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What are

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders?

Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders,

or OSFED, is a term used to describe disor- Purging Disorder: The person en-
dered eating behaviours that significantly gages in purging (e.g. self induced vom-
impact on the individual’s life, but do not fit iting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics or
another diagnoses. OSFED carries the same other medications), however this occurs
level of psychological and physical conse- in the absence of binge eating.
quences as other eating disorder diagnoses.
Night Eating Syndrome: The indi-
The diagnostic category of OSFED reflects the vidual engages in recurrent episodes of
many different ways in which eating disorders excessive food consumption after the
can appear in different people. Descriptions of evening meal, causing significant dis-
eating disorders that fit into the OSFED category tress and/or impairment in functioning.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual
• Early stages of an eating disorder, or when of mental disorders (5th ed.).Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

someone is in recovery
• People who experience eating problems
related to other mental health disorders Treatment Options
• People whose quality of life is impaired by
dissatisfaction with weight, shape and ap- The best treatment for people experiencing
pearance OSFED will depend on their symptoms. If the
symptoms are similar to Anorexia Nervosa
then the treatment should be the same as for
someone with Anorexia Nervosa. Similarly, if
OSFED includes the following the symptoms are more like Bulimia Nervosa or
subcategories: Binge Eating Disorder, then treatment should
follow those approaches.
Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
The person meets full criteria for Ano- It is of paramount importance that people who
rexia Nervosa, however the individual’s fall into this diagnostic category are not de-
weight remains within or above a normal terred from seeking treatment for their eating
weight range. disorder. OSFED diagnosis can be severe and
life threatening.
Bulimia Nervosa (of low frequen-
cy and/or limited duration)
The person meets full criteria for Bulimia
Nervosa, however the individual’s com- “It took me a long time to get sup-
pensatory behaviours occur at a lower port. I always felt like I wasn’t sick
frequency. enough because I didn’t meet the
criteria for one of the traditional
Binge Eating Disorder (of low fre- eating disorders. I’ve since realised
quency and/or limited duration) that was just another way for the
The individual meets full criteria for illness to convince me that I didn’t
Binge Eating Disorder, however the indi- need help, even though I was so
viduals binge eating behaviours occur at sick”
a lower frequency. - Kath, 43

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