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Strategic Management

Phase 1 Course recognition





February 2023

Taking into account the leadership lessons explained and the human rights
enshrined in the Political Constitution of Colombia chapters 1, 2 and 3, the situation of the
employee will be argued to be able to respect human rights as a professional in the future.

General objetives

• Recognize the course and its specifications

• Update the profile, including a current photo in which the student can be
• Participate in the Social Interaction Forum, and in the skype group of the
course, providing the initial information of the student to interact with the
tutor and other classmates

Specific objectives

Understand the relevance of strategic management in the leadership of companies,

recognizing experiences in real organizational contexts..
1. Update the profile, including a current photo in which the student can be identified.

2. Visit the Course´s General forum at the Initial Environment and participate on the
Social Interaction Forum, sharing in English the following information:

o Student´s name
o Student´s group
o Skype user
o Professional profile
o Expectations with this course and the course language (English).
3. Visit the Synchronous attention by SkypePage at the Initial Environment, add the
skype user of your tutor to your contacts list in Skype, sending a message
asking to be included in the skype group of the course, including the following:

o Course name
o Student´s name
o Student´s group
4. Before you complete the table, consider that, the decision of the case cannot
disregard the human rights enshrined in the Colombian Political Constitution. Read
Chapters 1, 2 and 3 from the Constitution and complete the following chart arguing
your decision:

Write 100 words explaining

the main aspects of your
Specify which rights are involved in
Tittle of the decision as a leader, in
the case situation according to each bibliographic
chapter relation to the employee of
chapter. references
the case, with respect to the
rights from each chapter.
• Everyone has the right to work, to
freely choose their job, to
just and favorable conditions of work The concept of the ministry
and protection against must be taken into account,
unemployment. which states that workers
• Everyone has the right, without any cannot be forced to get
discrimination, to equal pay for work vaccinated, from my point of
equal. view the worker should be
• Every person who works has the right relocated to another place
Chapter 1.
Chapter 1. to equitable remuneration and where they are not so exposed
Fundamental Rights satisfactory, which ensures him, as to users or co-workers, if the
well as his family, an existence relocation cannot be carried
according to out, the employee will be
human dignity and that it will be discussed to reach a mutual
supplemented, if necessary, by any agreement, where no party is
other means of social protection. affected, taking the security
• Everyone has the right to found trade measures provided by the
unions and join unions for the defense government.
your interests.
Being the leader of the
customer service company, I
economic rights, social and cultural in would write a letter informing
labor relations. All human beings, my employees of the dangers
Chapter 2.
regardless of race, creed or sex, have of not getting vaccinated, the
Chapter 2. Social, Social,
the right to pursue their material well- types of the National
Economic and Economic and
being and their spiritual development Vaccination Plan and the
Cultural Rights Cultural
in conditions of freedom and dignity, exoneration of liability, since
economic security and equal as a leader I have made my
opportunities. best effort to comply with the
national vaccination plan, and
in this way their social, cultural
and economic rights would not
be affected.

In this last chapter it can be

concluded that it is of vital
importance that collective and
All people have the right to enjoy a
environmental rights are
healthy environment. The law will
important in this situation,
guarantee the participation of the
since a collective solution can
Chapter 3. community in the decisions that may Chapter 3.
be found with which all parties
Collective and affect it. It is the duty of the State to Collective and
will benefit, without losing
Environmental protect the diversity and integrity of the Environmental
sight of the integrity of the
Rights environment, conserve areas of special Rights
worker and what was reported
ecological importance and promote
by the Ministry of Labor "that
education for the achievement of these
no current or future worker can
be discriminated against due to
their vaccination status", issued
its concept on April 15, 2021.

This work was carried out based on the fact that in the last 12 years in our country
the overprotection of employees or workers has been witnessed since the constitutional
mandate, which has forced employers to maintain validity with respect to the fundamental
rights of the worker.

Colombia, C. P. (1991). CONSTITUCION POLITICA DE COLOMBIA 1991. Obtenido de


Longenecker, C. O., & Fink, L. S. (2022). Legacy leadership lessons from our viral trial:
Voices from the trenches give insights into crisis adjustment. ISE: Industrial &
Systems Engineering at Work, 54(4), 40–45.


“Anexo 1 – Requisito de vacunación en el lugar de trabajo”

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