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A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct form of words

from the box. One word is extra.
1. commence
2. flee
3. navigate
4. embrace
5. resemble
B. Words in Context.
Complete each sentence with the best answer.
1. If we say that a person's laughter is contagious, we mean that it ________.
B makes us laugh, too.
2. A ferry is useful when traveling ________.
B. between two islands
3. If someone needs to retrieve a map, he or she needs to ________.
A. go back and get it 100%
4. If two subjects overlap, they cover ________ information.
B. some of the same
5. The work of a philosopher relates to ________.
A. wisdom and learning

A. Matching.
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d

B. Completion.
Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words from
the box. One word is extra. inherent trigger mutual norm abundant
1. inherently
2. trigger
3. mutual
4. inclination
5. abundance

C. Completion.
Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box. Two
words are extra.
1. species
2. ritual
3. bouncing
4. prominent
5. absurd
6. dense
7. harsh
8. evoked

A. Definitions.
Read the information below and match each word in red with its
a. necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must =
b. being an essential part of something = integral
c. happening or existing in all parts of a country = nationwide
d. hard-working in a careful and thorough way = diligent
e. dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation = contamination

B. Words in Context.
Complete each sentence with the best answer.
1. If contamination is confined, it _______.
A. occurs within a certain area
2. The body's digestive system primarily _______.
B. takes nutrients from food
3. If a project is feasible, it ________ be done.
A. can
4. An optimistic person believes that the future will be _______ than today.
B. better
5. A person might be called a pioneer in business because he or she ________.
A. started a new type of company

A. For and Against.
Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

1. genetic
2. allergic
3. pesticide
4. slip by undiscovered
5. adequately tested
6. public relations exercise

B. Completion.
Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box.
Two words are extra.
1. genes
2. revolutionary
3. pests
4. conventional
5. diminished
6. skeptics
7. allergic
8. notwithstanding

C. Definitions. Use the correct form of words in the box in A to complete

the definitions.
1. reduce in size, importance, or intensity = diminish
2. despite = notwithstanding
3. a reaction whereby you become ill when you eat, smell, or touch something
= allergy
4. a very great change in the way that something is done or made = revolution
5. normally used = conventional
6. insects or other small animals that damage crops or food supplies = pest

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