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NAME: Josue Gonza

COURSE: 3th “C” Science

DATE: 09/10/2022


Make 10 sentences in the past: 5 in regular verbs and 5 in irregular.

5 in regular verbs

1. Van Gogh painted the self-portrait in the year 1889

2. I traveled to Loja three months ago.
3. I started studying 12 years ago
4. My father arrived in Quito in 1995
5. I learned to drive 1 year ago

5 in irregular verbs

1. My friend ate pizza yesterday

2. Duki sang in Guayaquil a month ago
3. They feed the dogs 2 years ago
4. Jenny slept at the hotel until yesterday.
5. The Mona Lisa was drawn in 1503.

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