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Free Preschool Lesson Planning Forms to you from me!

This packet includes a blank weekly planning form, a

blank daily planning form and a sample of the daily
planning form (which includes some instruction for you
as well! Enjoy! ~~Miss Cheryl

© Preschool Plan It

Circle Art Math/Manipulatives Science Music/Movement Gross Motor Storytime







Block Center: Dramatic Play: Easel:

Sand/Water: Writing Center:

© Preschool Plan It

Monday Enter the day of the week and the Theme name there! In this space, list all of the
Back To School Theme materials & supplies you will need for each activity for this day only. Example:
Words to Good Morning Song, Pencil Stencils, marker, paint, sponges, Teddy Bear
manipulatives, Magnifying glasses, your choice of collection item, Beads and Lacing
You’ll Need:
strings, musical instruments, book Will I Have A Friend by Miriam Cohen
Circle Puppet Time-- Children LOVE puppets, even your shy kids! Bring a puppet to circle time.
Perhaps your puppet can tell the children that he/she is nervous about school because he/she
doesn't know anybody. Then have the puppet introduce itself to each child and ask each child
their name.

Tour the Classroom-- Take the children on a tour of the classroom. Walk to each area of your
room and talk about what we can do here. Example: Here is the easel. We can paint and use
what is in this tray. We wear a paint smock to stop the paint from getting on us. This is the Block
Center. Here we build with blocks, etc. Encourage the children to name what they see in each
area and make suggestions about what they can do with those materials.
Art Welcome Wreath-- Materials Needed: Toilet paper tube for each child, yarn, paint, paintbrushes
Cover your table with newspaper or a plastic tablecloth that you can wipe down and reuse all
Each child paints a roll. As the children are painting their tubes, take individual pictures of each
When each one is dry, string the rolls together on a piece of yarn and hang from your classroom
Add pictures of the students to their roll!
Math/ School Day Sequencing Cards
Manipulatives Materials: Laminated pictures of activities you do during the day (from a picture schedule)
Encourage the children to put the pictures in the order that activities happen at school. We
usually have: Arrival (picture of a bus and cars); Circle Time; Activity or Center Time; Snack Time;
Outdoor Time; Lunch Time; Nap Time; Departure Time (children with their families).
Science Magnifying Glasses and Collection #1
Introduce your children to the Science area. Have a collection out for them to explore along with
magnifying glasses. You might have seasonal items (leaves, pinecones, bird nests) or other
collections such as marbles, rocks, sand, dirt, mud, etc. Choose a different collection for them to
check out each day this week.
Make journals WITH the children (not for them!) for them to use to “record” their findings!
Simply place plain, white paper on top of a piece of colored construction paper. Fold in half and
Encourage them to print their name on the front as best they can (even if it’s just a scribble!).
Music & A-Tooty-Ta-- Choose your favorite version of this song (and there are many! Dr. Jean is our
Movement favorite). Have the children follow the instructions to this! It is great for learning repeating
patterns, following directions and more! And be sure to do this with them…. it’s silly AND fun!
Gross Motor Space Exploration-- Today, just let the children enjoy using your gross motor space outside.
They really don’t need structured activities! It’s fun to bring out materials they can use and great
for the development. Just let them run, play, get to know each other, find bugs, etc. while they
get a “lay of the land” of where there outside space is this year!
Story Time Will I Have a Friend? by Miriam Cohen-- As with any story, take time to talk about the cover, the
title, the author, the illustrator (this should only take 30 seconds!) and ask if they know what this
story is about based on this information. Read the story, being sure to stop and engage the
children in a picture or a sad face a character in the book has and ask things like “Did any of you
feel sad like this when you came to school today? Have you ever been sad? What makes you
sad?” And then let them respond!

© Preschool Plan It

You’ll Need:





Music &

Gross Motor

Story Time

© Preschool Plan It

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packet! I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!

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