

One of the primary distinguishing qualities of the Billionaire is

that as painful as failure has been in their business careers they

have learned more from their failures and re-member it longer

than the average businessman. The bitter taste of the failure

resonates with them and forces them to become more reflective.

Failure is not an option once the mission has been undertaken.

When chairing meetings they are gracious and allow all

attendees to speak first. They are active listeners who process

information at a higher level and summarize the information

gathered at a fast and incisive pace.

The Billionaire is not influenced by his company's senior

manager's internal conflicts involving personality issues. They

focus on the facts and the work at hand and realize that there

will always be managers who have agendas based on personality

related issues.

People are hired on merit.

Regardless of tenure

People are fired on merit.

Emotion has no cash value in the Billionaire mindset and they

believe that there is an answer to whatever problems are

presented to them that will benefit their company. They keep

an open mind to positive and creative solutions.

They have the ability to make people feel irnportant in their

lives and develop relationships by earning employees, vendors,

etc. trust. They are likeable, even when they disagree. They

know that you can disagree without being disagreeable. They

speak in low, measured tones that instill confidence and trust.

They do not rush in meetings or phone conversations. If an

individual warrants a meeting or phone call they are given time

to communicate their ideas and are treated in a respectful

manner. The Billionaire will send personal, handwritten notes

on his individual (not corporate) stationary to say "thank you"

for ideas that have been contributed during meetings and are

beneficial to the corporation.


Vision is a common quality among the great and the near great.

The Billionaire is a self-actualizer. They do not see obstacles as

impediments, rather simply as another opportunity to prove

themselves by overcoming whenever or whatever is between

them and their vision. They have the sheer will to go forward

and the confidence that the project will end successfully as they

have envisioned it. Regardless of the size or scope of the

challenge the successful entrepreneur commits himself to the

challenge as an all encompassing life or death, win at all costs


The average person cannot command this type of focus. The

Billionaire is rarely distracted by friends, family, sports or even

business associates who have a tendency to dissuade the

entrepreneur to change his commitment.

They are able to make multiple commitments of this nature

during the course of a business week. Once again their unique

ability to maintain the emotional and intellectual level necessary

for a "take no prisoners" mentality is a unique quality that has

been learned through repeated successful conclusions in the

business arena.

When the Billionaire discusses the project with the business

associate involved in assisting him in achieving the goal he will

state "I have thought of nothing else" elevating the mission to

all who will be associated with a successful conclusion of the

vision - the goal and ultimately the money. "Every dollar is like

a lost child"

The Billionaires share a common quality and that is their

enhanced ability to perceive and act upon the needs of their

customers, vendors and bankers. They are excellent listeners

and they act upon the needs of the people who have

communicated their issues to them. They never say, "I

understand" unless they do and they always ask questions

related to how they and their strategic partners can better

improve services and products. The bar is always raised and

never lowered regarding the end user of the products, services

and expectations.

What has to be done eventually should be done immediately.

The outstanding trait of the Billionaire is that he will take action

once the facts are known to him. The Billionaire knows that, all

things being equaled, people tend to do business with people

they trust. All things being not equal, people still tend to do

business with people they trust.

The days and weeks have knowledge that the hours do not

possess. Unless there is a high risk financial issue that a

decision must be rendered due to the monies involved or a

compressed time frame.. let the circumstances of the deal

develop and then decide.

Understand the players!

Understand the contracts!

The Billionaire lives in real time and understands that the world

is not what he perceives it to be or what he wishes it to be. It is

in fact what it is. The abilities to accept circumstances in the

business arena for what they are enables him to correct the

misjudgments by reflecting on how they occur. Setting up a

detailed plan so that they will not occur again. We recognize

what went wrong. We have a two tier / eight-point plan to

prevent it from happening again. We will not dwell on our past

mistakes! The ability to correctly place the misjudgment in its

proper context and adjust for the errors and move forward all

in a compressed time frame is a common quality of Billionaires.

Failures in people, systems and circumstance are both corrected

in this manner.

Bad results in business are always a result of poor dynamics in

infrastructure. The Billionaire recognizes the need to

understand the sequence of events that lead to the bad result ..

break it down .. correct it. He never believes in bad luck or this

was a once in a lifetime event. Understanding; the dynamic of a

bad result and corrects it to prevent the bad result from


The average businessman is reluctant to accept that the

situation, i.e. bad results and is in denial for two reasons. It will

take time and money to correct the dynamic that produced the

bad result. The average businessman chooses not to invest in

time to understand the dynamic and does not have or chooses

not to spend the money for same. The Billionaire will take

action that involves his time and money with full knowledge

that his company is only as strong as its weakest link. The

Billionaire always wants to make things better and believes in

quality systems and people can perform within that quality

system. Not deciding is a decision that will negatively impact

your business.

They finish what they start and don't abandon change midway

through the project. In addition, people are treated the same as

systems. A good system is 'continued. A good employee is

rewarded for their contributions. A poor system is eliminated.

A non-performing employee is terminated regardless of past

contributions or promises to do better. Once again the

Billionaire acts in an expeditious and timely manner.

The Billionaire has a completion mentality regarding all

projects and is always searching for time management tools to

assist him in "killing the item" and bringing the project to


It is a simple concept to implement the thought processes I have

described. The challenge is the human equation from staff,

vendors and partners. For whatever reason the emotional side

of various people's needs and agendas tend to cloud what are

basically simple issues as the Billionaire fights a never ending

battle to determine fact from fiction and emotion from evidence.

The great ones can do this. They are not side tracked and they

always focus on their vision and the business plan. The business

plan drives the business. Other peoples, emotions and agendas

do not.

Often times the Billionaire will be described as direct, blunt,

demanding or controlling. In real time these are the qualities

that make these individuals who they are: successful, powerful

and respected.

The honorable Billionaire ... fact or fiction?

The Billionaire is honorable. They deal in good faith day in and

day out or they would not have the ability to grow their

business and increase their profits. The Billionaire is a risk

taker who invests in his own dreams, not the dreams of others.

The Billionaire does not confuse honesty and good faith with full

disclosure on all issues.

Create Time and Money

168 hours in a week. How to use and create time based on a 40hour

work week. Three hours a day creates 780 hours a year,

which translates into 19.5 weeks of additional productive time.

Simply stated .. come in an hour early, eat lunch at your desk ..

stay an hour later and in less than 4 years you will have worked

5 years. Working on Saturdays (8 hours) you add another 416

hours of productive time which equates to 10.4 additional

business weeks of productivity. This would total 1196 hours =

30 additional weeks of productivity per year. In 5 years you

have gained 150 weeks ... simply stated you have created 8 years

of work in a 5-year time frame. Imagine the increase in your

productivity and how much closer you will be to your goals at

the end of a 5 year plan when you have an additional 3 years as

compared to your colleagues who are working a 40 hours a



First question for the Billionaire is why are we having the

meeting? Then the thought process goes to - is it legal? The

Billionaire views attorneys as necessary professionals in

business. However, the Billionaire always directs the attorney

to focus on the corporate vision and not become lost in legal

minutia. Can I do it? Does it benefit me or my corporation?

Will this meeting we are going to attend improve our products,

services and profits? If the answer is no - then the meeting does

not occur. If the answer is yes, the following is preferred:

1. The Billionaire requires meeting take place at his location

because it is time efficient and offers control.

2. Meeting notes are kept at each meeting. Once agenda and

time frames have been set all participants are advised of

action plan that comes from the meeting and the

participants will be held to implementing the action plan.

3. The meetings have a purpose and are followed up on for


4. No meaningless conversations.

5. The Billionaire knows that keeping an open mind is the

mark of a superior mind. He has learned to disagree

without being viewed as being disagreeable.

The greatest time saver for the Billionaire is the word NO.

Meetings that do not benefit him or his company are easily and

often declined.

Who is the Billionaire?

The Billionaire is first, last and always a salesrnan. He is selling

his dream to his bankers, employees, vendors and his family.

He is focused on every conversation and leading people down a

corridor to keep them on his mission and to his ultimate goal,

which is money. Do not limit your time or talents in pursuing

our common goals. He has a sense of urgency that he

communicates to his staff regarding all projects. He follows up

within designated time frames to confirm that the project is on

budget and on time.

Power: When speaking of the truly wealthy people discuss them

in terms of money. The Billionaire realizes that money buys

options and freedom. He understands the true benefit of money

is power, personal independence and control over his

environment. Money buys options and freedom, It is power that

insures they can keep their freedom, control and their material


The Billionaire is a true pragmatist. If it works he continues to

do it until it stops working or is not productive. They do not fix

things that are not broken.

The real question for today and the members of this seminar is:

How can you develop business methods similar to the Billionaire?

Think like a Billionaire!

First and foremost change your thought process. I am sure

you have heard many times that if you want a different

result, it is mandatory that you do things differently. Adopt

the common qualities of the Billionaire and your

opportunities are limitless.

• Change your thoughts, your words, your actions and your

destiny will automatically change and become positive and

productive financially.

• The individuals I have discussed were not of the manor born.

They came from humble beginnings, had a dream and were

able to sell other people on their vision so that they could

achieve their goals. They do not do it alone. They are

inclusive in conversations and actions with people they meet.

Billionaire Traits:

• Do not speak against your own interest. The Billionaire

knows he does not have to answer every question asked. The

response when asked a question you prefer not to answer ...

"That is an inappropriate question, therefore I have no


• Have vision.

• Never stop asking people to assist you in accomplishing your


• If you are embarrassed and not comfortable asking people

for their assistance, ideas and money... you will limit your


• Winners have options and alternatives.

Billionaires Stay:

• Organized

• Focused on detail

• Committed to budgets

Vendor Contracts

They review contracts on a regular basis and! challenge senior

staff to reduce by 5-10%.

Let system (bid) give lowest price. Invite winner in and advise

that he really hasn't won yet, as they need further concessions.

90-120 days later the winner is invited back and asked for

increased services. End up with "Ford" price and a "Cadillac"


Always agree to pay on person's day of request during the month

and never miss that payment date.

Extra Effort

Projects take more money and more time than first appears.

Always factor this in. Road is always longer and has more

twists and turns.

I have done everything I can. I have researchled and considered

all approaches to the problem. Billionaire response - "You

never asked for my assistance."

Are you working for a paycheck, a career or a dream? The

Billionaire is a dreamer .. you should be too.

Recruit, manage and motivate hourly workers are the nuts and
bolts of any successful business operation. Incentives. Ability

to see and understand the everyday worker.

Do not be assumptive that people are doing the right thing the

right way.

The challenge of the hourly worker is to motivate the

individuals and to instill a sense of honor with regards to their

corporate behavior. A motivated employee is more productive

and less likely to misappropriate funds from your corporation.

As previously stated, the Billionaire is always selling. The

Billionaire knows that people make buying decisions

emotionally. They only justify their decisions to buy


You cannot manage anything you cannot control.

Never manage your numbers regarding your business plan.

Manage your behavior and the numbers becorne attainable.

Watch for "hidden agendas".

Bring something to the party in any business or relationship.

Processes that bring good results you must continue.

Always ask the buying question.

Focus on money moments.

When you find yourself in a hole .. stop digging.

If you life gives you lemons ... make someone else suck on them.

More regrets result from indecision than from bad decisions.

Attack problems ... not people.

I gave you my word. My word is good.

It is my issue ... I will take care of it!

Hope may be a virtue. However, it is rarely a sound business

Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully no matter what

the cost.

Be interested in others, their pursuits, work, home and families.

Make merry with those who rejoice, and with those who weep ..

mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you

regard him / her as a person of importance.

Regardless of what you sell ...customers do not buy things ... they

buy solutions to problems.

Billionaire report process: Would you change your report if you

had more time? Yes - then change the report. Experience,

perfection and pride should encompass all reports submitted to the


Billionaire conversations: Everything I say is a promise.

Any system you do not embrace will ostracize you.

"Circle of Trust" - give explanation.

The Billionaire's first and last rule!

If you don't know... don't do. If you don't know ... don't say.

If you do not know the scope of an issue then do not become

involved. If you do not know the scope of an issue then do not

comment on it. The Billionaire knows that he will never regret

what he has not said or done when he has not been fully informed.

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