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A Broken Country

by Elizabeth Wilson
A Broken Country
By Elizabeth Wilson
“Daniela, Daniela wake up!” cried my brother, “go back to bed” I said half asleep. “I
can’t there’s a fire outside” shouted my brother “what do you mean there’s a fire”? so ran to
my window and there were smoke and no. All I knew was to go wake up papa. So Atin and I
quickly ran to mama and papa’s room. As I approached their bedroom papa wasn’t there but
that did not stop me from telling mama. I was so worried it would be the Moroz they are our
neighbors Atin, and I are good friends with their kids. Though I haven’t seen them in 3 days.
Mama knew where they went but did not want to tell me. “Mama, I think it’s the Moroz’s
House!” I said, very nervously. Mama looked scared which made me scared. I knew something
was wrong from the look of her face. I looked into mamas’ eyes, and she quickly put on a brave
face for us. “It's nothing to be worried about” ”but Mama why is there a fire outside?” said Atin
still breathing heavy. “Why don't you guys come sleep with me tonight” “Ok Mama”. I was still
in shock as Atin went to get his stuff I asked Mama “what's really going on?” “War” “War! “I
shouted “Shhhhhhh” mama said, “I don't want you to scare your brother” Mama said quietly.
“Where is Papa?” I whispered. “He left” that's when Atin walked in the room. “Why don’t we
pray right now” mama said. So that night we prayed to God to bring peace upon our country.
Mama told us we have a long day tomorrow and that we need our rest. How could I sleep when
there is a war outside, and I have no clue where papa is? I wondered if the war had something
to do with the Moroz’s leaving. I still had so many questions that I wanted to ask mama. My
body wanted to sleep but my brain was thinking about the war. My heart must have been
pounding so loud that it woke up mama. “Mama I’m scared” I whispered “there no reason to be
scared you want to know why”, “why” I said, “because God is with us, and he will protect us
now rest my child” “Wait mama, please tell me where papa is” I said “nowhere” “mama I’m
fifteen you could tell me” “shhhhhh you’re going to wake up you brother” “But mama I saw him
pack” I whispered He went to join a local defense unit” “mama I think you should tell Atin he is
going to be thirteen he can handle it”. The last the thing I said that night was God be with us,
suddenly my eyelids got heavier and heavier until I fell asleep. Soon, Morning was upon us, and
mama was not in bed. I went to check in the kitchen, and she was there drinking her tea. Mama
did not even look scared she looked as if nothing had happened. “Mama what did you mean
when you said war last night?” I asked anxiously. “The Russian want power and will not stop
until they get what they want” “Does that mean they are going to invade?” “Yes, and it’s only
going to get worse” “so I need you to be strong for your brother” “now help me make
breakfast.” We were too loud that we woke up Atin. It felt like all the other days where I would
help mama with breakfast and Atin would wake up because, we were too loud. We were having
breakfast and Atin noticed Papa was still not here “Mama where is papa”? “Well, the fire
started because the Russain Army did it on purpose” “on purpose what do you mean?” “The
Russian are invading Ukraine and that is why you saw smoke outside.” Atin looked so confused,
“and what about Papa?” he asked, “Well, he went to join a local defense unit.” “Most men did
not have a choice but to separate with their wives and children.” “mama are we going to
leave?” I asked “no” “but mama what if they get closer you even said that its going to get worst
and they will not stop” I said. “Were going to stay until papa gets back” mama said softly.
“Mama! I’m not sitting around waiting to be killed! Those Russian are going to get closer, and
we don’t have electricity. How long before we lose water. And, what about papa? When was
the last time you heard from him?” Mama looks firmly at me. “Not in front of your brother
“Why do we hide stuff from Atin he’s big enough to handle it “Daniela!” mama screamed with such

ferocity. I quickly ran into my room to go gather my thoughts about the whole argument. In a
way I was scared to leave but we must for our safety. Within ten minutes being in my room
mama knocks on my door. “Mama I’m sorry for yelling at you” I said, “It’s fine” mama said and
then said, “I haven’t heard from papa in a while, the reason were not leaving is because papa
was supposed to come home sooner, and I’ve tried calling but it’s not working.” When mama
left my room, I had mixed emotions I felt angry about the Russian invading and sad that mama
hasn’t heard from papa. As the days went on it also began to get worst, we would hear
bombing, gunfire, airstrikes even the sound of people screaming with fear for their lives. It got
so bad mama would start to break into tears, until she had enough. A few days after she started
to cry, she told Atin and I to pack our bags but only the stuff necessary.  Mama’s best friend was
willing to take us in. We hadn’t even made it far when the sounds of silent footsteps were
replaced by rapid gunfire and screaming. The group dispersed as a car sped through the street,
mama jumped on top of us and dragged us across the sidewalk to the nearest building. She
banged on the door, begging for someone to come and open the door. A man answered and he
let us in. We stayed there until we heard no gunfire but cry civilians. We arrived at the house
around 4:30 a.m. and everyone was exhausted we all went to sleep as soon as we got there.
My brother pulled my comforter off me. I groan in irritation and try to kick him away. “We’re leaving

soon, pack your things.” “I sat up immediately. My brother grab some belongings and carried
them up the basement stairs. “What!” I said “He goes back down two steps and tells me again.
“We’re leaving, hurry up, and move!” “I kick off my comforter and stomp up the stairs. “Mama!
Atin said were leaving? “Mama is that true? “I asked” Yes, I spoke with people at the shelter.
They got us bus tickets straight to Kyiv, then we’ll hop on a train to Polańczyk. We’ll go to the
shelter, and they’ll help us. There are people waiting for us, pack valuables, eat heavy, we’ll
leave in an hour.” Mama said “What about food” I said “they will give us some at the shelter”
mama said “and what about papa have you heard anything yet” I asked doubtfully “he’s waiting
for us at the center” I smiled and thought about how we could finally be a family again. As we
began to walk closer and closer to the city bus station, we noticed baggage scattered around
the floor, and soon bodies. Mama covered Atin and my eyes. As Mama whispered, “God be
with us” When we arrived at the bus station mama quickly thanked God for protecting us and
Atin and I went to sleep We arrived at the refugee centers. The center was clearly overfilled
with families and their pets, we had to walk in a straight line as we navigated through the
hallways. I noticed the volunteers’ stacking sacks at the front. Finally, mama pushes open a
door and we arrive in a room with less people and more room. “PAPA!” Atin Shouted “where”?
we quickly ran towards him gave him the big hug and papa said, “I missed you guys so much”
Papa lets go of us suddenly. “I have something to show you. Just wait right here.” He hurriedly

leaves the room before coming back again with a leash. “A Pitbull!” Atin exclaims. Atin and I run
forward, dropping to our knees on the floor to pet the dog who kept licking us back. I giggle and
I look at papa. He’s so cute! What’s his name?” “Leo. He had a collar with that name on it, so
we kept it that way. We found him tied to a fence, left by owners probably trying to escape the
war. Cruel people might as well set him free than leave him there to die. This war is changing
good people.” Atin and I sat and waited around as mama and papa spoke with his crew who
was also going to accompany us. Papa’s crew was made up of men from other countries who
had stepped up to help Ukraine in the war. I admire these brave men who chose to leave their
homes and Ukraine not even being their own country to help Ukraine. Mama excitedly squeezes
my hand and I look eagerly ahead. We had to leave the center early since the highway where the

buses were waiting was a far walking distance away. Mama said that normally a bus ride to Kyiv
would last six hours but with the war, blocks, stops, and everything, it might take longer. “Wait
mama were is papa”? “Papa won’t be coming with us to Kyiv. He says he must stay here and fight. I
am not too happy about that, but I am proud of him” I look ahead and see the only obstacle left
between us and the highway, a highway bridge that had been destroyed in the war. I see the speckles

of color beneath the bridge, a slow-paced stream of refugees who were also trying to get to the
highway. Soon after, we join them. Tomorrow we’ll be in Poland. There are soldiers who are
stationed here to assist the crossing refugees. There’s also a news cast here who is
documenting the crossing refugees, I watched as I slowly passed as the woman spoke into the
camera held by the man in front of her while waving and pointing at her background. They’re
both wearing full gear. Suddenly, she screams, a high pitch scream, and ducks. What sound like
a hundred slaps on the ground were Russian army were throwing grenades the bridge. I lay on
the ground panting shaky breaths. My senses feel muffled, and I feel like I’m in a well. I look around me,

my mama who was slowly getting up, a mother who was trying to calm her crying baby, a man helping

his frail, old, mom get up, I see papa. My papa who is shouting at me with his hand out, then suddenly

he falls. Mama pulls me up and drags me beneath the bridge to hide behind a toppled

pillar. Everything clears up and my senses come back to me in a flash. I hear the blood-curdling
sound I thought I would never hear again, gunfire I whimper, and I cover my ears. Before long, it
stops. The gunfire ceases and everything is still and quiet, no one daring to move. Slowly, I
remove my hands from my ears. I see Atin peeking from where he was hiding. It stopped. I
stand up. “Papa!” I see him going towards the Russian army trying to stop them. Mama quickly
covered my mouth. I only heard gunfire and can barely hear mama and I crying and praying to
God to be with papa. As we hear the Russain leaving I quickly stand up to see papa, but I
couldn’t see him. I run where papa was and the was on the floor. “Mama quick we need to take
papa to the hospital”! So, we quickly took papa to the nearest hospital mama told Atin and I to
wait in the lobby while mama talked to the nurse. I see mama started to cry so I rapidly run too
her. “What wrong”! “Papa didn’t make it” All of us burst into tears mama quickly hugs us and
tells us he’s in a better place. “Mama did God leave us”? Of course, not he may have left the
country, but he will never leave his people”

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