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Name_____________________________ Notes/Worksheet on the Water Cycle and Water pollution

Instructions: Glue in your notebook OR write this in your notebook. Read it. Complete the tasks.

Notes: What is the water cycle and why is it important?

 It is a continuous process by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land
 It is important because it allows water to reach plants, animals and us! Besides providing people, animals and
plants with water, it also moves things like nutrients, pathogens and sediment in and out of aquatic ecosystems.

Task 1

Draw diagram of the

water cycle if you are
writing notes

Task 2

Include on the diagram

the processes of (a)
condensation (b)
respiration and (c)

Notes: What is involved in each process?

 The water cycle includes many different processes. Liquid water evaporates into water vapours which then cool
or condense to form clouds. From clouds precipitates such as rain and snow fall back to the earth. Liquid water
flows across land (runoff) or into the ground which is called infiltration and percolation. The water that runs off
enter lake rivers, oceans or other on land catchments. Some of this water will go through the ground and form
under groundwater. Groundwater moves into plants. Plants then lose water by evaporation to the atmosphere
and this is called transpiration. Animals and plants also will release back water vapour in the atmosphere where
they carry our respiration.

Task 3: Write on the board or chart provided your understanding of one of the processes.

Task 4: Examine the diagram provided by the teacher and label the processes that are involved

Notes: What are some ways human have negatively impacted the water cycle

 Clearing forested areas for housing etc reduces transpiration

 The use of agricultural chemicals often results in pollution of surface and underground water sources
 Building of dams
 Over use of aquifers reduce the time needed to recharge these sources
 Releasing domestic sewage and industrial waste improperly have led to water pollution

Task 5: Suggest ONE other way man has negatively impacted the water cycle

Notes: What is water pollution and how can that affect us as humans?

 Water pollution is the contamination of water sources by substances/ pollutants which make the water
unusable for drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities.

 Pollutants include chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites. All forms of pollution eventually make their way to
water. Air pollution settles onto lakes and oceans. Land pollution can seep into an underground stream, then to a
river, and finally to the ocean.
 What are the major water pollutants and their effects?

Task 6: Examine the information in the table carefully. Which one of the damages could lead to social and economic

Task 7 Research how we test water for the presence of pathogen such as bacteria. Write a description of make a
audio recording
Assessment Task: Label A_F on the diagram of the water cycle

Assessment Task: Label A_F on the diagram of the water cycle

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