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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FINAL EXAMINATION Faculty of International Economies Research Methodology for Economics and Research Methodology and Economics Business - KTEE206 Forecasting Division — —————— Period: 1 Semester: 2. Year: 2022-2023 Full-time course Intake : 61 Group work Each group must submit a "Research Proposal” as requirement. Deadline Via the email of lecturer on ...2:f.1,4.d202.8 by ....nhbing @ ft Email subject: KTEE206(GD1-HK2-2223)2_- Research Proposal ~ Group... Document naming convention: FullNamel_FullName2_FullName3_FullName4_FullNameS_RP (MS Word documents only) a. Vee And submit a hardcopy to Lecturer on <1,4.M.494/4/2bi8 class at B214 — SEIB Office Requirement of Research Proposal - Choose a topic in the field of Economics and Business, whether domestic or international in scope. - Define a clear, reasonable, and feasible problem or problems that can be tackled from both academic and practical angles. - Conduct a thorough literature review and report fin ings in a clear and organized manner. - Select an appropriate methodology that aligns with the research problem(s) and objectives. - Use relevant and reliable data, clearly citing sources. - Identify the most suitable research methods for the study, taking into account the research problem(s) and available resources. Ensure that all documents used in the study are appropriate, diverse, and valid, ~ Structure the report in a manner that is scientifically sound and uses clear and precise language. Format requirement Length : 6000 words (exl. References) Font: Time New Roman Size: 13pt * Line spacing: 1.2pt © Before paragraph: 6pt Justified alignment Margin: Normal . Page 13 - Research Methodology for Economics and Business © Citation Style : Harvard Style 4. Some remarks ‘The cover papge of the report should mention clearly names of all team participants. Assessment result of each member could be different based on their contribution to the final report The format of cover paper is presented as attached file. Approved by HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (Sign, write full name) 4- Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Binh Page 2/3 - Research Methodology for Economics and Business FOREIGN TRADE U1 FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS | DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH METHODS AND ECONOMIC FORECAST FINAL EXAMINATION REPORT Research Proposal: (name of topic) Subject: Research Methodology for Economics and Business Code: KTEE206 Class: KTEE206(GD1-HK2-2223).2 Group number: Full name Lectuer: Dr. Nguyén Thj Binh — month/year 3 + Research Methodology for Economies and Business

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