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In the field of natural language processing, several studies have been conducted to explore the

language-specific challenges faced by the Odia language. Pradhan et al. (2017)[1] developed a text
classification system for Odia using machine learning techniques, achieving high accuracy rates in
classifying text into predefined categories. Patra et al. (2013)[2] focused on developing a statistical
model for part-of-speech tagging in Odia, which achieved high accuracy rates. Patnaik et al. (2014)[3]
developed a syllable-based speech recognition system for Odia, which achieved high levels of
accuracy in recognizing spoken Odia words. Patra and Panda (2013)[4] developed a stemming
algorithm for Odia that accurately identified and extracted the stem of Odia words, even in cases of
inflection and conjugation.

Rath et al. (2012)[5] focused on developing a unit selection-based text-to-speech synthesis system
for the Odia language, which produced natural-sounding speech with high intelligibility. Das et al.
(2019)[6] explored the use of machine learning techniques for named entity recognition in Odia text,
achieving high accuracy rates in identifying named entities. Patnaik and Pattanayak (2019)[7]
developed a deep learning-based approach for sentiment analysis of Odia text, which achieved high
accuracy rates in identifying positive and negative sentiments.

Sahoo et al. (2017)[8] explored the use of rule-based chunking techniques for identifying noun
phrases and verb phrases in Odia text, achieving high accuracy rates in chunking Odia text. Sahu and
Meher (2014)[9] developed a named entity recognition system for the Odia language using
conditional random fields, achieving high accuracy rates in identifying named entities in Odia text.
Patra et al. (2015)[10] explored the use of NLP techniques for text summarization in the Odia
language, developing a system that produced concise summaries of Odia documents with high
accuracy. These studies have contributed significantly to the development of natural language
processing tools for the Odia language.

"A Hybrid Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Odia Language" by Sahu and Meher (2016): This
study proposed a hybrid approach for named entity recognition in the Odia language, combining
machine learning and rule-based techniques to achieve high accuracy rates in identifying named
entities in Odia text. Mishra et al. (2014)[11] compared the performance of several stemming
algorithms for the Odia language, evaluating their accuracy in extracting the stem of Odia words and
identifying common errors. Sahu et al. (2014) [12] explored the use of rule-based machine
translation techniques for translating English text into the Odia language, achieving high accuracy
rates in producing grammatically correct and semantically meaningful translations. Das et al. (2018)
[13] developed a morphological analyzer for the Odia language, which was able to identify the
inflectional and derivational morphology of Odia words with high accuracy.

In the field of natural language processing (NLP), several studies have been conducted on the Odia
language. Meher et al. (2015) [14] compared the performance of several part-of-speech tagging
algorithms for the Odia language, evaluating their accuracy in assigning the correct part-of-speech to
Odia words. Behera et al. (2016)[15] focused on developing a speech corpus for the Odia language,
which was used to analyze the acoustic and phonetic characteristics of Odia speech. Jena and Rath
(2016) [16] explored the use of ontology-based techniques for text classification in the Odia
language, achieving high accuracy rates in classifying Odia documents into predefined categories.
They also compared the performance of several sentiment analysis algorithms for the Odia language,
evaluating their accuracy in identifying the polarity of Odia text. Pati et al. (2016) [17] explored the
use of machine learning techniques for spell checking in the Odia language, developing a system that
was able to correct misspelled Odia words with high accuracy. Additionally, Das et al. (2014) [18]
focused on developing linguistic resources for the Odia language, including a part-of-speech tagged
corpus, a morphological analyzer, and a stop-word list, which were used to support various NLP tasks
in Odia. Sahu and Meher et al. (2016) [19] proposed a hybrid approach for named entity recognition
in the Odia language, combining machine learning and rule-based techniques to achieve high
accuracy rates in identifying named entities in Odia text. Finally, Sahu and Meher (2016) [20]
proposed a hybrid approach for named entity recognition in the Odia language, combining machine
learning and rule-based techniques to achieve high accuracy rates in identifying named entities in
Odia text. Overall, these studies have contributed significantly to the development of NLP techniques
and resources for the Odia language.

Swain et al. (2018) [21] proposed a system for optical character recognition (OCR) and post-
correction of the Odia script, achieving high accuracy rates in recognizing and correcting errors in
scanned Odia documents. Mohapatra et al. (2018) [22] explored the use of machine learning
techniques for sentiment analysis of Odia tweets, achieving high accuracy rates in identifying the
polarity of Odia tweets. Panda et al. (2017) [23] proposed an approach for automatic extraction of
multiword expressions (MWEs) in the Odia language, combining linguistic and machine learning
techniques to achieve high accuracy rates in identifying and extracting MWEs. Sahu and Meher
(2018) [24] proposed a hybrid approach for named entity recognition in the Odia language,
combining rule-based and machine learning techniques to achieve high accuracy rates in identifying
named entities in Odia text.

Maharana et al. (2019) [25] compared and evaluated various stemming techniques for the Odia
language, assessing their accuracy in reducing inflected words to their base form. Swain et al. (2017)
[26] compared the performance of several dependency parsing algorithms for the Odia language,
evaluating their accuracy in analyzing the grammatical structure of Odia sentences. Dash et al. (2019)
[27] compared the performance of several named entity recognition algorithms for the Odia
language, evaluating their accuracy in identifying and classifying named entities in Odia text.
Mohanty et al. (2017) [28] proposed a rule-based approach for part-of-speech tagging in the Odia
language, achieving high accuracy rates in identifying the syntactic category of Odia words. Kumar
and Rout (2020) [29] proposed a hybrid machine translation approach for translating English text to
the Odia language, combining statistical and neural machine translation techniques to achieve high
translation quality. Finally, Pati et al. (2018) [30] proposed a lexicon-based approach for sentiment
analysis of Odia reviews, achieving high accuracy rates in identifying the polarity of Odia reviews.

In recent years, several studies have been conducted on the development of natural language
processing techniques for the Odia language. One such study, conducted by Pattanayak et al. in
(2019) [31], proposed an approach for processing compound words in Odia, achieving high accuracy
rates in identifying and separating compound words into their constituent parts. In 2017 [32] , Prusty
and Singh proposed a rule-based approach for developing an Odia spell checker, achieving high
accuracy rates in identifying and correcting spelling errors in Odia text. Pradhan et al. (2019) [33]
proposed a machine learning-based approach for word sense disambiguation in the Odia language,
achieving high accuracy rates in identifying the correct sense of ambiguous words in Odia text. In
2020 [34], Pradhan and Nayak evaluated the performance of several sentiment analysis techniques
for Odia text, including lexicon-based, machine learning-based, and deep learning-based approaches,
and compared their accuracy rates.

Another study, conducted by Pattanayak and Swain in 2019 [35], proposed a graph-based approach
for text summarization in the Odia language, achieving high accuracy rates in generating summaries
that capture the most important information in a given text. Biswal et al. (2019) [36] compared the
performance of several document categorization algorithms for the Odia language, evaluating their
accuracy in classifying Odia documents into predefined categories. Behera et al. (2018) [37] proposed
a machine learning-based approach for named entity recognition in the Odia language, achieving
high accuracy rates in identifying and classifying named entities in Odia text. Sahoo et al. (2020) [38]
proposed a Hidden Markov Model-based approach for part-of-speech tagging in the Odia language,
achieving high accuracy rates in identifying the grammatical categories of words in Odia text.

Pati et al. (2016) [39] proposed a rule-based machine translation system for translating English text
to the Odia language, achieving high translation quality by using a combination of syntactic and
semantic rules. Finally, Mishra et al. (2019) [40] proposed a finite state transducer-based approach
for text normalization in the Odia language, achieving high accuracy rates in converting non-standard
Odia text into standard Odia text. Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential for natural
language processing techniques to improve the quality and accessibility of the Odia language.

The Odia language has been the subject of numerous studies focused on improving various aspects
of its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. One such study is "Odia Text-to-Speech
Synthesis using DNN-HMM" by Sahu et al. (2019) [41] , which proposed a deep neural network
(DNN) and hidden Markov model (HMM) based approach for text-to-speech synthesis in the Odia
language, achieving high-quality speech output that closely matched human pronunciation. Another
study, "A Comparative Study of Stemming Algorithms for Odia Language" by Panda and Swain (2019)
[42], compared the performance of several stemming algorithms for the Odia language, evaluating
their effectiveness in reducing the inflectional and derivational variations of Odia words. Similarly, "A
Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Odia Text Classification" by Dash et al. (2018)
[43] compared the performance of several machine learning algorithms for text classification in the
Odia language, evaluating their accuracy rates in classifying Odia documents into predefined

"A Hybrid Approach for Odia Text Segmentation and Optical Character Recognition" by Bisoi et al.
(2018) [44] proposed a hybrid approach for text segmentation and optical character recognition
(OCR) in the Odia language, achieving high accuracy rates in detecting and recognizing Odia
characters in images. Meanwhile, "An Improved Algorithm for Named Entity Recognition in Odia
Language" by Mohanty et al. (2021) [45] proposed an improved algorithm for named entity
recognition (NER) in the Odia language, achieving high accuracy rates in identifying and categorizing
named entities in Odia text. Additionally, "Odia Language Sentiment Analysis: A Comparative Study
of Machine Learning Approaches" by Mishra et al. (2020) [46] compared the performance of several
machine learning approaches for sentiment analysis in the Odia language, evaluating their accuracy
rates in detecting and categorizing sentiment in Odia text.

"Part of Speech Tagging for Odia Language Using Conditional Random Fields" by Das and Satapathy
(2019) [47] proposed a part-of-speech (POS) tagging approach for the Odia language using
conditional random fields (CRF), achieving high accuracy rates in identifying and categorizing the
different parts of speech in Odia text. "A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Odia Handwritten
Character Recognition" by Parida et al. (2018) [48] proposed a hybrid machine learning approach for
recognizing handwritten characters in the Odia language, achieving high accuracy rates in detecting
and recognizing Odia characters in handwritten documents. Finally, "Odia Language Spell Checker
using Rule-Based and Statistical Methods" by Pradhan and Satapathy (2017) [49] proposed a spell-
checking system for the Odia language using both rule-based and statistical methods, achieving high
accuracy rates in identifying and correcting misspelled words in Odia text. "A Hybrid Approach for
Word Segmentation in Odia Language" by Mohanty and Jena (2016) [50] proposed a hybrid approach
for word segmentation in the Odia language, combining a rule-based approach with machine
learning techniques to achieve high accuracy rates in segmenting Odia words from unsegmented

In recent years, several studies have focused on improving natural language processing techniques
for the Odia language. Rout et al. (2015) [51] proposed an optimized stemmer for Odia language
using genetic algorithms. Satapathy and Pati (2014) [52] presented a novel hybrid approach for
sentiment analysis in Odia language by combining rule-based and machine learning techniques. Rout
and Mishra (2018) [53] analyzed compound words in Odia using a corpus-based approach and
proposed a methodology for extracting them. Pati et al. (2018) [54] proposed a part-of-speech
tagging system using Hidden Markov Models for the Odia language. Satapathy and Pati (2016) [55]
proposed a rule-based approach for named entity recognition in Odia. Mohapatra and Sahoo (2015)
[56] conducted an empirical evaluation of dependency parsing in Odia. Additionally, Mohapatra and
Sahoo (2014) [57] proposed a stemming algorithm for Odia language to reduce words to their root
form. Sahoo and Sahoo (2020) [58] compared the performance of different machine learning
algorithms for sentiment analysis of Odia text. Samal and Jena (2016) [59] proposed a neural
network-based approach for optical character recognition of printed Odia text. Finally, Mohapatra
and Sahoo (2016) [60] developed a hybrid approach for tokenization of Odia text using rule-based
and statistical methods. These studies showcase the ongoing efforts to enhance natural language
processing techniques for the Odia language, covering various aspects such as stemming, sentiment
analysis, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, dependency parsing, optical character
recognition, and tokenization.

In recent years, there have been several studies focused on Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the
Odia language. Jena and Patra (2017) [61] proposed a Conditional Random Field (CRF) based
approach for Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging in Odia language and evaluated its performance. Rath and
Patra (2018) [62] compared the performance of several machine learning algorithms for sentiment
analysis in Odia language. Padhi and Nayak (2018) [63] proposed a CRF-based approach for Named
Entity Recognition (NER) in Odia language and evaluated its performance. Swain and Patra (2019)
[64] proposed a K-means clustering algorithm based approach for text summarization in Odia
language and evaluated its performance. Sahoo and Patra (2020) [65] surveyed existing research on
machine translation of Odia language and discussed the challenges and opportunities in this area.
Jena and Patra (2018) [66] proposed a Word Embedding based approach for computing the semantic
similarity between words in Odia language. Patnaik and Nayak (2019) [67] evaluated the
performance of the Stanford Parser for dependency parsing in Odia language and compared it with
other state-of-the-art parsers. Nayak et al. (2019) [68] proposed a Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) with Conditional Random Field (CRF) model for Named Entity Recognition (NER) in
Odia language and achieved state-of-the-art performance. Behera et al. (2020) [69] proposed a
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) based approach for topic modeling in Odia language and evaluated
its performance. Swain and Patra (2021) [70] proposed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based
approach for text classification in Odia language and achieved state-of-the-art performance on
benchmark datasets. These studies provide a comprehensive overview of NLP techniques in the Odia
language and pave the way for further research in this area.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research in
Odia language. A number of studies have proposed various approaches for tasks such as Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD), machine translation, text classification, Named Entity Recognition (NER),
sentiment analysis, word segmentation, entity relation extraction, dependency parsing, and
lemmatization. Mohanty et al. (2017) [71] proposed the use of the Lesk algorithm for WSD in Odia
language and evaluated its performance. Sahoo and Patra (2018) [72] proposed a morphological
analysis approach for Odia verbs to improve the accuracy of machine translation systems. Sahu et al.
(2019) [73] proposed the use of the Naive Bayes algorithm for text classification in Odia language and
evaluated its performance on a dataset of movie reviews. Satapathy and Nayak (2020) [74] proposed
a Bi-directional LSTM with CRF (BiLSTM-CRF) model with syntactic features for NER in Odia language
and achieved state-of-the-art performance.

Pattnaik and Nayak (2021) [75] proposed a Recursive Neural Network (RNN) based approach for
sentiment analysis in Odia language and evaluated its performance on a dataset of social media
posts. Sahu and Nayak (2017) [76] proposed a Conditional Random Fields (CRF) based approach for
word segmentation in Odia language and achieved state-of-the-art performance. Acharya et al.
(2018) [77] proposed an approach for extracting relations between entities in Odia text using
dependency parsing and pattern matching techniques. Patnaik and Nayak (2019) [78] proposed the
use of graph-based dependency parsing models for Odia language and compared their performance
with other dependency parsers. Sahoo et al. (2019) [79] proposed a lemmatization approach for Odia
verbs to improve the accuracy of machine translation systems. Sahu and Patra (2021) [80] proposed
an aspect-based sentiment analysis approach for Odia reviews using a CNN-LSTM model and
achieved state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets. These studies have contributed
significantly to the development of NLP research in Odia language and have opened up new avenues
for future research. However, there is still much work to be done in this area, and further research is
needed to address the challenges and limitations of existing approaches.

Several studies have been conducted on various natural language processing (NLP) tasks for the Odia
language. Das et al. (2017) [81] proposed an approach for text summarization in Odia language using
the TextRank algorithm, which achieved good results. Sahu and Patra (2018) [82] compared the
performance of rule-based and Conditional Random Fields (CRF) approaches for named entity
recognition in Odia language. Sahoo et al. (2018) [83] compared the performance of Statistical
Machine Translation (SMT) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) approaches for translating Odia
sentences to English. Sahu and Patra (2019) [84] evaluated the effect of different word embedding
techniques on sentiment analysis of Odia text and compared their performance. Patnaik and Nayak
(2020) [85] proposed the use of Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) models for part-of-speech tagging of Odia text and compared their performance. Mohanty
and Behera (2017) [86] proposed a method for detecting negative emotions in Odia text using
Support Vector Machines (SVM) and achieved good accuracy. Mohanty et al. (2018) [87] proposed a
hybrid approach that combines lexicon-based and machine learning-based methods for sentiment
analysis of Odia reviews. Sahu and Patra (2019) [88] compared the performance of various machine
learning techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysis of Odia reviews. Patnaik and Nayak
(2019) [89] evaluated the performance of various deep learning techniques, including Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), for
text classification in Odia language. Finally, Sahu and Patra (2020) [90] proposed the use of LSTM and
Conditional Random Fields (CRF) models for dependency parsing of Odia text and compared their
performance. These studies have made significant contributions to the development of NLP
techniques for the Odia language.
Over the years, researchers have proposed various methods and techniques for natural language
processing (NLP) in the Odia language. Patnaik et al. (2019) [91] presented a method for semantic
role labeling in Odia text using a combination of syntactic and semantic features. Sahoo and Tripathy
(2018) [92] proposed a rule-based stemming algorithm for Odia language to reduce words to their
root forms. Mohapatra et al. (2021) [93] compared the performance of various machine learning
techniques for named entity recognition in Odia text. Sahu and Patra (2021) [94] explored the use of
word embeddings for various NLP tasks in Odia language, including sentiment analysis and named
entity recognition. Patnaik and Nayak (2021) [95] compared the performance of different stemming
algorithms for the Odia language and proposed an improved algorithm based on a hybrid approach.
Das and Patnaik (2018) [96] proposed a part-of-speech tagging approach for the Odia language using
conditional random fields. Behera et al. (2019) [97] compared the performance of various extractive
summarization techniques for Odia text and proposed an improved approach based on sentence
weighting. Mohapatra and Patnaik (2019) [98] proposed a hybrid feature selection approach for text
classification in Odia language, which combines both statistical and semantic features. Das et al.
(2021) [99] proposed a deep learning-based approach for text-to-speech conversion in the Odia
language, achieving high accuracy rates. Sahoo et al. (2020) [100] proposed a named entity
recognition approach for Odia language using various deep learning techniques, achieving high
accuracy rates.

In summary, these studies have contributed significantly to the development of NLP techniques in
the Odia language. They have explored various approaches, including rule-based algorithms,
machine learning, and deep learning techniques, for tasks such as semantic role labeling, stemming,
named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, text summarization, text classification, and text-to-
speech conversion.

Over the years, there have been several studies conducted to enhance the natural language
processing capabilities of the Odia language. In 2015, Mishra and Meher [101] proposed a support
vector machine-based approach for word sense disambiguation in the Odia language, which
achieved high accuracy rates. Behera et al. [102] conducted a comparative study of k-means and
hierarchical clustering algorithms for text clustering in the Odia language in 2021, and proposed an
improved approach based on combining both algorithms. In the same year, Dash et al[103].
proposed a hybrid approach for sentiment analysis in Odia language using both machine learning and
lexicon-based methods, which achieved high accuracy rates. In another study, Behera and
Patnaik[104] compared the performance of various machine learning algorithms for named entity
recognition in the Odia language, and proposed an improved approach based on combining multiple

In 2018 [105], Mohapatra et al. compared the performance of various supervised learning algorithms
for text classification in the Odia language and proposed an improved approach based on using
ensemble methods. Mishra et al. proposed a hybrid approach for text summarization in the Odia
language, which combined extractive and abstractive summarization techniques in 2020 [106]. In
2019 [107], Mohanty and Sarangi compared the performance of various text preprocessing
techniques for sentiment analysis in the Odia language and proposed an improved approach based
on a combination of techniques. Panda and Meher compared the performance of various feature
selection techniques for sentiment analysis in the Odia language and proposed an improved
approach based on a combination of techniques in 2020 [108]. In 2021 [109], Mohapatra and Patnaik
proposed an ensemble method for sentiment analysis in the Odia language using multiple machine
learning algorithms, which achieved high accuracy rates. Finally, Patnaik and Mohapatra [110]
evaluated the performance of various morphological analyzer tools for the Odia language and
proposed an improved approach based on a rule-based morphological analyzer in the same year.

Over the past few years, several studies have been conducted in the field of natural language
processing (NLP) for the Odia language. In 2019, Rath et al. [111] proposed a deep learning-based
approach for named entity recognition (NER) in Odia text and compared its performance with other
machine learning-based approaches. Nayak and Chandra (2019) [112] compared the performance of
various word embedding techniques for text classification in Odia, while Swain and Behera (2019)
[113] proposed a hybrid approach for sentiment analysis in Odia, combining lexicon-based and
machine learning-based techniques. Mahapatra and Rath (2020) [114] proposed a hybrid approach
for automatic text summarization of Odia documents, combining a lexicon-based approach with a
graph-based approach.

In 2021, Behera and Satapathy [115] proposed a rule-based stemming algorithm for the Odia
language, while Nanda and Rath (2021) [116] proposed a rule-based approach for text normalization
in Odia. Mishra and Satapathy (2019) [117] applied the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm for
topic modeling of Odia text documents. Swain et al. (2019) [118] compared the performance of
several machine learning algorithms for text classification in Odia. Sethi and Rout (2019) [119]
proposed an optical character recognition (OCR) system for printed Odia script using a template
matching technique. Finally, Behera and Patra (2021) [120] compared the performance of several
deep learning models for text classification in Odia. These studies collectively indicate a growing
interest in NLP research for the Odia language, with researchers proposing various approaches for
tasks such as NER, stemming, text normalization, sentiment analysis, summarization, topic modeling,
text classification, and OCR.

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