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Indicator Unit Data Source

Infant Mortality Rate Deaths per 1000 live 49.6 PRB World
births Population Data
Sheet 2021

Population Growth Percentage change 1.9% PRB World

Rate Population Data
Sheet 2021

Literacy Rate Percentage of 58.1% UNESCO Institute for

population Statistics

We can infer from the data in the table that the inhabitants of the chosen LEDC country
may not have the best quality of life. The high risk of infant mortality, which may be related to
inadequate healthcare infrastructure and resources, is indicated by the infant mortality rate of
49.6 deaths per 1,000 live births. A high birth rate and a low standard of living are both indicated
by the population growth rate of 1.9%. The 58.1% literacy rate raises concerns about possible
limited access to education, which is essential for raising living standards. Overall, these data
point to the possibility that the nation may experience significant difficulties in meeting its basic
needs, including those for healthcare, education, and a secure living environment.


● Explain how improved standard of living and quality of life can

contribute to global population control. Is it an important, even
critical, component in achieving the “right” population for the
Numerous factors can help with population control on a global scale, including improved
living conditions and quality of life. First off, people tend to have fewer children when they have
access to better healthcare and education. This is due to their increased access to
contraception and ability to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. There is
less need to have many children as a form of insurance because of improved healthcare, which
increases children's chances of living into adulthood. Second, people tend to have fewer
children when they have better economic opportunities. This is because there is less pressure
to have a large family to support because they can afford to invest more in the education and
wellbeing of each child. Thirdly, people tend to live in urban areas with smaller family sizes when
they have access to modern infrastructure and technology. This is because family planning
services, educational opportunities, and employment opportunities are typically more readily
available in urban areas. One of the most important factors in ensuring sustainable development
and averting environmental catastrophe is reaching the "right" population level for the planet.
The Earth's resources are limited, and it is widely acknowledged that an excessive population
can worsen pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion. To encourage sustainable
population growth, it is crucial to raise the standard of living and quality of life for people all over
the world. We can assist people in making informed decisions about their reproductive health
and build a more sustainable future for everyone by offering them access to education,
healthcare, economic opportunities, and modern infrastructure.

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