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Furry Friends

In the morning light, they come alive

The dogs and cats, a lively drive
With wagging tails and twitching ears
They play and frolic, without any fears

The dogs chase balls and sticks with glee

While cats perch high, to watch and see
With graceful moves and quiet purrs
They survey the scene, without any blurs

But when the night falls, they take their rest

The dogs curl up, their warmth the best
The cats find a cozy nook to lay
And dream of mice and birds at play

Though different in nature, they share the space

The dogs and cats, a lively race
With love and loyalty, they fill our hearts
And remind us of the joy life imparts.

Paws and Claws in Harmony

Cats and dogs, they say, can't get along

Their rivalry's been sung in many a song
But in truth, these furry creatures are unique
With personalities distinct and not so bleak

Dogs are loyal, they're man's best friend

They wag their tails and love to defend
Their humans from danger, from harm
And always bring joy, like a lucky charm

Cats, on the other hand, are aloof and sly

They prowl around and keep an eye
On everything, their curiosity high
And with a flick of their tail, they say goodbye

Dogs like to play and run around

They'll fetch a ball or go to town
Chasing squirrels up a tree
Always happy, always free

Cats are more independent, it's true

They'll cuddle up, but not for long, it's through
Then they'll stretch and walk away
To bask in the sun, or go and play

But when it comes to love and care

Both cats and dogs will do their share
Of purring, licking, cuddling up
Or wagging tails, wanting a rub

They comfort us in times of need

And help us in ways we can't conceive
They teach us patience, loyalty, and grace
And remind us that love is always in place
So let's celebrate these furry friends
For the joy and love they always send
And know that no matter what the story
Cats and dogs, they can live in glory.

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