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Hello everyone,

Today we're going to talk about fast fashion and the problems it poses. Fast fashion is a
business model that relies on fast production cycles, low prices and constant changes in
styles to encourage consumers to buy more clothes, more often. It is a concept that seems
attractive to consumers, but this model has many problems that negatively impact the
planet, workers and society.

The first problem is the environmental impact. The rapid production of clothing requires a
high consumption of natural resources and a high emission of greenhouse gases. For
example, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
cotton production accounts for 2.6% of the world's water consumption and uses many
pesticides and herbicides. In addition, fast fashion clothing is often made from synthetic
materials that do not degrade easily and can take centuries to decompose in landfills. This
creates an increasing amount of textile waste that pollutes soils and waterways.

The second problem is the working conditions. Fast fashion brands often outsource their
production to low labor cost countries, which can lead to unsafe and low paying working
conditions for workers. For example, in 2013, the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in
Bangladesh killed more than 1,000 workers and highlighted unsafe working conditions in the
textile industry. Workers in textile factories are often subjected to excessive hours,
dangerous working conditions, and very low wages.

The third problem is the culture of overconsumption and waste that fast fashion encourages.
Fast fashion clothing tends to be of poor quality and degrades quickly, which means it is
often thrown away after only a few uses. This leads to a significant amount of textile waste
and excessive use of natural resources to produce clothing that does not last long. For
example, a study conducted by clothing brand Patagonia found that the production of a
single cotton T-shirt generates about 3 kg of CO2, the equivalent of a 20 km car journey. And
yet, according to a study conducted by the British brand Hubbub, a third of the clothes we
own are never worn.

In conclusion, fast fashion has many problems that negatively impact the planet, workers
and society as a whole. As consumers, it's important to be aware of these issues when we
buy our clothes.

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