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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Amas, Kidapawan City


Direction: Read each item or statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer
1. Which of the following statements is real?
A. Plants need sunlight in making their own foods.
B. When you kiss a frog, it will turn into a handsome prince.
C. With just a wave of a magic wand, you can achieve all your dreams.
D. When it rains while the sun still shines brightly, there are “tikbalangs” getting married.

2. Which of the following statements is a make-believe?

A. Butterflies help flowers bloom beautifully.
B. I went to the forest and saw an elephant fly.
C. Luke is riding in a hot air balloon. He is high up in the sky!
D. The IATF is checking body temperature at the entrance of the border.
3. Which of the following statements gives factual image?
A. Trees are useful to men.
B. Our hen lays golden eggs.
C. Trees talk and brag about their strengths.
D. Wind blows hard when provoked by others.
4. The following are non-fact images EXCEPT




For items 5-6

Telescopes make things that are faraway look nearer. They work by gathering the light
from an object and bending it to make a tiny picture called an image. The image is then made
larger. Two kinds of telescopes do this job.

The lens or refracting telescope uses two lenses fixed in a tube to keep unwanted light. A
large lens at one end of the tube collects the light. A smaller lens called the eyepiece makes
the image larger.

The other kind of telescope is called the reflecting telescope. Instead of a lens, it has a
curved mirror to collect light. The eyepiece is at one side of the telescope, near the top. Light
from the object passes down the tube and is reflected back by the concave mirror at the
bottom. A small flat mirror directs these rays into the eyepiece.

The invention of the telescope has paved the way to numerous astronomical studies
through the years.

5. Based on the selection, how does a telescope function?

A. It hits with a resounding sound.
B. It makes a rapid popping sound.
C. It makes far away things look nearer.
D. It crosses out with lines through a fortress.

6. The following statements are true about telescope EXCEPT

A. Telescopes work by gathering the light from an object.
B. Reflecting telescopes use mirrors instead of lens to focus on lights.
C. Refracting telescopes use two lenses fixed in a tube to keep unwanted light.
D. The invention of the telescope does not pave the way to numerous astronomical studies.

7. Which statement asks permission?

A. Shall we go swimming?
B. Can I use your pen, please?
C. Do you have a cat or a dog?
D. Excuse me, where is the shopping mall?

8. You want to watch TV until 10 o’clock in the evening. How would you ask permission from your
A. I want to watch TV, Father.
B. Do you think I can watch TV until 10 o’clock?
C. Would you allow me to watch TV until 10 o’clock?
D. Father, tomorrow is Saturday. Is it okay to watch TV late at night?
Among the many endemic species of Palawan fauna, the Palawan peacock-pheasant,
Philippine pangolin, and the Palawan bearded pig are there to stay.

9. What is the meaning of the italicized word as used in the sentence?

A. acquire
B. alien
C. immigrant
D. native

Light from the object passes down the tube and is reflected back by the concave mirror at
the bottom.

10. Which of the following is the meaning of concave as used in the sentence?
A. an important discovery
B. greatest or highest degree or amount
C. getting rid of something by destroying
D. surface that curves inward like the interior of a circle or sphere

Some have added fish to their diet; but, generally speaking, all who are called vegetarians
will be found to abstain from the use of flesh and almost invariably also from fish as food.

11. Which of the following means the same as the underlined word in the selection?
A. to become completely involved with
B. to get together to talk something over
C. to take something unusual that is pleasing to eat
D. to restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something

The catastrophe has been explained as a volcanic eruption or an explosive outburst of

gas and oil stored and accumulating at high pressure.

12. Which of the following best defines the underlined word?

A. a scenic view
B. a wonderful event
C. an endless happening
D. an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering
My uncle started with small entrepreneurial activities until he had built a business empire.

13. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the underlined word in the sentence above?
A. The act of negotiating or making an earnest request
B. Someone who recognizes, manages, or risks in a business enterprise
C. The art of forming decorative design with hand or machine needlework
D. Relating to organizing, managing, and taking risk in a business enterprise

14. If important areas of biodiversity are protected correctly, then sustainable tourist development goes
along without pressuring the beauty of nature. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. a scientific activity
B. any of a class of plants that has no flowers
C. a variety of life in the world or ecosystem
D. the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level

Steps in Making a Map

I. Using the map you made, go around the area to check if your map is correct and
II. Draw or draft your map with a pencil and determine the direction by putting the north
sign on the upper portion.
III. Observe and take note of features like hills, rivers, or streams, and landmarks like
monuments and street marks.
IV. Decide on the scope of your map or the area you are going to make a map for.

15. Which of the following is the first step in making a map?

A. I

16. Which is the correct order of making a map?

May 30, 2021. Hundreds of thousands of milkfish washed up dead at Taal Lake in
Talisay, Batangas, south of Manila on Sunday, where baffling environmentalists and raising
concerns over climate change issues.
“About 500 metric tons (500,000 kilos) of fish, worth more than 50 million pesos,
were seen floating in the water in the six towns of Batangas Province the past two days,” a
local mayor told Reuters.
According to a local town agriculturist, the cause of the fish kill was a sudden climate
change in the area.
The common perception about fish kill is linked to the depletion of oxygen in water,
which is due to a number of factors. Gases released from volcanic activities often lead to
poor oxygen levels in nearby lakes, but scientists believe that deaths are not related to
activities inside Taal Volcano, which is surrounded by Taal Lake.


17. Based on the above article, which of the following statements is true?
A. Global warming causes intense storms.
B. Climate change brings devastating effects to nature.
C. The most alarming effect is the devastation left by the typhoon.
D. It is best to have a regular cleaning of our rivers and water passageways.

18. How does climate change affect people?

A. They reduce the use of carbon emissions.
B. They experience scarcity of resources like food and water.
C. They restore and enhance the use of farmlands and forest to store carbon.
D. They become aware and talk about climate change with family and friends.

19. You are out of rice. You want your sister to pass the bowl of rice to you. How would you ask
favor from your sister in a polite way?
A. I need extra rice.
B. I want more rice.
C. Give me a bowl of rice.
D. Would you mind passing the bowl of rice?

Simon is running late because he still has a presentation. He wants to ask Peter,
his roommate, to tidy up a bit because his parents are coming over.

20. How would Simon request his roommate?

A. Peter, clean the room for me.
B. Peter, could you please help me tidy up our room?
C. You are not doing something, Peter, so clean up our room!
D. Peter, I am busy. Clean our room because my parents are coming over.

21. The following are examples of unsupported opinions EXCEPT

A. Sunlight is bad for my health.
B. I think sunlight can damage the skin.
C. In my opinion, sunlight can cause cancer.
D. According to study, excessive exposure to sunlight is not healthy.
I. I think she is right.
II. She is not telling the truth!
III. Can you please send me the file?
IV. I strongly believe that she is capable of doing things right.

22. Which conveys strong emotions?

A. I

23. All the statements show assertion EXCEPT

A. “Wow! I can’t believe I won the prize,” Kris exclaimed.
B. “I am positive that I have expressed the idea clearly,” Fred said.
C. “I strongly believe that I can finish my work on time,” Carla replied.
D. “Excuse me, I want to finish my work, then I shall go with you,” Ben replied.

24. Which of the following statements conveys assertion?

A. What an awful attire!
B. Congratulations! I know you can do it.
C. I think climate change is brought about by negligence of humans.
D. It should be noted that everyone should finish work before lunch time.

How to Wash your Hands

1. Wet the 2. Lather 3. 4. Rinse

hands with soap the hands
with between under
clean the palms running
water. and back of water.
the hands.

25. Which sentence best completes the sequence chart above?

A. Dry hands with a clean towel.
B. Put your hands in running water.
C. Interlink your fingers and rub between fingers.
D. Put soap in your hands and rub them together.

26. Carlo wanted to have a PowerPoint presentation in class on the similarities and differences of
amphibians and reptiles. Which of the following graphic organizers is appropriate to the topic?
A. Concept Map
B. Main Idea Web
C. Sequence chart
D. Venn Diagram
27. Which among the words below has a dictionary meaning ‘to pull with force?’
A. emit
B. haul
C. immerse
D. perplex

When the principal announced he would be leaving the school after five years, there was a
poignant silence in the auditorium.

28. Which group of words has the same meaning with the underlined word inside the box above?
A. cool, detached, zestless
B. stay, break, termination
C. heartfelt, sincere, intense
D. extraneous, relative, accidental

Ruby’s computer shop is in the red. She is afraid she will have to close her shop soon.

29. Using online resources, what could be the appropriate meaning of the underlined expression
A. Relating to money
B. Operating at a loss
C. An important discovery
D. Getting rid of something by destroying

It’s not easy to make both ends meet with a big family, but somehow we manage.

30. Which of the following is the meaning of the underlined expression using an online dictionary?
A. spend money beyond limit
B. stretch money from one payday to the next
C. deposit large amount in your account
D. find out how much money you still have in your account

31. The following statements show enumeration text-type EXCEPT

A. I like everything about him: his smile, his personality, his sense of humor.
B. She unpacked her suitcase, her hairbrush and toothbrush, bathrobe, and slippers.
C. First, we measured the perfume into the beaker, next we poured it into its designated bottle.
D. In order to avoid COVID-19 virus, one should always wear a mask, wash hands from time to
time, and maintain social distancing.
32. Which of the following shows enumeration text-type statement?
A. As I was running down the hill, I remembered that I had left my car keys on the kitchen table.
B. Rust is a browned-red crust that forms on the surface of ordinary iron and steel when they are
lifted in damp air.
C. Global warming stresses ecosystems through rising temperature, water shortages, drought and
increased fire threats.
D. Last week, my family went on vacation to an amusement park. After several rides, my
parents convinced me to see a show. Finally, after a tiring day, it was time to head back

33. Which of the following shows text-type in sequence order?

A. In making cookies, first, prepare your materials. Then, make your dough. Lastly, cook your
dough at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.
B. Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton saris worn specially
for the occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming when the boat rocked and clutching
each other in pleasurable panic.
C. I had to leave my sick bed to visit Ben before school. Feeling weak, it took me ages to get there
and have to stop for a rest every now and then, but with the help of an old lady who had a long
black mustache I made it to the front door.
D. I ran inside and started closing all the windows. I turned on the lights because it had gotten so
dark inside. Rain started pouring down outside, and some of it was coming in past the flapping
curtains. Then BOOM! A loud clap of thunder made me jump.

I. He begged the god who granted his wish to take away the spell so his daughter would
be back to life again.
II. He wanted to have more gold and so he wished that everything he would touch would
turn into gold.
III. Not long ago, there was a king named Midas who had everything he needed.
IV. His wish was granted but when he touched his daughter, she, eventually turned into
gold as well.

34. Which of the following is the correct order of events in the story?

35. Which of the following is an example of glittering generality?

A. “Things go better with Coke.”
B. “This is the wave of the future.”
C. “People who don’t fly FILAIR are simply not in.”
D. “Fly with FILAIR and feel that you are on top of a cloud, skimming over a summer meadow.”
I. “Inspiring you from within”
II. “Be the first on your block.”
III. “I keep up with my everyday lifestyle with SMART C.”
IV. “I finally found the coffee that goes well with my busy schedule.”

36. Your Grade 6 teacher wants you to identify the examples of propaganda in testimonial technique
among the list above. Which are those?
A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. III and IV
D. I and III

37. Which picture of propaganda refers to name calling?




38. Which of the following is presented in coherent order?
A. Trees are cut in the forest. Thousands of kilometers of roads are being built. Everyday people
grow in number here on earth. They are building more and more homes. Even animals such as
bears, cats, and skunks have a difficult time finding homes.
B. Everyday people grow in number here on earth. They are building more and more homes.
Thousands of kilometers of roads are being built. Trees are cut in the forest. Even animals such
as bears, cats, and skunks have a difficult time finding homes.
C. Everyday people grow in number here on earth. Thousands of kilometers of roads are being
built. Trees are cut in the forest. Even animals such as bears, cats, and skunks have a difficult
time finding homes.
D. Thousands of kilometers of roads are being built. Even animals such as bears, cats, and skunks
have a difficult time finding homes. Everyday people grow in number on here earth. They are
building more and more homes.

39. I can fight against COVID – 19 if ______________.

A. I spit in public places.
B. I refuse to use a face mask and face shield outside.
C. I go around some places with family and friends.
D. I refrain from touching my eyes, nose and mouth.

40. Children attending online classes should___________________.

A. take snacks without muting themselves first
B. turn off their camera for long periods of time
C. meet with friends and create a happy environment
D. log in and arrive at the virtual class early to boost their energy

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