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Create a class called ‘House’ with two String variables ‘address’, ‘color’ and
one double
variable ‘area_code’. Create the methods to initialize these values and to display
the same

2. Create a class named 'Student' with String variable 'name' and integer variable
mark1, mark2, mark3. Assign the values to these variables by creating an object of
the class
Student and calculate the total and average of the marks using different methods of
a class and access the same from the Main method.

3. Create a class called “Item” with the following variables item_id, quantity,
price. Use
appropriate datatypes. Item class should have a method to find the total amount for
a specified quantity. Create the objects for this ‘Item’ class and find the total
bill amount by calculating from Main method.

4. Define a class to represent a Bank Account. Include the following members:

Data member:
a. Depositor Name
b. Account Number
c. Account Type
d. Balance Amount
Member functions:
a. To initialize the data members
b. To deposit an amount
c. To withdraw an amount after checking balance
d. To display name and balance

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