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APES LCV 2022-2023



3 2 1 0 SCORES
The campaign focus - the need to
The campaign focus - the need to
conserve energy - is clearly and The campaign focus - the need to
Articulation of the conserve energy - is articulated
convincingly articulated. The conserve energy - is not
1 issue - the need to but not convincingly enough for
'audience' should be in no doubt articulated and the audience will
conserve energy the audience to want to take
that they should agree to take consequently take no action.
significant action.
The content and the information The content and the information The content and the information
Content & given in the campaign is accurate given in the campaign is mostly given in the campaign is entirely
Information and appropriate. There are no suitable but there are some unsuitable and/or contains many
errors or misunderstandings errors or misunderstandings. errors and misunderstandings.
The campaign suggests specific The campaign suggests actions
The campaign does not suggest
actions which can be taken and which can be taken and there is
The campaign any actions which can be taken
3 there is every evidence that these some evidence that some of
results in action and the 'audience' will probably
actions will be fully implemented these actions might be
not implement any actions at all.
by the 'audience'. implemented by the 'audience'.
Clarity and quality of All the materials used and The materials used and The materials used and
the presentations presentations given in the presentations given are adequate presentations given are
and campaign campaign are clear, well detailed for the campaign but lack clarity inadequate, lacking any clarity
material and of high quality. and/or detail. and detail.
The materials and presentations The materials used and
The materials and presentations
in the campaign show little are presentations in the campaign
Creativity & in the campaign are creatively
5 creativity in their design and show no creativity in their design
Originality designed and utilised, and are
utilisation, and will not last long or utilisation and are not in any
memorable to the 'audience'.
in the memory of the 'audience'. way memorable to the 'audience'.
The campaign and its The campaign and its The campaign and its
presentations successfully presentations exploit more than presentations exploit just one
6 Use of media
exploit different forms of media. one form of media but there is no form of media. There is no variety
There is variety in the campaign. great variety in the campaign. at all in the campaign.
The target audience is not
The target audience is defined The target audience is defined
defined and there is no attempt
7 Audience focus and the campaign is properly but the campaign is not well
to adjust the campaign to any
adjusted to that audience. adjusted to that audience.
Most but not all deadlines are
All deadlines are met, including No deadlines are met, neither in
met, including in the planning
8 Time management in the planning and the planning nor in the
and implementation of the
implementation of the campaign. implementation of the campaign.
All resources which are used in
Resources which are used in the
the campaign are properly
9 Citations campaign are not acknowledged
acknowledged and accredited to
or accredited to their authors.
their authors.
Points (3, 2 1 or 0) are awarded here from a combination of factors which might include a demonstration of intellectual
10 Holistic overview commitment, an unusual sense of ownership of a good product, special insights and/or depth of understanding, originality and
creativity, and individual participation or leaadership in the campaign..

TOTAL / 20

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