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Computer Engineer

Ulises Alejandro Mora Quintana

29/04/1996 México City, México +525526715393
Web developer in the last year I worked like a mid full stack developer in OM niDoc
building microsery ices, using clean architecture, using pattern design, use react-
redux & rtk leading the new web application for the company and better myself like a
developer. in Bambu Mobile, I worked like team leader and software architect in many
projects and planning the best solution for every project I have good experience in
frontend, backend and recently this year I started working with Devops (Cl/CD), I
knowledgeable about AWS,Linux server and Microsoft server.
I'm a very responsable, I think that the team work is really important and helping my
team is always a priority for me, I'm always learn new technologies and taking new
courses because is very important improve myself everyday.
 Angular  KUBERNETES
 Redis  ASP NET CORE
 Reactjs  C#
 Ionic  PYTHON
 JavaScript  FLASK
 Typ-eScript  AWS

08/2014 – 08-2019 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO
Computer Engineer UNAM - FI
 English - Cl
 Spanish - Native
Work experience
 Mid Full Stack Developer OmniDoc
I started in 2022 like a Mid full stack web developer.
■ Building microsery ices for the api gateway
■ Working with clean architecture like ODD
■ Use CQRS for Microservices
■ Experience with Design pattern
■ Leading the new web application with react - redux & rtk
■ Building a lambda function with docker for aws
02/2020 – 05/2022 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO
 Full stack developer Bambu Mobile
I started in 2020 like a junior web developer.
■ Building APIs with nestis, expres and A.SPN ET CORE
■ Experience with Microservices for web application and mobile app aplications.
■ Working with Fireb-ase (Hosting, Firestore, CloudMesagge etc).
■ Using ORM for postgres, mariadb, mongodb, microsoft sql server and redis.
■ Contributing to each project delivery phase (analysis,development,test,ops) in
different roles
■ use IONIC for build android and IOS apps.
■ Use architecture patterns for some system applications
■ Implementing Cl/CD in aws with tra,visCI and use docker and kubernetes.
■ Using aws, googly cloud , firebase. and heroku.
■ Config server (Linux and Microsoft windows server) for web applications.
■ Building many single web application with angular,react and use Nexts and Angular
universal consume (REST,SOAP, socket and Graphqli).
■ AWS with EC2, Route53, ElasticBeanstalk, S3,
Load Balancer, RDS, etc
07/2019 - 11/2019 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO
 Web developer
My first job started in 2018 like a a junior web.
 Worked with azure.
 Use c# to develop chatbots with azure.
 Worked web applications with php and mysql.
 Used html, css and responsive web design.
08/2018 – PRESENT
 web and mobile developer
I worked like web and mobile developer in several projects my more
recently projects were.
 I developed two Dapps aplication with solidity (smart contracts erc 20 and erc721)
running in ethreum and the frontend develop in web3 with reacts also 1 developed a
mobile app 10S & ANDROID for one dapp.
 I developed a ERP for a company with nestis like API and angular universal like
eccomerce and one mobile app with ionic and finally I develop the admin web
app with angular.

Social media

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